Saturday, July 28, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #7 7-26-07 Thursday – Mo Shows More (of His True Colors)

We start with a recap of Azul opening her box from Diego. Inside is the red fabric rose. Can someone explain to me why she has to smell it? Did Diego add perfume to it or something? In the box is a note that reads, "To many more straps, Diego." Azul's happiness is short-lived when Morose Morris appears and asks, furiously I might add, "Why are you doing this to me?" Run to the hills, Azul! Run while you can!

Papa is working on his car, without much success it appears, when Isela walks by. She asks how he's doing, which startles him and he hits his head on the hood of the car. He's surprised she's talking to him, since she was so mad. She replies she's still not talking to him, she just was greeting him. She then walks off and leaves poor Papa standing there totally baffled. Apparently there is some history between them, of which I wasn't aware. I truly believe Papa is clueless about the people in his life. He tells her he's fine after she's long gone.

Lucia comes by to see her slimy husband, Piero. Lidia is there and says Lucia just missed him. It looks like our shady duo are going to a convention together. Lidia suggests that Lucia join them, no doubt sure that Lucia will never actually take her up on it. True to form, Lucia says Piero would hate it if she went. Lucia is all smiles and naiveté.

Azul is telling Morris she needs space. She's tired of taking orders from everyone; she's an educated woman! She needs time to think. It appears Morris is losing this battle.

Silvana has gone to Diego's favorite bar, where Diego introduces her to "Paco, my delinquent friend and my sister's boyfriend. Paco is the one who fabricated the invitation to the gala." He then introduces her to Isela, "My platonic friend." Silvana is really digging the bar and Diego. He's so easy to be with. Diego is all hyperkinetic optimism. Suddenly ominous music plays and Silvana turns into Morticia Addams. She's trying to accept it. "Accept what?" asks our Adorable Adonis. "That one day you can lose everything!" says Somber Silvana

Azul is still telling Morris she needs space. Everything in his life is planned out. His days, hours, minutes, etc. She wants more time. Morris isn't happy about this, hasn't he given her everything? How much time does she need? "I can't promise you anything," Azul replies. He tells her she didn't need to make a scene. "Partners come together; they can also separate." Mo then stomps off, leaving a pensive looking Azul.

Diego is gushing about Azul, how he gave her a rose, and something about her perfume. Silvana glumly tells Diego to distance himself from Azul; make Azul value him! Geez, Silvana is like a wet blanket. Actually, she's an energy suck. She tells Diego he's a good listener for someone in pain. "Are you in pain?" "Muchisimo!" replies our harbinger of doom. The dreary music continues to play.

Azul is walking home from the gym and whips out her silk rose for another snort.

Diego is back to his perky self. He doesn't want to think about the bad things in his life.

Morris is finishing off a bottle of something and then throws it onto the floor, shattering it. The Orchestra of Doom is playing in the background.

Azul and her rose are back in her apartment. She's still burying her snoot in it. She then puts it in with a bouquet of yellow flowers and stares at it.

Silvana continues to wallow in her misery. Diego looks confused. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand what's going on in this scene. Feel free to jump in.

Azul calls Ceci at work and tells her about Morris' reaction to her quest for more space. At first he was upset, but then he was calm. Ceci's boss sees her on the phone and glares at her, so she hangs up and scurries back to work. She must be working at an upscale restaurant.

Mo is brooding on the stairs next to a pool. He then throws his glass away and goes for a midnight swim fully clothed. Apparently he's not taking this as calmly as Azul seems to think!

Azul is instant messaging someone on her computer. She's telling the person about the breakup between her and Mo.

Diego is talking to Abuelo on the phone. Diego is sad Abuelo left. Abuelo goes on about Papa's crappy attitude towards Diego and Mama. I didn't understand the whole exchange, but apparently Abuelo is going to return to the house the next day. Diego is thrilled. They then exchange "I love you's."

Ceci is playing with her food. First Azul tells her to eat; it's delicious. Then Azul tells her to stop, she needs to show her something. She produces the red rose made out of the same fabric as her dress. Azul is positively giddy. Ceci is positively NOT giddy. Azul, being totally self-absorbed, wants to know why Ceci isn't as happy as she is. "Aren't you happy for me?" asks Azul. Ceci says she got bawled out by the boss for talking to Azul on the phone. Sometimes the boss doesn't mind, but at others times. . .

There is some exchange between Don Chucho and Diego. I'm sure it has something to do with a woman, either Azul or Silvana. The scene is extremely brief so I see no reason to knock myself out trying to figure out what it's about. Basically Diego says sometimes he feels calm and at other times not.

Silvana is talking to her dead son at the cemetery. She misses him.

Andres is reading Morris' schedule to Morris, who is sprawled out in the hot tub with a drink in hand. Morris is supposed to be on TV, or perhaps wants to be on some show. He tells Andres to do what it takes to make it happen!

