Thursday, April 19, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday April 19 - "This can't be happening! I am a man! No no noooooo!"

Luba told Gaspar that Emilio would kill him, his doll, and little cub when he found out Gaspar was the father of Thelma's baby. Gaspar grabbed her and shook her, yelling that Emilio couldn't do that. Eventually he calmed down apologized for losing his temper.

(I used to like Gaspar but he's turned into a boring stalker. What happened to his good nature?)

Stupid Alina -- who I will call Duh Alina for short -- overheard Thelma's fake argument with Orlando and believed Thelma really had thrown him out of the house. She told Tonqui she would trust Thelma now.

At a hospital: Don Celso, not quite dead after all, told Coral she would inherit all his money and must fight for her happiness. Then he finished dying. Coral sobbed to make sure the audience didn't think she was a gold-digger or anything.

Later, Don Celso's evil nephew, Dario, told Coral to give up the inheritance. Coral said, "It's mine and you're not going to see a peso of this money." Dario replied, "If you want war, I'm going to give you war!"

Back in Sierra Escondida: Braulio (Rosita's father) rode around looking for Santos but didn't find him.

Carmen confronted Maximo and asked, "What have you done to Santos? Something has happened to my son and you are to blame!" Maximo told her he had other things to worry about than her son, so get lost.

Santos, asleep at the house of long-haired psychiatrist Dr. Z, dreamed about his fight with Castulo. He woke up and told Dr. Z he was confused and couldn't remember anything. Dr. Z said Santos might have amnesia (oh, really?) but was lucky to have fallen into the hands of a psychiatrist. Yes, what a coincidence!

At La Rinconada: Thelma crushed some sleeping pills to put into Alina's tea. She told Ifigenio to prepare the coach so her Singing Aunt Rebeca could go to San Mateo and buy some baby clothes. (Thelma's actually supposed to be sending Ifigenio to pick up Emilio, but she hasn't told Ifigenio about that. I don't know why.)

Ricardo, aka Dr. Fonseca, aka Dr. Love, aka Orville Redenbacher, seems to be staying at Elias's cabin now. They drank coffee and agreed again that they wanted to save Mariana and Soledad.

(Maybe Dr. Ricardo-Orville Love-Fonseca should be called Dr. Hero, because he is the ONLY man on this show to really stand up to Alvaro. Elias doesn't count since his idea of heroism is telling Sergio to go ahead and shoot him. I'm sure that impresses the ladies of Sierra Escondida, but it doesn't save them from Don Loco's evil clutches. I am hoping Dr. Bowtie will be the one person on this show to employ an actual brain.)

Luba went to La Rinconada and was intercepted in the kitchen by Vera and Jaime/Mexican Larry, who grabbed some brooms to fend her off. She told them, "I didn't come to do witchcraft. I came to see Flor."

Vera told her that Thelma had changed. Not reassured, Luba insisted that she wanted to see Alina. To get rid of her, Mexican Larry told her that he'd seen Gaspar with Thelma. That convinced Luba to leave (I guess because she doesn't want Mexican Larry to tell anyone what he saw), but she paused long enough to crack to Vera (who was still clutching a broom) that modern witches didn't use brooms.

Thelma invited Duh Alina downstairs for some nice drugged tea. After Thelma left the room, Duh Alina learned from Vera that Orlando was still at La Rinconada. Alina hurried back to her bedroom and locked herself in, saying to herself, "It was a trap, and I fell into it like an idiot."

She turned around to find Orlando smirking at her. She told him to leave but he said, "We have something pending," then grabbed her. Alina struggled and said, "Suélteme!" ("Let go of me!")

Orlando said, "It is useless to try to escape." He threw her on the bed and said, "Kiss me, a real passionate kiss." Dream on, Orlando.

Alina jumped up and tried to run away, but Thelma's sleeping pills kicked in and she passed out in his arms. He carried her back to the bed and started ogling and pawing her, looking like a dazed and confused vampire.

