Monday, May 28, 2007

Duelo Friday May 25 - Don Loco is the new boss of jail

I feel like I’ve been away for a loooong time. Nice to see that Alina still believes in tight low cut shirts.

We get the scene again where Dario grabs Alina and somehow the phone dialed and then fell to the floor.

Next, some tough guys tell Don Loco that they are here to ‘welcome’ him. He pulls out a wad of cash to pay them off. Not smart. “Hey you big group of tough guys, check out how much cash I have!” One guy goes for it, the leader of the pack says no way dude, the boss will not tolerate that. The guy who wants the cash says yeah, but this guy pays more than the boss. Don Loco tells them they should get a new boss (him) and be done with it.

Angel and Emiliooo discuss returning to Puebla for Angel to get more treatment. Angel hopes that he can see Alina, but doesn’t tell Emilioooo that of course.

Luba cries over a sleeping Gaspar and talks about his little baby looking so much like him. She really starts sobbing.

Emiliooo finds Santos working late, he tells him to go rest. He tells him that they are going to Puebla in the morning. Emiliooo tells Santos that he is jealous of his happiness with Rosita. Santos can’t believe that Emiliooo is jealous of him, but whiny Emiliooo explains how he wishes he could marry Alina and be happy forever. He loves her with all his soul. Awwww. Whatever.

Some guy who I guess is Rodrigo listens on his cell phone and is confused. Back at Coral’s mansion, the ladies are all tied up, straining against their bonds. Alina is also straining against her shirt. Coral dramatically proclaims that Dario will be sorry for what he has done. Let me start a cliché count – that’s 1 so far. Dario prances around the room being manly and villain-y. I’m not blaming it on his pink shirt, but his walk looks a little feminine, for lack of a better word. He looks a little light in his loafers. Perhaps Granillo should be involved here somehow? Dario tells Coral she has to sign some papers, I would guess to give the fortune to him, or he will start killing them one by one. Just then, Rodrigo busts in and rescues them, holding Dario at gunpoint while his buddies free the ladies. From their bonds, Alina is still straining against the shirt. That battle will continue for some time. Alina gets all weepy so that Rodrigo has to provide some one on one comforting.

Emilioooo stops at Alina’s grave on the way out of town to drop off some flowers and cry some more. He actually tries out a couple different facial expressions here, his crying face is that same constipated look that some of these actors get when they try to be sad or angry. He picks up the white cross, I see it says ‘Florecita’ on it. I hear a ton of voices in the background, but nobody shows up. Perhaps that was some behind the scenes error. Emilioooo weepily says “goodbye forever” and rides off.

Rodrigo shares some happy moments with his daughter before she goes to school. Cliché count #2 – the “studly guy is just a regular guy like you and me” routine. The servant comments how happy he looks, he denies being happy, “it’s just work.” I can’t hate the guy for having a spring in his step, even the best of us can get distracted and carried away with too much exposure to a tight low cut shirt.

Orlando talks to himself about how he’s going to get back at Thelma. The doorbell rings, it is his army buddies, who grab him up and tell him he’s under arrest on orders from the general, who will explain the charges.

Gaspar wakes up and wants to know what happened. He wants to see his baby. Luba tells him that Emiliooo took the baby away already. Gaspar runs off to catch them.

Angel, Thelma, SA, and the baby all get into the carriage. Finally Emiliooo says goodbye to Santos, Vera, and Mexican Larry, then he gets into the carriage and off they go, right into a commercial.

Another great Asi es la Vida commercial. I have no interest in watching the show, but I love the commercials.

Puebla jail – the guard tells Don Loco he has a visitor. Strange, the guy just lets DL out of the cell without handcuffing him or anything. The visitor turns out to be Hugo, all dressed up like Forrest Gump, with a straw hat and everything. Either that, or he got lost on the way to filming the Mexican version of Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? DL stares at him while Hugo grins like an idiot.

Mexican Larry confronts Gaspar on the lawn outside of the house. ML tells Gaspar that everyone left already. Gaspar runs off to try and catch up with them. I was expecting to hear some six million dollar man music or something, or the effect when Clark runs real fast on Smallville. But no, nothing like that. Just Gaspar running out of some trees and yelling, then falling down. Nobody in the carriage hears him. HA – inside the carriage Thelma is sitting next to Angel, she’s talking to the baby and Angel coughs. She shoots him a dirty look and tries to scoot away. Emiliooo tries to look dramatic as he thinks. Gaspar continues to chase, then falls to his knees and screams out loud, just like Andy in The Shawshank Redemption when he finally breaks out of jail and tears his clothes off in the river and lets the rain fall on him. If some rain fell on Gaspar right now, that would have been awesome.