Azul is telling Ceci about her fantasy of going back to Diego's store, wearing her red dress. He'll be in his tux. She'll then attack him. We then have dressing room porn as Azul is dragging Diego around by the tie, throwing him against the wall, and making out passionately. She then undoes her dress and it falls to her feet, showing her red high-heeled sandals that lace up her calves. As the fantasy ends, Ceci and Azul are rolling around the apartment floor kissing pillows and giggling. Ceci says something about Azul then throwing Diego to the floor. I'm sure you can figure out the rest. They are having a grand old time until the phone rings and the machine picks up. Ceci says Mo is probably calling for the 100th time. Andres is calling on behalf of Morris. He asks Azul to call him as soon as she gets the message; it's urgent. Azul stupidly takes the call. I guess Mo is going to be on some TV show and wants Azul to watch and give Mo her feedback. Andres then wants Azul to know that Morris still loves her.

Lidia tells Paco she won't be able to see him over the weekend because she needs to go to a convention. It's for work and will be good for her career and help with her school curriculum. She asks Paco what he thinks. Paco says he doesn't want her to go. "Will you be working over the weekend?" Lidia coyly nods and says she will. We all know what she'll be working on, and although it might boost her career, it won't affect her GPA. When Lidia asks Paco why he doesn't want her to go, he tells her, "Because I said so. Period."

Now Lidia is telling Piero how Paco doesn't want her going away for the weekend. Piero wants to know if Paco suspects them. "No," replies Lolita. She then says something about Piero's wife coming to the office. Piero assures Lidia that Lucia doesn't suspect a thing. Anyway, they start growling at one another and Lidia jumps on his lap and bites his lip, pulling it away from his face. I'd rate this scene about a 7 on the 1-10 barf scale, with a 10 being the time he smashed her mouth and opened his jaw like a python, all but covering her mouth and nose while inhaling her face. Enough said.

The saleswoman, who got attacked by the mannequin, calls Diego over. Someone delivered a gift for him. Diego gets all giddy again when he sees Azul's name on the card. He squirrels the gift away so the saleswoman can't see it. The card thanks Diego for his gift, and says this is her gift to him. It's a music CD. Diego's and Azul's love theme plays as Diego stands their grinning like a goofy little kid.

GCSSD is talking to his boss. Apparently there have been cut-backs and GCSSD doesn't like working with such limited equipment. The boss tells him times are tough and if he gets another job offer, perhaps he should take it.

Moppet alert! Katy is walking through the pool when Mo scoops her up. He wants her to see him on TV. He's her favorite actor, right? "Let's go watch!" He then plays helicopter with her and she giggles. Aawww!

Piero is standing outside on the sidewalk when Paco appears. Paco is surprised to see him. "Can I talk to you a minute?" asks Piero.

Diego is accosting people looking for a discman to play the CD Azul sent him. They all tell him to take a hike, they're busy. He actually tries to wrestle one away from some poor slob trying to balance a bunch of boxes.

Piero wants to know if Paco and Lidia were fighting about Lidia going to the convention. Finally, Piero asks Paco if he'd like to join them in Acapulco. "I'll do it for my woman, I love her!" says a smitten Paco. He sure is like a puppy. He shakes Piero's hand and bows his head; "Thanks!"

Silvana returns "home" and Emilia bawls her out for disappearing and not calling. Silvana feels she has the right to come and go as she pleases.

Mo and Little Moppet are sitting in front of the TV, joined by Andres and Lunatic Leonarda. Mo is thrilled to have the family together. Commercial

Azul is wearing a towel around her body and head as she sits down to watch TV.

Saleswoman says something about the CD and a switch. Diego tells her "No."

Diego calls Azul to thank her for the CD, taking her away from the TV. He thanks her for the invitation and wants to know if he's calling at a bad time. He wants to call before he chickens out. Diego asks if she's with her boyfriend; Azul assures him she's all alone. Azul tells him she just stepped out of the shower and is only wearing a towel. You can all but see Diego blush at this comment. He makes some comment about it being warm and Azul says she doubts he's talking about the weather. This makes Diego even more flustered. He then says he's sending her a kiss and gives this little kiss into the phone, as if he doesn't want anyone to see what he's doing. He's grinning from ear to ear the whole time. He then hangs up as Azul plants one on her phone in response.

Azul pops in a tape to record the TV show and floats out of the room.

Meanwhile, on TV, Mo is telling the reporter about his lab. Creepy Housekeeper says how proud she is of Mo and how he does such a good job explaining his job. Little Moppet wishes Azul could be there to watch the show with them. Mo makes up some excuse for why Azul isn't there and tells Little Moppet not to talk about it. Little Moppet asks if Azul is dead. "No, she hasn't died," assures Mo. Lunatic Leonarda is about to get drinks for everyone when Andres tells her to stay put. He'll take care of it.

