Thursday, April 19, 2007

Zorro Wednesday April 18, 2007: Where reports of Zorro's death seem premature.

Zorro is lying in the prison courtyard and everyone is muy impactado. In fact, they are all just kinda standing around, doing nothing. SAM is in his cell feeling sad about Zorro’s impending fate. Pizarro decides it is best to hit a man when he is down and makes a lunge toward Z with his sword. Suddenly the gitanos are spurned to action. They prevent Piza from following through and a melee ensues. Renzo and Piza get into a hand-to-hand combat and Piz tells Renzo that he will cut his head off just like he did to Miguel. Zorro leaps up, attacks Piza, and saves Renzo. Z is bleeding and then collapses again to the ground. Renzo returns the favor and saves Zorro from being killed. The gitanos and Zorro manage to escape back into the prison. Here they decide to split up. Jonas tells Renzo to take Sara Kali to the safe house, he’ll leave with another group to throw off the soldiers. Zorro tells them he’ll create a distraction here at the prison. Meanwhile, outside the blocked door, Pizarro is ordering the soldiers to get a canon. Piza has also figured out that the gitanos were after SK.

Zorro manages to hold off the soldiers while the gitanos escape. He is able to get away by throwing firebombs and blocking the prison exit. Back inside the prison, Piza makes a beeline straight to SK’s cell. He finds Auggie and Manny. They fill him in on the gypsy surprise attack and Piza tells them that they’ll pay for their ineptitude with their lives.

Zorro makes it to Tornado and tells him to return him back to the cave. Tornado, seemingly able to understand, heads toward home.

Montero finds out from the prison break from the soldier looking for Esmeralda. He starts to mentally put the pieces together---that Esme’s disappearance and the prison break are connected.

Fernando looks for Maria Pia and curses Sara Kali for all of his problems. He wonders how Almudena knew that SK was alive.

Away from prison, the gitanos fill SK in on how Zorro helped them with her escape. Bernardo meets the gitanos at the arranged spot. He gives Javier a note from Zorro. It says that Bernie, Diego’s servant, is here to help and is trustworthy. Bernie pretends he can’t hear---I assume this will come into play at a later point in the story. Bernie signs about Zorro and Javier fills him in on what happened. Bernie looks worried (ulcer-1).

In his prison cell, SAM observes that Monty’s luck is up.

Piza is briefing Monty. Monty is livid, how could she escape right under their noses. Piza tells him about the secret door, he has no idea how they found it. Monty is concerned about the soldiers keeping quiet, if the Viceroy hears about SK actually being at the prison and escaping the jig will be up. Monty says they have to get SK back. Monty gets in Piza’s face. I’m thinking Smithers likes the close proximity. Monty is pissed off, the VCR will for sure kill them when he finds out about SK. He wants to know how this all happened. Piza blames Zorro and speculates that the gitanos must have had some inside help because it all seemed easy for them. Monty writes up a game plan 1)Find the leak inside 2)Find Sara Kali 3) Kill Zorro. Piza tells Monty that Z was gravely injured in the fight at the prison. It looked bad, surely he's dead. Monty smiles his weasely smile. Now, he decides how to execute his plan. They are going to terrorize the city, they’ll make the peasants talk. He orders Piza to send some men to the de la Vega’s. He is sure that Diego and/or Alejandro had something to do with the evening’s events. Piza leaves and Monty says to himself, that with Zorro gone there is no one to stop him.

Esme and her mother are reunited in the safe house. SK has an amazingly large paddle lock on the back of her paper mache mask. The women embrace and express how happy they are to be together. There does not seem to be any rush to get that mask off. Finally, Esme tells her mother it is truly her day to be free---she’s got the key to the mask.

Zorro makes it to the Bat Cave.

Dolores and Juan are talking. She is afraid because she saw the shadow of a person go past the window, but when she looked no one was there (it was Olmos returning Mangle). She and Juan rehash the Indians and Al. Dolo worries about Al (ulcer-2).

Al’s meeting with White Buffalo. His shirt is now back on, so no view of his pecs. WB tells Al that Yumali and Purina (I know it’s not her name, but can’t help but calling her that) are sisters. Yumi is shocked….yep that because you slept with your dead sister’s husband, ICK.

Olmos is sitting in the cantina drinking away his blues. He is testy to the barmaid. He wonders what is happening and speculates that SK must be dead by now. He reveals to no one but the viewing audience that he is working for the Duke of Jacobo, who is back in Spain.

Which takes us to our next scene, in España. The Queen and the Duke are meeting. She comments how he is the second most powerful man in Spain, right behind her husband. The two discuss the colonial problems. The Queen wants to travel to the New World and the Duke is concerned about her safety.

