Thursday, May 10, 2007
La Fea Más Bella #271 5/9/07 Madame Jekyll and Ms. Hide & Go Seek...and some new sauce for the Chef?
Fer finally says no problem he’ll call Lety, she always answers. Aurora is not so sure that she will answer. Of course she doesn’t. Aurora says she's going to the powder room, and they both admonish her not to leave the business.
Fer asks Tomas why Lety’s not answering. Tommy responds that she’s probably busy with her boyfriend. Fer thinks no, she’s just not used to using her cell phone and he’ll probably get her at the office. He calls PM who tells him that she has gone out with Aldo. He’s not fond of that response of course. Fer asks Tom if his client is going to bother coming back.
Aurora/Lety goes down to the cab and retrieves her trunk of magic. I swear I recognize this part is really being filmed in a hotel lobby in the Reforma Area of Mexico City that I spent time at. I swear I even sat on those steps that she drags that suitcase up.
Anyway, in the meantime Fer calls Aldo and finds out she’s not there with him, Aldo thought she was with Fer. Al thinks Fer is playing a joke on him. Aldo is with the editorialista babe discussing the project and then another hot babe friend of hers shows up to help.
Lety is changing back into her ugly self, complete with drawing on eyebrows and bigotons as fast as she can. In the office, Jacques is getting impatient and wants to cancel. Fer says he’ll try Lety one more time. This time he gets her and wonders where she is, she tells him right here as she runs into the room. Of course now Jacques and Mr. Pablo want Aurora.
The three stooges try to work their way out of it trying to convince the gentlemen that they shouldn’t insist. Tomas wonders why they want them all together. The gentlemen think it’s perfectly customary for all parties to be together for the signing of a contract. (Well not when one of them isn’t real, and can’t contract anyway, something a president already in debt and legal trouble would know, but I bet this snafu will get muddled in the plot!) Fer says if we wait for this frivolous chic to show up will never get this done. Finally, Lety offers that she has a commitment that she has to go and can’t really wait so she signs all the pages quickly.
Omar comes into the building. A guard stops him and Omar asks if he saw a beautiful woman, his woman etc. The guy says yes and that he noticed her "goods."
Lety changes again and curses her situation of having to go back and forth. On her way back to the office Aurora runs into Omar who begs her to give him another chance and that he missed her. He begs her to get rid of her boyfriend and says he’ll be her slave and do anything she wants. She says anything? Then disappear!
The boys are discussing how they always wait for women, when she, the star shows up. She can never quite get his name right. Calling him multiple combinations. Tomas laughs at the way she handles Fer. Fer tells him to quit laughing.
Aurora says she can’t wait for Lety and messes up her name too. Fer defends her and demands respect, to which she nods on the sly to Tommy as Lety. She insists she has to go, will sign and has no time to listen to project details, just call her and she’ll be there. She signs and takes her leave, again messing up Fer’s name, this time as Mongolia.
Aldo is discussing the book deal with the editor babes. He says he can send suggestions and revisions to them via e-mail. Editor babe (Carmina?) [Is there anyone who hasn’t shown up in this novela?] disagrees and thinks it’s better to do these things in person. Aldo agrees in principal but says they don’t really have the time. She tells him not to worry about time. She’ll meet up wherever he wants, it’s not a problem for her, his office, his house, his bed (no she didn’t say that last one, but I bet she muttered it silently to herself!)
Jacques thinks it’s a shame that Lety had to leave because he wants to tell them details. Tomas says I bet she’ll be back pretty quick. Fer argues that she said she had to go. Sure enough, Lety out of breath makes it back to the office again and is surprised that the presumptuous diva has left them. Tomas credits his intuition. She really thinks this woman is intolerable and arrogant. Fer agrees and continues that she is superficial, and that she needs to be put as a bust that signifies superficiality. Lety says she’s lacking a bust? He says no, never mind. Lety thinks well maybe she’s a good person deep down. Fer agrees maybe only way down, in the deep sea!
