Saturday, May 12, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #273 5/11/07 "May I please have a Cherry on Top?"

Okay I am pitching in and doing a recap of LFMB….Please excuse me as while I have seen most of this…I saw it on a computer, fast forwarded with no captions..I never sit thru a whole show anymore…so well here goes…If I miss any big chunks..well feel free.

Damn after an hour of this…give me staircases and good old fashion cheats, thieves and other people of honor..

Okay the show opens with Caro conning Omar into thinking Aurora is there in this building where they are gonna shoot a commercial…Actually it is pretty embarrassing as she points and Omar screams Aurora….Thank you..that just put the final nail in the coffin of my “Omar Love”, well R.I.P.

Caro & Luigi, meet Aurora out in the street as she bounces along the sidewalk…Another point I gotta make here is this…along with her several layers of “Sherman Williams NuBeige” face paint, does she also apply body makeup? Cause that dress is pretty low-cut and we all know, south of Lety’s chin has never seen the sun. Jest askin..

Luigi is all hysterically squirming over being in the presence of Aurora, of course she snottily puts him in his place, Caro giggles in the background…Hey Caro, Dr. Frankstein never tittered over the monster he created.

The ever busy Cuartel

Now over to some TV show that is being filmed, the announcer is talking about latest news and fortune-telling..(at least that is what my dictionary says…probably cause psychics are big on TV in Mexico)…We hear the boisterous cuartel..maybe they are doing a special on “Nacas in Today’s Working Environment”…A guy..the photographer that has been after Aurora, stops them…he and Sara recognize each other…they bring up the nite she hit him in front of Lety’s house ***REHASH*** Sara starts pushing the guy around again…(Why oh Why doesn’t she just change her name to Butch and be done with it).

The announcer guy tells them to stop it…They start talking all at once, the cuartel says they must speak with him, it is about da-da-DA “La Mujer Misteriosa”, Senor Oriegel (I guess he is some talk show guy in Mexico); tells Ernesto to let them pass..and they all run over to the couch and start patronizing the guy…I guess this comes from months spent with Aldo.

Back to humiliating unworthy humans..
Luigi is bowing at the feet of Venus, when Omar, with every intention of working on my last nerve; runs out on the side walk, shouting mi Amor….blah blah blah…Caro drags him off and Luigi continues to worship Aurora..

The TV station:

Okay, after the cuartel has done everything, but offer the guy a group lap dance at a single rate..we move on..Senor Oriegel asks for names, dates like real information about Aurora and of course the “AssHats” and I mean that in the kindest way, have no hard information, TV guy says if they get him the 411, they’ll get the big prize…So it is off on another swell adventure, with Ernesto; the battered photographer in tow

It’s a BachelorPad babee…
Okay Aldo has the two young babes at his Bachelor Pad, oooooppppss sorry the stalker chick (I don’t care enough to look up her name) & her better looking, but non stalking friend. They are talking about that enormous tome of culinary delite and how it will no doubt end world hunger, the War in Iraq, cure cancer and enable the 40% of the Mexican population who exist on less than 2.00 dollars a day, to better their lives, so they can get HDTV to better see Aurora. (That is a real statistic I heard on NPR, the other day).

Okay Aldo starts his usual diatribe of the awesomeness of food, ***personally I am thinking about the awesomeness of a doble Tequila right now***; stalker chick starts talking about the sensuality of the tastes and the aromas..of the food and her friend is giving her the “For the love of everything that is Holy Shut-Up” look…Stalker chick goes on how she plans to pay homage to Aldo, seriously, I kid you not. Aldo being all coy & noble says “Moi, why who would be interested in Moi”? Ahhhhh Stalker chick..
Realizing her friend is off her meds, non stalker chick jumps in takes over the conversation. I so know, the old, “So do you like anybody?” question is next….

The Trailer, Now if we only had a Park
Aurora & Caro are in a travel trailer and I know this sounds impossible, but Caro is putting MORE make-up on Aurora, while Aurora whines in a Lety voice…Luigi annoys from the outside and Caro says Luigi is in love with Aurora…

The I Love Lucy touch
Photographer guy is driving Sara & Marta to the commercial as Sara threatens him with a good beating.