Meanwhile, at Casa Loco: Elias sneaked into the kitchen and asked Adela to help him speak to Soledad. Adela went upstairs to Mariana's room and whispered this news to Soledad.

Soledad asked Mariana to help her find a way to see Elias. Adela pointed out that Mariana couldn't do that, seeing as she couldn't move, but Soledad asid, "She can hear me, and I know something will occur to me."

Elias got tired of waiting for Adela and left the kitchen on his own. Another good plan, Elias! Naturally Don Loco thought he saw something moving and went to investigate. Elias hid behind a curtain.

Alvaro produced his gun and prowled around for a while, then decided nobody was there and left. After all, seeing something that isn't there is commonplace for Don Loco -- he probably has a "someone sneaking into the house to see Soledad" delusion 10 times a day.

He was making out with Alfonsina when Soledad (who seems to have the run of Casa Loco now) arrived and told him to come see Mariana because she was having a crisis.

Mariana pretended to be unconscious and Alvaro said he would go for the doctor. After he left, Mariana opened her eyes and Soledad thanked her.

Back a La Rinconada: Orlando slowly removed the unconscious Alina's clothes. Thelma knocked on the bedroom door and Orlando let her in.

Thelma looked at Alina and, apparently thinking Orlando needed a pep talk, told him, "You have to make her yours before it gets dark." She left, telling him, "Enjoy yourself."

Orlando started slowly removing his shirt (he should do that more often) while gazing at Alina doubtfully.

(At this point I was thinking: Where the heck is Tonqui? It's time for him to jump through the window! The room is probably on the second floor, but no importa, I'm sure there just happens to be a trampoline under her window. What are you waiting for, Tonqui?!)

At Luba's cave: Gaspar pestered his mother to tell him what was in the Mystery Box. Luba said Alvaro would kill whoever found out what was inside! "This box can't be opened! It is maldito (damned)!"

At a funeral home: Coral was visited by her friends Erica and Lucas. I don't think we've seen them before. They comforted Coral. Erica said, "Now you're going to enjoy Don Celso's money and live happily." Evil Nephew Dario arrived just then.

Back at La Rinconada: Orlando STILL had not raped Alina. He asked himself, "But what is the matter with me?" then fell on his knees (shirtless but still wearing his blue jeans), and sobbed, "I can't function as a man! This can't be happening! I am a man!"

He wept and cried to the ceiling (apparently thinking God might want to help him in this situation), "No no. Noooooo!!!!!"

To which I could only say ha ha haaa! Thank you to the actor who plays Orlando for this telenovela's funniest scene.

Back at Casa Loco: Alfonsina mused that she had to find a way to get Alvaro to sign that paper Hugo gave her. While she was doing this, Adela came along and locked Alfonsina into her room. Alfonsina banged on the door and demanded to be let out while Adela made excuses.

Elias took this opportunity to meet Soledad in Mariana's room. He said, "I need your help, Soledad," and told her Dr. Love/Hero/Orville Fonseca wanted to save Mariana, then started to explain a plan (that the audience, of course, didn't get to overhear).

Meanwhile, at La Rinconada, the distraught Orlando yelled at his reflections in a three-way mirror. He took a swig from a flask, weeping and telling himself to go ahead and drink "like an impotent idiot!"

Then he angrily spit the drink out at his three reflections, saying, "You disgust me!" He pointed out Alina to his reflections, saying, "Look at her," there he had her, unable to do anything! "I need her heat. I need her kisses! I can't let any more time pass. Alina has to be mine!"

Words from this episode:
cachorrito = little cub
guerra = war
escoba = broom
anochezca = get dark
manos amarradas = tied hands
ansiosa = anxious, eager


Dang, even the rapists are incompetent on this show!


Thanks for the great recaps, guys!

"Dr. Z said Santos might have amnesia (oh, really?) but was lucky to have fallen into the hands of a psychiatrist. Yes, what a coincidence!"

Good Point Carmel! Who WRITES this thing? the same people who wrote Gilligan's Island or what?

Was the crazy shrink (is that an oxymoron?) just wandering around the county side in a secluded location that was supposed to be un-findable? how convenient!

