Thursday, March 03, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #237-238 3/3/11 Lety's persecution complex, and a breath of fresh air.

Capitulo 237.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The witches trick Ali into staying late. They practice on the roof and play in a hall of mirrors.

2. Fern makes a fuss over Carla’s call, so in Lety’s fantasy Fern kisses a faceless Carla passionately, the board laughs at Lety, she comes out fighting, and Fern says that her jealousy shows that she loves him. Aldo says that since she can’t forget about Fernando, she’s lost him (Aldo) and the love he offers. They all laugh her to scorn. Out of the fantasy, as revenge against Fern, Lety gives Aldo the seat of honor which had been Tom’s.

3. Luigi tells the board his grand vision for the show. Tom asks how much it will cost and Luigi throws a fit.

4. Fern jumps up with a suggestion for the book presentation. Make it a Trojan Horse which enters through the gates, and Aldo pops out. Aldo says he should pop out with a roasted PIG (he gets in Fernando’s face) and an apple crammed in its mouth. Cómo te parece, Sr. Marrandiola? (Marrano = pig.)

5. PG drags Fern into Lety’s office and says he can feel the bad energy. They need to make good energy at work. They need fountains, plants, and the right kind of lights.

6. Tom offers Ali a ride in the MB. She refuses until he offers to let her drive. At her door, he offers to pick her up in the morning and she rudely refuses, but later wishes she had accepted.

I love the gift exchange scene! Saimon brings Fern the fountain from storage.



Hearing Lety, Fern vaults the divider to hide.



Lety thanks Saimon for getting the bonsai, and she asks if Fern left. She doesn’t want Fern to find out that it was from her. Fern comes out from hiding and says, “You wanted to give me the plant, and I wanted to give you this fountain.” Saimon says they should hug.

Ecstasy! Fernando hugs Lety,

and then Lety hugs Fernando.

They exchange gifts and Fern asks what she was doing with Aldo at SMR. Lety says he has no right to criticize, considering his time with that NY woman. Fern asks if she’s jealous, and she puts on a laugh and denies it. She asks him the same thing, and he mimics her laugh and denial, then says, “Why should I be?” He says he doesn’t want her gift, but a friend’s grandmother told him it’s rude not to accept a gift. Lety puts her fountain on the credenza behind her and pretends she doesn’t care. Fernando makes no such pretense.

Capitulo 238.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo asks Luigi to do makeovers for the cuartel. Luigi tells Aldo he’s going too far (no te pasas). Aldo sweet talks and flirts until Luigi agrees.

2. Lety wishes the book inscription was from Fern. He comes in to introduce Lety to Carla and catches her gazing at the fountain. Lety is snarky to him again. Carla and Lety chat; most of the conversation is under the surface. Lety is on the defensive and interprets everything Carla says as an attack, insult, or condescension. Carla flatters Lety on the campaign concept and tells her that Fern never stopped talking about her. Carla says, “You fell in love with him, didn’t you?” I’m not sure what Carla’s game is. Lety insists that it was all just business.

3. Carla tells Fern he must’ve hurt Lety very much. How? He says, “I used Lety to save my company and along the way I fell in love. Later she discovered that I had used her from the beginning, lied about love, and betrayed her.” Omar drools over Carla. Fern mocks him while he tries to flirt.

4. Omar tells Fern he needs to forget about Lety and enjoy Carla’s attention. Fernando’s not paying attention so Omar reaches for the bonsai and Fern panics. Omar wants the locker room version of the story of Carla, and Fern can only shake his head in disgust and leave because Omar has no respect for women.

5. Boring cuartel makeover stuff. Luigi hears that Aldo gave Lety the book and he throws a fit. He answers Aldo’s phone and takes a message that the book delivery will be late. Boring Saimon / Paula stuff.

6. Fern and Carla enter the vortex and Aldo paws at Lety possessively. Lety is snotty toward Fern. The men step toward each other and the women pull them off. Lety is snotty some more. Remember that Lety used to be kindhearted, even to Marcia? The cuartel tells Lety to forget about Carla being since she has Aldo. It’s not working.