Jacques continues to describe the project details. He says they are going to also do a TV show as part of this campaign and Aurora’s image will be associated with the pilot. She will have to do the screen tests and commercials for the pilot and that she’ll eventually be integrated into the program. At this Lety falls lump sideways. She’s deep in kim chee now!! (props to Jeanne) She brushes off her reaction as being dizzy.
Lui gives Alicia her wedding gift. He says he’s not thrilled that she’s marrying a Feo, but she should enjoy this on her wedding day anyway. She opens it up. Whips and Handcuffs. Lui says whips to dominate the wild beast, and handcuffs so he doesn’t escape. He says he knows perfectly why she’s marrying the horripicoso (horrible hair raising guy); because he’s the representative of Aurora. Ali is shocked, she didn’t know. Lui can’t believe that, but he gets the idea to ask Ali to spy for him, and to find out all of the Diva's likes and dislikes etc. She agrees and thanks him for the gift.
The three stooges decend from the signing and stumble across Omar in the lobby practicing to give flowers to Aurora. He’s waiting for her, but they tell him she’s left already, and forget it that they have good news anyway that Aurora signed. Lety wonders if Omar is really suffering that badly for her, and he says yes, because he’s in love. He’s excited that he’ll see her at Conceptos. Fer smiles happily towards Lety, then corrects himself and calls her Dona.
The cuartel is teasing the Oxi, imagining her doing a married woman’s chores and discussing what they ought to get her for a wedding present from the various domestic appliances available on sale. She wanders up insulting them wondering what they are chatting about and they say her of course. She tells them to take advantage while you have me because maybe after my wedding you won’t have to count on my beautiful presence here. They wonder how she can marry in the church if she’s divorced. Turns out she didn’t marry in the church the first time. They insult more.
The three stooges return make that four with Omar who gets sent to Fer's office and they greet the cuartel. Just then Ali begs Tommy to speak with her.
Ali pulls Tomas in his office sits on his lap and turns on the kissy face. He’s overcome with her femaleness. She fishes around with him to see if he might now be interested in finding a different way to make money. It comes out that he is the agent for Aurora and she knows he will make a lot of money for that. He wonders how she found out. She admits it was Luigi. She wants to know why he didn't tell her and he says he thought she might get jealous. She said she is a little, but she'll tolerate it because of how much money representing a famous model must bring them. He begs her not to tell anyone because Aurora is odd and it will upset her. She says she's discreet and will but a gift to her will give her more incentive to keep her mouth shut. Nice.
Lui takes Valeriana. He’s nervous because he has so much to do, and because he has to work with the bombshell beauty of Aurora. Irma says that this woman does have real class, at his high level, unlike Jasmine!!
Aldo makes his grand inquisition. Where the hell were you? He asks Lety twice. Fer marches in just then and tells him to watch the tone in which he is talking to our boss. Fer mocks him and jokes that now Aldo’s going to make him pay. Aldo assures him he’s never disrespected Lety. Fer says that’s a good thing because if you do you’ll have to answer to me! You tell him Fer! She calms Fer and tells Aldo really fast what happened and that she’s fine. He says he was worried about her that’s all. Fer takes his leave. She thanks Aldo for doing what he always does, supporting her, and because of this, he is resopnsible for getting Aurora onboard.
Aldo tells her he’s got good news too. He’s starting on the next editions of the book. She is excited that he is going to write again. Actually, he’s just going to contribute and his chicas, um sorry, editorialistas are going to help with the writing part. He says they will celebrate with a grand dinner at his house.
Fer has good news to share with Lui and busts in to his office. Lui jokes that he’s leaving? He says no, it's that Aurora signed. Lui is ecstatic to start work with her, but reminds Fer this isn’t an express Salchicha (sort of a hot dog) factory and that creativity and a good product take time. They banter. They discuss that the commercials aren’t going to be filmed in Conceptos and that Orni already told Lui that. Fer is a little impactado.
Omar goes in to see Aldo. Omar fumbles a bit. Aldo tells him, breath deep, organize your ideas and then speak. Omar asks if Al knew Aurora signed the contract and if he knows now what happens. Aldo responds that, duh, Conceptos will produce the campaign. Begin Omar groveling. He begs to come back. Aldo enjoys that he is kneeling. He begs him to promise not to bug Lety anymore. He also asks that for every decision he consults him or Lety. Aldo calls him Lazaro and tells him to get up. Omar leaves and curses what he has to do for his love of Aurora.
