Thursday, March 15, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday March 15 - Don Loco goes (even more) loco

Emilio told Luba that Thelma hadn't lost the baby. Luba felt stupid for having believed that she-wolf Thelma.

At home, Emilio asked Thelma why she had lied to Luba, but Thelma pretended not to know what he was talking about.

Marianita had a medical crisis while her mother was travelling to Sierra Escondida to see Alvaro. Dr. Love told Malena, "Her pulse is weak," and admitted that Marianita was terminally ill. They rushed her to the hospital, where Juanito later came to visit her.

Jose and Arcadio headed home for Mexico. Jose said he intended to tell Mariana everything that had happened while he was away.

Later some men who were following Jose (apparently police officers) commented that the authorities in Mexico would be waiting for him.

Santos told his mother that he wanted to forget Rosita, but later he changed his mind and said he still loved Rosita and would go back and beg her forgiveness.

Meanwhile, Rosita said to herself, "Santos, now I've lost you forever. I can never tell you that your own father abused me."

Alina and Soledad hung around inside the church without any apparent fear that someone would see them. Soledad advised Alina to forget Emilio and start a new life. Alina insisted that Emilio was a good man, so Soledad asked Father Cristobal to tell Emilio they needed his help.

Elias cried and blamed himself for not forgetting Soledad during his marriage to Blanca. His co-worker (don't know his name) said he should seek spiritual help.

So Elias went to the church, where he found Soledad and Alina. He told them Blanca died of a heart attack and Alvaro wasn't involved, saying, "Alvaro is loco, but not a killer." He told them he would arrange their escape from Sierra Escondida.

Adela told Alvaro (aka Don Loco) she was preparing a room for Mariana, whose arrival was expected. Don Loco said, "Listen well, Adela. My sister can't find out what's happening here." He said he would pull out the tongue of anyone who revealed the truth to Mariana.

Father Cristobal visited Emilio and said, in front of Thelma, "You and I have to talk. I bring news of Alina." But he said first Emilio would have to convince him that he could be trusted. Just then Vera told Thelma that Don Loco was there, furious and insisting on talking to Emilio.

Thelma went outside and Don Loco told her that Emilio was trying to help Alina. Thelma said, "You're not the only one who opposes what he's doing." She said if Emilio brought Alina to the house, Thelma would make her work as a maid. She added, "At this moment Padre Cristobal is telling Emilio where to find Alina."

Alvaro stormed inside and confronted Father Cristobal, who was forced to claim that Soledad and Alina had already left for Puebla.

Outside the house, Alvaro yelled at Cristobal some more for going to Emilio instead of him, saying, "You're wrong if you think the little captain has good intentions!" He said Emilio wanted Alina to become his maid.

Cristobal, of course, chose to believe this, telling himself, "Now I can't trust Emilio." He went back to the church and at first refused to tell Alina anything except that she should forget Emilio. Finally he told her that Emilio wanted her to be his maid.

In a flashback, Luba remembered telling Gaspar's long-haired father (also named Gaspar) that she was pregnant. Then she remembered Gaspar Sr. lying on his deathbed while Luba and the adult Gaspar Jr. begged him not to die. Gaspar Sr. said, "Forgive me, please," and croaked. Gaspar asked his mother, "What are we going to do?" and Luba said, "Have strength. We are together."

As Luba was remembering this, Gaspar returned to the cave and asked , "Have you seen my munequita, Mami?"

Luba told him that Thelma was upset about losing the baby, so they couldn't go back to the hacienda because if Thelma's husband knew the truth he'd kill Gaspar. Then she asked her picture of the Virgin Mary why she had to lie to Gaspar about Thelma losing the baby.

Don Loco sent Sergio to Puebla to look for Soledad and Alina, but Sergio of course had no luck. Don Loco berated him, "How can it be that you can't find them?" Sergio said no one there had seen them.

Alvaro started trashing his house, tossing over furniture and breaking things, shouting, "Soledad and that damn foreman are together! Where are you? Where are you? I'm going to find you! Soledad! Soledad!" Not only did he look more completely loco than ever, he also looked as if he were on the verge of having a heart attack.

Apparently the servants went for help, because hairy psychiatrist Dr. Z showed up and told Don Loco, who was staring into space with a crazed look on his face, "Calm down, calm down. Everything will be OK."

Meanwhile, in Maximo's office: Maximo asked Braulio why Rosita was angry at him. Braulio said, "My poor daughter has been raped, and the truth is she thinks it was you."

Maximo very angrily denied it, saying Rosita couldn't prove anything because he didn't do anything, and if she accused him people would talk about her.

I think(?) he finished up by saying the only reason he didn't kick Braulio out ("si no te corro a patadas") was that he still liked Rosita, even though she was used. "Now get out!" He pulled his gun on Braulio, who left.