7. Lety teases Robopop for paying so much attention to Carla. He says, “I’ve never looked at another woman since I met the beautiful Julieta Solis. I’ve never betrayed her, neither by thought nor deed, even though there are temptations everywhere.” Those Solis women have that effect on men, huh?

8. Ali angles for an invitation to the expo, but Lety says she needs to stay and wait for her boss, Marcia.

9. Luigi reads the inscription in the book Aldo gave to Lety.


I was really greedy toward Pata regarding today's screen shots. Aren't they fabulous? Thank you, Pata!

The big expo is tonight, right? Usually the morning of a big event, everyone’s busy with loose ends and Luigi is in a tizzy. Today, Lety gazes at her fountain, Carla and the president have a casual chat, and Luigi does makeovers for the cuartel instead of doing a final practice for the event?

Someone on the old board commented that Aldo was wearing a wedding ring when the meeting started, then he put his hands under the table and took it off.

About the seat of honor in the meeting. It's usually Tom's seat, but today she let Fernando sit there briefly, until he took Carla's call. I think that the fact that she let him sit there indicates that the hard-to-get is working. Likewise yesterday when she didn't say anything nasty to him when he delivered his report from the trip. He's backing off, and as a result she's peeking out of her concrete-reinforced bunker just a little bit.

Fern says, “Saimon, are you addressing me as ‘tú’ (tutear)?” Actually, up until that point Saimon is using ‘usted,’ but when Fern says that, Saimon switches to a mixture of tú and usted. I suspect that Saimon was supposed to tutear from the start of the scene and he messed up.

When Fern is hiding behind the divider, Lety asks Saimon a question and Fern wiggles his finger up and down. That gesture means "yes" in Mexico, like nodding your head. I really like that gesture. Often when women are talking, one will say something and another will do that gesture as a way of saying, "Oh, you're absolutely right!" without interrupting the speaker.

Does anyone see any One Step Forward's in these episodes?

Notice the symbolism? Fernando compares Aldo’s book to a Trojan Horse. Aldo used it to sneak through the "gates" and everyone trusted him, but once past the gates Aldo climbed out to conquer. At least that's how Fernando sees it.

Screen caps were great - loved the recaps (Julie yours was especially funny for an ep that had lots of cuartel filler). Also wanted to say that Julie's note at the beginning of her recap about learning the language made me feel better about my progress!

There were a few things that jumped out to me today.

- Aldo has a bonsai tree on his desk too (someone else on the other board posted it, but I also noticed it) wonder what that means about his energy & karma?
- Lety gets the twitch again right before they exchange gifts, but then it goes she was telling herself to calm down or that she felt more comfortable with him in that moment?
-The look that Fern and Saimon exchanged - what was that about?
- Fern puts his bonsai tree on his desk right where he can see it, Lety puts the tree behind her, but continues to look back at it longingly throughout the day. Is this a sign she wants to put Fern behind her, but she can't stop looking to the past and what they share? (someone else mentioned it on the other board, but it was def something that popped right out at me today)
- Fern's hug to Lety seemed like he was clutching a life preserver vs. Lety's seemingly awkward one - which is comparable to her awkward hug with Aldo the other day. Her facial expressions always kill me!
- Lety is holding Aldo's arm in the meeting after she gives him the seat of honor at the head of the table while Fern is talking
- Lety also grabs Aldo's arm again when they are out in the vortex of stupidity.
- Fern doesn't need to be saved by the bell in regards to his kisses with Carloca vs with Aldo and Lety it always seems to be an outside influence that keeps them apart, it's always Fern who blocks these kisses.

I agree the trojan horse story was clever on Fern's part. He was very manic in those scenes, then the change in mood when Aldo took over and called him a pig showed really great range from Jaime. I actually prefer his subdued moments.

I also like the fact that Fern's relationship with Carloca seems more symbiotic than Lety's with Aldo. Both Carloca and Aldo realize what they are are up against as far as the strong love between Fern and Lety, but I think that Fern is a lot more honest with Carloca in some ways than Lety is towards Aldo. Just my two cents...

