Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Destilando 5/2 - it's either brooding/sulking or gloating.

After lying to Rodrigo ("You've reached the International House of Chicken Soup") Gav hangs up and gasps a bit. Maybe the huge number of lies she's been telling lately are starting to tell on her. Her mom Clarita is indignant, Gav shouldn't have called. Gav promises, if he's not free I'll bury my longing. "While you're at it, bury the phone so you aren't tempted to call again," sez ma.

Rod works up the farm production balance sheet. He writes to his Granny - he has to talk out loud while he writes, his tongue hangs out a little, maybe he's using a crayon - saying he doesn't have the nerve to face her and the rest of the family since he's sure they're preparing to ream him out. And in fact he's going to abandon the farm and the land he loves...

Well in stomps Granny, she's come to visit. He cries yet again. "I'm not a coward, but I've defrauded you, I've committed error after error, I'm in a dark hole and I can't get out," etc. She says he's her most loved grandchild. They have the usual conversation (her: "Stay with Isa your wife," him: "I only love Gaviota").

It turns out Isadora is standing right outside the door waiting to give him another chance.

Granny Pilar and Sofia rush right back into their private jet so they'll get back to the city in time for the big meeting. Isa and Rod kinda make up, his lame offer being: "You know I love another, but if you stay I'll do the best I can, and maybe things will get better day by day." This is good enough for her.

Lying in bed she calls her mom and gloats, "I won't be coming to NYC with you, I'll be here at the hacienda with my hubby." Sigh.

There are a couple scenes of her coming on to him in bed. She gives him kisses but when she looks away he sulks and wipes them off. [I think the creators of this show honestly believe this dead straight polyester white hair is a turn-on, but how wrong they are. --Ed.]

Gav nags her computer professor mercilessly, she made him stay up all night to help her and she's mad that the numbers aren't all crunched, but then ok, finally the report is ready.

I suppose in return he gets a hair flip and a perky smile -- not enough in my book.

In his office, Aaron is throwing things and clenching his jaw and gnashing his teeth about Mariana Franco, Spy. She's late coming in, and Elvira gloats because when she calls the home phone number Mariana gave them, Mariana doesn't live there! Aaron's mad at Mariana but that doesn't make him dislike Elvira any less.

Mariana/Gav arrives! With an armful of notebooks! Aaron calls her a vile imposter and tears up one of her notebooks and throws it on the floor in a rage. She gathers it up and gives him the 2-minute precis of her study of the feasibility of Turquoise Tequila.

In the meeting room, Minerva is gloating: Aaron is at that very moment, no doubt, reaming out that foul Industrial Spy. Some around the table think Minerva's seen too many espionage movies.

They all gossip a bit about Rod's reconciliation with Isa while they wait for Aaron's arrival. Some are happy and gloating at the news: "No doubt there'll be an announcement of a new little Montalvo varon soon!" Others sulk and gnash. Elvira brings little treats and cheerily says "Aaron is killing his secretary, he'll be here soon."

Aaron and Gav emerge from his office; he asks Gav to call the hacienda and get Rod on the horn.

Unfortunately, Isa answers! Gav: "It's the corporation for Señor Montalvo." Isa: "Mi amorrrrr! Phone!"

Of course Gav is muy impactada. She hands the phone to Aaron and while she eavesdrops avidly, Aaron snidely snickers to his cousin: "Oh, you slept better, did you? Must be that HEH HEH marital reconciliation of yours HEH HEH." Gav has to go off and drop a few picturesque tears.

To sum up the boardroom scene: Minerva's hoped-for bloodbath does not occur. Aaron introduces Mariana/Gav and she passes out her notebooks. ("My wife and my mother don't need copies," he says.)

She gives a talk about marketing Turquoise Tequila, which will cost $2,000 a bottle (said bottle being encrusted with silver and turquoise). All are impressed. Aaron sticks it to Minerva: "And Minerva, yes, as you requested I'm putting Mariana in her place. As of now she's not my secretary." Pause for Minerva to gloat and Gaviota to look surprised/indignant. "With this new initiative, I'll be out of the country and traveling a lot, so I'll need somebody here to take my place. Mariana will be the Assistant Director."

Minerva flounces out, furious. The others congratulate Gav for work well done. On the way out, Granny asks: "Which branch of the Francos are you with? Who's your dad?" Gav has to trot out some more lies. They'll do for now. Granny, to all: "We can trust Mariana, she comes from a very good family."

Rod shows Isa the tequila factory, boy does she think that's really great. "Really? I thought you wouldn't be interested." "Well, frankly, I used to think it was boring, but now it fascinates me."

