Saturday, August 04, 2007

Acorralada #140 Thursday 8/2/07 Revenge plots thicken

Reprise of yesterday: Marfil is trying to seduce "Alejandro."

Emilio is practicing walking with Caramelo. Yolando and Paco show up. Yolanda tells about the party. Her sister is strange. She wants to return to her previous "shine," (brillar), in society, so she gave this party.

We cut to a bodega, where our favorite miscreants, Pancho and Halcon, are staging an armed robbery. Pancho has a stocking over his face. Halcon shoots a nice old lady when she starts screaming. Her goddaughter comes up as the ambulance comes and cries for her "madrina" (godmother).

Sharon is lying in bed with her dad, I kid you not. I just don't know what to say about this really gross scene. She is wearing an extremely short blue dress and cuddling with Roddy like a lover. I shudder just to think about it. Anyway, she is playing him for the fool about Fedora. Yada Yada Yada.

Roddy now talks to Fedora about the daughter. Sharon taunts Gaby with how she's going to steal Larry from her.

Back at the party, Octy throws "Alejandro" out when he dares to mention how he thought Fedora was innocent and was deprived of her fortune.

Iggy tells her that they needed Alejandro, and Octy was a fool.

Pancho and Halcon argue over Haldon's blunder. Why did you shoot an old lady? Because she was screaming and would draw the police. Duh. Aren't the police going to be called anyway?

Maricela, the new character, is at the hospital asking about her godmother.

Pedro and "Alejandro" review the party. Alejandro calls Diana and asks if she's upset at how he beat up her husband. No way! He's worthless. He then tells about how Octy threw him out. She invites him for coffee to discuss it. He says sure, but first he has to go to the hospital to see Emilio.

Marfil and Fiona gossip about how Octy throw "Alejandro" out.

"Alejandro" sees Maricela crying in the hospital. He offers his help.

Diego and Camila discuss whether Alejandro is Max. There are numerous boring coversations like this throughout the episode among various characters. Each minute one person believes it and tries to convince the other. As soon as the other changes her mind, the first one reverses position.

Diego saw "Alejandro" kissing Diana just like Max would. He is going to kill him!

Diana is suspicious. Alejandro hit Diego as only Max would.
Incidentally, Diana is sporting a new fashion don't: A white cotton sun dress suspended by a gigantic black beaded necklace. There's also an ugly green border on the skirt. The bodice does nothing for her bustline.

Maricela is upset because godmom might be blind. How will they live. Here's a good idea offered by Dulce the nurse: She should marry Dr. Leonard Valladares--he's always loved Maricela. No matter that she doesn't love him!

Camila and Diego are still arguing. Camila thought bubbles that she thinks Alejandro is Max. She will gain his trust and then his economic support.

Paco and the others discuss how much Alejandro looks like Max.

Diego calls Diana and berates her for kissing "Alejandro."
She tells him to leave her alone. She will never get her back. Etc. He threatens to kill Max.
Diego seems to realize that Max has a revenge plot going.

"Alejandro" says he will pay godmom's hospital bill. This will let Maricela off the hook for marrying Dr. L.
Godmom has bandages over her eyes. I wonder how Max manages to hold back from discussing his own experience being blind with bandages over his eyes. Don't worry, he could say, you'll recover just like I did!

Dr. Leonardo comes in, and he looks miffed that Max is there.

Emilio and Caramelo are playing kissy face. She is feeding him lunch, and she says a kiss will be dessert. Too bad her phone rings. It's Pancholon. He says she'd better come quick or he's coming to the hospital to kill Emilio. Emilio is suspicious, but she lies and tells him it's her father. DUMB!

She leaves.

Silvia and Diana discuss whether Alejandro is Max. Diana wants it with all her fuerzas.

Camila and Iggy are discussing the end of the party. Iggy is sorry Octy threw Alejandro out. He wanted to take advantage of their new friendship, but nooooo. The doorbell rings, and it's Diego. More talk about whether Alejandro is Max.

Pancho tries to rape Caramelo at the car repair shop! Fortunately, she escapes.

Alejandro and Pedro discuss the plot. Alejandro is inviting all his enemies over the next day: Diego, Marfil, Iggy and Camila--and Diana. He wants to confuse them. Pedro scoffs. Just then the doorbell rings: It's Fiona. She's there to sleep with Max, and it looks like they're going to do the deed.

At the end, we see Diana giving a glassy-eyed head tilt as the credits roll.


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