Saturday, July 14, 2007

Destilando Amor, 07/13/07: There is Fate and then, there are the Fated

Rod, conscience-stricken, consents to Isa's wish that they sleep in the same bedroom from here on out. After showering, Rod loses himself in thought momentarily while combing his hair and Isa asks him sweetly what he's thinking about. He says nothing. Sitting expectantly in her little black negligee (pardon the pun about the bun), she smiles pertly and says she doesn't belieeeeeve him.

Rod jumps onto the bed. It seems he figures he's going to be a real papa now, he might as well play the part. So trying to be a real grown-up, Rod tells the little woman, "Look, the only thing that is important to me now is my child. Yep. My!" "--Ah, I've never heard you talk that way before. That is lovely! Oh, I'll love you all my life," Isa magnanimously responds, hugging him. "Oh, I do love you." Then she turns to kiss him really trying to be as sensuous as possible. (Uh-oh. She didn't bother to turn the lights off.)

While Rod is trying to get into the proper mood, Gavi is tossing and turning in bed, sleepless and grumbling because all she can think of is him in his wife's embrace. In between rolls and pillow punches, "Damn you, Rodrigo! What a nitwit I am. You already let me down once! It's not right for you to keep me awake with memories of you. --Hmph! All cuddled up with your wife! Ay!" More pillow punches. "You're not worth it."

Rod, still in a contortional lip-lock with Isa, is trying to oblige...still trying...still trying..... Finally Isa comes up for air a second and whispers the magic words, "Kiss me, lover. Make me yours!" and the spell is broken. He bolts upright. "--No! It's not right. It's not right! You are going to have to give me time." "--Oh. Ok. Take all the time you need," Isa consoles him. (Just as well, since she is just as relieved as he is, 'cause she'd rather be with Frankie anyway.) "
It's enough for now that you're here with me..... and our child." (Maybe try it with the lights off next time, Burly Bear, 'cause it seems the only way you are gonna get this deed done is in the dark, filled with thoughts of La Gaviota flitting about.)

Although there is no reason for a post coital nicotine break at this point Isa's thoughts start to wander anyway; and it hits her: "Say, would you be upset if it weren't a boy....I mean because of that business of the inheritance and all your grandfather's wishes?" "--No. I would love to have a daughter, too. It is only important that my child should be born healthy and be very happy." (Echh! Yawn....)

Morning mercifully dawns once more in the mescal fields. Down at the Dry Gulch, Acacia's dissolute, degenerate, and debilitated Uncle Meliton demands she call the doctor for him. She refuses and scolds him about his liver giving out on him because of all his drinking. She offers to mix him a special medicinal brew for his belly. He insists he wants a doctor! She tells him while walking out the door, that if he wants one so badly then he can get up and go get him himself.

James has returned to the hacienda and runs into Rod on the stairs on his way to his room. He explains to Rod that Acacia refuses to leave the place despite the danger in remaining under the same roof with her uncle, but he's going back for a final answer later on. Rod seems to think he should just drag her away caveman style, er... rather, cowboy-style like a galloping gaucho. (Ha! I can just imagine James trying that!) James laughs and then asks about Rod and Isa.

Rod explains that he has reconciled with Isadora for the sake of the child. He tells how he begged her forgiveness and how she relented and returned to the ranch with him. Now, the only thing that remains is to throw himself into the marriage, since that is how he plans to forget Gaviota. Even James has a hard time believing this. He doesn't look any more convinced of it than Rod does.

As Gavi is walking out of the apartment building on her way to work, the kid who washed windows at their last apartment house rides past her on his bike and yells out a flirtatious remark. Suddenly she looks up and he realizes it was Mariana. He stops to apologize and they chat a second or two about how she is living there now when Liliana told everybody she'd gone off for parts unknown.

Rod and James continue commiserating with each other. Rod talks about how he's going to turn over a new leaf in hopes of making a decent home for his wife and child. He regrets though that his marriage is a loveless one. Isadora is a great lady and deserves better (yawn, u-huh). James suggests that perhaps in time he will come to love Isadora like she loves him.

