Thursday, March 29, 2007

Zorro Wednesday March 28, 2008: The one where Telemundo lied and we are treated to an Esme fashion show.

OK, I set my VCR timer to tape the show from 8 until 9:45pm, CDST because I heard the show was to run from 8:30-9:30 tonight. I went out with my family to celebrate my nephew's birthday. Came home and caught the end of La Fea and switched over to Telemundo.....and what to my wondering eyes should appear, Zorro had started and was well under way. I ran to my desk (bet you thought I was going to say window), threw open the drawer and gathered my pen and paper. So, here is the recap already in progress. For those of you who were not deceived by Telemundo's cruel trick, please feel free to fill us in on the first half. Thank you.....

Diego is working on paperwork in his room when Bernardo comes in to tell him that the soldiers have been setting fire to many homes in the village. Diego asks if they are Montero’s men who are extracting revenge (the reason perhaps, because Diego/Zorro has been taking lessons from Robin Hood, taking the tax money from the collectors and giving it back to the poor). Bernie covers one eye to indicate they are Fernando’s soldiers. D-Well, well now this shows us what Fernando Sanchez is really like. Diego goes on to say that perhaps Zorro will need to teach FS a lesson. Bernie signals something that causes Diego to reflect on Esmeralda—oh, how he hurts for her, but he needs to remember that his principle goal is to fight injustice (his words, not mine). Diego gets up and opens the secret passage in his room that leads to the Bat Cave. We are treated to a montage of images of villages burning, people crying, and Diego transforming into Zorro by candle light in the cave (unfortunately we don't get to see him strip down to his skivies, he magically switches from his street clothes into the black get up).

Esme has been grounded by Montero. He’s apparently given orders again that she is not to leave the house. I wonder if she’s going to get her allowance this week, too, or is Monty like my parents and the grounding is always accompanied by the loss of allowance. She exchanges words with the soldier guarding her and he leaves her to stew. She says to herself that she needs to get out of there and find Diego because she wants to tell him off--- How dare he sleep w/ Mariangel and then not trust Esme.

Monty and Pizarro (I’d like to call them Mr. Burns and Smithers, but I think that might lead to some further confusion, but I stick by my theory---Smithers has a little crush on our weasely Mr. Burns, and all the evil he does is done to impress his would-be beau) are having a debriefing session. It appears that Piza told Monty that Miguel died as a result of his torturing. Monty isn’t upset that Miguel died, he’s just upset that he died without spilling the beans on the gypsies’ plans. Monty wants to know what those Gitanos are up to, and he knows they are up to something. Piza tells him that he sent the gypsies a warning in the form of Miguel’s head, so he thinks they won’t be a problem any more and that there is no way that they’ll come near the prison again. Monty tells Piza not to underestimate their enemies. The gypsies know about Sara Kali being held in the prison and they want to free her. Monty mumbles about how Sara Kali is causing nothing but trouble. She’s really complicated things for him (oh, poor Monty life is really tough), he’s got his wife’s mother locked in his prison (I bet there is many a man out there who would like that scenario). All of a sudden, Monty has a thought. You can almost see the light bulb switch on. He wonders if Esme knows that SK is alive and in the prison. Perhaps that is the reason why she agreed to stay with him. Monty doesn’t like the idea of that and says that she better not be using him.

We are treated to further scenes of mayhem around town. People are fighting and fires are ablaze everywhere. A woman and her child are crying and huddled in the middle of the melee. Through the smoke we see the arrival of Zorro, on his trusty steed, Tornado. Zorro gets right to business by socking it to the bad guys (how he can figure out who is who in this mess, I don’t know, it's not like they are color coded, everyone seems to be wearing similar outfits). In the midst of him cracking his whip and knocking heads together, Zorro has flashes of Esme. Everywhere he looks he sees her, and each time she is wearing a different outfit (this isn’t the time for an Esme fashion show!!). These visions take him out of his A-Game. He gets hit a few times and almost ends up getting shot. In the end, Zorro saves the day, errr…night. The people cheer and he rides away.

Commercial and Telemundo-Milwaukee advertises that Zorro can be seen cada noche, lunes á viernes, from 8 to 9---so not true!!!!

