Friday, May 18, 2007

Acorralada #88 5-17-07 Thursday – It's the Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance, My Friend!

Andres is still lying dead in Gaby's room, while Fidiota is telling everyone she shot Andres after he tried to rape Gaby. Gaby is inconsolable. Nancy goes downstairs and tells Diablo what happened.

The scene is still continuing among Bruno, Octopus, and Marfil. Marfil is playing the victim card, Bruno is hysterical that Debora is presumably dead, and Octopus has no expression whatsoever. Possibly her eyes are opened wider than normal. Octopus doesn't quite know what to make of this appalling story of twins changing places. Finally Octopus has had enough of Bruno and throws her out onto the street. Marfil is begging for Octopus' help in returning her to Maxi-Moron's side. Finally, Octopus agrees to help.

Andres is being rolled out in a body bag. The detectives are there and Fidiota is telling them she killed Andres. Little Doormat is still sobbing. The detective tries to ask Gaby something, but Fidiota says "What more do you want? I shot him myself!" The detective says "Bueno" and orders them to arrest Fidiota. Now both Diana and Gaby are sobbing. I kept expecting Gaby to tell everyone, "Don't take my mama!" but I guess she was too busy sobbing. Apparently Dimwit still has no idea.

Marfil is telling Isabel about what happened at Paco's Pesadilla. Bruno admitted to everything and Octopus agreed to help Marfil get Max back. Isabel asks what happened to Bruno.

Bruno is wandering the streets in her ugly black sweater, tweed skirt, and high-heeled black shoes. She is calling for Debora and her twins. She's clearly deranged. She then walks up to a palm tree and throws her arms around the trunk. "DEBORA!!!!" If I was Debora, I'd be insulted.

Back to Isabel and Marfil. They are toasting to the latest turn of events. Marfil wants to know where Andres is. He should be a part of their toast to success. Isabel has no idea. He went out and didn't say where he was going.

The cameraman/camerawoman is feeding the pigeons and filming them eating.

Fidiota is giving her statement to the police. She heard a noise from Gaby's room, went to investigate, saw that Andres was trying to rape Gaby, Gaby ran into the bathroom, and when Andres came after Fidiota, she grabbed one of her handy new guns and dusted him.

Diana walks into Gaby's room wearing a tight powder blue sweater-vest over a white blouse. It looks like the ugly twin of Max's too-tight powder blue sweater, minus the sleeves. Dimwit wants Little Doormat to come down and eat. Fidiota will be fine. Gaby is still sobbing. She manages to choke out "Gaviota is our…" but Dimwit is trying to placate her. Dimwit tells her to move forward, everything is going to be alright. Kind of like her telling Gaby, the day before, nothing will happen if they get guns.

The interrogation continues. At first Fidiota says the killing was an accident. Later she tells him Andres was worthless trash. The detective brings up the fact Fidiota did time for killing her husband. Nothing earth-shattering was revealed in the interrogation, despite the Orchestra of Doom kicking it up a notch. Commercial.

Octopus is wearing some sort of tight red jumpsuit from Frederick's of Hollywood. She's telling Paco about what transpired with Marfil. Paco is astounded. Octopus gathers up her keys to leave, telling Paco she's going to pay a visit to the nurse (Isabel) and see if Marfil's story is true. If it is, she's going bring Marfil to see Max.

Yolanda is at Maxi-Moron's bedside trying to talk him out of his hare-brained idea of marrying Camila. He doesn't love Camila. Max points out that Dimwit is still hitched with Diablo and he has no other choice. He needs Camila's eyes now that he's blind and useless. Perhaps he can take up painting. I'm sure the results would be as good as Diablo's handiwork.
Fidiota is taking up the one jail cell in all Miami. Not another soul in sight. Dimwit then comes to visit. Dimwit is going to get her the best attorney in the city. Nothing particularly exciting about this scene. More re-hashing of what happened the night before and Fidiota taking full responsibility. They mention something about her being a repeat offender, but still, nothing earth-shattering happens. Dimwit still doesn't know Fidiota is her mother.

Octopus is at Isabel's apartment. Apparently she now believes Marfil's tale of betrayal. Marfil wants to see Max, but Octopus tells her she needs to know something first.
Max is blind! Marfil is impactada and wants to know what happened. Octopus tells her Max was evicting Debora from the apartment and in a jealous rage, she threw something in his eyes. Marfil is aghast! "This time Debora went TOO far!"