Rod sadly says he thinks that that emotion is buried for him now that he's figuratively killed off Gavi. James, worldly and wise beyond measure, suggests that a baby could rekindle hope of life and love for Rod. Rod chuckles and kids his buddy then about hurrying up and marrying Acacia so their kids can play together. (I am afraid the writers have been watching too many Geico caveman commercials on American t.v.).

Acacia returns with a concoction of herbs for Meliton to drink. As soon as she leaves he takes a whiff and throws it at the wall mumbling about how she wants to put a spell on him. Meanwhile, Acacia returns to her room and finds James' hat he'd left there by accident the night before. Hugging it, she cries at the memory of James begging her to leave with him and allow time to erase all memory of her uncle's abusive behavior.

Just then Meliton enters and sees Acacia holding onto it. Meliton is enraged and threatens to break James apart if he ever comes back there. "Tell him you already have an owner!" He takes his belt off and begins to strap her with it. Panicked and in pain she screams for her uncle to stop.

Gavi continues trying to set appointments for the days ahead. Potential customers are breaking their appointments because of their so-called endless meetings. Secretaries continue hanging up on her. In a tip of the hat to all of us who at one time or another have sat on her side of that telephone receiver, and who are painfully reliving those bittersweet events of yesteryear --or those who currently are earning their spurs-- we now cheer.

We see Gavi boldly, and sooo satisfyingly, venture forth with what so many of us familiar with cold calling wished we could, but may never dare to, ask: "So tell me, if he's always in so many meetings, when does your boss find the time to actually work?" The line goes dead on the other end with a definitive click. (Anonymity does have its advantages at times, you know?)

Dani, Sofia and Grammy P are eating breakfast that same morning, in another scene where the writers' summer interns take over during a cigarette break for the A-Team. Sofia mentions that Frankie is supposed to come around after his job interview with a hotel chain is finished. Right then Rod calls to speak with Daniel. "Hey there. It's your brother in exile speaking." "--Oh, you mean they finally allowed you to call and talk?" Pilar and Sofia warn Dani off telling her brother anything about what they've learned about La Gaviota.

Rod says she supposedly wanted to speak to him and he wants to know why. Miffed, and uncharacteristically curt, she mouths the niceties about his reconciliation with his self-sacrificing wife as well as the upcoming honeymoon they plan to take. "I hear voices. Whose?" "--Just Grammy and Sofia." "--You sound strange. Something going on there?" "Naw, just the delirium of your reconciliation. Don't be so paranoid." She cuts the call short and hangs up. Rod ruminates. (We know this because?) he knits his brows together and says to himself, "Hmmm. Daniel is hiding something." (Uh, can somebody there please turn his dimmer switch up a bit for him?)

"--Satisfied?" Dani sniffs at the two biddies still shooting daggers from their eyes at her from across the table and complains about how they're making her keep quiet. "We agreed --" Sofia reminds her. "--No, WE didn't agree about anything. As soon as I find the place Gaviota is staying, I am telling Rod the truth! He needs to know."

Elvis arrives then with a gift for Dani. He refuses to enter the dining room and she must go out to the parlor. Grammy P takes the opportunity to gripe to Sofia about how that boy should be out looking for work instead of bothering them so early in the morning (like Frivolous Frankie supposedly is).

Elvis has brought Dani some fish and an aquarium. Grammy runs out to scold him and is cold when Elvis tries to kiss her good-morning on the cheek. Dani scolds her and complains that she's playing favorites with Frankie, but Grammy denies it just as the Golden Boy appears in the entrance way to pick up Sofia. Grammy does the kiss-kiss on both cheeks with Frankie. "You dear boy! Go into the dining room and have breakfast."

"Hey there, beautiful," Wheezy-Sleazy, Gavi's sales manager, comes in trying again to get her to meet with him for dinner to discuss those "sales" techniques of his. She slyly puts him off with a white lie about a late dinner appointment with a customer who afterwards wants her to visit the sainted sickly mother of a friend with him. The boss is free to join them of course, Gavi says. She'll give him a ring when she gets the rest of the details about time and place. He leaves and she is relieved for the moment.