Oxi and cuartel are at it again. They make fun of her walking as if she was the MM. Oxi says well I'm almost the same. PM says there's a world of difference between her and the MM. Ali spills the beans just like Tom told her not to. Shame, shame, shame. Ali goes on about how much money Tom & she will make and the cuartel continue teasing her. Just then Tomas runs up and asks her if she's ready to go. She wonders what he's talking about. He remarks that he might have forgotten to tell her but his mama arranged everything for them to attend their prenuptial lessons. Ali is mad that his mama interferes and wonders if they are really necessary and Tomas reminds her it's one of the requirements before they can marry and if they don't go now, they'll be late.
Aldo and Lety kissy face. Fer comes in. He says he didn’t see anything and keeps wlaking to his cave. He comes back and wants to ask one thing, about work and he nuzzles in at the trough next to Domensain. He tells Lety that Lui told him the commercials going to be filmed elsewhere and why? Lety says she knew, and it's because Aurora asked for it. He wonders what else the Diva asked for. Aldo joins in that she’s difficult too and comments about her asking for the million dollars. Lety and Fern discuss how intolerable she is and Lety says yes, she has to have much patience with that woman because she thinks she's Maria Felix reincarnated!!
Fer comes into the apartment to find a dejected Omar drunk and on the floor. He says he looks pathetic. Omar says he never called Fer pathetic when he was crying over GargoLety, so have some compassion for him and that he’s offending him showing up so cheery with such a smile on his face. Fer says he’s sorry he's not really that happy either, but he’s glad he got Aurora to accept the deal because it wasn't easy.
Fer tells him to stop crying. Fer thinks he might be starting to kind of like Aurora too. Well not really, but Fer thinks she might be a little attractive and interesting but boy is she cold blooded. Omar cries that that is part of her beautiful charm. Fer doesn’t think Omar’s really in love, it’s more like an obsession. Omar isn’t sure what Fer knows of love. Fer rejects that and Omar backs down, that yes he does know something.
Fer alerts him that he thinks Omar is only like this because Aurora is the first one that has paid him no attention. Omar thanks him for his advice, that now he feels soooo much better. He pontificates. He was happy before he fell in love. What is love really worth? Love is why I'm like this. God invented it to torture men! Love is the cause of my suffering and my pain. Fer finally ends up agreeing that he is right, love is sometimes like this but not always. Omar begs him to understand that he hurts. Fer calms him and takes away his drink.
Lety and Aldo are sharing wine again. And they kiss and reminisce about dancing in front of the fire. She recalls that she still was hung up on Fer though. Aldo shushes her and plants one on her.
Fer tells Omar he has an idea. Omar asks if it’s that they should kill themselves. Fer says that's a good option, but it doesn't work well if you don't do it with real conviction, he actually already tried that in Acapulco, but what we really have to do is to denounce all women. They can’t let a woman enter their lives ever again. Omar says yes, no woman can ever enter here. It will be our Refuge. Fer says yes, this will be our bunker. A woman can never enter our bunker. There’s a knock at the door. Omar instantly forgets their conversation and opens the door thinking it might be Aurora. No, it’s your worst nightmare. It’s Marcia!!!!! Omar says it’s for Fer…
I found this picture and in honor of Beckster decided to post it as I think it depicts one of our adopted favorite sayings on this site. A**hat. Couldn't quite bring myself to spell it out completely, because my imagination is just too vivid, and if yours isn't, well this picture will certainly help you!!

Labels: fea
As for the wardrobe dept., that dress wasn't the first garment we've caught them recycling. There was this green straw hat that Luigi wore in Germany... then Carolina wore it in Acapulco a few months later. Kinda hard to miss because it was so bright!
Meanwhile, I've been eagerly awaiting the return of Fernando's Nemo tie, but no joy.