The Commercial

There are actual models standing around in modern clothes while Retro Aurora…in a peach colored with hooter sequins evening dress, tells about accessories, I don’t know or care why. Now then the Naca relief comes running in and of course interrupting the shoot, questions start…Aurora says she never works in Mexico, just in Hollywood..Ya think? I think that is a late night show on HBO.

Back to the Trailer
Omar & Fer are having a conversation, how Gargolety has an Amante…she has been acting so mysterious lately…Fer is convinced Lety is steppin out on Aldo….Omar is shocked, he can’t believe…yeah me either, I had enough trouble with lightening striking twice.

Back at the commercial shoot the photographer is grilling Aurora…”Oh leave me in Peace”, she asks..Sister I’m feelin your pain, now he queries, “What is your name?”
Caro is on one side of her and Luigi on the other…she says her name is “Aurora Mayer de Salinas”. (Sergio Mayer and Whatever Salinas)

Fernando now runs into the commercial shoot as usual when more than two Conceptos are in the same area…Chaos reigns..He & Aurora look at each other…The frozen scene..the looks…Does he recognize her? Go buy a lottery ticket, the odds are much better of you winning than Fernando getting a Clue***
The Vortex

PM & Lola are standing around the Vortex of Stupidity wondering where Sara & Marta are. (You didn’t think they would actually be working did you?), the phone rings …Oh Hooray, they won the trip…cause the Mysterious Lady has been found…Thank gawd I will sleep like a Moty tonight.

The Shoot

Fernando chases off the photographer and Aurora talks all snotty to Fernando, wow...

Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like a Fea scorn'd.

Thanks to William Congreve

Jacks rushes in…he wants to Nix the whole commercial…
Lots of people saying “Que?”

Now Aurora is all mad that Jacks cancelled the job…I guess it will hurt her Diva status..
Jacks wants to cancel it cause the commercial has to go along with the pilot TV show he wants…Anyhow to make a really long boring story short…Fernando steps up and says they can do it…they will do both. Aurora is muy impacted..

The Vortex

I guess there is some complimentary dinner with Fer Colunga that goes with the trip.

The Shoot

Fernando talks Luigi who is way scared into saying they can do the pilot…Jacks likes Fer’s attitude & bravery. Fernando is actually in charge…damn who’d guessed it?
Aurora has a tender look at him as she wanders off twitching all the way.

In the trailer she tells Caro she is going to help Fernando, put on the show…

On the street Fer tells Omar & Luigi the whole company is gonna be in on this..everyone is gonna help…Caro agrees to help. Caro is givin Omar the eye…

Back at Conceptos
Fer starts talking to Lety…he asks her about her appointment..she asks if he thinks she is seeing another guy. This is like people that put a chain around a 70’s Pinto, dude just cause you like it doesn’t mean someone else will.

Back to Aldo and stopping Global Warming

Aldo is showing the ladies out and he is blathering on and on about food..maybe it is a metaphor, but I don’t get it. You’d think he’d just shut up and break out the can of whip-cream and some chocolate sauce. Both girls do the kiss good-bye, but stalker chick kisses half his mouth and lets the kiss linger. Adios, Aldo has a knowing giant display of chiclets…maybe he is gonna go shake up that can now?

The Office of Con

Alicia tries to make Marcia put up the money for the hall, banquet and music for the wedding. That is not going to happen.

Alicia calls that other man of mystery (her papi)…she tells him she can’t pay for the wedding and good ole pops says he will, spare no expense…at least that is what we are lead to believe as pops is not heard.

Alicia goes to Tomas’s office with the great news. Tomas wants to talk to Pa, but no way he is too busy. Tomas gets up and asks Alicia for a kiss, she takes off his glasses and tells him to get contacts, nope, she tells him to get more fashionable glasses, then drops then and allows Tomas (who is blind with out them), walk and thus crush them.

The Shell Room

Lety & Fer are telling Marcia about the whole Jack thing…she is of course like we know nothing about this, Marcia backs up in front of the shell picture. Fer & Lety are talking how they can make so much money and finally get Conceptos back…Marcia has a knowing look on her face…I have come to admire her greatly and she is actually one of the few people I kinda semi like on this show, you can see the thought bubble that this is the last chance to pay off the debt and get rid of all of these AssHats once and for all…

She says she is in…Fer hugs her then hugs Lety, they do the three hands for all and all for one..Whatever…Now they gotta come up with an idea for the show.