Without the rest of you Caray Caray gang, I couldn't stand to even keep watching this thing and that's saying something when we're talking about Telenovelas!

It reminds me of those computer games that some of us (older persons) used to play in the 90s like King's Quest or Leisure Suit Larry. We keep wandering around from the Haciendas to the Brothel to the Cueva de Luba to the Cabana to the whirlpool to the sand trap and back to the Haciendas hoping that some clue will appear that will end this thing or at least move the story forward somehow!

We have had shootings, rapes, paralysis, interrupted weddings, whirlpool/ quicksand, dog rescues (numerous), witchcraft, inheritance of fortunes, ghosts, extra-marital nookie (while pregnant!!!), kidnappings (numerous) mistaken identity and now amnesia and impotence is there any cliche left that hasn't been used?

Caray caray.

Kate, missing the relatively coherent plot of Alborada.

PS> am I the only one who was grossed out by Orlando's creepy touching of Alina? He kept kind of petting her and smelling her instead of groping her. Que es esto?

but Thank You Carmel for the recap.

Thanks for the recap Carmel, each recap is a labor of love (for the language) and we appreciate it.

eeeewwww, Orlando has always given me the creeps, with his pasty face and sour expressions. But, it was great to see him suffer at his own hand...

Well, there you go---another healthy dose of irony and poetic justice---Orlando finally has Alina all to himself, unconscious, helpless, no Donkey/Tonkey and......''Houston, we have a systems malfunction.'' It seems that impotence is a theme that runs through a lot of novelas [Antonio in ''Alborada'' was thought to be ''incapacitada'' by Luis and HotRodtheBod-rigooo seemed to have some problemo with doing the deed at the beginning of ''Destilando''] This is a subject that must prey heavily on the minds of the writers of these telenovelas. Also, I think that the reason we still haven't gotten an answer to ''What's in the box?'' is that the writers still have NO IDEA what is in the box at this point in time. They have been brainstorming and trying to find a really great idea, but so far they have come up with nada. I am also wondering ''Who has the box?'' My guess is Alfonsina because she is a really sneaky, calculating chick. I loved Elias hiding behind the drapes. Classic. And , one last message to Orlando: ''Serves you right, Eddie.''~~~~Susanlynn

I remember reading a summary about this episode and not understanding it, seemed to say Orlando took advantage of Alina, this explained it waaay better. Gracias.

Intresting that he was not functional after all his talk about having her.

I wonder what's going to happen with Santos now? Regarding the box I am thinking Pulp Fiction and suitcase, you never really knew what was in it.

Carmel, thanks for the great recap! I just had to laugh when Orlando had his malfunction. What a perfect end for this episode!

Orlando is indeed creepy. Everything about this character is creepy and last night was his ultimate creepy performance. I wondered for a split second if he has a little bit of decency and that is why he couldn't function, but then I decided "nah, he just likes them awake and conscious when he's forcing them." He's enough of a bully and creep that his satisfaction comes from seeing the fear and smelling it. (Ew.)


And, isn't it really interesting that the one who came on Santos in the middle of the night, tied to a tree and amnesiac, was Dr. Z (your friendly, neighborhood unlicensed psychiatrist)? What a marvelous coincidence. All I could think is that at least Santos will be safe from Max for a while. Rosita won't, though.

Amnesia and bullet holes must be the problems du jour. Zorro, Duelo....are the writers sending each other memos?


Wow, I can't believe that Orlando couldnt' get it up. He's giving up rather quickly, though, don't you think? He and Alina still have their clothes on, I guess he must be used to being ready well in advance of the deed. I'm glad the rape didn't happen though, the whole thing was super extra creepy. Like over the top even for a novela creepy. Bleah.

I think the "What's in the box?" storyline was farmed out to the writers of Lost - throw some crap in with no idea what to do with it, then make strange and impossible to comprehend things happen to it or around it, and then never get to the point. Just like Lost. Hey Lost is just like a novela - they started it and keep tyring to jam twists in there to keep it going, with no clue at all where they are heading with it.