Back again at the hacienda, Rodrigo walks in on Isa while she's purring over her successful reconciliation to her mother. The instant he walks in her cat's meow mutates into mewling. On cue, Isa changes her tone and pretends to be discussing her father's terrible plight and the horrid, humiliating conditions at the prison. "Tell him I'll be there on Sunday and I'll be taking the last flight out to see him. Don't worry, mommie." (Pause the video. I have got to gag. -- Here, kitty, kitty. Now, where did I leave that dish of poisoned cream?) Rod is pained at his wife's whimpers over her father's predicament. He gets down on his knees.

Isa hesitates. She again plays her husband like a well-tuned Stradivarius, for all she's [hoping he'll be] worth. (She and Frankie truly are soul-mates.) "Your sister shouldn't have told you! I told her not to!" "--Hey, I'm your husband. I had to find out." Rod, insists this situation is too risky for her in her condition and promises to do whatever it takes to get Ricardo out of jail. "--You would have to meet with his lawyer."

Rod then suggests Isa should arrange the meeting with the creditors and Ricardo's lawyer. She is surprised. Oh, no, he couldn't do that for her! "--Nobody has ever done anything that nice for me before. Oh, I don't deserve you!" She gives him a hug, smugly smiling to herself. The Cheshire Cat has nothin' on this glamour-puss.

James cannot get the memory of Acacia screaming at him to kill her uncle and show his love for her. "Could her hate really be that strong?" (Duh. Try switching places with her for a month or three and then get back to me.)

Acacia, after fleeing from her beating, hides somewhere in the hay. Drunk and sick and mad as a hatter, Meliton staggers into the barn. He yells out to her that he knows she is in there. When he finds her crouched in the corner he tells her that she's like the beasts in the barnyard who only learn by being beaten. Then he tells her he sold the animals and so they'll be leaving early the next day for good, high-tailing it for parts unknown. At that point Meliton rushes towards her.

Acacia, frightened to death, sees the pitchfork near her and grabs for it. Her uncle lunges forward and trips, accidentally falling onto it. In a last moment of fear she decides; she finishes him off with it. His lifeless, bloody body rolls over onto her and she jumps up, pushing it out of the away. She begins screaming and crying, feeling simultaneously horrified and relieved.

Back at Montalveña, Isa insists she doesn't want Rod feeling obligated simply because she's having his child. However, the only thing that will take care of her father's problem is to cover the debt with the creditors before her daddy's trial takes place. Once more he imagines himself man of the manse and explains that he promised himself when they moved back in together he would assume responsibility for "his family".
Neither does he want Isadora to think he suspects her of using her pregnancy as a way of getting her father out of jail, he gallantly adds.

Rod, who seriously needs a trip to Oz to ask the wizard for a brain, feels the only thing left to resolve the situation is to back her father financially and to finance his debt, despite the huge amount involved. So he will agree to guarantee her father's debts.

At Grammy's Frankie is telling somebody on the phone about the beauty he met the night before named Jennifer. He tells the person she is not wealthy, seems to be maybe a secretary or a teacher who lives in some no-account apartment building near the old 'hood. He goes on about how he used the old palm-reading line of his and she went for it hook, line and sinker. Just then Sofia enters the room and asks who is on the phone. "Oh, just Sr. Hofman. I have a business appointment with him at dinner tonight." He talks her out of joining them and changes the subject by suggesting they go somewhere more "edifying". Sofia giggles knowingly.

Ricardo is literally going crazy being inside "the joint." He's screaming through the glass in the visitation room to Nuria about how his "Princesa" promised him! "She promised me that she would get Rod to agree to back me and get me out of here! Why is it taking so long?" He screams frantically that it is simply too much for him being stuck in this place and he doesn't know how much longer he can stand it.

