Monday, May 28, 2007

Acorralada #94 Friday 5/25/07 Silvia meets her men . . . oh, well, tune in tomorrow

Rehash of Diana and Fedora in the prison cell. Too late--Gaby has confessed.

Rehash of Max and Marfil's "deal."

Now the police detective is quizzing Gaby--he wonders why she didn't report the attack earlier and so on. More rehash.

Fedora and Diana come to visit. Why did Gaby confess? She couldn't bear the thought of sending her mom to jail for years, etc. Diana says we have to get a good lawyer, and Fedora says that she will do it.

Larry is preparing at the TV studio with his shirt off and he begins to undo his pants when, darn, the phone rings. Pilar is calling to tell him the news about the killer sirvienta. Gaby has him in her claws and she's a cold-blooded killer. His angelic Gaby has blood on her hands! This time Larry doesn't believe her.

Gaby is shown to her cell and sinks down, crying for Larry.

Silvia steals $2,000 from Iggy's room and jewelry from Camila, thereby making up her $3,000.
She can't wait for Panchi Panchi to hold her in her arms. Timbre de telefono! It's said Panchi, and he's craizy for her. She can't wait till tomorrow. He says why wait till tomorrow to see me--come today and bring the money. But where will they meet. He tells her he has a warehouse. She is horrified--it's in a bad neighborhood. But he says don't worry in his arms she'll forget all. She begins sounding crazy, and he says "que horror," and she says "what" and he makes a neat save by saying , oh no, I said what an "honor," to be the one to be your first. Finally, he says bring the money tonight and tomorrow You'll be the happiest girl in the world. So it now is apparent that Panchi has no intention of doing the deed. He's just going to take the money. But why would she be so stupid as to actually bring the money the day before? Even Silvia should have more smarts than that.

Caramelo and Emilio discuss Max and the factory. boring

Max comes in to work. He's going to stay on the job. He's looking for Diana and is concerned that she is not there.

Back at the Mansion, Diana and Fedora come home and tell the worried assemblage what happened. Granny M is impactada.

Caramelo tells Max about the arrest. He wants to call Diana. He says that now his work at the factory is more important than ever.

Diana and Fedora rehash. Nancy announces Larry. Diana says that now that they know she's their mother they are so happy, but their happiness is short lived, etc. Diana will speak to him. Fedora thinks of poor Gaby frightened in her cell.

Rene calls Yolanda.

Larry gets the story from Diana. He's angry--if only he had been there he would have taken care of that imbecil Andres.

Larry wants to visit, but he learns that there are no visitors allowed till the next day. It will be an eternity.

Rene talks to Yolanda some more. More rehash about how she's too old, no, yes, no. Boring. She agrees to meet him at the beach.

Silvia goes to Pancho's with the money. She wants a kiss, and he is trying to get rid of her. Too late--Paola comes in. Silvia makes some excuse about why she's puckering, and behind her head, Pancho waves his fingers in the international sign of a crazy person. Still, Paola wants her to stay and hang out! Pancho gets rid of her saying she's in a hurry. He and Paola exult over tomorrow's trip.

At the factory, Max is wearing a hideous maroon shirt with a tie in light pink, dark pink and purple stripes. This outfit is worse than the brown sweater, but it at least matches Diana's light pink Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress. They talk about whether he's going to work there or not.

At the cells, Larry visits Gaby. These are now the only characters I care about--them and Caramelo and Emilio. Well, also Lala and Granny DS. (I know that Karen likes Rene, and I agree he's cute, but the Yolanda/Rene story stinks.) She doesn't want him there--she's going away for 20 years. He says he would have killed that imbecil, but anyway, she will get off with self-defense. Even if she doesn't he will wait 20 years. She is still bothered by being a killer.
She tells him not to come back. (Larry makes no mention of his own recent stay in the cell. Doesn't he still have a trial for his accident with Kiki?) He's going to call the divorce lawyers and stop the proceedings (frene los tramites).

