Friday, May 11, 2007

Zorro - May 10, 2007 ... but Esmy's not dead!

EPISODE - May 10, 2007
* Esmeralda tries to bribe Aguirre to take a message to Diego for her - He refuses, he loves his freedom and job too much to risk everything for her. She tries desperately to convince him. Nothing works - in fact, he tells her that she has no money so stop trying to trick him. He leaves.

* PT and SK praying in convent room. Zorro bursts in and says the Montero and men are outside. PT says Zorros is here to help SK escape. SK doesn't want to leave (because of Esmeralda). Zorro kneels beside SK and convinces her they need to leave for her own safety. PT checks out the window and sees Montero and his men outside.

* Men round up the nuns and other pilgrims outside the convent doors. Montero and MP have a heated argument over his presence at the convent. He yells and demands to see PT. As he goes to strike MP, PT exits the door and yells at Montero. PT stands to block the entrance door. Montero is angry and disgusted and pushes PT aside as he and his men storm inside to start searching. Men hold PT and MP tightly as they go inside.

* Inside, on the courtyard walkway, PT screams his outrage at Montero for even daring to storm inside the house of G-d. Montero isn't interested in the scolding. He is only interested in finding one person he suspects is being hidden at the church. Montero orders the guard to slug PT - orders accomplished, PT falls to the ground. MP, struggling with the guard holding her, yells and cries.

* Border crossing soldier happily pleased with his "afternoon delight" gift from the slave driver, buttons back up and leaves Sor Loca crying, sweaty and bloody in the bushes. Two men have to carry her and put her in the back of the cart with Renzo and Camba. Camba is nervous and curious - Renzo apologizes profusely to Sor Loca for not doing more to defend her.

* Montero is inside church office. Guards tie PT up to chair. Montero starts to torment and interrogate PT to find SK. PT refuses to answer or reveal anything. Montero threatens to put him in prison. Guard enters with handkerchief they found - Montero antagonizes PT to say who the gypsy was that left it - PT remainds silent - Montero sniffs the hanky.

* Out in meadow, SK apologizes to Zorro but says she can't leave without Esmeralda. Zorro tells her that Esmeralda will always be in their hearts and says to use the memory to return to Spain and fight from the throne. SK still wants to go back and confront Montero. Zorro says right now that is impossible and dangerous. They need to continue with the current plan. They mount their horses.

* Aguirre returns and brings Esmeralda a basket of food - for two days. She panics and begs him not to leave her alone. He says not to start begging and bribing him again - it won't work - she is a prisoner and he is but a humble soldier guard taking orders from Montero. He tells her there is paper and ink in the bottom of the basket - use it to pass the time. He leaves, locks the cell gate, and reminds her he only does what he is ordered to do.

* Gerardo comes to Olmos in the bar with good news about the Duke in Spain, and activities in San Diego. Olmos is gleeful in his own way. Gerardo ends the happy dance with the bad news of the King's assassination. Olmos is upset and paranoid, thinking that will make California (alta and baja) a possession of the Duke. Olmos also realizes that with Esmeralda's death they have nothing to use as leverage in dealing with the Duke - Gerardo and Olmos decide to find SK and use her instead.

* Duke Jacomo consoles Queen B after the death of her husband the King in the castle ballroom. She thanks him for his loyalty and advisement and friendship. He gets her paranoid about a rebellion and overthrow, but assures her that he would never let anything like that happen to her. She doesn't seem convinced.

* Alej finds Dena on a rural road. She explains why she went to speak to her brother Fernando. Alej is the ever-loving understanding husband and listens as she vents her outrage over her brother's actions. They kiss. Yumi appears in the meadow overlooking the road and watches Alej and Dena kiss.

* Fer meets with Cardinal and orders a reason why the governor's office wasn't informed of his arrival. Cardinal tries to get into a shouting argument with Fer - Fer orders Cardinal to leave the vicinity in three days. Cardinal tries to refuse due to MP's installation ceremony as Mother Superior. Fer is disgusted by even the notion that his beloved MP will be Mother Superior and is adamant about the departure order for Cardinal.

