Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Acorralada #52 Tuesday 3/27/07 Murder, she said .

Sorry, folks, but this was a bit rushed.
I've tried to cover all the action!

Diana answers the phone. Max is calling. He has to talk to her. As usual, Diego is listening in. There’s a rehash of the question of the baby’s name. She says she can’t talk. Diego asks who it was, and she tells him it was Lala. Close up of Diego’s newest painting. It looks like one of those psychology tests for an optical illusion—do you see a vase, or do you see two faces in profile? But the faces are two Neanderthal men.

Diego immediately calls his mother at the mansion. Yes, of course, she answers. He finds out that she did not just call. He hangs up and backhands his orange juice off the table in anger.
Rene and Peyote are at the mansion pool. He doesn’t want her marrying Pancho, that jewelry fencer. She tells him to lighten up—he should multiply times zero. She now seems to use that expression all the time. The meaning is still unclear. She changes the subject and they start high-fiving about the exciting “super cool” (in English) night out they are going to have. Rene quickly forgets what he was saying about Pancholon. Exit Peyote to change.

Enter Yolanda, the Bomboncito. Rene switches to Eddie Haskell mode and tells her he was trying to convince Paola to return to college. Ever wonder why Rene doesn’t have to work? Is he a trust funder?

Cut to Paola’s room. The phone rings, and she answers, because it’s Pancho, calling for her. He says he tried her cell but she didn’t answer. Anyway, she says they are all ready to get married in two days. Pancho, now the voice of reason, says, don’t you think it’s too fast. No, she says—we are in love and we are ready. Okay, we will get married in two days, he agrees.

Octave and Yolanda now have a very important conversation. Octave says she offered Dr. R a million bucks to stop the case against her, but he refused, so she killed him. Yolanda is impactada. There’s a review of their criminal history—Octave points out that Yolanda gave false evidence about whether Fedora killed her own husband. At this point, Yolanda doesn’t know that Octave killed Octave’s own husband.

Yolanda says Octave shouldn’t have killed the lawyer. Now Octave reveals it’s not the first time she killed. She reveals that she killed Horacio (her own husband) because he was in her way, in the way of her love for Paco. Once she had the fortune, he was unnecessary.

Paco and Gaviota are talking. She gets a phone call telling her about Dr. R.

Back to Octave’s confession. There is something here about how after all these years, Paco has suddenly resurfaced. I’m not sure I understand this part correctly. Anyway, Octave threatens her sister, that if Yolanda doesn’t keep her mouth shut, she’ll kill her too. She will eliminate all who are in her way.

F/G tells Paco it had to be Octavia. He doesn’t want her to take matters into her own hands.
Max and Emilio are talking about the baby. Max says he knows the baby is his because she named it Max.

Larry goes to Casa Soriano to look for Gaby. Only Diego is there, and he won’t give Larry the address of the supermarket with Gaby works. Diego says Diana doesn’t know it either. Lunkhead wants to leave a message for Gaby. Exit Lunkhead. Another closeup of the Neanderthal men as Diana comes out.

Max and Emilio are still discussing the parentage of the putative heir. Max says he’s sure it’s his because why did she call the baby Max? She wasnts to punish me. He puts on his best lemon sucking face. (Thank you to the commentator who pointed this out. I had been striving for weeks to figure out what was with him, and this expresses it perfectly.)

Larry is back at the pool. He is talking with Rene and Paola about how great Gaby looked last night. There is a long exchange where it appears that Larry says he’s been an idiot for letting Gaby go, and now Kiki wants to steal Gaby.

Andres comes in on Marfil in the bedroom. She doesn’t know who he is, but he doesn’t know that. He grabs her.

Cut to scene of Miss Kitty, I mean Deborah, tied to the bed, Isabel removes the gag. Bad move. Debora screeches louder than we have ever heard her. My sister has gone crazy. Let me go. Isabel tells her that she is in the same room her sister was in. Do you want to go back to the mansion and take back her personality again? Deborah realizes that they will do away with her, but Isabel offers to help her if she pays her more than she is getting now. Deborah doesn’t know how she will get the money. Then your luck ran out. Debora screams at the top of her lungs, let me go, you buzzard!