Turns out Hugo isn’t wearing a straw hat, it’s just a cowboy hat with the sides almost perfectly flat, I got fooled in my quick look before. DL wants to wring his neck, but the guard stops him. Hugo proposes that for a sizable chunk of DL’s wealth and estate, Hugo will in return testify on DL’s behalf. DL says no way. Hugo says fine, he’ll testify against him then. He mentions some specific crimes he’ll be sure to bring up later.

Luba finds Gaspar and tries to comfort him. She tells him about the baby, but I’m not sure how that’s supposed to make him feel better, that would only make him miss him more. Luba says forget the baby, we’ll never see him again. Gaspar won’t give up. Gaspar does a good job of blubbering all snotty and drooly, very convincing.

Vera is happy for Santos and his new job. Mexican Larry tells him that there is a lawyer here from Puebla looking for Don Max, Santos says he’ll see him. The lawyer is surprised that Max doesn’t work there any more, he thought Max was the owner. Santos tells him that Max was stealing. The lawyer is happy to hear it, somehow this helps him in whatever he’s trying to do, I didn’t quite understand that part. He smiles a slimy smile.

Hugo and DL have some conversation that I didn’t understand at ALL, and my dictionary Mrs. Ferro isn’t close by to consult. DL said something negative to Hugo, who laughed and said that’s the donkey talking about ears, like the pot calling the kettle black, then I didn’t get the rest. I think DL is going to have to give in to Hugo’s demands, he’s just going to piss and moan first.

Rodrigo tells Alina that he was just doing his job. Alina wants him to talk to her como tu, not formally. He starts flirting with her. She says something about a story and he asks to hear it. Also, Alina is doing battle with a different color of the same shirt today.

Soledad and Coral walk into another room and Soledad says please God let Alina forget about that loser Emiliooo and fall in love with this guy. Coral agrees. Maybe they will decide Alina’s life for her like the brothers Montellano did previously.

Apparently DL has given in, Hugo tells him that Alfonsina will testify for him as well. “Oh wait,” he says, “one more thing – remember that cofre? Yeah that. I saw what was in it. But never mind, that can wait until later. Have a GREAT night!” Ha that was awesome, he really twisted the knife in DL’s side with that. DL looks like he got punched in the gut, he mumbles about the cofre. Also, Cliché count 3 – in his mumbling, he says “If he thinks etc etc, he is wrong, dead wrong!”

The general tells Orlando how disappointed he is, Orlando tries to make excuses, blaming it on Emilioooo hating him, he’s out to get him. Orlando wants to confront Emiliooo, the general says that isn’t necessary, he knows another person who can confirm the accusation. Orlando wants to know who. I imagine this will all lead to Orlando having to confess that he couldn’t get it up and never raped Alina after all, thus leaving her a pure virgin and worthy of marriage to Emiliooo, who by the way has screwed every chick in sight over the last few years. Somehow that is supposed to make sense I guess. Whatever, it will be cool to see Orlando have to admit he couldn’t perform.

Alina doesn’t want to tell Rodrigo her story, too much pain. He understands, he says. She wants to know if he is married. He has a flashback to driving with a woman in a car, then there are some screeching tires, horns honking, he’s tired and rubbing his eyes, then he falls asleep at the wheel and runs into the other lane on the highway, he ends up getting stuck between the guardrail and a semi truck. Obviously, this his how the wife died. Back in the present, he tells Alina that he doesn’t want to tell his story either.

The general won’t tell Orlando who the other person is. Orlando is now under arrest.

Coral and Soledad talk business. Soledad says someday she will repay Coral, someday when she gets her own money back.

Gaspar packs a bag to run off after his kid. Luba tries to stop him. He claims that he sees a rat, that distracts her, then he runs out. I can’t believe she fell for it. Oh – related story – yesterday my wife, son, and I went to Rockford, IL to visit my grandpa, as well as my parents who were also visiting. When we got to town we first went to the Burpee Natural History Museum, where they have a skeleton of Jane, a juvenile T-Rex who was found in Montana a few years back. After looking at that, we went into the snack bar to get something to eat. When my seven year old son went to throw something in the garbage, he glanced into the recycling bin and started freaking out, he said “A mouse!” I was out of the room in about .005 seconds. I am a complete and total wuss when it comes to rodents. The girl who worked at the museum apparently has a pet mouse so she wasn’t afraid, she went and rescued the mouse and set it free outside. Bleah my toes are curling now just thinking about it. Anyway, I thought it was funny that Gaspar saying ‘rat’ made Luba go look for it, when if it was me I would have been sprinting the other direction. True story.