Mariana arrived at Don Loco's hacienda and was greeted by Adela, who said Soledad and Alina were "on a trip" and Alvaro was in his room with a doctor.

Mariana said, "I'm going to reveal a secret to Alvaro that I have kept for years." Adela warned her that it wasn't a good time, but Mariana went to see Alvaro.

She found Don Loco in bed. Before leaving, Dr. Z told her that he'd given Alvaro a sedative and she should let him sleep. He said Alvaro had suffered an emotional crisis, and it was important not to upset him.

After Dr. Z left, Don Loco asked, "Why have you come, Mariana?" and told her to go back to Mexico City. What a loving brother. She asked what was wrong and Alvaro said he was a little depressed.

Mariana decided she couldn't tell him that she had a daughter with Jose Gomez. She told Adela she would return immediately to Mexico City.

Alina fretted about Emilio's supposed plan to turn her into a maid. She told Soledad she had nothing against working as a maid, but she couldn't accept Emilio giving her orders.

Later Jeremias (the drunk old pervert) saw Stupid Alina hanging around outside the church (DUH, ALINA!) She ran inside and he wondered how much money Alvaro would give him for revealing where Alina was.

Emilio told Angel that he'd offered to help Alina but she didn't accept. Later Nurse Susi heard Angel say in his sleep, "Alina, Flor." She woke him up and told him he was having a nightmare. Angel said, "No, it was a beautiful dream." Poor Nurse Susi.

Braulio told Rosita he thought Maximo was the one who raped her. "Turn him in, he has to pay for what he did!" Rosita said, "He deserves much more than jail."

Alina had a nightmare in which she was Emilio's maid and he barked orders at her, saying, "To you I am not Emilio, I am your boss, understand me?"

Orlando caught Thelma kissing Castulo in the garden and asked her, "What are you doing?"

At the end of the episode, Maximo was outside lighting a cigar when someone came up behind him and started to strangle him with a cord.

Words from this episode:
lengua = tongue
loba = she-wolf
tranquilo = calm
usada = used
deprimido = depressed


Before I read, short and sweet - thank you all for your support in yesterday's comments. That was all it took for the tension to fly right away - there, it's gone.

Great recap Carmel. Here I was thinking Mariana would finally tell Don Loco about Jose and everything would come apart but nooooo she has to wimp out and leave. I just noticed - no picture of you on the sidebar. I can't believe Alina was wandering around outside the church. Doesn't she know that on any show there is only one church and everybody goes there? She was bound to see someone she knew.

I was catching glimpses on the earlier post during work (I gotta stop doing that) and no coherent thought passed through my mind that would've added anything. I was in complete shock and all I could think is that wow, somebody really, really took a comment personally. But Ferro, let met tell ya that I never once felt offended by anything you posted. I always thought your posts to be very very funny and witty, heck I recommended my co-worker who watches novelas sometimes to read them (along with all the other ones). Just wanted to say that.

Enough of that, so Mariana is leaving? Per recap, she just got there. I thought for sure she would have cleared everything up.

So the maid (the one who started everything) made a reappearance, weren't you guys talking about her a few blogs back, weird.

What is it with some people? Father Cristobal knowing Don Loco is a liar and well loco, he belives what he says. I hate that, makes me want to scream and I am not even watching this thing. Augg!!!

Thanks , Carmel. I think Schoolmarm used the word ''counterproductive '' to describe these folks. Here's another good adjective for these people--''ineffective.'' So, now we've seen Gaspar's dad. Does that have any meaning, or did they just do that flasback to waste some time?? Were they like, ''Should we have Donkey/Tonkey rescue someone again or should we have Gaspar rescue someone again or should we have Angel cough again or Should we have Florina try to escape again or should we do a flashback of Gaspar's dad???? Que??? And, did it look like Don Loco was going to jump off the balcony?~~~~Susanlynn, wasting away again in Escondidaville

I am trying to get into this show but it is slow going for me. I was decidinog on whether to watch Dame Chocolate (please don't shoot this down again, I read all your comments on La fea loud and clear) and this show and have decided to try to watch some of both. Hence the slow going. Could someone tell me where Duelo takes place and in what time period? Call me a stupid american but only the clothes (sometimes) make it relatively modern. I think the actresses that play Soledad and Alina/Flor were well chosen, they really do look like mother and daughter! Oh, and that theme song is great, too. Thanks for translating that a while back.


Ferro, I thought the criticism of you was unfair and I'm glad you're not letting it bother you anymore. About the sidebar, since I'm going to quit doing recaps when Duelo is over, I won't bother with my photo. Maybe I'll put it on my own blog sometime.

I do wonder about the purpose of the Gaspar Sr. flashback. It didn't seem to mean anything. Maybe we'll find out in time.

I really thought Don Loco was going to keel over from a heart attack. He's pretty much reached his limit. I hope he doesn't get his hands on Soledad again.