To answer your question in regards to the one step forward - Fern lecturing Omar on how he should treat women with respect. I also thought that today for the first time he showed a lot of restraint by not listening outside of the door during Carloca and Lety's private conversation. To me that's a sign of gigantic growth on his part...I hope it continues.

PS - cap 238 was cut about 5 mins in today because of Pres. Obama and Pres. Calderon's press conference so if you were on the east coast and don't have dvd's you might not see that ep on your DVR's. I had to watch the cap on my dvd..

Oh dang. Thanks for the warning, GP. I was actually hoping to get that one episode today and keep it. Weird but true, it has sentimental value.

the symbolism of the trojan horse is that it's actually Lety...Carloca pretty much says it to Fern when she says "she wins everyone's heart" it's what she did to him as well.

Yeah I was bummed Julie - I usually prefer to watch with captions - i understand more. :(

Regarding the hugs between Fern and Lety: first off, I can't believe Lety could not feel the emotion coming out of Fern with his hug. Gosh, I felt it all the way in California.... second, I think Lety's hug was hesitant only because she still thinks he doesn't really love her so she held back her hug.

The makeover plot, borrrring. But I did have a laugh out loud when Luigi shows up in scrubs. I honestly was hoping for a better outcome from Luigi. They looked horr-i-ble.

Just what was Carla doing in Lety's office and her conversation? Is she trying to help Fern get Lety back or is she just clarifying things for herself, I thought it weird.

OMG, Jaime's leap over the divider. My word, that man is agile.... Lordy be! Did you all see how high he jumped? Strength->yummy.....


Saimon and Fernando, after the hugs. Saimon can see that there is a lot of intensity in the hug - on both sides! The big wink he gives says he knows he just did Fern a big favor. I won't say Saimon knows Fern loves Lety, but he is a big believer in romance, and he'd do anything in the world for Fern. At least he knows there's something considering how happy he made both Fernando and Lety. We'll have to watch for other signs.

Lety's fantasies very often reveal something about her. In this case, obviously she thinks Fernando has a very passionate relationship with Carla. But beyond that, she's afraid that everyone is laughing at her as a loser and a fool. She's afraid that if Fernando saw that she still loved him, or simply saw signs of jealousy, he would mock and ridicule here. What's more, she fears that if Aldo saw her jealousy, he'd give up and leave.

Other than the white rose, I think (corrections, anyone?) the fountain is the first gift Fern has ever gotten for Lety (or anyone else for that matter), and it’s a gift that considers her needs. One step forward.

A couple of other steps forward:

1. GP kinda' mentioned this. Fernando has outgrown Omar. Not just one or two of Omar's actions. When he walked out of the office, I felt like that chapter of his life was closed. Which is interesting because he was so thrilled to see him at first, after returning from NY. Considering how much Fern grew in NY (but the evidence is being revealed only slowly), it didn't take long for Fern to realize he didn't want to be Omar's playmate anymore.

2. When Carla asks what he did to Lety, plainly takes all the blame and he doesn't minimize or rationalize his offenses.

Diann - I was also curious about Carla's motivation - I sort of saw her question as similar to Aldo's interrogation of Fern when he asks him what's most important to him and Fern tells him love is...

Paula- good analysis on Lety's fantasies...she's also superhuman in strength too! :) I actually really enjoyed today's was funny. She wants her cake and wants to eat it too - with her fear of losing both Fern & Aldo.

I agree Fern finally clearly explaining the pain he caused Lety to Carla was a nice step forward. It'll be interesting to see Fern and Omar's interaction over the next few days to see if there's a noticeable change in tone.

I missed that wink from Saimon - I thought he was sort of giving a sort of wrinkled up frowny face to Fern. It didn't seem very nice to me at all.

A-r-r-r-r-gh! Almost all of the second episode was preempted by the press conference. And I don't have the dvd to watch. WITHDRAWAL!!!

Thank heavens I have your wonderful recaps to help fill the void. And the screen shots are worth staring at for a while.