* Soldier hauls MP by the arm downstairs. MP yells and asks for an explanation and to be left alone. Other nuns walk behind them. On courtyard walkway, MP breaks free from soldier's grip - soldier explains the order by Montero to bring her into the office for questioning. MP agrees to go voluntarily and peacefully. Before MP can explain anything to the nuns, the soldier grabs her arm and pulls her away.

* Zorro and SK arrive at the gypsy camp. SK cries as she hugs and meets everyone. SK really starts to cry as she hugs Jonas and Azucena. A spy looks through a rock opening and sees Zorro and a lady with the gypsies. He suspects the lady is who they are looking for. He scurries away.

* Esmeralda, at the table in her cell, eats the bread and writes a love letter to Diego.

* MA enters Diego's room, while he is away. She shuffles through papers on his desk, looks at the books on the shelves, and then starts to look in the drawer of his bedside table. Bernardo enters and surprises MA. He tries to sign for her to leave. MA plays dumb to the hand signs and refuses to leave. She lays on Diego's bed and says he can leave, she'll straight up later. She wants to learn all the hidden secrets of her husband. Bernardo watches her like a hawk. MA chuckles to herself.

* Soldiers drag MP into the office just as Montero is beating up on PT. MP shouts her outrage and demands he stop. Montero says he will stop when she tells him the truth. PT says they won't say anything. MP makes up a story about a gypsy who came to the convent a long while ago and left it, she doesn't remember the name, it's been so long ago. Montero doesn't believe a word of the story, and demands again that they tell him the truth. (he's getting rather redundant with his violent temper tantrums don't ya' think?) MP scolds Montero for going against church doctrine. He tells her to stop with the doctrines, he's tired of it. He pulls out a pistol, cocks the trigger and aims in at PT's head.

* At the gypsy camp, Jonas thanks Zorro for his help in bringing SK there. AW Shucks! 'twarnt nothing, I'm just here to help, says Zorro (well, i'm really paraphrasing what he said here). SK thanks Zorro for everything. Zorro leaves. SK tells Jonas she holds both Montero and Don Fernando personally responsible for all the bad things that has happened to her and for Esmeralda's death.

* Lead spy returns to Don Fer's office to tell him that Zorro has taken SK to the gypsy's camp. Fer asks him to organize a posse of men, they are going to pay the gypsies and SK a visit. Spy leaves.

* Olmos shows up for the secret meeting with Aguirre in the apartment. Aguirre closes the front window and checks with Olmos to make sure he came alone and wasn't followed. Olmos asks for the location of Esmeralda's body - Aguirre says that information will cost him a lot of money. Olmos is surprised. Aguirre makes Olmos promise not to yell, scream or lose his temper - Olmos grows impatient and promises to remain calm. Aguirre tells him that Esmeralda isn't dead.

* In the church office, Montero continues to threaten PT's life if MP doesn't tell him where SK is now? MP panics, PT stays silent. Montero clicks the trigger - nothing happens - Montero laughs about bluffing just now, but sooner or later, it may be real. PT tells him power has made him crazy. Montero laughs that he is in control, times have changed, he will be vigilent and they may become martyrs in the end. Montero and men leave. MP unties PT and they hug.

* Olmos questions Aguirre over the validity of his statement. Aguirre says it's true, Esmeralda is alive. Some horses bellow and a loud bang is heard. Aguirre gets nervous and closes the other window. Aguirre crouches down as he continues to try and convince Olmos it is true. Aguirre shows a piece of paper with a peso amount on it. Olmos says that is a lot of money and in order to pay, he needs proof first. Olmos tells Aguirre that if it is a lie, he won't pay a dime. Aguirre is adamant it's true. Olmos again demands proof before payment.

* Alej sets Dena on their bed. Dena asks where Yumi is. Alej says she left - she's a free spirit and needs to be free.

* Yumi sits in tent/shack with grandma White Buffalo. Yumi is sad. White Buffalo gets her to open up about Alej and Dena being married and in love. She can't compete or interfere with that. WB tries to get her granddaughter to return to the hacienda, but Yumi won't go back.

* Alej tells Dena he loves her so much as he kisses her. Dena pushes him away and claims she can't do it anymore. She's changed, especially now that Esmeralda died. Alej understands and tries to console her - time will heal all wounds. She apologizes.