Lori, I believe that Duelo is supposed to be contemporary, like now. It is just supposed to be taking place in a very remote, backward place in Mexico, called "Hidden Mountain" which is several hours by carraige or a few hours by horse from the tiny little town of San Mateo.

Yeah, I didn't get the whole Gaspar's dad scene. Here I was thinking that Gaspar had a secret Daddy that only Luba knew about...No mystery there--Gaspar's Daddy was a long haired hippy who wore a white linen caftan! He was a perfect match for Luba and her "herbs."

I have a new theory about who Rosita's attacker is and who killed Rutilio I am thinking it is Angel. What, you say? He can barely get out of bed! Maybe that is what he wants us to think. Maybe he is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His evil self goes out at night raping and killing and drains his good self of his life force, making him sickly and weak. Now *that* would be a duelo de pasiones!

Thanks Carmel for you quick recap. I love the idea of Angel being the attacker because the idea makes me laugh. Cant you just see him coughing through an attack?

Now the idea of the other bad guy (the one who attacked Alina and kept both Alina and Soledad for ransom) is a great possibility. He has already shown that he is not a good person and he was out an about that evening. Originally I had thought that they were just too far away to be suspects but.... This is telenovela land!

Lori- Dame chocolate looks good, but if you can wait til later in the evening Zorro is GREAT!

This Duelo is best viewed as a farce. A jealous out of control husdand (Don Loco/Alvaro) has locked up his wife (Soledad) for two years and has denied his daughter (Alina) is his. He prefers to believe she is the product of an affair of his wife with a crew chief who actually had a daughter with his sister. From those ideas, placed in the backwards area of Sierra Escondida in modern times, everthing falls apart. I think most all the viewers like the witch (Luba) that ALina was forced to live with (in a cave) and Lubas son Gaspar (mentally challenged bu cute!) the best. They really are great additions to the cast! Let us know what you think!

I agree with you,Lynn, to a point. If we are talking about the writers' intentions I would say there are different writing schools in 'novelaland. Some are just romance fiction writers and just want to boil the pot to keep people entertained. Others are "social communicators" who want to entertain people but invoke serious themes for discussion, (not unlike what we are having here) and even educate people.

We laugh at the PSAs because they are so obvious but in other countries the information may be new to them and get them to think about things differently.

Hi Lori, we haven't discussed Dame Chocolate here in the Duelo recaps, and I know nothing about it. Do you have any background information on it? Let me go on record here as saying I LOVE the title. Does the phrase have any other meaning, such as "give me some sugar, baby"?

Margaret, your theory about Angel being the attacker is completely demented! I really like how your mind works, you should be writing these shows. Wow, what a twist that would be, but I would feel sorry for Nurse Susi. I already feel sorry for her.

Lynn, I was also thinking that the other kidnapper might have been Rosita's attacker. Remember, he was in the area delivering ransom notes.

I was very interested to see Luba's flashback of Gaspar Sr. So far the only background we have of her via her flashbacks are 1) Gaspar receiving his head injury during a Lucha Lubre match, 2) Luba performing some sort of rite or homeopathic cure on a young man who ultimaely perished, she blames herself, and 3) Don Loco's mother dying and giving Luba the small chest that Luba hides and brings out to hug occasionally, she was supposed to give it to Don Loco but never did. Those are the details as I remember them. Gaspar Sr. reminded me of a boyfriend I had in college. He lived in a teepee on the campus farm. Ahhhh, those were the days.

Carmel, you are a wonderful recapper, I'm totally bummed to hear that you will stop after Duelo! You started the vocabulary words trend. Waaahhhh!

Great recap! Things are really heating up in Escondidaville. If only Don Loco and flung himself off the balcony...

Margaret usually when there is a PSA it is very obvious. In Duelo there have been none. There were tons in Heridas and in Barrera. We laughed at them, but like you said, they are needed in some parts of the world. I think the reason I get upset watching Duelo is that they dont address the bad stuff that is going on. If there were PSA's or warnings (like Id prefer for Duelo) then I could understand it. Since there arent any I have to step back and look at whats going on as over the top, as a mockery, as fun.

Sylvia - I too want to know more about Lubas past. The guy who died and any other hidden things, like the chest. I need this information now! :}

Carmel Im sad to know you are leaving us! I hope that you will be a Susanlynn (make regular comments) if you arent going to recap. Best!

''He lived in a teepee on the campus farm.'' I think that we could make a telenovela based on your life, Sylvia.!!! We could entitle it ''Groovy Amor''!!!~~~Susanlynn, just back from a new tutoring assignment [the woman is 4' 11'' and 8 months pregnant and had a hard time sitting on the dining room chair for 2 hours] ...i'm looking out at the @*^#@* snow falling here

I missed the dissing of Ferro94. But from the comments here I want to put my 2 cents in. I love all the recappers comments. Its not a newspaper - its fun writing. I like the fact that each writer has a different perspective. Keep it up and more of it. I watch the episodes but love the recappers blogs.