Finally, Esme uses the key to free her mom’s face. Hermes finds a mirror. We see SK’s mug for the first time. It is a little red, but none the worse for the wear.

The soldiers arrive at the de la Vega home. Dolo tells them that both Al and Diego are out for the evening. After the soldiers leave, Dolo prays for Al and Diego because she is worried about them (ulcer-3).

Renzo and Javier do a little rehash. Renzo wants to talk with Esme and SK. Javi says give them some time alone.

Collapsed on the cave floor, Zorro has flashbacks to the day of his Zorro graduation. He manages to get up, leans against the cave wall (which looks like it is made out of snow) and leaves drops of blood behind.

WB and Al smoke a ridiculous looking pipe. Al wonders why the tribe made him believe that they have been wiped out all of these years. WB says that powerful people wanted them dead, so they thought it would be best to just stay hidden. WB asks about Tisha (little Diego) and asks how Yumi and Al met. They tell of how she was trying to kill Fernando and WB says that it was the one-eyed man who killed Regina-Purina. Al has his intense face, so intense I think his eyes were going to pop out of their socket.

Maria Pia and Dena are alone in one of the bedrooms in the Sanchez home (I’m sure their trip back from San Diego was equally as quick as their lightening speed journey there). They rehash the almost wedding and its interruption. Dena worries for Sara Kali (ulcer-4) and tells MP that they need to get out of there before Fernando returns….my question is this, why did you go to Fernando’s house in the first place!?!?! Fernando is home, is downstairs and is yelling for Dena. MP says she wants to talk to him and Dena advises her to give him time to cool down. Fernando bursts into the room. Dena tries to stop him and he pushes her out of the way, knocking her down and knocking her out. He drags MP out of the room (here is the point where his behavior is getting vile…..I’m not liking Fernando right about this point).

SK and Esme rehash how Fernando kept them apart and how he had SK locked up all these years. Esme asks her mom about her history and SK tells Esme that her mother, Esme’s grandmother, was rightfully the next in line for the Spanish crown. Esme is shocked. SK goes on to say that she never had an interest in the crown, but Fernando found out and has been blackmailing the Spanish court ever since.

Around town, the soldiers are attacking the citizens. They will search every house until they find what they are looking for. Piza announces to the people that there will be a reward for finding Zorro. One of his soldiers comes and tells Piza that the gitanos have left their camp, no one was there. All that remained was their stuff.

Mendez reports to Monty that Al and Diego were not home. Monty deduces that they must have been part of the prison break. He orders the soldiers to take over the de la Vega home and says that if Diego or Al return they are to be locked up as traitors to the Crown.

Zorro staggers around the cave. He is bleeding profusely and collapses on the ground.

MP is alone with Fernando and she calls him crazy. She tells him that she is sure that Dena did not make up the undead wife. She tells FS that he has lied to her time and time again. He says he had to lie to her because he HAD to get her to marry him. MP tells him that she never wants to see him again. FS grabs a pistol. She tells him to go ahead and kill her. In fact, she taunts him to do it. He tells her that it isn’t worth living without her and points the gun toward himself. She makes a grab for it and they struggle over the gun. Suddenly it goes off and by the look on Fernando’s face, it would seem that Maria Pia is the one with the bullet in her.

Renzo pledges himself to his queen, Sara Kali. He tells her that they owe it all to Zorro. Esme asks about Zorro and Renzo tells her that Pizarro shot him in the back. It appeared to be a mortal wound. We are treated to a close up of Esme and Bernardo’s faces. It appears they are seriously worried (ulcers- 4 & 5). END OF EPISODE/ Final Ulcer Count = 5


Purina! Love it!

Cathy - in the MPia and FS gun scene,I didn't hear the gun go off, and I replayed it several times. Did you hear it? The look on their faces made me think it happened. I'm hoping just fainted, or something else as non-fatal.

I don't know, but isn't it possible think that after 20 years in a helmet, in a dungeon, one might have head lice? Sara Kali's hair looked my mine (when I was younger and had long hair) would after a long HOT windy summer day & night outside at a concert in Texas. 24 hrs, not 20 years! (And no, I didn't have head, or any other kind of lice).

Zorro lives, identity intact and free! Yay!

Alejandro - lighten up! Just be glad she wasn't your lost daughter by Purina. That's what I was thinking.

Great recap!

As for Regina's Indian name, captions had two different spellings, Toypurni and Toipurni but Purina works for me. I think I've evem seen Yumi spelled Humalyi.