Mommy Dearest is shocked and desperate at the change in her husband. She tries to explain to him that he needs to be a bit more patient as Isa has only just gotten back together with Rodrigo. "This is a delicate situation and Isa will need a bit more time to work on him." "--What do you mean, calm down. I can't calm down! I can't! I can't!" (Somebody better take Daddy's belt and put the guy on suicide watch.)

Rod is at the tequila tasting academy, reading Mariana's notes about how much of an investment this project will take. "What a squeeze (literally a climbing vine) that woman was," he thinks. He begins to daydream about her. In walks a female vision of beauty worthy of a 1940's style detective novel. She's dressed to the nines in fur. It's Gaviota strutting in to complain: "I asked your cousin for 10 million pesos to keep me away from you, but I only managed to get 5 million from the tightwad." Rod comes to his senses and bangs the desk in frustration.

Back at Montalvo Corp., Bruno and Patricio are worried because it seems the FDA refused to release their shipments of tequila into the States at a number of the various points of entry for reasons of suspicion of bio-terrorism. This stands to cost them millions of dollars in lost revenue, and in particular, in law suits from their customers for not filling their contracts for delivery of the purchased product. Patricio laments that it is a shame, but it is totally out of their hands.

During this discussion, a contrite Minnie pays a visit to her father-in-law. Bruno called her in to give her his support and to tell her he disapproves of the actions of his son. He and Patricio both offer her their continued support and say for them she will always be considered family and always will be Aaron's wife. (That is definitely large coming from Patricio, considering the humiliating way Minnie treated him and Lluvia at the Christmas party.)

Minnie thanks them and says they're all the family she has. Bruno hopes Aaron will think better of it all and return to her. She finds out then that Aaron already left for Miami and laments he didn't even call to say good-bye. She cries and says she must get used to the idea of being without him but that's hard as he's been her entire life.

Meanwhile, Aaron arrives back at the house in Miami and Pammy greets him with earnest kisses. She asks how things are going with the divorce, but Aaron doesn't quite know how to answer her. Aaron then gets a text message about the hold up of tequila continuing at the US border. He assures her finally that the lawyer says he shortly should be free to marry her. All he can truly say is that for now his wife has been pacified a bit. "Well, does she still have some hope of reconciling, or what?" "--We're just waiting for the audience with the judge to give the divorce decree." "What are you afraid of, then?" "--Nothing. I just don't like the idea of confronting Minerva is all."

Bruno calls in Oñate and asks him to get him all the information pertaining to the halted shipments and to get hold of both the Tequila Regulatory Commission and the FDA officials. This is costing them a bundle. Bruno calls Rod at the hacienda and tells him about the embargo of the tequila shipments from Mexico by the US and explains that Rod will have to suspend purchase of any more agave product till the US cancels the embargo. He then begs Rod to consider returning to the corporate office to head it up as he has to return to the New York office soon.

Rod says he's sorry, but that he is unwilling to return under any circumstances. After he hangs up Rod tells himself he cannot return to the place he re-encountered Gaviota, particularly after discovering she was not the woman he'd once loved.

As for Gavi, if it weren't for bad luck she'd be having no luck at all. She has just had another prospect tell his secretary to get rid of her somehow. As she's leaving the building she runs into Eduardo Zaldivar, her Christmas Eve date to the Tequila Guild's Dinner-Dance. He's overjoyed to see her again, but she's a bit uncomfortable at running into him.

Eduardo asks what's she's doing these days and she explains she's in sales, but no, things are not quite as she'd thought they'd be selling encyclopedias. She explains she really had no other options. Nervously then, she says good-bye. Eduardo asks her to stay and chat. "I really can't."

"--Aw. Don't you have a few minutes to chat?" "--Well, there's no reason....." "--Come on, let's chat."

Josefina and Clarita gripe about all the rotten things that have happened to Gavi since she got involved with the Montalvos. Jose curses Rodrigo in particular for the rotten way he dealt with her. Clarita would love the chance to tell him what she thinks of him!