This novela kind of reminds me of a Venezuelan one I saw when I was there called Por Estas Calles. Except that it was more "ripped from the headlines" political stuff, it took on some pretty serious social and political themes. Still, there was plenty of comic relief. There were no real blatant PSAs just villains doing bad things and good people doing the right things. I think it was meant as general social criticism. Maybe that is what the writer(s) is/are trying to do with this rediculous level of violence against women is provoke viewer outrage.

If the writers are trying to ignite conversation, I would say that they succeeded!

I just want ot thank all the recappers, because without you all, I wouldn't know what has been going on all week! With spring break and the girls home, I haven't even been able to watch my tapes! Also going to work in the evenings all week hasn't helped! Today I caught up with Wed. and Thurs. recaps and read the comments. I also vote for Ferro, because, after all this is novelaland and there is alot of "coraje" in this novela, as my mom likes to say.
_Becky T., thankful for the recappers.

Thanks, Carmel, for the great recap! What an episode, what a week. For something that was moving kind of slowly it's heating up.

Here's my theory: Orlando is the attacker. I don't like the scumbag at all, so I wouldn't mind pinning that on him.

I wonder if Don Max is going to get out of the deathgrip that garrote has on his neck, or if he's just gonna be the next to go. The body count has begun.

Interesting how Don Loco keeps evading hearing the truth, time and time again. I couldn't imagine how Dr. Z showed up so conveniently, but I like the theory that someone went to get him. They leave a lot of loose ends in this, anyway.

OOOH! I can't wait to get Thelma off my widescreen!


When I read that Dr. Z was attending to Loco just as Marianna arrived, I thought it sounded like something they (Loco y Z) had put together so Loco wouldnt have to "explain" things to Marianna. Typical of Loco to use one of his employees to give someone the "wrong" impression. Since Dr Z took the money (for the crazy certificate) I think that makes him an official employee.

Love the idea of Orlando being the bad bad guy. Not just the regular bad guy that he is... Great idea!

Margaret I started watching with Contra Viento y Marea moving on to Alborada. Alborada was the first telenovela I loved. I was hooked. So with my limited knowledge on telenovelas I will defer to anyone with more knowledge on how they are made, financed, their history, etc. I must qualify in the telenovela world as a freshman devotee.

I really enjoyed reading what you said about the Venezuelan show and how that fits in with Duelo. Thanks for sharing those points because it helps me understand Duelo better. Thank you.

Ferro94..missed the fireworks yesterday....Dude I'm with you..I'm sure I probably offend many people, but I am used to the Television W/O Pity mantra of spare the snark spoil the networks...and seriously we are not recapping the bard recapper makes this stuff is there just waiting.

Carmel nice is hard to recap things where people do exactly the opposite of what rational persons would do.

Thank you for the kind comments, Sylvia and Lynn, and yes, I will definitely stick around Caray Caray as a commenter! This site is so much fun and also a huge help to me in learning Spanish.

I also wondered whether Orlando might be the attacker. He's just so aimlessly evil; apparently he'll do anything as long as it's evil. But my bet is still Castulo. He's easy to overlook because he's handsome, but don't forget he put that spider in Coral's bed. But Sergio is an even better choice, personality-wise. Or maybe it was just a random attack, although it looked to me as if the rapist was waiting for them. I guess we'll find out in time.

About the lack of public service messages in the show -- I don't know that it needs them. I think the writers are making it clear that Don Loco's behavior is bad and sick. As for Soledad, she is quite feisty in a way -- she tries to stand up to him even knowing that he will slap her down -- but her problem is that she remained involved in the situation long past the point when she should have tried seriously to escape. Which happens quite a lot in real life, even to intelligent women. I think the show makes those points very well without preaching, although the point is somewhat undermined by Emilio's decidedly unheroic behavior.

I thought Orlando too, but from what I recall of the the guy hiding in the weeds, he did not have a military uniform on. I am pretty sure Orlando had a uniform when he was riding around with Emilio. When we next saw him in the evening at La Riconada when Angel gets mad and asks him why he left his brother lost in the dark, he is *still* wearing his army greens. He'd have to have had a disguise somewhere or gone back to La Rinconada first to change to civvies, then changed back to the greens again.

I am casting my vote for Sergio as Rosita's attacker and Rutilio's murderer. He has shown on several occasions that he is violent and has no scruples. Also, here's some trivia. Rhonda wrote: ''It's not a newspaper--it's fun writing.'' BINGO!! Very wellsaid. ~~~Susanlynn, waiting for tonight's episode

Here's a mental fitness quiz for Don Loco to take :

susanlynn, Don Loco would get a huge giant F.

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