Mexican Larry and Vera talk about how great Santos is. Then he leaves to go talk to the people to get them to start a lynching party to go after Luba for causing Alina’s death.

Rodrigo takes a phone call. Ugh he and Alina are being sickeningly sweet with each other. Barf. It’s the general on the phone, to talk to Alina. He wants Alina to come to the office and file a complaint against Orlando. Rodrigo wants to know what she accuses him of, surprisingly Alina admits it right away, that Orlando raped her. Despite the complete lack of physical evidence and despite her having no memory of it happening. I’ve never heard of a rape accusation stemming solely from the alleged rapist claiming to have done it and nothing else. Even confessed killers get turned away if there isn’t any evidence of whatever murder they claimed to have committed. Remember the creepy guy who claimed to have killed JonBenet Ramsey? He got sprung, the evidence didn’t fit. Yes, I have been watching a lot of the CSI shows lately. If you aren’t watching them, why not? They are AWESOME. Anyway Rodrigo gets all impactado at the news from Alina, like now he doesn’t see her the same way. Grow up loser.

Luba chases Gaspar down a dirt trail, trying to get him to come back. Donkey is there too, just hanging out, not choosing sides. Suddenly they are confronted by Mexican Larry, who has a big gun slung across the saddle of his horse. He wants to know where they are going.

Rodrigo says he can’t believe there are men like that in the world. Well, maybe he isn’t blaming Alina for it after all, we’ll see if his interest in her wanes. She says she can’t forget the shame of it all, he says he’ll help her forget. I guess he’ll be ok with her after all. He wants to take the sadness out of her eyes.

Orlando claims that what is happening is an injustice. His guard gives orders to clean up the horses and some other stuff. Cliché count 4 – villain tells his evil plan out loud to no one. Orlando says to the air that he can’t wait to be face to face with Emiliooo and spill all of Thelma’s secrets.

Luba ably defends Gaspar and tells off ML. ML finally accuses her of killing Alina with green venom, does she deny it? For now, she just juts her chin out at him.

Rodrigo tells Alina that she looks better, she says she feels better. Still battling with that shirt, but feeling better. She says that talking with him helps her, he says at least he’s good for something, huh? Uh yeah dude, that and SAVING HER LIFE. Don’t get all self-deprecating and putting yourself down to appear humble just to try and get that shirt off. You are a badass soldier, you are a sickeningly sweet father and nice guy. You are going to get together with Alejandro from Heridas de Amor later and read poetry. You are Cliché count 5 – guy who is way too perfect to be believable. Don’t talk down about yourself. Rodrigo is going to leave, but Coral appears and stops him, saying that he surely isn’t going to leave Alina here alone, is he? He takes this opportunity to invite her to dinner. She is an idiot, so she keeps saying no, even with Coral and Rodrigo saying over and over “come on, you really should, live your life like before, c’maaaaan.” Finally Rodrigo says well, she must not want to go with HIM, that’s the problem. She says of course not, como crees, ok fine I’ll go. Well played, Rodrigo. I was all over you for taking that angle but you have immediately proven me wrong. The self-deprecation may be your ticket into tight shirt land after all. Nice work. Everyone grins like idiots.

Luba tries to play dumb, but Gaspar spills about what green venom he’s talking about. She finally runs ML off by threatening to put a hex on him. He swears to be back with some others to back him up. Maybe he’ll find some more gold chains while he’s at it. Luba says she isn’t afraid. Gaspar asks her after that, you aren’t really a bad witch are you? She says no. She wants to go home, but he says no and runs off after the baby. She decides she has to help him.

The lawyer that was looking for Max checks into a hotel. As he turns to walk away, who should walk up but Max himself. The lawyer introduces himself as Don Loco’s lawyer, Max is very pleased to meet him.

Alina tells her mother that she’s going to go to dinner with Rodrigo, Soledad starts in on her immediately about forgetting Emiliooo. Soledad is a dummy, she’s pushing too much too fast.

Max tells the lawyer that he is innocent of what Emilioo accuses him of. He says tragically the hacienda account books were burned up so there is no evidence of right or wrong. The lawyer nods knowingly. They decide to head off to Puebla and see how they can help Don Loco.

I see from the commercials that La Fea is in ultimos capitulos – somehow I thought that show would be on forever. It was actually a bit alarming to see that it is ending. It may allow my wife to have her life back though, for that show to end. Unless she gets sucked into the next one.