Saleswoman hands the phone to Diego. It's Azul calling him back to talk. Diego says he hate the phone, in fact he hates all the phones, since telephones separate him from Azul. She wants to know if she should come to the store. "No, I'll come to see you!" Azul is beside herself with excitement, Diego is grinning like a Cheshire cat, and saleswoman is giggling. We then see Azul frantically trying to get ready for Diego's visit.

There's some sort of exchange between Lidia and her dad. I have no idea what it's about, but it doesn't last long so I'm sure it's not an integral part of today's episode. Probably something about her trip to Acapulco. Papa is washing dishes and Lidia is standing in the kitchen with him.

Diego is getting ready to see Azul when Mama shows up at the shop. She apparently wants him to accompany her to the doctor's office. Sorry, I don't get this scene either. Perhaps she was going there alone, but had another one of her mystery attacks. She was close to the store, so she thought she'd ask Diego. He always makes things so easy for her. Kisses all around!

Inez is helping GCSSD put on his slippers. He is grousing about politics and whatever when he suddenly sees Mo on the tube. He tells Inez that Mo is Azul's fiancé. Mo is talking about his business.

Diego is in a cab with Mama. Apparently she has plenty of time before she needs to be at the doctor's office. Diego asks if she'd mind if he made a stop first. "Of course not!" More hugs and kisses all around! Diego knocks on Azul's door and she is frantic. She runs back and forth between her room and the front door, since she's wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of really short shorts. Certainly something Stacey and Clinton from "What Not to Wear" would not approve of. She whines he was supposed to be there in 40 minutes, not 15. He's early! She makes him wait out in the hall.

Mo is talking about wanting his lab to be world class. He has someone notable in mind, who would be great for it. He then mentions Azul and says how much he loves her. Blech. GCSSD doesn't seem terribly impressed either.

Paco and Lidia are talking about the upcoming convention. Lidia doesn't want Paco there for obvious reasons. She wants to know if it was Mama's idea for him to go. "Nope, it was your boss!" exclaims Paco excitedly. Lidia is muy impactada!

Emilia and Silvana are talking about Diego and how Silvana feels calm with him.

Diego tells Azul he needs to take Mama to the doc, but that he had to come by and see her. She's tells him not to worry, she'll talk to him tomorrow. They make small talk as he's heading for the door with her pillow. The same pillow she was making out with earlier. He gets all flustered again and hands her back her pillow. As he's getting ready to leave, he sees the fabric rose mixed in with the yellow flowers. They say something about caring for the rose, but I don't understand the exchange. What I do understand is they start staring at each other with these looks of "longing." Suddenly Diego pounces on her and they start a five-minute passionate lip lock as the…

Credits roll.


The main part of the conversation between Papa and Lidia was that he knew about Mama needing to go visit the clinic, but she told him she wanted to go alone. He had the light bulb come on and asked Lidia if he should have gone and she was like, "duh!" Another show that he is just plain clueless sometimes.

The sad thing is that Mama then goes to get Diego from work and asks him to go with her because she didn't want to go alone. Gee, lady you're not helping with the friction between your husband and your son!

Thanks for the great recap klee. Your comments were fun. Sylvania is a kill joy and has leeched onto our poor "Adorable Adonis." He's one of those galans too nice for his own good. His blushes and cute grins keep me watching this.

I also agree with your cringe inducing moments scale (Piero's kiss/lamprey sucking manuever). Unfortunately Lidia and Piero's relationship is a icky.

It's unfortunate that Azul does not see the psychotic traits of her novio/ex Morris. He is muy loco.


Thanks, Klee. I am trying to get into this novela and care about these people. I like Diego. It's interesting seeing the Paco character getting cheated on because in ''Destilando'' this actor plays a smarmy womanizer .

Thanks for the input, 5Ft, now it all makes more sense. Poor Papa is so clueless, it's just painful to watch. I really think Mama should sit him down and point some things out, since it's clear he truly loves her.

Now if, in fact, he's had an affair with Isela, my sympathy factor goes down the toilet. Time will tell. For now, I think he's just a guy frustrated with the cards he's been dealt and wants something better for his son.

Like I said, it is painful to watch.

Karen, loved your "lamprey sucking" comment. Muy appropriate!

Thanks for the great recap, klee. I agree totally with the Lidia/Piero scenes. Ewww!

I couldn't figure out GCSSD's reaction to Mo on TV. He tells Inez that he's Azul's novio but then I thought he says something like, I should have listened to his pitch more seriously, or given him a fairer hearing...I can't remember the exact words. It was equivocal but I expect we'll see him signing up with Mo since his boss basically told him he's being downsized.

Margaret, I think you're right. Perhaps GCSSD first thought Mo was small time, but after seeing the show on TV, realized that maybe Mo really does plan on sparing no expenses in making the lab cutting edge. At least that was my understanding. . .

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