Back to the Neanderthal men–come to think of it, it’s a good self-portrait of Diego . . .. Diego is staring at Diana, who is sewing. She asks if he has finished his painting. He says he doesn’t feel like painting. He says he’d rather look at her. She says she always likes a compliment. He asks her for a kiss. She gives him a kiss on the forehand and talks about giving one good morning and one for good night. He says, no, he means a real kiss on the mouth, not like friends. She looks at him with vague disgust. Kiss me like a woman kisses a man. No, she says. Oh, he says, you’re refusing because you love someone else. He wheels away in disgust.

Back at the mansion., Andres is grabbing Marfil with his hand over mouth. Marfil exercises her brilliant powers of deductive reasoning and thought bubbles, Who is this guy? He evidently knows m sister, and he has me confused with her. She breaks away and asks how he got in there. Did Bruno let him in? Bruno? Are you crazy? Bruno hates me. So who is in he in relation to Debora. He is calling me by her name. He wants to make love. She gives him a wild-eyed stare. She tells him Max might come in. He says he doesn’t care. She now realizes he is the husband of her twin sister!

Max now calls again, and Diana picks up the phone. He says he is coming over, and she tells him she is crazy, because Diego is here, and her son. He says he will take the baby for blood tests. Frantic, she says she will come to his office in a half hour. Oops—Diego was listening on the extension.

Yolanda is crying to herself that the world of the Irascibles is falling in. We can’t wash the blood from our hands. Larry comes in. She says she needs to be alone to think. Larry wonders what thinking is.

Yolanda tells him that his mother has done something terrible, and she will spend all her days in prison. But she stops him from going to his mother.

Andre is still talking to his supposed wife. She thought bubbles that he knows all about Debora, and she plays along. Says she doesn’t want to do anything while Max is around. He points at her and says don’t cheat on me and leaves. She then says, how could I have known my idiot sister was married? How can I get rid of this guy?

Diego is asking Diana where she is going. She tells him she is going to buy stockings. She really should come up with a better excuse.

Pancho is fantasizing about his upcoming bigamous marriage. But here comes Caramelo with a cake she baked. She says she is celebrating because she is so glad he will be working with her papa. The phone rings, and it’s Diego complaining about Max. Caramelo doesn’t want her hubby to fight with Max. They all take off for the factory.

Pilar is rehashing the party at the pool. She was jealous of Gaby. But they read a gossip article that says Larry is going to Europe for three months with Pilar.

Diana is talking to Max in his office. She tells him that he very wrong if he thinks he can take the baby. Cut to the elevator and the reception area, where Pancho is wheeling in Diego followed by Caramelo. They demand to know where Max’s office is.

Diana continues denying it’s Max’s baby. Well, why did you call him Maximiliano?

F/G is telling Granny M about the death of Dr. Reynosa. Granny wants her to stop pushing Diana and Gaby into rancor and hate. No luck there.

Back to the genealogy lesson. Making like John Lovitz, Diana says that the father of her son is Diego. Yeah. She named him Max for her grandmother. Yeah. Granny’s husband was named Maximiliano. Yeah. She tries to leave, and he grabs her, saying he doesn’t believe it. Just then, of course, Diego wheels in.

Caramelo and Pancho are back at reception. He wants to go with Diego, but she doesn’t want them to fall to blows. Leave your brother to solve his own problems, she says. He says she is blind if she doesn’t see Diego’s problems. What about her own. She conveniently goes to get water, because of course, the elevator opens and who should come out but Paola. She kisses him. Fiera, what are you doing here? he asks. Silly, this is my family’s factory. He says to himself if Caramelo and Paola see each other it will be WW III. He takes her into the elevator. Inside the elevator, they are making out.

Diego wants to know what Diana is doing there. Max says he wanted her to come, because she wanted to know why her baby has his name. I suppose it is mine. Diana says, no it isn’t. I already told you about my grandmother. Diego tells her to stop giving explanations. Let’s go.

