Wednesday, May 09, 2007

¡Ay! Gaviota Lyrics/edited, per Univision Production Crewmember

I edited a couple necessary corrections upon proof-reading. Per my earlier post, I finally have (courtesy of the Univision DA production staff on the DA foro there) gotten all the words for the ¡Ay! Gaviota song. There is a second verse and a second, different chorus/refrain to it. I again emphasize it is rather literal because I am no Spanish poetry scholar, nor to the idioma born. If it needs some redefining by a true bi-lingual, then by all means, it will be appreciated. Their remarks to their fans follow afterward.

¡Ay! Gaviota

estrofa uno/ verse 1
Rodeada de silencio y desamor, de cosas que no olvida el corazon.
Unsuspecting of silence and (cold) indifference, of things that the heart does not forget

La vida se me quebra en mil pedazos, cuando tus recuerdos me atormentan la razon.
Life is broken into a thousand pieces for me, when your memories torment my mind

Quisiera yo inventarme una mentira, que lo que nos tuvimos no fue amor.
I would like to invent a lie for myself that whatever we had together for us was not love

Que fue una mala bromo del destino, y que entregarme cuerpo y alma fue un error.
That it was a wicked (cruel) trick of fate and that surrendering myself in body and soul was an error

Ay Gaviota, tu sigues creyendo, que el amor regresara a tu corazon
Ay Gaviota, you continue trusting that love will return to your heart

Que sus brazos no se volvieron cadenas y que es tan solo un espejismo su tracion.
That his arms did not turn into chains and that his betrayal was only an illusion

Ay Gaviota, de una vez por todas, aprende que en las cosas del amor
Ay! Gaviota! Once and for all learn that in affairs of love

Lo que un dia se tiene otro se pierde, y los recuerdos se convierten en prision.
What you have one day is lost another, and memories become a prison

Ay Gaviota, Ay
Ay Gaviota, Uuuuuh
Ay Gaviota, Ay
Ay Gaviota, Uuuuuh

estrofa dos/ verse 2
Quisiera yo quedarme asi dormida
I would like to remain asleep like this

y verme entre la noche y no saber
and to see myself between the night and not knowing

que existes, si que estas tal vez con otra
that you live, that perhaps you really are with another woman who does not love you,
que no te quiere ni de lejos como yo
not even from a distance as I do

segundo coro/ second chorus
Ay Gaviota tu sigues creyendo que el amor regresara a tu corazon
Ay Gaviota, you continue trusting that love will return to your heart

Que sus besos no se volvieron espinas y que es tan solo un espejismo su trahicion
That his kisses did not turn into thorns and that his betrayal was only an illusion

A y Gaviota, de una vez por todas, aprende que en la cosas del amor
Ay Gaviota, you continue trusting that love will return to your heart

Cuando pierdes otra gana y arrebata, sin importale ni siquiera tu dolor
When you lose another woman wins and grabs, without your pain even mattering to her

Ay Gaviota, Ay
Ay Gaviota, Uuuuh
Ay Gaviota, Ay
Ay Gaviota, Uuuuh
Ay Gaviota, Ay
Ay Gaviota, Uuuuh

"Muchas gracias por tu valioso comentario, nos es grato saber que estés viendo la telenovela y que te esté gustando, ya que nuestro principal objetivo es proporcionar entretenimiento al público."**~*~** Thankyou very much for your worthwhile comentary, it is pleasant for us to know that you might be watching the telenovela and that you might be enjoying it, since our principal objective is to share entertainment with the public. (As left on a 4/15/07 post to the fans of DA by someone at Univision Productions......)


Thanks! What a great surprise!

Awesome! Muchisimas gracias.

Thanks for the lyrics. It is such a beautiful song.

You're all welcome! I was thrilled myself, and the fact that the production people cared enough about their fans to help out a poster who could not remember most of the words was totally unprecedented for me.

Thanks so much for these lyrics and translation Jardinera.



Hi! I'm Polish. I love this song,too! I love Angelica Rivera,Eduardo Yanez, and Anna Martin! I adore DESTILANDO AMOR! I'm a big fan! THE BIGGEST! Greetings for "Gaviotita", "Rodrigo" and "Clarita" ♥ As they say in Poland: Kocham, Całuję i Pozdrawiam gorąco!

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