In Front of Conceptos

Stalker chick is sitting in a car taking notes…Aldo walks up to Celso and starts an incredibly lame ass conversation about what does Celso talk to Samson about all day? For a minute I'm scared he is trying to hit on Celso...Well I gotta say this for Aldo he is a riveting conversationalist...

I believe this is the time to bring up the fact that NO ONE...NO ONE on this entire show has ever had a normal relationship (well maybe Simon & PM), but every relationship goes from "Hi how are you" to freakin stalking in less time than it takes to throw the pet bunny in the soup pot. Need I name names? Lety, by Fer & Aldo...Fer by Carla, Aldo by stalker chick & Luigi, Aurora by Omar..Alicia by Tomas..NOTE: I do not consider the Marcia following Fer or calling him stalking, she was in a long term relationship and she certainly had good reason to mistrust him. That was harassment and bad judgement.

Now back to the Shell Room

Okay Fer sits top of the desk and Lety sits across from him….Fer says he loves Lety and can’t live without her. They lean in for a kiss…

Golden Circle of Goodbye…

Hate to be a naysayer..but Darth Aldo is on his way up in the elevator and he senses a ripple in the force…

FootNote: While I am certainly no shrink, I did have 3 years of psych in College…is it not a bit abnormal..that the persona of Aurora can be a total snotty bitch and say all the things Lety can’t? Then Lety is all nice and innocent acting to their face…I’m thinking issues..serious issues

Also I have decided that Lety & Aldo belong together and I am quite happy about fact I think they would make great neighbors...kinda like Ned Flanders is to the know Aldo would cook all kinds of awesome stuff and invite you over, you could probably dump the kids there for six months at a time, I bet Aldo would even mow your yard...And no matter how you let yourself go...Well, you'd still look better than the neighbor lady...

Looks like the Wedding is Monday...Yipppeeeee


Thanks Beckster! My favorite part of this episode was when Aurora kept butchering Fern's name, once she called him "Mongolia" and I forget the other one that was really good.

I am blind without my glasses so found Alicia's pulverizing of Tomas's unfashionable glasses to be truly evil. She is so detestable, in an ordinary soap she would end up trampled by rhinos or something.

Dear Beckster, I'm sitting in Austin,TX (wedding) catching up on Fea from a distance. Started reading the recap and one paragraph in, I knew it was you. Love your style and love the fact that even when I'm traveling I can keep track of this show.
As always, thanks to all you recappers. And Melinama, well-said for your reply to cranky anonymous complainer...isn't it interesting that they are ALWAYS anonymous.
Judy B,

I agree with you, Beckster, that Lety has some serious psychological issues. Lety has many faces - child, senior citizen, sexpot from the 40's, business executive, and girlfriend to two guapos. No wonder no one recognizes her. Actually when she is in her Lety persona, she reminds me of Ruth Buzzy's old lady character on the 60's show, Laugh In.

when i saw the comment of the south of Lety's chin not having seen sun, I thought it was you beckster. I of course did a quick scroll to double check and then went to reading the recap.

I thought it was funny when stalker's friend took over the interview but she had trouble asking questions and stalker had to give her the words.

I too love that Aurora keeps mispronncing Fern's last name.

I love reading the recaps,it's like watching these shows through your eyes.

Beckster, thanks for keeping it real. Loved the Darth Aldo sensing a ripple in the force. If I had Fern leaning into me, drilling me with his eyes and saying he couldn't live without me, Shell man could go back to the kitchen in a heartbeat.

Thank you, Beckster, for letting me have a break, while cracking me up at the same time. :)

PS - the broken glasses wasn't a happy moment for me either, but if it means he ends up with a pair of specs that Alicia doesn't find repulsive, it might just turn out to have been a case of tuff love. :) (I didn't like the ones he was wearing in the previews, but then, I'm not the chica who has to sleep with him.)


It doesn't look like Aliboobis is not the one who has to sleep with him either, from as much action as he has seen with her.

At the end when Fer and Lety were about to kiss...we all know what will happen. Lety will tell him no that she is engaged and in will come Alpo. It is not close enough to the end of the novela for anything else to happen.


Beckster, did I read that right... you had six semesters of psychology at a very prestigious university?


Sara and Ernesto seem to have a very magical and deep connection. That is, I think he enjoys her manhandling. I hope it works out for them.

Beckster, thanks so much for cracking me up.