DL gives some guy cash in the wood shop, to pay the other thugs and make them his own crew. Just to show he’s the boss, he sends the guy off to buy him some smokes. Some other guy comes up saying small world DL, I knew I’d run into you here. The guy apparently worked for DL previously and got busted during that work and sent to prison. He accuses DL of being at fault for it, DL says no way, then tells him to sleep with one eye open. The guy sasses back, DL punches him out and leaves him on the floor. The guard by the door just looks the other way.

SA is VERY glad to be home. This is the biggest smile on her I’ve ever seen, and she’s a smiley one. Emiliooo says he’s tired and then turns down Thelma’s offer of a massage. She puts on a great happy mother act in the presence of others. After everyone leaves and Angel is alone, he thinks out loud to the air about how he needs to figure out how to find Alina. The captions call her Elena. Doesn’t the same person/people make these captions each day? How could, after all this time, that person suddenly just write ‘Elena’? This must be bargain basement caption writers. I need to see if I can get my wife a job writing captions from home, that would be a great work from home job.

In the prison yard DL tells one of his thugs about the guy he’s having trouble with and wants him handled.

Elias reads a book and beats himself up for falling for Soledad again, feeling very sorry for himself. The doorbell rings, it’s Angel, looking for Alina. At the mention of her name, Elias is super slo-mo end of show impactado.

Monday – Alina does battle with a tight low cut dress as she heads out to dinner with Rodrigo. As they leave, wet dog looking Angel shows up. Alina reacts like he is some ex-boyfriend, which leaves Rodrigo looking extra confused. That dude has no idea what he’s getting himself into.


“I feel like I’ve been away for a loooong time. Nice to see that Alina still believes in tight low cut shirts.” Hey, Chris, we’re glad you’re back (it hasn’t been so long, though)! You’re still in fine form, I see, sharp wit just as honed as ever—thanks for the wonderful recap!

“Next, some tough guys tell Don Loco that they are here to ‘welcome’ him. He pulls out a wad of cash to pay them off. Not smart.” That’s our Don “Tonto” Loco. He’s always one step ahead. Or one step some direction or other.

“whiny Emiliooo explains how he wishes he could marry Alina and be happy forever” Yeah. Sigh. He’s made a lot of paradigm shifts and character improvements, but it’s still about him sometimes. He couldn’t just be happy for Santos.

I want to know how Rodrigo got there so fast after overhearing the conversation on the phone. He must have a superhero suit under the uniform.

“He picks up the white cross, I see it says ‘Florecita’ on it. I hear a ton of voices in the background, but nobody shows up. Perhaps that was some behind the scenes error.” Yeah, that was pretty weird and meaningless, wasn’t it? Will anyone miss the editing on this show?

“Orlando talks to himself about how he’s going to get back at Thelma. The doorbell rings, it is his army buddies, who grab him up and tell him he’s under arrest on orders from the general, who will explain the charges.” Hip, hip, hooray! Three cheers for the Army arriving just in time!

Hugo’s parting remarks to DL were terrific. He really is a mean son of a buck. (I watched Gasca die yesterday on my DVD of Alborada. Very interesting to see him in a couple of roles in the same weekend).

“it will be cool to see Orlando have to admit he couldn’t perform.” Yeah! He’s such a slimeball, I hope he has to do this in open court.

“The girl who worked at the museum apparently has a pet mouse so she wasn’t afraid, she went and rescued the mouse and set it free outside. Bleah my toes are curling now just thinking about it.” This is just amazing, coming from a guy who seems so macho in print. But, I hate mice, too. We catch about three every winter in this big, old farmhouse where we live. That’s hubby’s job. If he couldn’t do it, I’d be sunk. You better get Mrs. Ferro trained just in case you ever end up with a field mouse in your house (or your son). It works better in the long run to get them out than “sprint” the other direction every time one shoots by you in the house (especially between your feet), Chris.


“Orlando says to the air that he can’t wait to be face to face with Emiliooo and spill all of Thelma’s secrets.” Hear, hear! I’ll second that. I think Emilio needs to know. And Orlando still needs to be punished.

Chris, for what it’s worth, final episodes or no for LFMB, we’ll probably all get sucked into the next one. Why? Because it is there.

The guy DL met in prison is the local cop he had bought to keep everyone in control in Sierra Esc (San Mateo cop, I think). Little did he realize that DL would turn on him as soon as they ended up in the clink together.