Gaby is STILL sobbing in her room when Granny M comes a callin'. She tries to comfort Little Doorman who finally chokes out she knows Fidiota is her mother. Now we have quite the collection of violins playing a melancholy piece in the background. They briefly discuss that Fidiota was accused of killing her husband, but in reality, it was Octopus' husband who killed Little Doormat and Dimwit's dad. Finally Gaby fesses up that she's the one who killed Andres, not Fidiota. Granny M is impactada!

There's a knock at the door at Paco's. It's Dimwit coming to bring him some bad news. Fidiota is in jail. . .for killing a man! I think the powder blue vest has shrunk since I saw it a couple of scenes ago.

Octopus and Marfil are now at the hospital looking for Max. They run into Yolanda who's ready to call the police. Octopus talks her out of it and explains that Marfil has a twin, Debora, who is quite conveniently no longer walking the same planet. The whole sordid story gets repeated once again.

Paco comes to visit Fidiota in jail. He swears she's not going to spend the rest of her life in jail if he can help it. He grabs her hand through the jail cell and kisses it tenderly. Some singer is wailing in the background. I'm not sure if it's their love song, but you get the point. Paco has come to save his fair maiden.

Diana has come to the hospital to see Max. Yolanda stops her. She can't go into Max's room because Marfil's there. Dimwit gets all excited and wants to call the police. Big Doormat calms her down and we hear the story yet again. Dimwit asks, "Marfil has a twin named Debora? That name sounds familiar." Apparently our air-head amnesiac may be getting her memory back following the kidnapping.

Octopus is waking up Max. "You have a visitor. It's the real Marfil!" Max starts flipping out in the bed. We are treated to the same story for about the fifth time. Even with his head half bandaged, Max can still give us his best lemon-sucking impression! Commercial.

Maxi-Moron, Octopus, Marfil. We get the expanded version of the story. I'm not going to bother repeating it. If there are any new readers out there who want more information, send us a blog and we'll let you know. I suspect that anyone still watching this telenovela has seen it for awhile and knows it all by heart.

Yolanda and Dimwit are reiterating the story, YET AGAIN! Suddenly Dimwit has a flashback to when she was kidnapped. She now remembers Debora and Marfil are twins. The only problem is she can't remember who was responsible for the kidnapping. Yolanda breaks the sad news that Marfil has come back to reclaim her hubby. A glycerin tear of true dolor slips from our glassy-eyed heroine. Pobre de Dimwit.

Marfil is doing a great job of selling her role as a helpless victim. She and Max were BOTH Debora's victims. Max appears to be getting a headache just trying to digest what Marfil is telling him. You can definitely tell that he is Lunkhead's brother. He clearly needs a moment to digest this sensory overload! Commercial.

Gaby is, well, still sobbing. She can't let Fidiota pay for a crime that Fidiota didn't commit. Granny M tells her "That's what mothers do." Gaby gets increasingly hysterical until Granny M whaps her upside the head with a slap I could hear all the way across the country. Gaby can't live with herself knowing she has blood staining her hands. Pobre de Gaby. Finally she collapses in Granny M's arms and they both have a good cry.

Yolanda and Dimwit are continuing their little chat. Yolanda is asking her about the kidnapping, but Dimwit can't remember anything. Only that Marfil and Debora are twins.

Octopus excuses herself to get a cuppa Joe. Marfil is still pleading her pitiful case to Max. She wants to be his eyes, his life, his everything! Finally Max tells Marfil he doesn't know that things will ever return to where they were. Things have changed. He loves Diana. He and Diana have a love child. He will always love Diana. Marfil stands there, wearing the wide black belt of Fidiota's, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Credits roll along with her tears.


thank you for the recap but where is Wednesdays recap? i didnt really follow what happened because apparently wednesdays episode is not here, please help!

I saw Wednesday's episode in draft form, and thought others could see it as well. I hit publish by mistake after completing Thursday's episode. Sorry, Rachel. I'm sure Wednesday's episode will be posted in the next couple of days, if not before.

Thanks so much for your recap and your sense
of humor. I almost fell off my chair when you
said he could take up painting. Thanks again
for your work

Ha, ha, ha! Thanks, Karen. I can now skip watching this episode and move to Friday. But seriously, did Max just forget his proposal to Camila? Must be addled by all the information about the twins.

The worst show on tv just keeps getting "better".

Viva la estupidez!

why are you guys taking so long?? its been 3 days and no recap?

is this were it ends or does it continue how does it end please keep me posted!!!!

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