Monty arranges a nice dinner for Esme. He tells her that they have a lot to discuss. They sit down to dine and he launches into how he knows very little about her. He starts to fish for info on her mother, but Esme isn’t biting. Monty gets angry because things aren’t going his way (big baby). Sooner or later, he tells her, he’s going to find things out. He has a little hissy fit and throws his glass across the room. Esme tells him that if he continues to act this way he won’t win any points in her book.

Padre Tomas goes to see Alejandro. He fills Al in on Maria Pia’s disappearance when she was out looking for Sister Suplicios. Al says there is no way that MP can be lost, she knows this area like the back of her hand. Al grows suspicious. He thinks that Fernando is up to no good and has something to do with all of this.

In the gypsy camp, Leisha (Miguel’s wife) turns to Renzo for comfort. She tells him that she’s afraid for Miguel. She knows that Monty and Pizarro must be doing terrible things to him (oh, I don’t think she can imagine the truth). Across camp, a man approaches Jonas and tells him that a delivery has just been made. He’s cautious about giving it to Jonas so Azucena can’t see what is in the bag he is carrying. Jonas takes a peek in the bag and discovers the gruesome sight, Miguel’s head. Jonas is sad, shocked and angry all at the same time (what great acting, conveying these three emotions at the same time). This spurs on Jonas’s anger. He says they have to free Sara Kali, there is no way they will allow Monty and his men to hurt another one of the gypsy people. He tells Azu that Monty will pay.

Esme, alone in her room, has a Diego flashback to when he promised not to see her again. She mutters to no one but herself that they can fight for their love. She begs Diego to come to her, as Zorro he can find a way. Come to her, she says, so she can tell him how much she loves him and that she’s carrying their child. She caresses her very flat stomach for emphasis.

Olmos gives Fernando some figures, he’s calculated what will be Mariangel’s dowry. Fernando shares the sum with MA and she is quite pleased with the amount. There is a loud raucous at the door, and in bursts Al followed by Padre Tomas. Al is angry and demands that Fernando tell him the location of Maria Pia. He knows that FS has her and demands that FS release her now. He places his hand on the hilt of his sword to add some weight to his words.

Tobias and Catarina are awakened by a knock on their door. Tobi opens it to find a finely dressed man, who says he is Master Alberdo. This is the man from Spain to whom Tobi wrote a letter asking for help in finding the true identity of Zorro.

Esme, sleeping in her bed, is awakened by a noise. She grabs a candle and heads downstairs. She calls out asking if it is Monty. She enters the parlor and finds Zorro standing in the middle of the room. Z-Diego promised never to see you again, but Zorro did not make the same promise. The “Z” slashes across the screen and the theme song replays…..END OF EPISODE


Jean, thanks for the heads up on the time changes-I would've missed it. I don't understand why they keep changing the time??? jb

Gosh, even with Tivo usually being on the ball I missed the last 10 minutes or so. JB, I guess the show was moved back due to a soccer game. According to my Tivo schedule it is back on track tonight, 9:00-10:00, meaning REALLY 9:05 - 10:05.

Here's what happened in the first half, a quickie...

Mexico beats Ecuador 4 - 2

Esme tries to tell Diego that she's preggers but he calls her MRS. Montero and insults her. He won't let her speak. Montero shows up and gets all possessive, pissing Diego off. Diego swears to Monty they he won't see Esme again. Ever. He rides off in a huff. Bah!

Sara Kali tells Hermes not to call her "Your Majesty." She's waiting for a rat to bring her a message because she is Queen of the Gypsies. Hermes whispers that she is truly loca, pobrecita.

Renzo (hubba hubba) and Jonas make it back to the gypsy camp alive but they know things ain't lookin' good for Miguel. Laisha weeps at this news.

Miguel is being horribly tortured. He tells Pizarro that he will reveal who the gypsies are planning to rescue..."Your damn mother you murdering bastard!" Pizarro orders his head be cut off and sent to the gypsy camp.

Diego whines to Dolores that his love for Esme was an illusion. She tells him not to be blinded by jealousy.

Esme decides she must see Diego and tell him she loves him and she's expecting his child. It is night and she tries to sneak out of Monty's house in a huge white dress. She gets caught and is grounded.

Diego is in his room telling himself over and over that he loves Esme.