Cut to reception. The elevator opens and Pancho and Paola are making out and his shirt is off. The receptionist stands up and her jaw drops. He hurriedly goes out and puts on the shirt, just in time for Caramelo’s return. She asks what Paola is doing. Paola asks what she is doing there? . Here comes Caramelo. She asks what Paola is doing. Paola asks the same. Paola suggests it will be a “show match” (in English.) I think she is likening this experience to a match of the WWF. Of course, crisis is averted, because Caramelo says she came with Diego and doesn’t realize anything about the relationship. Caramelo throws the water. Diego comes out, and Paola gives him a patronizing hello. Hi, Diego, my piano teacher. You look mah-velous. Caramelo urges her to stop making fun of Diego. The receptionist and Pancho are restraining Caramelo. Don’t butt in. She says. Caramelo says Paola is a shameless slippery disgraces. Paola calls her a poor MDH. The receptionist asks Caramelo to moderate her vocablulary. Why should I, she asks. Because she’s the boss’s daughter. The four manage to get in the elevator without Paola figuring out that Caramelo is Pancho’s wife.

Emilio and Max come in. Paola asks her brother for money, because she doesn’t have a cent.

Back at the bar, Paco is asking why F/G hasn’t changed for her act. I am not singing to night. I am going to the mansion to get her to confess.

Diego tells Diana that she shouldn’t have gone to see Max. She says she had to give him a lie. He says that if she hadn’t given the baby that name, none of this would be necessary. lie. Well, if you hadn’t given the baby that name, this wouldn’t have been necessary. She actually apologizes.

Paco is trying to stop Gaviota from taking matters into her own hands.

Cut to Doc Evil’s apartment. It is a fun evening with the three musketeeras (Pilar, Silvia and Camila) and those handsome men about town: Doc Evil, Andres, and Rene. Silvia is decked out in her afro wig with a pink and purple tank top and pink and purple printed tights and brown boots. We don’t know why she is bald. She is also wearing a giant medallion on a ribbon–given how she’s dressed, perhaps she snagged a gold medal for the 100-meter freestyle. Pilar is saying she won’t let Gaby have Larry. They discuss how she changed her look, and was disguised. But like Cinderella, she is still a servant and the spell was broken. Camila wants to steal Max from Marfil. Ignacio says that she should wait a short while. They are in crisis, and soon she will be able to get him back. (I guess he’s saying that because he’s figuring he will have his Diana.)

Now they all laugh at Camila–Rene says that Wonder Woman is bald. They all remind her that she never told them she was bald, and she was the main attraction of the night (of the party). Even Camila sticks up for her, but Ignacio says that this is a democracy, and anyone can say whatever they want. They all laugh some more. She leaves the room. Rene begins to spin an odd fantasy that they all imagine: Camila and Pilar are dressed as policewomen in short skirts. Silvia is in the Wonder Woman costume. They are leading the three men to a prison cell. The three men are wearing those prison uniforms with the cartoony black and white stripes. Suddenly, from behind bars, Rene yanks off her wig, and she is a bald Wonder Woman. They all laugh some more.

Scene of Diana and Gaby reading the paper about Larry going to Europe. Gaby is sad. She is now wearing her contact lenses, though. Diana tells her not to worry, it’s just gossip, and anyway, they won’t let him divorce her.

Fedora goes to the mansion and forces her way in. Andres is in the bedroom trying to do it with Marfil. Max knocks on the door and interrupts.

F/G finds O and accuses her of murder. We end with dueling closeups of the two.


Thanks for the recap! =)

Thanks, Nina. While it made no sense, I’m glad that Octavia gave Yolanda an inventory of her crimes to date. It helps us viewers keep it straight. It would be nice if she’d clarify the whole Paco affair, though – I get the idea she conceived Paola while still married to Horacio, but why Paco calls Octav “Alicia” and how they parted is still murky. Loved Granny Santa’s impactante revelation. The Wonder Woman bit at the end was freakish.

You're absolutely right, Alex. We really have been kept in the dark about this Paco affair. When is Paco going to realize Octavia is "Alicia"?

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