And a big "thank you" to Diane Von Furstenburg for creating the "wrap dress," a fashion miracle for curvy women. Lety was large and in charge in that number.

About Aldo . . . he'd be a good cult-leader. He could start a Flavor of Life colony for impressionable young women and limit
conversation to metaphors about food, family, and la playa. I'm picturing Jim Jones with a grill.

Thanks, Beckster—hysterical recap and comments. Loved that Ned Flanders reference to having Lety and Aldo as neighbors. You said you watched this on a computer…is there a website where we can watch past episodes? The show was a few months in before I discovered it. Being that I can only make out some words of what people are saying, I sometimes try to guess. When Aldo was outside the building with Celso and dog, I just thought to myself, please, please do not tell me we can add “dog whisperer” to his many talents. And yep, Ado is on his way to breaking up that kiss. If Lety pulls away before Aldo walks through the door, I am just going to throw something at the TV.
Anon,12:33, ITA, how Lety can go back to the Shell man after sharing a moment like that with Fern, I have no idea. It makes no sense. The stalker, editorial chick would probably be a better match for Aldo; I don’t think Lety would ever be into all the grandiose, exaltation of food.


Jim Jones with a grill OMG I almost choked over that one.

Of course Aldo will break up any potential kiss or idiot Lety will primly pull away insisting that she loves only Aldo. Gag me.

I'm still trying to decide if Lety in her Aurora persona is wearing contacts. As a long time wearer I can tell you it is hell on earth shoving on that much eye make with as little training as she has had in the split second when she makes her change.

As hard as I try I can't stop being annoyed by almost everything she does. She seemed jealous of stalker girl, here after I'm calling SG , when she told Julieta, the other day that the girl was beautiful (I disagree) when all the fea has to do is learn some basic non Aurora tricks and give the girl a run for her money. OOOPs I forgot she like being a fea and hiding behind it.

A wedding on Monday? I have a feeling the answer to that is going to be NO based on the lok on Alicia's face.

Last spring I was working two jobs...(one part-time at America's biggest retail...what the hell am I saying...the world's biggest retailer..gawd I still have nightmares), but anyway I had different nights off during the reg TV season was over and my husband always watches yeah like the innocent who tries crack..oh yes the first is always free...from there I became an addict..I started really into the TeleNovela forum again..(I had stopped after my hate session with Cesar Evora over EEAYO)...It seemed innocent enough..from there on to the Mexican version..then the Todos las Feas people had every one up on the internet every being the ADD person I am I was watching two version...oh it was ugly. I was watching this dribble all night...well really FF looking for the big romance scene...depending on others for translations.

Spending my whole days at my other job..posting. (by the way I only have one week left at my slacker job, so now I have to put on my big girl panties and stay off the internet at my new job..which in the beginnning will be like 2-11, but great benefits)..

So you can go to this web site and see if they have any videos...seriously those girls are Jaime Camil addicts...I personally feel he is okay...but the odds are totally against my boinking why waste time?

Oh a shout-out to all you Aldo/Juan Soler lovers...last nite when I was done with the recap...Damn really much blather, no action..

I saw "Otra" is on like 1AM here and there was Juan Soler...okay his hair was trimmed and he was well Okay looking...but thank you gawd the scene changed and there was my boy, Sergio, or Aaron from Destilando...talking on the phone, sucking on a cigarette and bringing the clenched jaw muscle crazy...I got my fix.

Julie...took lots of pysch classes cause I am very good at multiple choice easy B..mostly all I got out of it was, damn those people are crazy...I do remember I actually had a psych teacher who said Freud..was full of crap...this guy has a giant tattoo on his arm that said "MOM"...and he became a "doctor" a PhD, cause his Mom always wanted one...Oh Please tell me about your mother.

Hey Decie Girl,
Sorry to cause an almost-choke with the "Jim Jones with a grill" comment. But, there's something about Aldo that cries out for a psych eval. Beckster, are you free?

I forgot to sign my anoymous post from 1:20 today, so I'm signing now.
Marie from Mass

I have been watching LFMB almost since it started , and YES.... I am hooked! This is quite unusual since I don't know Spanish. Also I'm not, in general, into American soap operas; so, I suppose, I wouldn't be into novellas either, even if I did know Spanish. However, I suspect that LFMB is different from other novellas, as it was pointed out in some of the comments addressed to Caray Caray. I rely on both "computer translation" and Caray Caray recappers for verbal understanding.