“The captions call her Elena. Doesn’t the same person/people make these captions each day? How could, after all this time, that person suddenly just write ‘Elena’? This must be bargain basement caption writers. I need to see if I can get my wife a job writing captions from home, that would be a great work from home job.” Chris, that is exactly right, different people caption different programs. They don’t all do their homework beforehand, either, like going to Esmas and reading the cast list. They don’t necessarily have a script, either, and are working from what they hear (the production company sometimes won’t give the scripts. Remember that this is coming into the US and is getting captioned here for Univision out of Miami or wherever by US standards but there is no mandate in Mexico as far as I know for closed captions on the programs, so they don’t come captioned from Mexico). To be a captioner requires several years of training similar to court reporter, usually. But you are so right that there are some bargain basement CC contractors. That’s why caption quality varies so much from program to program and network to network.

“Monday – Alina does battle with a tight low cut dress as she heads out to dinner with Rodrigo. As they leave, wet dog looking Angel shows up.” You have such a great eye for the details, Chris. You never miss the really important stuff. We all appreciate it…..


By the way, Chris, Mrs. F could learn how to be a court reporter and then caption, do court reporting, and transcribe at home. She could also do "CART" which is something for deaf folks (Computer assisted real-time captioning) for meetings. They may a bundle for each hour they work, in your area I am guessing about $50 and up, and determine their own hours. There is a lot of work to be done and usually not enough people to do it. But, she has to get the training first.


What a great recap! You had me cracking up throughout, especially the parts with Alina doing battle against her shirts. That's funny stuff.

Wasn't that background noise weird when Emilio was at the grave? I thought maybe it was something wrong with my sound.

I really like the scenes when Luba and Gaspar interact. They have good chemistry and seem to enjoy hamming it up.

The conversation between Hugo and DonLoco was very odd. It consisted of dichos/proverbs that they kind of slung back and forth at each other. The last thing DonLoco said was one that I hadn't ever heard so I looked it up. He said he knew that sooner or later "me iba a encontrar con la horma de mi zapato" which translates directly to "I would meet the pattern/form of my shoe" but means "sooner or later I knew I would meet my match."

I know this Hugo isn't a hunk like the first Hugo, but he's a much better actor and a great villain. Jeanne, wasn't his death in Alborada like the best villain death ever? It was disgustingly graphic, I could barely stand to watch it.

Ha ha, Chris I loved your mouse story!

Great recap Chris, welcome back!!

Sylvia, you are so right that Alborada demise of Gasca was spectacular. I couldn't stand to watch it, either, so I kept peering between my fingers. I felt like a ten-year old but I saw it without getting too nauseated to stay on the treadmill. I had never seen a garrote like that and didn't know they existed, but it makes sense given the times. Eeew. The director did a great job with that and Arturo Peniche did a great death scene. Gasca's death, though, will never be equalled in telenovelas.

Also, thanks for the translation of that phrase (met my match). That's handy.


Chris, you made a really pretty dull episode extremely funny as usual with all the asides about cliches, tight shirts and mice!

I have a feeling that DL's mistreatment of his old pal, the police official could come back to haunt him. After all, who better to relate your crimes than the guy who covered them up?

Rodrigo is a good looking guy but he has worse acting ability than Emilio. The scene where he and his wife get in the accident was so poorly acted and so speeded up in time it reminded me of toonces the driving cat that old skit on Saturday Night Live.

I was actually bumming that Orlando got arrested. He just got proof that Gaspar is the baby-daddy and then they grab him up.

The thing with Max and the lawyer seemed pretty clear to me. Emilio is the main accuser, he's the guy who has been shot, after all. You'd think that Emilio's uncle would be biased in favor of him but when the Lawyer finds out that Emilio canned him and kicked him to the curb, he figures his chances of getting him to testify against Emilio have just gone up strataspherically.

"Emiliooo tries to look dramatic as he thinks." Haaa haaa! Very funny recap as always. Welcome back to you!

I keep thinking it would be fun to see the first Hugo playing some of these scenes with Don Loco. He would be much more of a physical threat to Mr. Loco, anyway. But I'm used to the new Hugo now and he is good.

Funny recap! It's so nice to get a male perspective on this show!

I loved how you describe Emiliooooo's constipated look! He does look like he's straining too much in the acting department! Hee Hee!

ROFL!! Eight tight shirtland references and one tight dress, total. LOLOL!!!

Welcome back to DueloLand, Chris, we missed you! Not having seen it, I want Alina to get the nice guy, not constipated Emilioooo, but we know that's not possible. I'd like, for once, if the lousy lead would lose the girl.

Haaaaa Toonces the driving cat - I didn't think of that at all but it's perfect. I couldn't think of any better way to describe that scene.

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