FS tells Maria Pia that he will NEVER let her become a nun. He is currently burning the poor side of town because of her. She says he has become truly evil. He says it's all her fault, she made him the man he is today. She begins to say the Lord's Prayer and he orders the guard to cut her off from food and water. "Let's see how far your God will go to save you from me."

Suplicios, wandering around in the dark, comes upon a pack of wild dogs or coyotes attacking the runaway slave. She beats off "the demons" with a big stick and begs her black angel not to die. He is unconscious and she tries to revive him. She hears shouts in the distance, the demons are coming! She attempts to make him stand so they can hide.

That's it, hope it helps, gotta run to work!

All I have to say ...can't to see the Zorro/Esme and Alejandro/FS scenes tonight.

I just found out that "zorro/a" is "fox" in Spanish. Am I the last person to know that?

Thanks for the recaps.

That's weird. I think my TiVo got the whole program. I didn't have the usual 5-minute delayed start of the program though. My TiVo still shows Zorro at 9pm next week. I see that Telemundo is advertising a new telenovela, Sin Verguenza. Maybe, they will change the time of Zorro when that starts.
I read on the Wikipedia entry about Zorro that it is running a bunch of 1 1/2 hour episodes in March. March is a sweeps month, which is probably why they are doing it. The wikipedia article also said that the last episode of the novela will be broadcast in July.
Back to last night's episode - Sylvia didn't mention that last night a master swordsman turned up at Tobias & Catalina's house. The mail service is sure fast in New Spain. Didn't Tobias write letters to people in Europe only a couple of days ago and already he has somebody at his door?

Gosh, I missed that Jean. I don't even remember seeing that scene. I was tired when I watched the show, I wonder if I dozed off? I wonder how much more I missed? Thanks for filling in the blank spots. Yep, pretty fast response to Tobias' letter. I also thought the same thing about the marquesa showing up johnny-on-the-spot.

Last episode in July? Good, then hopefully I won't have to miss any episodes before I go on my 3-week vacation July 28th. It would be excruciating to get up to the last few episodes and then have to wait several weeks to see the end.

In the midst of the rather boring story line of mixed messages an unrequited love between Diego and Esme, I find myself intrigued by the story line of Suplicios and the escaped slave.

THe swords man was in the last 10 minutes that you didnt get to see Sylvia.

I love Diego as Zorro but not as himself. I think he is too spoiled as Diego. Yet the first shows showed him to be a good guy as Diego, besides his womanizing tendancies. Plus the idea of Zorro being nice to Esme while Diego has a hard time plays into the clip where Zorro says in the opening credits "You and I are in love with the same mujer."

However I am frustrated with novelas that we always have this stupid theme of not trusting your lover in EVERY telenovela? Where are the healthy relationships?

Speaking of healthy relationships I love the idea of Esme having tons of babies fathered by Diego while married to Montero. Ha! I realize Im not healthy to find that acceptable. But! I enjoy the idea of Montero not being able to touch Esme yet she goes around procreating with Diego all over town! I can almost see Monteros jealousy.

Thanks everyone for putting the recap together. I, too, look forward to seeing Z and Esme together again tonight!

I also like the slave suplicious storyline. Save that man!

Whew! I'm glad I haven't taken to falling asleep in front of the TV. However my honey is gone this week, surfing in Fiji, and I have been indulging myself by staying up late and watching all my recorded trash TV...Duelo, Bailando, Destilando (in bits and pieces), Alborada (DVD), and Zorro with lots of rewinds through the juicy bits. Also, I have been reading Allende's Zorro and it's a great read.

I like your story line of Esme popping out Diego's kiddies while married to Montero. Sadly, I don't see Monty standing for it and I fear for baby #1. We all know how dreadfully they treat children in these shows.

Lynn-- I like your idea because it would serve Monty right. However, I think he's a worse egg than Fernando and FS had his wife fitted with an iron mask and put in prison for trying to pass another man's child off as his. What would Monty do?

Yes, Diego needs to get his stuff together. I said before, his love seems to turn on a dime.

Jean--I thought the same thing about the mail service, but then didn't it take like a day for them to sail from Spain to the west coast of America? The return trip must be just as fast!! :-)

Sylvia--Everyone says I should see Alborada, but the DVD for sale on Amazon has been criticized for being over edited. Do you have that DVD or did you find an uncut edition and if so, where did you get it?