That afternoon Isa tells Rod that the creditors have accepted to see him the following day back in Mexico City. Rod says fine, then he'll make arrangements to go, but while there he plans to visit the Tequila Manufacturers' Guild as he needs to discuss things with them regarding problems they're having with their tequila shipments. Isa wants to return to the city with him since it has to do with her father. Since the doctor told her she could continue her life normally he agrees. He calls Elvira to make the travel arrangements.

Gavi and Eduardo sit down and talk over coffee. She apologizes saying he must think the worst of her once he realized she was running around with Rodrigo Montalvo, a married man. "That is over and done with, though, and in the worst way possible." Eddy is refreshingly sympathetic and Gavi warms to him. He replies that he's the last person to judge her about how she conducts her personal life.

Eddy suggests that she is unaware of what's been happening recently. "What exactly?" He answers "Things like the nasty way both Minerva and Fedra Montalvo have been running you down to the Guild members and warning them away from you." "--Oh, I could just imagine, but tell me." "--Well, they called us to advise us and the whole Guild about your dismissal and --" "--Lets see. Lets see here. What are those people saying was the reason?" "--They've been telling everyone how they uncovered your mismanagement of company finances." Gavi is amazed when she hears this. "You mean to tell me they're accusing me of being a thief??"


Jardinera, what a fabulous recap---I am still laughing. And bravo to Destilando Amor for the choice way Meliton bought the farm, so to speak.
This one should make the list.

Very good recap...2 dead..oh so many to go..

Yesterday the question was asked how could Rod be so dumb? Well because most Galans are this way..they are soooooooooo noble they would never lie, therefore they do not believe anyone else would lie (except their true love) Rod he has never lied to Isa, if he was with Gavi he just avoided the answer, but he never lied..therefore he does not believe Isa would lie to him..

Noble indeed..stupid yes, if looking for examples see many Cesar Evora galan roles.

Huh. I say give Ricardo an extra belt if he's so eager to off hiimself. :)

Speaking of giving things, I figure if Rod is going to ask the Wizard for a brain, he might as well ask for a heart and some courage as well.

From now on, every time I see Rod "thinking," I'll picture a dimmer switch. Thanks for that, Jardinera. ;)

Thanks for the great recap Jardinera. There were many fun comments and your crack to James and his disbelief in Acacia's hatred for her uncle was classic. (But really, do you have to go through hell to understand how murder would be an option for her? I mean I know the protagonist may be dull but seriously.)

Eduardo running into Gavi has exciting possibilities. She could start work again (legitimately)for a tequilla company or the council and take down Aaron on behalf of the tequilla council. It would be great seeing Pilar, Sophie, etc having to beg her not to destroy the company.


Wonderful recap, Jardinera! Loved the dimmer switch.

I was beginning to think that Meliton, cockroach that he was, was indestructible. Por fin, we don't have to cringe through any more of his nasty deeds.

I really enjoyed your recap Jardinera, I read it at work, and had a smile on my face most of the day. You are so right on with this crazy cast of characters. At this point, I don't know what to think about Rod, a lobotomy wouldn't help at this point, he's too far gone. Acacia, I thought, had a wizard of oz moment, she really looked like the wicked witch of the west in one close-up. Isa, the "consolation prize", has dyed her hair one too many times, and Sofie and Pilar should kill themselves once they find out how wrong they've been about EVERYTHING!!!!!! Still love Dani and hate Minnie. I'm also glad Gavi ran into Eduardo, but hasn't he also tried to hit on her in the past? Maybe he's looking to try again?????

I think Acacia is doin a good job..she looks like a caged animal and that basically is how she has lived the past few years..she wouldn't run away cause that would mean her Uncle won and she would be left with nothing for all the abuse, besides you know people would say why didn't she speak up before? Maybe she liked it..Lots of people look the other way when stuff like that happens.

Eduardo was obviously hot for Gavi, but I wouldn't exactly say he hit on her. The closest they came to having a "date" was Christmas eve at the tequila thing, and she brought her mom along. He did insist on dancing with her, but he never got fresh or anything. He seems like a pretty nice guy. A little old for Gavi, maybe, but maybe he'll meet someone. :)

I see him as more of a wistful friend than a creep. And I give him credit for being willing to listen to her side of the Montalvo firing, rather than clutching his wallet protectively and screaming in terror.