I thought they were saying that Aurora thought she was the reincarnation of Maria Felix, which makes sense given the diva-like behavior.
Thanks to anon for the Maria Felix link. Maria had some great quotes, as befits a real Diva. I'd love to see some of her movies; I agree with the article she would have been much better than Jennifer Jones in "Duel in the Sun".
Fernando and Omar swearing off of women - like boys in a treehouse with a "no girls allowed" sign. LOL
Aldo's having better luck than the two "ex"-Lotharios. His face really lit up when he met Carmina (is that her name?).
Great title, Kris - What an imagination you have!
Jest sayin and not because I am a snarking smart ass...
Oh don't even get me started on Lety's plus size outfits...
Maybe ToMama will help her pick out some "decent clothes".
I think there were a few repeats with Alicia's clothes, earlier in the series when the days were longer (like a couple of weeks at a time). I guess now that the pace is picking up, that means more clothing changes which would mean that repeated clothes would be more noticeable and so they're being more careful.
Or maybe, given how tight Alicia's clothes are, they aren't even usable afterwards! ;)
Aldo did enjoy humiliating Omar but what made no sense to me was how happy Omar was when he got his job back and was babbling about being around Aurora and the next time we see him he is doing his imitation of fern going to Acapulco to die. What changed his mood so fast?
The editorial girls don't look so hot to me but good enough if they can get rid of Mr. Shell Man. Yuck I wish I'd kept my mouth shut yesterday about the relief of no mi amor kissy face stupidty.
Also I will be planning to meet up with other recappers and commenters in Miami the week before memorial day, so if you are interested, mention it here, and we'll go about arranging you to join us!
I thought it was great the way Fern cut Aldo down when he told Lety off!
Sweet Fern always comes to her defense.
I'm hoping Luigi will see that Lety is Aurora soon. I know she told him and he didn't believe her but I hope she will show him.
A pink shell in the package of SP's would be a real seller. A full size photo of those shining chiclets on the front of the package would be a big plus too.
Carrie L.
1) Fern calling Lety on his cell from the RetroMod offices - Fern in the fern! Cracked me up.
2) Fern & Omar banning women from their "BOON-kehr". I wanted them to keep repeating that word forever, or else break into a Spanish version of Abbott & Costello's "Who's On First". I love these guys.
Speaking of love, I don't think my neck has recovered from the whiplash I suffered when Lety chose to go back to Aldo after reconciling with Fern (?). Ok, so I can reason out her decision in my own head, but the thought-bubble scene in which she convinced herself was lame, lame, lame on any real logic. I know Fer wouldn't let her explain when she finally caught him in the hallway to cut him loose, but I thought WE deserved a better explanation, even if HE didn't want one! Who the heck accepts a proposal of marriage from one guy all giddy with glee one day (Remember "It's the only thing I'm living for."?????), then a few days later decides she's better off with the Safe Bet, and appears not to have had a moment's doubt about it since? Como dice Luigi, "Hellohhhh!!!!! The girl needs a swift whack upside the head! Or another weekend in Cuernavaca with Fern to “rebalance her energy”. Not to mention a little fea lovin’…
as if my time of the month is not painful enough.
I'm sorry I missed "the look" between Aldo and whats-her-name (missed that part too) - I was in the loo.
Well - TAFN - until the next re-cap - can't wait ; )
Why don't you allow your reader to judge for themselves and voice there own viewpoints. This is a free society, a free and public Internet and a "respectful" (learn that word) exchange of ideas is always healthy.
I don't hold with your idea that this website is "public" in the sense that it is owned by those who visit it. I certainly don't agree that "Much of what is wrong with our society today is exactly what you've portrayed by deleting out the so called "negative comment".
Much of what is wrong with society today? Give me a break. This blog has an identity, a character, which I choose to cherish and protect. This is not a site for nasty gossip, and it is not a site for political soapboxing. I repeat, if people dislike what they see here (or DON'T see here - in the form of nasty gossip about actors or railings against shows which do not model the particular world view preferred by the reader), they are welcome not to read, and if they hate a show, they are welcome not to watch it. That's a free society. Start your own blog.
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