Then he takes her out to the fields. Hilario is not so happy to see her and she says: "Hilario doesn't seem that happy to see me." "I am but a humble worker on this farm and you are the wife of the owner." She and Rod leave, arm in arm, as Hilario glowers at the retreating backside of the woman he wanted even before he chowed down some of that gol-darned love potion and boinked her.

Minerva calls Isa to yell about Mariana. Isa: "Minerva, I'll give you the same counsel you gave me: be patient!" "NO!" "Be calm, for the baby's sake." "If it weren't for the baby, I think Aaron would divorce me."

Later that night Aaron is sulking in bed. "Are you still mad at me?" "I'm tired of your sick jealousy, your paranoia." "Don't yell at me, the baby doesn't like it." He stuffs a pillow between the two of them and sulks in the dark.

Meanwhile, his redheaded squeeze Pamela is dreamily remembering their illicit weekend. Her mom asks who she went with. "You really want to know? You aren't going to like it." They rehash: Pamela had disappeared from Aaron's life but then decided to reappear, he's married and his wife is pregnant. The mom then mysteriously says, "Because of your Condition you act impulsively. Don't add ANOTHER complication to your life." "I won't see him ever again."

Isa, again, strokes Rod in his sleep. He grunts unwelcomingly. "I want him to have the same passion for me that he has for the odious farmworker."

Gav tells her mom about Pilar's genealogical inquiries and decides the only way to cover her tracks is to change her name legally to Mariana Franco: "Gaviota and Teresa will be buried in oblivion."

Later, brooding and sulking in her jammies, she calls herself a taruga (blockhead) for pining over Rodrigo, who has obviously betrayed her by sleeping with his wife.


Thanks for the recap - I actually missed the part where Aaron named "Mariana" as Assistant Director, so that took me by surprise!

Did anyone else have the same "Gone With the Wind" flashback that I had when Minerva was standing at the top of an impressive-looking flight of stairs? Those stairs were *made* for pregnant-woman accidents.

Elvira is so pathetic. "I picked out all the snacks for each of you." Gag. Why hasn't Aaron fired her yet?

haha Elivra thought she was doing big things with the montalvo snacks. little did she know- they feast on money

thanks for the recap! it was a nice study break

Proposed plot twist:

Icedora discovers that she's pregnant, and Rodrigoo agrees to pretend that the baby is his. Icedora develops an insatiable craving for chicken soup. But not just any chicken soup: it has to be international chicken soup. Fortunately, Rowdy Roddy knows just where to find the stuff...

Thanks for summary, Melinama.

Well I'm happy Minnie is angry but mad at the Rod/Isa reunion. The Aaron/Pamela storyline is compelling.

Melinama, I have a question. On days when life happens for the recaps could someone start a thread as you did on Monday? Lately I'm looking for opportunities to procrastinate but if you feel people will be offended by this, just ignore me. I just love chatting with you all and in order to take the pressure off of recappers I just thought we could start chatting.


what a talent for turning pages that Aron has! could you snap the book pages any freakin louder? "Oh, are you still mad at me?"

Hey Karen - have you checked out They've got a forum for just about every novela since the beginning of time!

Hi Karen,

Usually what people do is, they continue commenting on the PREVIOUS day's recap until the new one is posted. People do check back for quite a while, it seems...

Thanks, Melinama~~Mercy, Mercy me, Things aren't always as they seem. Julie-I, too, had visions of Minervaaa fallinggg downnn thoseee steepppp strairssssssssssssssssss. Good analogy to ''GWTW.'' I can't believe that Isa is back. Poor Hilario looked like he had seen a ghost. HotRod is so clueless. I can't stand it when she acts all sweet , and then, when she hugs him, she gets this evil grin on her face. Come on, Rod, wake up. If you really want your munequita, start the wheels of divorce turning instead of drinking and sleeping. You can not be a hero if you don't act like one. And if there were still any doubts about Acacia and her Tio, they are now completely gone. As for Gavi climbing the corporate ladder...Wow!!! That was fast. From receptionist to Assistant director in a couple of days. Turqouise Tequila---catchy name , but what a price tag. Have you noticed that in these novelas, if the guy is angry, he takes a book to bed. [eg. Manuel and Nasty Antonia] Translation: Reading = no sex tonight. I hope that they get HotRod and Gavi together soon. I'm getting very impatient. ^^^Susanlynn, wondering why I am still just a teacher and not the president of the college--Gavi , give me some advice

Thanks, Melinama!

Susanlynn: I am with you. Icedora makes my skin crawl and she was especially malicious towards Hilario I thought.