Back to Max and Diana. She actually smiles and says that of course he can work there. At least she's no longer faking her hate. Max says that while he was blind he had a lot of time to think and sees the world in a new way. In comes Fedora, and the orchestra of doom crescendos. She's shocked to see Max. (I thought she knew about this? Apparently she thought it was temporary, and she is now really enojada. No Irascible will work here--she demands that he leave, etc. The Irascibles are poison and will plot to damage the factory, etc.)

Silvia is now going to the warehouse--it is a real dump with a filthy mattress. Silvia has dressed for the occasion in her Marilyn Monroe dress from a few episodes back, white shoes, white ruffled anklets and a white wig. Also she has silver mascara on. This is just pathetic. It takes time for it to sink in that Pancho is a no-show.

Paola is telling Lala that they're going to Orlando. Lala wonders where her son got the dough. Paola wonders why Lala looks worried, but Lala says no--I'm just happy you're happy. Pancho comes in with the suitcase. Lala asks him where he got the money. He says he's been working here and there. Lala loooks dubious, but they leave anyway. Lala says she hopes Caramelo doesn't find out.

Diana is trying to explain to Fedora what a great job Max is doing, etc., but Fed isn't buying it. She says that president Dimwit has made a grave error and must correct it or she'll be dethroned. Fed leaves, and Max says that he doesn't want to cause problems between Diana and her mother. You know she's my mother? Diana is shocked. Now they have nothing to talk about. She proposes some visiting schedule for Maxito. Maximummo asks, but what about us. He flexes his biceps, and the maroon shirt is really too tight. She says they can't fight destiny, and she's leaving the way for Marfil.

Silvia is crying in the warehouse.

At the mansion, Nancy brings Caramelo's luggage for the trip. Emilio is there is a spiffy blue polo shirt and some cool sunglasses. He looks good. Caramelo is wearing a white tube top minidress. Diego rolls in and wonders where Emilio is going with his brother's wife. It's just a business trip, he is told, and butt out. He wants to know why Caramelo has to go. (Nancy is standing there through all this. Why doesn't she see what a jerk Diego is?)
Diego wants to know if Caramelo asked Pancho's permission to go. This is really the living end. Caramelo agrees, and asks him if Pancho asked her permission when he married another woman without getting a divorce. Stay out of your brother's affairs she says, and if he calls me, tell him to get out of my life.
Nancy says that to be fair, Pancho does ignore Caramelo. Well, they decide, it's better if Pancho doesn't find out. Readers, we know how long that will last.

Max is telling Diana not to ask him to love Marfil. Diego and Marfil have suffered, but that doesn't mean that they deserve to have Max and Diana suffer. She tells him to go to his office and work. Clearly, she's not following mom's instructions on employment. He says he will wait.

Yolanda and Rene meet on the beach. They kiss.

Max is talking to himself about how he can't forget. Marfil comes in. She kisses him, and he puts a little too much of his chomping action to work. Diana opens the sliding door and sees, but they don't see her. She sneaks out. Granny M comes in and asks why she is crying. They were going to see Gaby. Diana wants to know why it hurts to love.

More of Silvia crying.

More of Rene and Yolanda.,

Max pulls away from Marfil and tells her she shouldn't have come. But we have a deal, she says. Did Diana accept or reject you? Our relationship is dead, he says. She talks to the camera: With patience, you will come to my arms.


I think Kike dropped the charges...and a good thing because the medical records wouldn't have backed him up.

I think Max has some sort of disease where once a woman kisses him, he's paralyzed from the neck down and then starts having slow jaw spasms...which makes it look like he's kissing said woman back, but really, it's just his disease talking. I wonder if it happens with men too.

I wonder if it happens with men too.


And P.S. I will not watch and will certainly not recap any show that ever stars David Zepeda again.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for a December-May romance, along with Rene's dimple.

I thought Fidiota was aware Max was working at the factory as well. Perhaps she was drunk when they told her.

Now as for Sylvia. I actually feel sorry for her. I never thought I'd say that, but it disturbed me seeing her waiting for the Never-to-Arive Pachuco. At least she stole the $3K from Doc Evil and Camila.

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