As for the death of Meliton... it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Wait. I meant it WOULDN'T have happened if he'd BEEN a nicer guy.

How long do you think it will take for Rod to discovered that Isa's baby is not really his? I expect more crying, amger and mucho tequila when he finds out.

Glad y'all enjoyed it.....I wondered who would show kindness first from the Guild, Eddy or the pres, if at all. Neither have much respect for the Montalvo's, and I just wonder if Gramps was just as rotten a jerk as Aaron, tho' Artemio seemed to think he was good folks.

Anyway, this opens up an entirely new set of possibile plotlines because the rest were beginning to dry up. Hubby wants to see the Montalvo's hit the financial skids and come to Mariana as Eddy's new director, or perhaps the Guild Director, and beg for mercy and assistance like Artemio did of Aaron and the gang.

If Ricardo offs himself, this will give Isa a whole new guilt trip to lay on Rod; I'm hoping for big, black and blue welts so that James can show the doctor and the priest to demonstrate her innocence and then support Acacia against the nasty, accusatory town gossip that you know will come from this. James will probably have to be the fall guy to say he did it when it was really Meliton's provoking it.//

This is the "pressure cooker" part where just enough steam is let out to escape to take the pressure off the upset viewers and keep their curiousity engaged. The plot's still stewin'.

Gavi bumping into Eduardo will be her lucky day to end street walking to sell encyclopedias,that no one seems to want.Since Mexico spends less than 6% of the countries income on education,it probably stands to reason that encylopedias would he a hard sell..

I sense our girl Gavi will be on the rise soon back in the tequila business and on her way to the top.She may not be the great sales person to pass along a learning tool to the public of Mexcio,but she knows tequila and how to best market it. I hope,as she works her way back up the ladder of success,there's no time to be belting out the Gaviota song..Singing is not her talent.It's tequila.

Export, you have a good point and I could go on about the "essential" essentially indentured servitude of the indigenous Mexican masses for which education is the antithesis, but I won't because I'd better keep Melinama smiling on this blog. >/@ 8? )

I would suggest that although Mariana may be "walking the streets" with an antiquated product and method of sales, I would not say she is "street walking" in order to make the sale. Please understand that in fairness, I must make that distinction. =/; 3 ))

Jardinera, Let's turn it around walking the streets..I don't do "barbs" back & forth..This is a form for comments and hopefully not get to analytical about a novela,speaking only for myself.

Export: What barbs?? I was just having a bit of fun with puns and turns of phrase! Why so sensitive? I have been open and honest about my being in sales and I think I was rather playfully sticking up for her character considering the rotten side that they've shown of "the life." Did you miss the crazy smile faces? Granted, I'm no artist on a keyboard, but that's how playfulness is usually conveyed on a post.

I apologize for not being more specific: "street walking" implies that as a saleswoman she is prostituting herself from which one infers that you are saying she is spreading her legs in order to make a sale; "walking the streets" implies that she is simply knocking on doors to gain entrance to make her presentation, from which one may infer that as a saleswoman she is simply wearing down a lot of shoe-leather during her unfruitful travails to gain entry and opportunity to make her sales presentation.

If I had truly meant to shoot barbs at you, ask the folks at TN-W, I c/would have.

Jardinera, thanks for another wonderful recap.
Since I'm new to telenovelas, I appreciated your explanation of Rod's stupidity/nobility, Beckster. Is this reflective of the culture, or just the writers attempt to entertain?

Anyhoo, Gavi could rise again if she'd stop acting like an obnoxious kid right off the farm. Maybe she'll put on the agave crown and market the tequila herself.

Meliton had it coming...

Jardinera, thanks for the recap.

I've browsed the end of the book Cafe, con aroma de mujer as well as well as the screen version: Without giving anything away - let's simply say that the endings are quite different.

Lynne, without getting into any specifics, would you say that you liked both endings? (Like maybe the stories were different enough that each ending made sense for its respective story...)