I humbly ask the reader to bear with me, as this is the first letter writing I did on a computer...ever! Also, I can't type. All that you see is a toilsome "hunt and peck", so I'll keep it short until I get use to this medium. In the meantime, I ask for the reader's pardon as I state some of my views on LFMB without developing them. Please excuse my awkward style. Some people can't walk and chew gum at the same time. In my case, I can't be literate while I'm struggling with the "hunt and peck" method of typing.

My take on LFMB is as follows:

1) I think LFMB is a good series in spite of the fillers and the misguided decision to extend the length of the show.

2) I am and always have been in sympathy with Lety throughout the series, and do not share the harsh viewpoint that some of the commenters have concerning her character. In fact, I feel strongly obligated to come to her defense, and would do so if I were a better typist. (uh...okay, okay....It's only a novella!) I understand her difficulties in attaining "adulthood". To quote someone from Caray Caray, "there's a Lety in each of us" whether one is a man or a woman.
3) and yes, I want Lety to wind up with Fernando, as most of the LFMB fans do, but I don't despise Aldo. He (Aldo), has his place in the scheme of things, and this can be percieved in the previous episodes if takes the time to "read between the lines".

I also like Aurora and find her to be very beautiful even if she does occasionally wear dresses that aren't fashionably perfect. My hope, of course, is that Lety will overcome her fear of Aurora, and accept her beauty as part of herself so that she will become an intergrated person. Don't all the fans of LFMB have that hope?

Ahhhh! My "hunt and pecking" is wearing me out! LFMB isn't Shakespeare, but beneath its "questionable" Novella trappings is a beautiful story. Lety is far from perfect, but (as a fictional character) she deserves our understanding.

hey what did 2:55 have to say.

Thanks so much Beckster! Very funny recap!
Darth Aldo and Darth Bozo!
The stalker chick is rather scary. Her friend is prettier and seems more normal/friendly.
Ned Flanders was one of my favorites.
Fern leaning over and saying ANYTHING would be OK with me!!!
He could even read to me from one of Aldo's flavor books and I wouldn't mind. Say anything or nothing at all but just stare with those gorgeous eyes! That would be something to remember!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Carrie L.

Hey silcon, congratulations on successfully typing your first computer letter! I agree with you completely and probably should stick up for both Lety and Aldo more often.


The Jim Jones line was great. I'm a native San Franciscan where that murderous lunatic got his big start and I would like to have seen him On the grill not just cooking over as Aldo does.

I'll be the first to stand up for Lety when she stands up for herself, flashes of what we saw in the beginning but not much since her return from El Mar.

Happy Mother's day all.

Wow, I was dying while reading this. "Darth Aldo" and Al-blow/Lety as neighbor was the best part of the recap. Thanks alot. o0o and Happy Madre's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all!

I saw La Otra the other day too & I have to admit that Juan Soler looks quite cute with shorter hair and a light beard. I specifically watched the show to see if his kisses were better on that show, but the jury's still out on that one.

That polka dot blouse that stalker chick's friend had on looked like a blouse that Marcia wore a while back, only Marcia had a matching blouse & skirt that looked like a dress.
Also Sicon, I like Aldo too. He's not meant to Lety but I think that he is an okay guy. He's more mature than Fernando. Just right for me.

Beckster, thanks for the recap! Julie's right, it was really cool for you to give her a break and keep us entertained at the same time.

Thanks to all the recappers, since I didn't get to watch a single minute of any of my novelas this week and have just "caught up" with LFMB today while in airport lounges, etc., through recaps. I'm ready for Monday (though am tempted to fast forward through some to see what Carmina is up to).

Jeanne (glad to be home and sick with a bad, bad sinus infection)

Just a thought before bed, I have finally caught up for this week and I want to say that I am really loving the dress Aurora wore on Friday's show. It was really pretty. She would look so much better, though, if they'd chosen a hair color that looks remotely natural. That's my only beef.

I think Tomas is growing on Alicia, did ya'll see how he hugged Sara because he was blind and she ripped him away jelously? Maybe's there's hope for that spiteful heafer after all!

Sara and abused camera guy? I could totaly see an S&M thing going on between the 2 of them, know what I'm saying? (And it's high time Sara got a story!)


