Leo is getting the stuffing kicked out of him at his clinic.
He’s on the floor, conked out & bleeding.
Wile E Joselyn is waiting for Demian to come around the corner in his Hummer so she can blow him to smithereens with the ACME tv control…good for all kinds of demolition work. She blows him up and then goes to rub his nose in it. He tells her that no, you haven’t won, and you aren’t the strongest because I have a little surprise for you. He tells her we’re goin’ to hell together. She laughs maniacally. The car blows up one more time for good measure as D yells Stella….oh I mean Regina and Jossie walks away laughing.
Nicolas, Ingrid & Dolores are having a little Mensa meeting of the minds.
Jos comes home and tells her mommy what she did at school today…she blew up Demian. Miriam isn’t all that happy. But they start planning MA’s demise and suffering and Jos sees a happy reunion for her and Gabe. Miriam tells her she’s kind of an idiot if she thinks it’s going to be all daffodils and ice cream cones.
Gabe & Nico are in the office and receive a phone call from the police that D just died.
A nurse is cleaning up Leo. The cowboys are telling the head cowboy about what happened and they’re all laughing about it. Yeehaw!
Gabe delivers the news to Paulina and JC (I had actually forgotten that D was JCs father). JC, as always, is broken up appropriately (not too much, not too little...just right). He goes to talk to a fat sheet, telling it that they never got along well but he’s sad that they never got the opportunity to be a real father and son.
Ingrid is psyched that their plan is almost at an end. She wants to yell it in Miriam's face and take a picture. She gets a big fat paycheck from that other fashion chick (I can’t remember her name) and tells her she plans to go far far away.
Gabe goes to say goodbye to Demian. He says the same stuff as JC, I wish our relationship had been different, but you really are important to me and I wish you the best. Blah blah blah.
JC & Paulina go to the casa de horrors where they find that Demian had Regina’s favorite red dress laid out on the bed all creepy and Vincent Price-like. JC’s a blubbering mess by now and just asks Dolores to take care of everything. Naturally she obliges with saint-like smile on her face.
Nico tells Gabe that Miriam and Demian were lovers and accomplices. Gabe’s shocked that his brother would do such an old bag. They see the possibility of her implication in the misdeeds as a way to free Tiberio.
Ceci goes to visit Leo and sees him all bruised and battered. He says maybe he should go door to door, since no one is bringing their kids to him for vaccinations and medical care.
Nico & Dolores are packin’ up. They worry how poor crazy Tiberio will react when he learns that Demian’s dead. Not well is the general consensus. As Dolores is packing up, she finds a “smoking cell phone” under Regina’s Bible. Strange…very strange. Come on guys! Even Shaggy & Scooby know that’s, like, a really important clue man!
JC breaks the news to his crazy brother. Who breaks down. JC tells him, basically, to settle down, at least you still have a mother to take care of so stop worrying about Demian. Tiberio agrees but keeps crying anyways and they give a little prison handshake. Ahhh….a brotherly bond.
Gabe is tossing the office to find some kind of implicating evidence. Cue the music, he found a manila envelope full of documents that can free Tiberio. He calls Nicolas. Nicolas, having taken the Evelyn Wood Speed-reading course, looks at the documents for two seconds and then agrees that they are just the proof they need.
Leo & Ceci are walking along happily and they see the mean cowboys. Leo wants a rumble, but Ceci realizes, um maybe we should get the police. She realizes that these guys work for her daddy. Uh oh…conflict of interest. She goes to confront daddy, they yell at each other and she threatens to go off but he says, well I’ll try and change. She says, okay then let me go to the capital to study. He says he loves her a lot, but okay she can go study.
Tiberio is free and has started being a good son to sweet Dolores and gives his blessing that Lola & Nico tie the knot or shack up, or whatever. Nico’s psyched!!!!
Silvestre & Cande are chatting about moving to the ‘burbs. Silvestre thinks this will really help Elsa, to be away from the vices of their little ‘hood. Apparently Silvestre has never lived in the 'burbs...they've got vices too.
Ceci gives Leo the good news about going to the city and tells him that she has special feelings for him. He’s shocked but psyched.
Jos is swigging down some tranquilizers with alcohol…always a good choice. And Gabe & Nico realize that they have a hidden camera? Or at least footage of Jossie’s confessions.
Join us tomorrow for the exciting and much-anticipated (as in when the heck is this crap going to be over???) conclusion. Will MA ever return from Chile and finish recording this novela?? What about contractual obligation?? What about the other novela she’s recording with Televisa…will she be in the last half of those episodes, or will she bail out again? Find out the answers to maybe one or two of these questions tomorrow on….Univisión.
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