Thks, jb and Lynne! Glad you enjoyed it. Gavi can be obnoxious and bullheaded just like Rod, for sure, and I consider that her biggest problem.=======

So Lynne, I'm wondering about where the dicotomy starts between the novel and the telenovela. Martai's novela script is 20 chapters if I'm not mistaken. Is the book also?

It will make for some great practice in Spanish translation, no doubt.

Did you ever give us the specifics of the Gaitan novel to try to get our libraries to dig it up for us to check a copy out also?

Thanks, Jardinera^^^Can't wait to see what happens on Monday. I'm loving to hate Isa...she is such a princessa. She may have gotten the Rodster into her bed , but I don't think that it will go any further than that...they will be sleeping together in only the most literal sense. Que lastima, Isa...cruel can't always get what you want, Honey.

I have been watching Destilando and reading/& immensely enjoying your recaps for only a few months. All of you are wonderful! I am only a begining student in Spanish so this site is such a help-plus lots of fun. However, I cannot figure out what your abbreviation DF means. Could you explain. Thanks.

DF--Distrito Federal, aka Mexico City.

yes, I hope that Gavi will raise again and would be the downful of the Montalvo corp.Please let it happened !I would love to see Gavi and Rod back together again thru'
Dani and the old eagle ! and I really thanks all the recappers for doing a fantastic job of translating to English so people like me can enjoy the novela.I hope Aaron will question Isa's child ,bec. Rod is too Dummy !

P.S. Lynne: I didn't mean for you to get specific, either. ; ? ) Just, eventually I'd like to know around what chapters things take a decisive turn only.........

I'd like to know what Eduardo's past was like that he would tell Gavi he's not one to judge. He as well as Beni are two guys who might have had very interesting subplots to follow if the writers had cared to flesh them in. Maybe the writers will come through on Eddy for us.

I will repost the information on the book:

It is: "Cafe Con Aroma De Mujer" by Fernando Gaitan.
ISBN : 8440672187. It has 267 pages.

The edition that I have was printed in Spain by Litografia Rosés. I found an interesting website on them They seem to be based in Barcelona.

The book is very condensed - little if no conversation. Gaitan wrote it as he was approached to produce it for a telenovela. The website version by Marta is very lengthy and is mainly conversation. I did a cut and paste on the last 6 episodes on her website and printed them. It is almost longer than Gaitan's whole book.

I'll try to answer the questions and not give anything away:) I've been reading the summaries on the Esmas website - Mexican version which is ahead of Television. There is still no major divergence from the book. The difference comes when it all starts to unravel. I think that the ending in the book is likely more true-to-life. Others who have more experience with telenovelas than me have mentioned that they follow a fixed pattern. The telenovela ending follows the fixed pattern.

However that was Cafe, con aroma de mujer. Maybe Destilando Amor will be different - who knows?

Hi, all! As protector of Those Who Do Not Wish to Know the Future, I sense this discussion of "Cafe..." is edging towards forbidden information. Remember that there is always Telenovela-World, without the "No Spoilers" policy, and if you're desperate, you can see the avances at because Mexico is far ahead of us. On this blog NO SPOILERS. Thanks.

With this one I don't need any spoilers & don't worry (but I could be wrong), that some producer will decide that he/she has a new twist on it. So far so good, time is passing at a good rate, if it was LFMB, we'd still be living thru the day Rod ran into Gavi at the office. Not to mention lots of amusing antics by Margarita, the maintence guy and maybe the boink spring sound everytime Pilar sits on the couch. Nope this one is true TeleNovela fare. I love it.

Yes, we sure would be back at the day Rod met Gavi at the office. Good one! LFMB fue insoportable!!!!!!(that means so much more than "unbearable" to me.) The best telenovelas take an established story line, preferably written by someone who doesn't work for Televisa, and stick to it. As in the last telenovela I watched faithfully--the immortal Corazon Salvaje. I still mourn the loss of Eduardo Palomo. He couldn't have played Rodrigo, though--half the physique, but double the decisiveness.