Hi Sylvia:
I loved Isabel Allende's novel about Zorro.
I recommend the wikipedia entry on Zorro ( It has lots of information on all the film, TV and written versions of the Zorro character.

OK I put a caveat to my wishes for Esme and Diegos kids. That Montero is never allowed to hurt them or their parents. There that should take care of that! :)

I didnt know Isabel ALlende wrote about Zorro. She is such a great writer. I am definately going to go check that out. thanks for the tip.

Cathy, the Alborada DVD is edited, but it's better than some other edited telenovela DVDs and better than nothing (in my opinion). I would recommend it. It has English subtitles but not Spanish. There is a website somewhere that sells full-length telenovelas, no subtitles, and you can probably do a search and find it. If you get the edited DVD and find things confusing, you can go to Melinama's personal blog (link on Caray home page) and read her recaps of every episode of the entire telenovela while you're watching the DVD. Her recaps and comments are brilliant.

Jean, thanks for the wikipedia recommendation, I'll check it out. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the novel. A friend at work and I are reading it simultaneously and we're having fun discussing it and comparing it to other Zorro versions.

Not only does Zorro mean Fox, but in the telenovela, Diego's mom (Toypurnia/Regina) names him Tisha (little fox) and he doesn't receive his Christian name (Diego) until he is baptized after his mother is killed. In the Allende book, Diego bonds with a fox during his coming of age ritual and takes on the zorro pseudonym when he joins a vigilante group in Spain.
I do find it interesting that after all the concern in the early episodes about people finding out that Regina was an Indian (only Dolores, Maria Pia, Padre Tomas, and Alejandro knew it) everyone knows it all of a sudden. Go figure.
For those of you that don't get Telemundo (here it comes with basic cable with Univision) you can follow this link:
which is the show's official site. You can see pictures of the cast and highlight videos of each episode (about 2 days behind the rest of the series) and the entire first episode in 4 parts. They don't have subtitles, but we have these awesome recaps from Cathy and Mariceli so you'll know what you missed!

And Jean got the ball rolling with the first recap. Now she is back on board after returning from her vacation.

Cathy, great recap! Too bad you didn’t get to see it all. Rats! The times were very messed up here, too. I wonder what is up with that.

“It appears that Piza told Monty that Miguel died as a result of his torturing” I guess you could say that cutting off his head is torture, yep. When I heard him say, “cut off his head” I didn’t think he was dead yet, though.

Diego and Esme are frustrating me. They are so at cross-purposes. Diego doesn’t know how to talk to her without saying the wrong stuff. Maybe Z will have better luck figuring out what to say and how to say it. The flashes of Esme during the confusion in town were interesting—dressed first in “lady” clothes, then in gypsy clothes. The two of them live double lives and that subliminal message might have swayed Z to be more forgiving. One can hope.

Al figured out what happened to MP! That was pretty cool, and he stormed FS to let him know it. I can’t wait to see how FS responds to that!


Thanks, Sylvia, for the backfill. My DVR through Cox Cable always knows exactly when to record. I wonder why it knows even when the schedule is not correct on my screen? Magic.


Hi Jeanne: I noticed what you did with Miguel as well. I figured Pizarro concluded that Miguel was not going to give up the information no matter how much they tortured him and just let him drown in the barrel. After all, Pizarro and Montero already guessed who the gypsies were trying to contact.

Margarita - thanks for the info. Is that from Allende's book, or did I somehow miss it on the novela?

Thanks, Jean. I thought my brain was making it up.

Hey, all, I had a neat conversation today. The parents of two of our students are Hispanic, and I talked to the father for 20 minutes, in Spanish! He complimented me on the improvement in my Spanish (understanding, too). We covered several topics and I didn't get lost. It was cool. I told him I watch three telenovelas every night and he chuckled and rolled his eyes, then wanted to know which ones. When I told him about Zorro, he thought that sounded promising. I told him it is captioned in English, too, and that surprised him. Maybe he'll come by in a few weeks to tell me he is watching. (I should have remembered to tell him it's not for the kiddies...). He wanted to know if there is an English word for telenovela, and I explained the idea of soap opera (because of the Ivory flakes ads with the soaps years ago). He thought that was kind of odd, but he understood.


Way to go Jeanne! Wait until Dad gets a load of Esme and Ma...he'll be hooked.


Probably, and I'll be a persona non grata in that house. (per Sra.)


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