Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Juan Querendon El primer capitulo

I want to apologize for not posting a full recap. I got the bulletin late about the show premiering tonite in the odd time slot. I missed the first ten minutes, but here is what I got:

Juan is shooting some hoops with some guys and doing some cute showboating. And looking kind of cute in his white shirt... but I digress. He notices three guys standing there watching him and they have guns. He does a voice over explaining who they are and my recorder kind of messed up on that part, I did hear him say one of the gun toters was a brother to one of his flings. He runs away carrying his clothes and the guys give chase. Juan manages to hide and make a getaway from the men. He catches a bus and implores the driver to let him on the bus explaining that there are some fellas trying to kill him. The bus driver lets him on and they continue on their route. He gets off the bus in the city and admires the surroundings and does a voiceover about how he is going to a relatives house or the relative of somebody he knows til the heat dies down in his village. In his voiceover he mutters something about how that fateful day he encountered the woman who would steal his corazon...

In the next scene, the girl, Paula, is in the parking lot with her mother at the airport. Paula has just returned to the city. They exchange niceties about how good the other looks and then hop in the car and drive away. They chit chat about her studies, the flight, etc.

P and her mother are stuck in traffic and Juan's taxi that he is riding is next to their car. He looks at her. She looks at him. He smiles. She smiles back. He waves. Her smile gets bigger. He voices over about how smoking hot she is and how impactado he is by her sonrisa (smile). He knows he will never be the same.

P and her mom arrive back at the casa. Paula's mother has decorated the house with welcome home posters. Paula admires the decor. She then noticies that they are not alone and looks muy impactada. It is her father, whom she is not happy to see. She looks disgruntled and says she appreciates what he has done for her and her mother, but they had a deal and he is not honoring it. She says she will pay him back for what he has done for them and he says it is not necessary. Her mother tells her that her father would like to speak to her and she tries to leave them alone to talk. Paula says no, don't leave. Her mother asks her to hear him out. She agrees to hear what he has to say.

It has now turned dark and Juan is creeping outside some house and presses the call button. A sassy lady answers and is none too happy about being bothered and asks who goes there. He explains her cousin gave him the address and he introduces himself. She admires his form and cops some cheap feels on Juan.

Paula and her dad are talking. He tells her he realizes he made some mistakes in his past. He tells her he is ill in his alma and needs her to forgive him. In this exchange between her and her father we learn that Paula's mom and him were lovers and P is the result of that union. She expresses her sorrow of not feeling like one of his real children and how she had to deal with the fact that offspring of the type of relationship she was born of are not treated or revered as the other kids. She is in obvious pain over not having him in her life full time or when she needed him the most. He's crying, she's crying. He tells her that he does not have a lot of time left. She says not to be so pessimistic. She talks about the day she turned 15 and he was not there and she was the only girl at the party who didn't have a father. She tells him his words mean nothing to her now and asks him to leave. He does, but not before giving her a kiss on her forehead and telling her that he wants to repair the damage he has done to her and her mother.


I liked it...my husband says the lady who was hot for Juan at the fence was Marta from LFMB...if so she cleaned up nice...Loved the Naco mullet...

Thanks so much for the recap! I didn't know anything about the new time slot and completely missed the whole thing.

Thanks again, Lucy.

Hi Lucy, I really enjoyed this first episode. You did a swell recap, thanks so much. I just now watched the part that you missed and it is basically the set-up for Juan's broken heart plus a little background on him...

Juan chauffeurs Paula to her wedding. He begs her not to marry someone she doesn't love. He says one word from her, just one word and they will run away and hide in the world. He loves her. She tells him to save himself, she is lost.

At the church her groom waits with ants in his pants. He's muy nervioso and doesn't know why. His ex, Monica, shows up (looking like she's ready for the belly dancing competition) and says she wouldn't miss this show for the world.

Paula's sis (I think) goes to some lady's house and says she wants to stop Paula from making a big mistake, getting married I guess. The sis calls the lady Doña Ana but it seems the lady is Paula's mom, I guess Paula and her sis are half sisters.

Juan tries once more to stop Paula from marrying the guy she doesn't love, but she sadly walks into the church and toward the groom.

Paula's half sis and mom actually crash the wedding and try to stop her but to no avail. The groom sighs in relief as Paula dolefully joins him at the altar. Poor Juan, with a tear in his eye, peels out and drives off.

Juan goes to the bus station, gives his car to a surprised mechanic, and jumps on the bus. The woman next to him dines on him with her eyes. He thought bubbles..."Such is the story of my life, born in a small and lovely town, born with much luck with the ladies, as a youth I met Doña Delfina, a woman with generous meat and an insatiable appetite. She taught me the arts of love. My boots resided happily under her bed many times until the town became too small."

Next scene, Juan is somewhere in the mountains playing basketball and sporting a mullet and 70's-style shorts. So basically we now know that our Don Juan has escaped from an unrequited love and is severely fashion-challenged. When he gets a basket he whistles and does a little I'm-one-wild-and-crazy-hombre dance. He glances over, sees three guys, and recognizes one of them...