* Bernardo meets Diego/Zorro in the Z-cave. Bernardo says MA is searching his room for his secrets right now. Diego/Zorro is surprised and curious. D/Z tells B about SK and the gypsies. D/Z needs to find a way into Callao and rescue Esmeralda ASAP.

* Azucena and SK sit and console each other over the pain of losing their children. Azucena explained that when Esmeralda died, Renzo went crazy and left abruptly.

* Slave driver and associates watch the group of slaves taking a break under a tree. Renzo tries to keep Sor Loca conscious - Camba starts to go crazy, breaks free from chains and runs away. Slave driver and associates run after him - other slaves get restless. In the commotion, Renzo carries Sor Loca away in the opposite direction.

* MP and PT meet with Cardinal. They discuss Zorro; the order by the governor for Cardinal to leave in three days; MP brings up Sor Loca's disappearance; Cardinal is adamant that the installation ceremony will be held without interference.

* Vigilantes ambush the gypsy camp. Jonas and the men try to fight them off - the vigilantes keep fighting against them. As the vigilantes hit Azucena and catch up to SK, Jonas screams. Don Fernando appears and all fighting stops and everyone stares at him.

* Olmos and Gerardo outside at night meet to discuss the new information from Aguirre, and possible reasons why Montero spread the lie that Esmeralda died. Olmos tells Gerardo that Aguirre will give them proof of Esmeralda being alive. Olmos then twists the end of his mustache and laughs about Esmeralda's days of suffering.

* At Callao prison, Aguirre sneaks back to visit Esmeralda. He has agreed to help her get the message to Diego. She is so excited. He needs proof to take to Diego so he will know it's true. She's stunned by the request. He says no time to explain, give him proof or he won't do it and will leave. She stops him and gives him the letter to D she just wrote. Aguirre sees the letter and doesn't think it will work - she assures him it is proof enough for Diego. Esmeralda thanks him and blesses him as he leaves.

* In his bedroom, D and B wonder what MA was looking for. Everything seems back in order and tidy. D gets an idea to look in his bedside table. He takes out his keepsake box and notices his letter from Esmeralda is missing. He wonders why MA would take it.

* MA lays in bed with a glass of wine and laughs at Montero as he reads the letter she swiped from D's bedroom. (HA-HA! your wife was never yours, MA says.) Montero joins MA in bed - they discuss how different she is from other women, she doesn't let anything or anyone phase her - she defends D for being there for their baby - Montero reminds her that if it weren't for the baby, Diego would be with Esmeralda and she would be up a creek without money, friends or paddles. The evil twins kiss.

* Fer confronts SK - SK pleads for the safety of the gypsies. Azucena seconds the plea; as Jonas tries to speak up, Fer aims his gun in Jonas' direction and shoots Jonas in the leg. Azucena cries. Fer grabs SK by the arm and hauls her away. The vigilantes and gypsies start fighting again.

* D finds PT at the hacienda courtyard walkway. They discuss what happened with Monty at the church convent earlier (search for SK, they only found a gypsy's handkerchief, he and MP stood up to Monty's threats and torments). D tells PT that SK is with the gypsies. PT is worried and says they can't let Monty or Fer find her, she will be dead for sure.

* MP talks with the nuns at the church about the decisions made to go ahead with the installation ceremony so they all will be official nuns with habits, despite the order for the Cardinal to leave in three days. The times are very dangerous for them. Sor Carola stands up and gives support for the decisions made. Sor Novincia asks about Sor Loca. MP explains and says they will pray for Sor Loca's safety and peace to return to town. MP dismisses the nuns.

* Renzo and Sor Loca stop to rest. She cries how dirty the rape made her feel, and he should just leave her. He consoles her and energize her to continue to fight and live. Dogs bark in the distance and Renzo helps Sor Loca up and they take off again.

* Aguirre returns to the secret apartment to show Olmos Esmy's letter to Diego as proof she's still alive. Olmos is skeptical that it isn't just a forgery. Aguirre uses all his powers of persuasion to convince Olmos that it is proof of the truth. Aguirre says to take it to his friend, the town calligrapher to validate it with some other document that Olmos has access to. Olmos still skeptical agrees to use the calligrapher to validate the letter. Aguirre will wait for word and leaves. Olmos reads the letter and discovers Esmy is pregnant with D's baby.