Fabulous recap Carmel. I wasn't going to watch last night's episode but after your description of Orlando, "dazed and confused vampire," I had to watch a bit this morning. You are so right, he provided the viewers with the absolute best scenes of the night. What a schmuck! You know, the triptych mirror motif seems to be the kiss of death for a character's sanity.

I agree with Chris, this whole Orlando raping Duhlina plot line is super creepy, especially with Thelma and Auntie in on the machinations.

Alejandro Avila (Orlando) did a great job. I wonder how many times they had to shoot the scene because he kept cracking up? Yesterday I watch some Zorro "behind the scenes" videos on youtube. There was one where Mariangela jumps on Montero during one of their foreplay scenes. Harry Geithner (Monty) kept cracking up, saying "This is ridiculous, just ridiculous!"

I think Orlando's giving up easily is an indication of a deep seated self-loathing. See triptych mirror comment above.

Dazed and confused, that's how I feel after watching Duelo.

oh Orlando...I am a bit disappointed, I thought you were jest a sneaky lil Eddie Haskell on steriods and now you are jest BSC, like much of the rest of the cast

It was amazing to see Orlando so suddenly and totally lose his cool and his mind after spending the entire show strutting and smirking.

Is it farfetched for me to think that it's really Emilio he's been in love with all along, and he just can't admit it to himself, and that's the reason for his obsessed jealousy?

No that is not unreasonable at all. His love for Emiliooo will go unrequited, he will find solace in the arms of Granillo and will live happily ever after wearing earrings and serving drinks at El Meson de Edelmira.

I hope so!!!!!!!!

Well, I'll revise that, I don't hope so, since that fate is too good for Orlando. I'd like to see a happy ending for Granillo, however.

Que??? Orlando and Granillo ??? Wow! Orlando has indeed fallen down a slippery slope. And the moral of our story is : Hombres : Leave those virgins alone. [With a shout out to Pink Floyd's warning to teachers in ''The Wall.'']So, who will be the next baddie to receive his/her just reward????~~~Susanlynn, fascinated by this odd morality play

I'll guess Sergio: eaten by coyotes.

Carmel great recap. I kinda wish I jad watched the show. Even better had I taped it then I could pull a Sylvia and watch the Orlando scene. But no! I didnt record it! Whaaaaaaa!

Do we know if Sergio took the money from Ricardo for himself or for Don Loco?

Thanks so much for all these wonderful recaps. Having these great and humorous explanations has made this telenovela much more bearable. At first, I thought that Orlando might be having a crisis of conscience about raping an unconscious Alina; but that would be too much of a twist for the writers of this story. This is one of the most poorly developed novelas with a totally unbelievable plot that my husband and I have watched in the past 3 years. And yet, we keep coming back for more and now I want Justice for Tonki. That dog needs to star in his own show.

Lynn, I remember Don Loco sending Sergio for the money, but I don't remember Sergio returning the money to Don Loco...

Lynn, if you watch tonight, they'll probably show some of Orlando's meltdown again. The mirror scene at least because it was at the end of the show.

Speaking of unanswered questions, whatever happened to Blanca's last letter to Elias, which Alvaro pocketed? I wonder if the writers forgot it.

Sergio might keep the money, then Don Loco will tell Mariana that Dr. Love took money to leave her alone. Mariana won't believe Loco because she is in on the plot with Elias, Soledad and Adela. If Loco finds out that Sergio took the money then Sergio will be toast (hopefully).

I enjoyed the aspect of Mariana being included in the plot to fool Don Loco. She even squeaked out a smile on that one. A quadriplegic playing a major role in the sting of the villain...I don't think I've seen that before but it's a great idea. I hope the writers don't screw it up because it could be brilliant.

Great idea to get the Tonkster in his own show!! I like it. They could call it Perro de Otoño, or Las Tres Caras de Tonky/Tonqui/Donkey the sweet little guard doggie, or Amor Perritos. All the people who have tortured Tonky in Duelo would get their just desserts in his show. Thelma would be tied to a fire hydrant while Tonky and all his buds parade by and... Well, you get my drift.