My oh my, Juan is one incredibly confident guy to be wearing that naco mullet and those polyester gym shorts.

I liked it - especially because I think there won't be any murders.

So the part you missed, the part Sylvia recapped, the part which they've been showing in the commercials - I believe this is, like, the last five minutes before the whole telenovela ends (just before the bride runs away from the grey-haired groom to live happily ever after with Juan, the chauffeur). We'll spend the next however many months getting back to that part of the story...

I think the dying dad (who was Beckster's fav villain in Mundo) was intimating that he had provided handsomely in his will for his illegitimate daughter and his ex-amante. I hated his moustache but I liked his hang-dog attitude.

I, too, marveled at Juan's amusing attire.

This is an "okay" telenovela,but nothing to compare with LFMB or Destilando Amor..

Hi Export, maybe you don't remember this but when La Fea started lots of us (me included) thought it was the most asinine thing we'd ever seen. I'm inclined to reserve judgment on Juan for a while.

Melinama, yes that makes sense. That whole wedding thing was at the end, long after Juan and Paula lock eyes in traffic and he knows he will never be the same.

The lady at the gate was Martha?? Yikes! I didn't recognize her without the fat suit!

I think (from past experience with this expression) that "generous meat" actually means "generous flesh," i.e. muy friendly with her body. (As opposed to "giving away a lot of steak dinners.") Just in case anyone was confused. :)

Nope the lady at the gate is not Marta. Marta is played by Maribel Fernandez, the lady at the gate is a much more famous actress by the name of Silvia Pasquel.

Based on what the first half hour showed I'm not impressed. Paula is beautiful and there are several extremely talented people in the cast but since a bucket load of tears were shed in the first half hour and the leading man seemed all about showing off his body I don't hold out much hope for it. Then again maybe it is just because I'm terminally bummedfout at losing half of LFMB until the end.

Julie, thanks for help in translating "generous meat."

Paula's mom looks like she's maybe 2 years older than her daughter - tops!

Thanks for the recap. I wasn't sure if I would like this or not, but was going to give it a chance anyway, but now that I actually understand what was going on, it might be better than I thought. It's no Fea, though. I loved how that show had 5 good looking guys on it! So far I haven't really seen one, though I think the lead guy here might grow on me (then again, maybe not, he's definitely no Jaime Camil!!!). But here's hoping, because I agree the fact that it's a comedy is better than Duelo or some other drama.
Kim P.

Didn't watch but the based on the recap it sounds like a good story.

Juan would be much more appealing if they cut off that mullet and wash out the Crisco in his hair.

The mullet is in flash back scenes...anyway, I forgot to mention my absolute delight in seeing Cesar playing the father..I don't think he will be a villian...but hopefully he will bring my favorite muddled...No Puede Ser look of total confusion.

AYUDA! PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME HERE WITH THIS: I missed recording some of the novelas last night but I am so mixed up. All of a sudden at 8:30, FEA stopped and JUAN started? I mean what is going on and what is the plan from now on. Isn't Fea still going to be 8-9 or what. My DVR is all set with the titles. I AM PANICKED HERE!!!!

Yup, I watched this with a real reluctance...but it looks like there will be a lot of comedic moments to balance all the crying that seems to go on in these telenovelas...and I can only take so much sobbing and vengeful misunderstandings....so Juan Querendon it will have to be.
But oh those Lety/Fernando kisses...tan divino...how will we live without them?!

Judy B.

Anonymous 3:58, we already posted the information you are requesting. La Fea is playing this week 8-8:30 and Juan is playing 8:30-9.

Ah the problem with the Fern/Lety kisses is that now we will have to judge all novela kisses based on those and those between Omar and Caro as well and few if any will compare for a long time. LOL


I thought Juan looked great with the short hair (in the limo) and just ridiculous with the mullet. I will give this a chance. It's always hard for me to watch the beginning of these shows because it takes time to figure out what is going on and who the characters are. I can't even decide if I like the show because my feelings of confusion color my impression of the show.

Lucy, thanks for the great introduction recap, especially so given the confusion we all had about what was really happening! Sylvia, thanks for adding the bit from the beginning!

The jury's out. I watched tonight's episode before I read this recap from last night and it's not the comedy they led us to believe. Maybe it'll get lighter later (catchy, huh?)

But, Melinama, thanks for reminding us that LFMB didn't start out perfect, either. We'll give it our best shot.


BUT << La Fea is playing this week 8-8:30 and Juan is playing 8:30-9.>>
So that is just for this week? And what happens next week? I thought it was posted that Fea goes till someime next week?

Didn't someone comment in an earlier post that LFMB ended in Mexico with 1/2 hour showings as well? Which means you're actually getting the whole episode you're supposed to now--it's supposed to be one half hour eps from now until the end?? I could swear I read that.

I've always liked Eduardo Santamarina, and I've only watched telenovelas that were supposed to be seriously dramatic, and JUAN does have some funny in it compared to those, so... I'll give a chance and watch.

My cable guide didn't have JUAN at all... but they've corrected themselves and there it is now, at 8:30 every night.

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