Rod needs to get a clue, or two! I have given up on the dude 'cause he is so dense and wimpy for somebody who is supposed to be a galan. Grammy is such a dinosaur, and so is the advice she gives him. I felt like I was suffocating just listening to her. The family name is the only thing that matters to her, not Rod's happiness nor the fact that he might truly have made an error in judgment for which even The Church allows an out. It doesn't even occur to her that a different woman of "good family" (perhaps one that isn't on the edge of bankruptcy and using them to refinance it), after an anulment, might be an option.

Hey Julie, I like your proposed plot. I was thinking along those same lines but my plot added a couple of things to make the story more in keeping with the way things are progressing. OK, first Gavi has decided that she loves Rod so much until she's going to make a trip to the hacienda and find out first hand exactly what's going on with Rod and his marriage. We all take a big sigh of relief and think that it's about time. Meanwhile, Isa discovers she's pregnant. Rod promises to pretend the baby is his just to keep his family off his back. Meanwhile Gavi is at the airport, radiant face, ticket in hand, pacing, anticipating her flight. Sorry folks, it's Friday and the end of that episode. On Monday the story picks up with Gavi running to board the plane. (Why walk when you can run)? The moment she's seated she has the usual flashback of Rod. Moments later she notices a newspaper on the empty seat next to hers. Although she's a jimadora, she turns quickly to the society page. -Well, with the promotion it won't be long-. Anyway, there is a picture of Rod and Isa embracing and in bold headlines she sees the news that Rod and his lovely wife are expecting. Gavi's is stunned but tearfully vows to love Rod forever. That episode ends with all of us wondering how Gavi is going to handle this. Not to worry, the next episode opens with the pilot making an announcement that the plane is overbooked and anyone who is willing to give up their seat will be paid double (enough to pay a months rent on the mansion she moved into following her promotion). So she is fortunate to be chosen over 10 other people who were willing to sell. She sells her ticket and heads back to tell Clarita the unfortunate news.
Meanwhile back at the hacienda, Rod could almost feel Gavi's presence. He is trying to be civil but is treating Isa very badly and boozing. He visits abulo's gravesite and tells him that he's afraid he will never find Gaviota.
(With the blind looking for the blind, I think he's right).

Great recap! Whoa, anon.9:39!! Good story! It could only happen in novelaland!

Why, oh, why does Rod stay with Ice-a-dora?? Doesn't he have a spine? Can't he just anull the marriage or something? Ice creeps me out!

Oh, well, Just wish he and Gav would hurry up and meet again!-Becky T

Shout out to Aaron..Yeah Aaron you were bringing the clenched jaw anger threat, big time in the office...I was sure you & Gavi were like 30 seconds away from hawt hate sex on the desk..alas I was wrong..but the vibe was there....Oh Minnnnnerrrrva, the dreaded "Staircase of Fate"...

Rod..crying with stone face Grammy..dude I am soooo over you...also the phone lead, while not good, wouldn't it be worth the investment of checking out the deal of trancing by phonenumber as american soap-opera detectives do all the time ie..AssHat Paul Williams Y&R..

and Isa you can bring the smirk & sneer

Hi, I don't speak Spanish,but I love the mini series I am relying on your translations,It's unfortunate that I work 3rd shift so I have to leave 9:30PM I'm really glad you have this one on the internet more power to you guys !keep it up !I just started watching this month,how did it happened why Rod married Isa?

Great recap, great speculations. I actually enjoyed seeing Aaron having a hissy fit and reaming Gavi out. I wasn't fooled for one minute though. I knew she'd come out smelling like a rose. Looks like Diana Ross was right when she said you can't hurry love. So, while Gavi and Rod are playing games with each others minds and hearts, I wish they'd give up the spotlight for awhile. For ex. I want to know what's going on with Isa. Is she pregnant or not? Whether she is or not, I can't wait until Hillario breaks the news of having sex with her. I hope he remembers to say where it took place so everyone will know that she went after him and not the other way around. Revenge is so sweet.

Thanks for the protocol update Melinama (I didn't realize people just went to the previous post).

Julie, yes I know TW. Its how I found you all. Threads can range on the different foros and sometimes there are discussions I can engage with and sometimes there are not.

Sparkles - Rod married TWB/Isa out of stupidity and rage. He went looking for Gavi and found out she went to Europe as a call girl. In true novela fashion, he didn't wait to talk to her about it but rushed to get married on the day (it may have been a day or two earlier) that he and Gavi had planned to marry. One of the stipulations of the marriage between Rod and TWB was no sex. But since she thinks she's so beautiful and smart, she knew she could get Rod. Thus far she's 0-40.