OMG, I just figure out what's in the box! It holds Soledad's letter to Elias along with all the other dropped and forgotten plot devices from this telenovela. That's gotta be it!!

I thought Soledad might have the box, because she locked something away in one episode...

That's right. Soledad locked something in the trunk in Mariana's room.

No...what Soledad locked away was any dignity she still had..Poof gone

Sylvia~~~As for the BOX, are you quite certain that it is not Justin Timberlake' THAT would be something, no?????


"the Tonkster" ROTFL! You always crack me up!

You know, I got to thinking about Orlando's failure to function. Here she is, all laid out there, no hassles, and he can't perform, even after trembling like a leaf in the wind while he undressed her. Kind of gives a new meaning to "Insensible a Tí" doesn't it?


Ha ha Susanlynn!!! I'm dying here! I hope it's not Justin Timberlake's "gift" in a box!! Didn't Justin and Andy's boxes have pretty little bows on them instead of hemp twine?

Schoolmarm, right you are about "Insensible a Ti." I sure am glad Carmel tanslated it for us. I'd say someone put that poor guy's bonfire out, and I quote:
"You can't light your bonfire anymore,
Now I'm cold to your caresses,
I'm indifferent to you"
Of course it doesn't help that Duhlina's passed out cold because of Thelma. Oops, the little plot backfired, didn't it?

It surely did not work out!


Duhlina! Great name! That's her, all right!

Regarding Orlando's uh, performance issues, my partner is a psychologist who works with sex offenders and he informs me that rapists often experience similar difficulties when committing their offences. I imagine the sense of humiliation and anger they would experience as a result fuels their violent offending behaviour.

So it may be that in this episode the writers allowed a little bit of reality to intrude for once-- even though it also conveniently reinforces the cliché plot point of preserving the innocent heroine's virginity at all costs.

Wow. Anonymous, that is very interesting. I wonder if the writers were actually familiar with this condition or whether they merely stumbled upon it? What you say, plus the mention of celotipia (pathological jealousy), earlier in the show might indicate that one (or more) of the writers might have a familiarity with, or done their homework on, these psychological conditions. I would find that refreshing, especially if they pursued these issues in the story lines.

Thank you for sharing your insight. It's truly fascinating.

Anon 12:27, thanks for adding that information. That would certainly make sense. Orlando does have a really sleazy, angry kind of personality. I bet he would fit the profile you mention.

Sylvia, that's a good point about the writers. They also studied up on traumatic brain injury enough to make it work for this plot, and someone has a pretty good handle on the kind of stroke that Mariana had. Hm. Maybe they aren't really television writers, but a frustrated bunch of MDs who needed a sabbatical and thought writing for a telenovela would be a good one.


I'm no psychiatrist, but Soledad's inabilty to mentally break free from Alvaro also seems kind of realistic to me.

Okay let me get this straight medically speaking the writing is kosher (or as kosher as you can be in a novela) but when it comes to intelligence, every one needs a time out with dunce caps. This takes suspending disbelief to new lengths.

Bingo, Marycelis.


To add to the cliches that kate mentioned: scene where heroine is in bed asleep sick or drugged and bad guy makes the hero think that they had sex when they didn't.

Yeah, that's a real telenovela touch, Margaret.


I saw that cliche in a Colunga novela and then when the girl gave birth to the baby who for novela purposes looked like FC, wanted nothing to do with either of them. I didn't like it then either.

I can't stand Sergio or Don Loco. Memo to Loco: You aren't attractive, witty, or funny at all. Just... disappear, lock yourself in a room, and imagine Soledad is there with her 50 imaginary lovers. That's all.
So, Santos was left in the freezing cold all night and he isn't:
A. Weak
B. Hungry
C. Sick
He just has amnesia, okay, really? I guess they ruled out the sick part because only Angel is allowed to get sick.
Orlando, maybe you can take raping classes from Castulo. I hear he's an expert in that area.

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