Hi a few (alot) of recaps previously I had written I was from Greece and someone asked how was the greek version. I tried to watch it and I can only say boooring!! There is no body language in a country where people are naturally very expressive in all means, verbal and corporeal. I could not get hooked, sorry. On the other hand, the word guapo got me smiling as I am a natural french speaker, and in french there is a seldom now used word with a pejorative meaning which is ``gouape``. I think you can find it in the tintin comic series(belgian) used by the capt` haddock, and in other police series books. I thought the change of meaning odd. Anyone have any idea why? Also another word a while ago, anteros, in french there is the word ``antre``, which means den as in the wolfs` den, and in greek the word enteros means intestine. please keep up the good work, it keeps me laughing, and I really enjoy the sizzling when you talk about fern (yes I am a fernite)...w

Anon 3:55, I am not surprised that the Greek version is not appealing. I watched the American version, Ugly Betty once and did not find it appealing. The writers/producers had tried to make it too sophisticated for my taste. I love the Mexican version and think I would probably like the Colombian version, too. LFMB has great slapstick, funny dialogue, and terrific actors. The American version may have the terrific actors but it does not have the genuinely funny comedy that LFMB has, in my opinion.

And related to my last post, in my signature tag line I said I'm happy to be home, but let me rephrase that second part: "although I am very, very sick" because no way am I happy to have this infection. Maybe the grammar police aren't up yet on Sunday morning.


Thanks for the great recap, but I have one big question? At the end of fridays episode when Fern was on the desk talking to Lety I thought he was asking her if she was still in love with him. And that he thought she was still in love with HIM. Please let me know, I kind of read the caption, and could have mixed it up. Thanks Beckster, and all recapers. Happy Mother's day to all of the mothers.

Slcon, glad you took the time to hunt and peck your post. I enjoyed reading it. I don’t think Lety is a bad person. IMO she is not a manipulator. But I don’t like her right now as much as I used to. The tendency to want to cut and run, her childish talking and walking, the whining, hiding behind the fea look.
It was said earlier this week (I think) that she has become a cartoon of herself. I agree. Drawing back on a unibrow? Give me a break. I blame the writers. I guess we should be thankful that they have written Don Ferni well and we have seen him grow and make changes. I have called Lety childish, but I would not want her to give up her silly sense of humor or even the Moty pj’s. I think she just needs to trust herself some more and listen to her heart. Maybe Aurora, bad wig and all, will help her get there.


Beckster, this recap was so funny. I don't think Luigi is so much in love with Aurora as he wants to be Aurora. The comment about chaining the 70s pinto and no one else wanting it was too funny. As far as Lety drawing back on her unibrow, she probably has to if she wants to keep her Aurora persona a secret.

The comment about this mess and the downgrading of Lety from a smart funny girl to an almost adolescent twit while allowing Fern to grow is definitely the writers fault as well as the producer's. Obviously Fern and most of the other characters are still on the original track of growing and developing throughout the course of the novela while the addition of Aldo forced the writers to make Lety regress instead of progressing along with the others. It is unfortunate because it resulted her becoming a much less likable character. Since they only have six weeks to wrap up the show they are going to have get cracking on making her grow up and go through the inevitable next physical make over. I for one will be furious if she has one of those miraculous growth spurts into adulthood and accepting responsibility for all of her actions in the the two days of LFMB.

Funny recap Becky, thanks! It's nice to see you recap around these parts. I thought it was funny when Aurora said her last name was the combo of the real actors last names flanking her. I really like when they add little reality inside jokes into that fantasy world. I found it interesting the comment Aurora made when the cuartel ran up and interfered during the filming when she said that's why she only works in Hollywood. As if, no nacas there...hmmmmm.

Thanks for the recap Beckster. I could tell it was killing you ;)
Congrats on your new job.

La Otra is my new favorite novela. Sergio/Adrian/ Aaron looks a lot better there than on Dest.Am., but still semi-reptilian. A fresher looking semi-rep.

Slcon - glad you've joined in. I agree with your comments. I have a real soft spot for Lety and am also protective of her. Guess I can relate to her.

Did anyone else's screen melt when Fer and Lety were sitting on the desk, gazing at each other and he told her he couldn't live without her? I had to turn the a.c. on arctic to cool down. What will I do when Fer's gone?

I still like Lety! I can't wait til the big REVEAL and all them jaws just drop!

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 271 & 272 is at this link.

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