Julie, sorry you couldn't record the cap that had such significance for you. The rest of you east coasters, don't worry, you didn't miss much. Carla's chat with Lety was good because of the undertones. I'd like to transcribe it for you, but I'll have trouble enough, getting both tomorrow's summaries written. The other worthy scene was Fernando's honest confession to Carla. Everything else was entirely missable.

I really couldn't figure out what Carla's game was. But GP, your reference to the time Aldo interrogated Fern makes sense. Carla wants Fern and she's not going to roll over and play dead, of course. But if she found out Fern was right and Lety hated him, Carla might fight harder for him. Whereas if she knows Lety loves him, she won't feel as bad about losing.

Some of the things Carla said, e.g. that Fern never stopped talking about her, almost sound like Carla is trying to reveal the truth to Lety? Could that be? I confess, GP's post shed a LITTLE light on their chat, but I'm still mostly in the dark.

Jenn, good to see you on the board yesterday. Don't miss next week. It'll be hopping.

I agree with you Paula - I did get the sense that Carla was trying to show Lety how important she is to Fern. It was a strange conversation...less of a pissing contest than the one Aldo had with Fern in my opinion.

I'm looking forward to the eps next week now. I wonder if Marcia will finally appear tomorrow. I'm curious about what her reaction would be to Carla's presence.

At the tail end of the gift exchange, Fern imitates Lety’s denial of jealousy. I think, by imitating her, he’s saying that he is not jealous in the same way she is not jealous, i.e. he’s VERY jealous.

When he asks, “Why should I be?” she’s stuck. In novelas, jealousy is proof of love. If she asserts that he’s jealous, she’s also asserting that he loves her, something he’s tried to convince her of all along. Busted!

There was some really great subtle stuff in this episode.

Thanks Paula, and thanks Alma and Julie for the orginal recaps. Julie, I had to chuckle when I read your comment about the ties. When I saw this the first time, I too was fascinated with Fern's ties.

I also enjoyed the gift exchange. Lety sure does give strange hugs. but it was sweet. Fernandos hugs on the other hand are the best kind of hugs. It's like the "I will never let go" type of hug.


I read parts of the Hola magazine article, about Jaime giving Heidi a diamond ring. He said something like, "Yes, I gave her a ring, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to get married."

In review,
1. It sure looks to me like an engagement ring.
2. She wears it on her left hand, ring finger.
3. They gave an exclusive interview to Hola magazine, with a 7-page spread.
4. The article, which Jaime said is accurate, called them "comprometidos."
5. They said they haven't set a date yet.

If that makes sense to you, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

Today some of the Mexican press are stating the whole ring, compromotidos stuff is just a "front". They are now skeptical of it all, they way the shows are talking it like the equivalent of a "publicity stunt" here in the US. and they can't figure why, because JC is famous enough already.
Plus, the ring looks way to plain to be real. Come on, if I was with the guy for 7 years, went through how many breakups and back together agains,
AND he's loaded.... I'm positive a real ring would be some serious bling. Not that barely one-carat, one stone thing. (It may even have been photoshopped)
Im Just Sayin'


Please excuse all my typos.
My hands are tired from all the prescriptions I filled today.

I was mystified by Carla's motivation in that conversation with Lety too.

I suppose I ought to be satisfied with the explanation that Carla was simply sizing up her competition, but as others have noted, it seemed as though she was offering Lety clues to Fernando's feelings.

Maybe she just wants to ensure that her competition with Lety is a fair one; maybe she has qualms about taking advantage of Lety's misperception of Fernando's feelings.

Julie I think you are right about the Carla Lety confab. She is checking out the competition. She's also watching to see if she can make a move on Fern with a clear conscience if Lety signals that there is nothing there.

The Omar Fern relationship goes way back and is highly unlikely to change. Omar has always been there for Fern and covered his back. Who else but a close friend would have gone along with the spy for me while I'm in NYC. I've always wondered if Fern would be there for Omar if Omar was as hurt by someone as Fern has been by Lety.

Poor Luigi stuck with trying to make a silk purse out of a lot of sows ears. There is no way anyone could successfully make over the cuartel because with their constant putdowns of Ali and their thirst for gossip they are ugly inside and that can't be painted over. Just stick them on a bus and send them over a cliff in Aca.

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