I was on the edge of my seat with this episode, anxious and worred about Zorro (add me to the ulcer count). especially when he hit his head on that rock, it looked like he hit it pretty hard.

I too thought the wall of the cave looked like snow.

So much for SK having a nice hairstyle under that mask. It looked like a rat's nest and she should get inspected for head lice I mean she's had that thing on for a while.

I wonder how is Diego going to make it to his room and isn't Mangle there? If she wakes up how's he going to explain his prescence or the secret door?

I read something on telenovela forum about Zorro being extended has anybody else heard/read that? I hope not, I am always afraid of novela extensions.

P.S. Alej is going to be spitting mad when he sees FS if he gets to see him again.

Thanks for the funny recap.

Montero must provide regular dental check-ups for his prisoners. I was afraid that whatever teeth Sara Kali might have left would look like baked beans after all these years. But, hey, her teeth look healthier than mine.

Marie from Mass

Great episode (I was anticipating all during my painting class) and great recap.

I'm with you Anya - I didn't hear the shot either. Either the gun didn't go off or there was bad sound editing.

This Queen of Spain thing is hilarious. First, I'm pretty sure that the Queen of Spain and the Queen of the Gypsies are the same actress. That would explain why SK had to wear the iron mask if anyone in California knew the Queen of Spain. It also continues the 'Man in the Iron Mask' parallel - he was a twin and a double of the king of France.

The idea that the Queen of Spain would be interested in her subjects in a place as remote as Alta California is pretty funny. All the Spanish Crown was interested in from the New World was what the colonies could produce especially in the way of precious metals.

Unless Zorro has one of these miraculous recoveries, even Montero might get suspicious about why Zorro gets shot and Diego is wounded.

Ulcer count - 6, counting mine.

I was surprised to see that Sara Kali actually had a bunch of white old skin-looking stuff on her face, at least they made an effort to make her look gross. Luckily for her it was only talcum powder so Esme was able to dab it off pretty quickly. I can tell you from experience, (casts on broken bones), it would take more than a few dabs of a hankie to clean off 20 yrs. worth of old skin. Also Sara and Hermes were locked in the sewer and the stinkiest part of the dungeon and nobody seems to notice the stench they must surely emit. Ah well, it's a TV show so there you are.

Jean, so right about the queen of Spain. Writers, give us a break please, like a major European monarch would want to make the grueling trip from Spain to Alta California, but I guess they have to get the "twins" together somehow.

Regarding the gunshot, I rewound a couple of times too. When I listened real hard, with my imagination turned on, I could make out a muffled sound that coincided with the music. I guess that was supposed to be the shot.

About the cave, I assume the white stuff is supposed to be calcium carbonite (limestone) or some such thing commonly found in caves in California (and probably elsewhere, but I have only been in California caves).

Great recap Cathy. Thanks for all your hard work! Hooray, Zorro lives one more day!!!

I watched the episode late last night, so it could very well be that the gun didn't go off, but I thought it sounded a little like a muffled gunshot (not that I've ever heard one myself, only on tv).

I also noticed SK's beautiful teeth and her rat's nest hair. I am glad they at least didn't have her hair all glam, which I was afraid they would do. I'm just glad that awful mask is history.

I wondered if the actress playing the Queen was the same as SK, but couldn't really tell for sure. I thought their voices were similar and so was their look. I also wondered why we were suddenly getting treated to scenes with the Queen. Perhaps so we can see the striking resemblence between her and SK.

I forgot about Diego hitting his head. Pobrecito. I hope he's okay.

I'm getting sick of Al and Yumi. Dena needs to dump his a*s and find herself a new man. BUT, I am interested to see how Al handles the news about Fernando killing Purina.

I am very disappointed in Fernando's behavior last night. Very disappointed.

Agreed, Fernando is a bad, bad man. I had hopes for him, but they have been dashed upon the rocks of reality. (Except that this is all make-believe.) Jean, you were right all along.

Finally, the mystery of Olmos' motivation has also been solved. He works for the Duke. With Esme knowing he betrayed her where does that leave Olmos now?

Cathy, what a great recap! Thanks! I heard the gun. I thought at first it might be FS, but it looks like it wasn't. Drat. Only the good get shot young.

Everyone's comments were terrific to read, too. Maybe I'll catch up by the weekend.


I was lurking about in yahoo telemundo zorro forum and I found some e-mails that might catch your eye

They usually post every now and then, Alej posts more continously at least once or twice a week and even stays to chat a little with posters about the novela and stuff. I name dropped Caray Caray so hopefully Alej will make a comment some day.

a little late but thanks for the great recap Cathy!

J.R. :)

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