Sorry if I revealed too much. For those who want to read the Cafe episode, the best website - in my opinion is:

It contains a lot of English description of the action and the Spanish is quite easy so is good for those like me who need to read Spanish.

I was planning to take Italian in the fall which is why I wanted to have the book. But I've decided to stick with Spanish. This evening I hope to make arrangements to go with friends to Machu Pichu in December! That should be amazing.

I would really like to see Gavi get some experience with an adult man! Please, please. And Rod might as well sleep with Isa. What is he saving himself for?

The pattern I've seen in the very few telenovelas that I've watched is that the hero can sleep with other women [cases in point Luis in Alborado and that skunk Manuel in Amor Real]...sometimes lots and lots of other women , but the heroine CANNOT sleep with ANYONE other than THE HERO,,,even if she is married. Let's all say it together class : ''DOUBLE STANDARD .'' So, technically ,according to telenovela canon, Rodrigooo COULD sleep with Isa , but my bet is that he won't because they have painted him as a one-woman man. Rod is incapacitado EXCEPT with Gaviota....bummer, Rod...or in the words of Beckster when once describing Gabe in ''Mundo,''...''It sucks to be you, Dude.''

Of course the heroine doesn't get to have sex with other people, Gawd forbid, then we'd have to toss her off the church steeple in the end...However the hero spends most of the story thinking she is nailing everything that moves (and enjoying it a lot), (I say well if you are payin the time might as well be doin the time...oooops I'd be off the bell tower)..

The hero gets to have sex, sometimes, sometimes he is just drugged & has date rape sex..once again see Cesar, or better Jorge tied up in a bed for weeks with gangerous legs rotting off and raped by a crazy lady with a mask...Yes the hero gets to have sex, but it is always empty meaningless sex that he only has while thinking of his true love...which must be a bit of a downer for his partner. The hero never ever gets to have hawt damn you rock my world sex. But the evil people get to have scads of hawt hate sex, and they also get to drink, sometimes drugs too and generally have great fun....Damn if it wasn't such a long way down from the bell tower there would be no contest.

sorry...I meant if you have to do the time...might as well get to do the crime

I worry about how Rod is going to get his faculties back -- all of them. He needs a brain, but also a spine and a little bit of courage.

If Rod could be with another woman without the ED concern, would he? How much more his loyalty would be tested if he didn't have anything to stop him.

Sorry, Melinama! I meant for the Eduardo stuff as pure conjecture for here and not for spoiler purposes. --Sorry if it came off the wrong way, guys.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera! Comparing Rod to the Scarecrow of Wiz of Oz...hehe...brilliant!

i like beckter's analogy...if galanes don't lie they wouldn't expect anyone to lie either

in these capitulos my props go to the acress who plays acacia...she'd doing a darn good job convincing me she's one poor, infeliz, unlucky young girl with no hope. the looks of innocence VS death in her eyes are so convincing...i cannot imagine anyone else playing the role of acacia!

Acacia's character is disturbing, but somehow the actress manages to convey some intelligence in her character.

I like Acacia too. I'm glad she's got some attitude. The fact that it's sorta Goth attitude makes it more interesting. You have to admit she's one-of-a-kind.

Hey, in addition to screwing around, drinking, and cussing, don't forget the bad guys also SMOKE CIGARETTES. When I was little, I used to watch kids' shows that had puppets smoking cigarettes. Nowadays, smoking on a TV show is a sure sign of moral bankruptcy. How times have changed.

I truly appreciated the strangely "serene" version of Acacia tonight, both actress and character. Wonder what she did with the old pervert's body.

ATTN Fanaticas: Per, there will be a chat with a surprise celebrity guest from "Destilando" on Wednesday night, 7-18-07 at 17:00 hrs (I'm guessing that's 5:00 pm Eastern, 4:00 pm Central). Follow this link for more info/submit questions for the guest:

Ooops, just had a thought.... Since Mexico is far ahead of Univision's broadcast schedule, this chat could be rife with spoilers. Also, it'll be in Spanish.

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