Now I get it! The shots of Gavi that we see in the intro, where she's wearing an agave headdress. Since we're all into predicting the plot, my guess is, with her vast modeling experience, she is selected to be the spokesmodel for Turquoise Tequila. Will the Rodster recognize her in that get-up?

Thanks to all for the recaps. You guys are the best!

For some reason, I'm relieved that Rod and Isa are back together. Maybe all the drama and lies with Rod and Gavi was getting tiring!

Once again, I am so grateful for the recap, Melinama et al. My garage sale VCR stopped recording in the middle of Destilando (or my cat figured out how to turn it off) and I was left wondering how tough it went for Gavi. I KNEW of course she wouldn't get together with Rod...we have 100 more episodes before that happens, right?

Judy B.

I don't think ISA(TWB) has been gone that less than a week..the endless crying just makes it seem so much the hil/isa..boinkfest was too recent for her to come I'm so queasy and fainting off my CFM boots


If you want, you can click on the hi-lited link for "Destilando Amor" that Melinama has above our pictures. That will take you to a dated menu listing all our recaps starting with the first about March 26th or so. That should help you catch up........

becky T: I am so with you with Rod. I think it is about time Gavi find out just how lucky she is to be free of this turkey and his weirded-out family. Maybe she should ask Clarita why she mistrusts the Montalvo's so much and apply that filter when she's at work.

Gavi ought to watch out what she wishes for, if she ends up with Rod, she'll have to take care of two children. And why does Clarita think that Gavi's life will turn out like a telenovela, when hers didn't?

Loved the advance for tonight's show. James should run away now!

Judy B.: I have had that happen to me on one of my VCRs. (I've inherited my grown kids' older ones.) I have 2 cats that crawl onto the warm tops and thought one kept punching a remote I'd left out. My VCR, I found out, is touch sensitive and if I press on the "record" button a second too long it goes into preset recording time mode for 30 min., 60 min., 90 min. and so on. Drives me nuts!! (Just a thought that yours might work like that too.) =[:>)

Thanks for the recap.
When Aaron was sentencing Gavi to the fate of assistant director.... for a minute i thought that he was going to ask his wife to go to the hacienda for the duration of the pregnancy.

The pregnancy was making her paranoid and he wants her to rest Je!Je!Je! now that's telenovela.

I smell a plot....Pamela's mum letting us know she has a condition....LOL! may she is color blind,that hair color.

Hot Rod is among people featured in the 50 most beautiful people..(people magazine Spanish edition)


Well, despite the drinking, crying, and general lack of good sense...I still love HotRod the Bod because.......well, because he is hot and has a great bod. He is my brand new guilty new soft addiction. I don't care how dumb he acts. I can be very focused and shallow and am excellent at suspending my's a gift. ^^^Susanlynn, focusing >>>>

I'd like to see Gavi with someone smart, what are the odds?

Susanlynn: FC is going to be very jealous and certainly disappointed now. Do you think Melinama needs to put his photo up also?

--You know, we might have to ask Melinama for a billboard of our favorite hotties, just so none of them gets jealous......

The photo of Rod in People En Espanol is nice, but I think there are probably some better pictures of him out there. How about an angry picture of Rodrigo?

Jardinera~~~Life is short. I am a multi-tasker and an equal opportunity employer. There is room for Fernandito AND HotRod.

Not knowing Spanish very well, I didn't understand what the great project was that caused Aaron to give Gavi a promotion and also made Sophia & Granny Pilar happy. Could someone fill me in? Also, why does Gavi not know who her father is? Does Clara not want to tell her, doesn't know.....?

Aaron wants to make the super-expensive Turquoise Tequila and sell it to exclusive restaurants and rich people ya da but his dad thinks it's too big a risk and doesn't want to support it. Gav badgered her prof into helping her "crunch numbers" to prove that this launch could be successful. Clara has never told her who her father is and we don't know either. We saw Clara mooning over Don Amador, ostensibly Rod's gramps, and vice versa (prior to Amador's kicking the bucket) but that might just have been a red herring. Some of us proposed that perhaps Rod is not actually his grandfather's grandchild but Gav is! That would be a very typical situation for these novelas!

!Dios Mio! If Gavi is the grandchild of Don Amodar, how could he let her work in the tequila fields all this time? Anyhow, the tequila is in the blood. Soon Gavi will be running the company. Thanks for the information and the really interesting recaps!

hmmm...but i wonder, if gavi was don amadon'r real grand daughter and not rod, then why is rod so similar in personality to his gramps and dad? isn't that why he used to be so close to his gramps?

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