* In her cell, Esmy sits and talks with her baby about her dream of D rescuing them and living together "happily ever after." She eats a grape.

* PT and D finish talking. They hug. PT leaves. Dolores comes out and talks to D about Dena's depression over Esmy's death. D says only time will be able to heal that wound. D then asks Dolores if she thinks MA is really pregnant. Dolores says of course MA is, and the baby will help alleviate some of the pain caused by Esmy's death.

* Fer and SK out in the middle of nowhere at night. She vents her outrage over Fer killing her daughter, the only reason of her to live, and holding her hostage in prison for so many years. Fer reasons that he wasn't responsible for Esmy's death - SK doesn't believe him and continues to vent her horror and anger - he continues to give his own mixed-up side to history. She yells that she blames him for the death of her husband and Esmy's father when BANG! the gun goes off and SK falls over the side of the cliff and POOMP! she lands face down in the dirt in the valley below. Fer looks over the edge and leaves.


Wow! Great recap, J.R. Zorro was not too smart to leave SK with the gypsies. They took SK to the mission because the gypsy camp was an obvious target.
Esme says that she won't trust anyone, then she goes and trusts Aguirre who is a bad guy. Have you noticed that in spite of not having access to a bath or anything more than a cup of water, Esme's makeup is perfect and her hair is glossy and combed. Maybe we don't see when the hairdresser comes to her cell.
Doesn't look good for SK. Maybe she isn't dead. That would make sense to have her fall into a ravine so that FS cannot make sure she is dead.
FS has gone right back to the dark side.

Thanks for the recap.
Oh, Monty. We can now add "hanky sniffing" to his list of odd behaviors.

The misogyny escalates.

Women on this show are slapped around, kidnapped, imprisoned, locked in an iron mask, forced into marriage, exorcised, and now raped.
I think I've had enough.
Marie from Mass

Howdy =)

Thanks for the speedy recap. I missed how it was that NN and Renzo escaped. When SK fell, she was obviously still breathing (dunno if it's to hint she's alive, to show her last minutes on earth, or just bad editing), so I'm seriously hoping she survived and it's only a flesh wound.

I don't think Augie realizes that Olmos is lying about helping Esme. He had told Augie he wanted to pass Esme's body to her family for a Christian burial and when Augie gave Olmos the letter, he said that Esme said Diego would recognize it. He probably thinks that Olmos is hooked up with Diego somehow, but easier to get to (with Chez de la Vega being so well guarded) and he knows Olmos will pay.

I wanted to pass on another expression "otra vez la burra al trigo." Literally, the female donkey's going to the wheat again (probably in spite of beating). This is what I think of FS now that he's back and going right back to square one trying to get MP to not be a nun (this time insuring his wife is no longer an issue) and telling the cardinal it's wrong to have such a sensual woman wasted as a nun!

I too thought it was odd that Esme still looks so good. Maybe Piza's orders to keep the cell clean included giving Esme regular baths =)

Jody, thanks for the great recap. I can say that I was hoping that having Fernando hang out with Brother Aaron would have launched his story in a totally different direction, but alas that was so short lived and now we are back to the same old same old and now he's shot SK. I have to say, he's crossed the line here, and I'm really moving out of the "Fernando can be redeemed" camp, but I don't think she's dead because everyone on this show seems to have awful aim. Still, BAD Fernando!!!

I was thinking, if Fernando shot SK back when she was in the iron mask, I don't know if I would have minded so much. She really annoyed me when she was in the iron mask, but I now realize it was the mask not her. I'm so glad they didn't keep Esme in the darn thing, 'cuz I'm sure I would have started to dislike her as well.

I can't figure Auggie out, does he really think he's helping Esme or is he just scamming Olmos for some dinero?

Have to say one thing about this show, misogynistic as it is, at least there are plenty of characters with shades of gray. Makes for interesting television.

Boy, I am so disappointed in Fernando. I can't tell if the writers had this all planned or if they're figuring it out as they go. I actually believed he was going to dedicate his life to God when he was wandering around with Aaron. And now, as Jean said, back to the dark side big time! And it certainly is repetitive that he's back to trying to block Maria Pia's consecration as a nun. What I think is going to happen is that, after thinking he's bumped off his wife to clear the path, he's going to come to the mission and find Maria Pia in a habit.

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