Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Amar #29 Monday 8/27/07 Part I Who is the new dragon lady?

We open with a reprise of the long scene from Friday in which Diego and Silvana break up. I refer you to Chris's excellent recap for that.

Here is the first half of the show. I have to go to a meeting and will post the rest a bit later.

Burgay is talking to some other gangster honcho. The honcho (does anyone know his name?) wants results! Toscano is working hard and is very proud. If there are no results, they should stop supporting Mo. Burgay suggests that a gun to the head would be more effective in making him pay attention (hacer caso). We learn that someone named Santoro is coming.

Diego rehashes the Silvana situation with Isela. She thinks he’s in a wolf trap with his new job. Azul is going to marry her boss and Diego is foolish and impulsive. She gets him to help out in the bar. (is this because Silvana is gone?)

Ines goes over to see GSD. She asks if he had been planning to let her know he wanted out. He is a bit sheepish. He says the passion is gone. Passion, she says. You want passion? She attacks him, and they begin a creepy overaggressive makeout session.

Burgay shows up at the bar where Diego is waiting tables. He jokes that it is funny the head of personnel and PR is waiting tables in his spare time. He jokes that he will wash dishes. He gives Diego an important assignment: he will go to the airport to pick up Santoro and take him to the hotel, etc. He begins flattering Diego. You know, I’m not gay, he says, but you are handsome, agreeable, etc.

They leave. Someone is following in a car. It looks like Andres. Diego goes to talk to Abuelo and that friend of his. Andres seems to be following again.

Honcho calls Mo and tells him Santoro is coming. This strikes fear into Mo’s heart. Why didn’t you tell me before? Well, honcho didn’t know. He is going to talk to GSD to get results.

Mo calls GSD on the intercom. We see GSD working in the Hazmat outfit on a TV screen. He rudely says the equivalent of “whaddya want–can’t you see I’m working?” Mo says he needs results by morning. This view of what scientists can accomplish is ludicrous. Scientists don’t accomplish things faster by working harder. In any event, they don’t discover miracle cures in two days.

Diego is now waiting at the airport with a sign that says Senor Santoro. He asks a guy if he is Senor Santoro. The guy looks blank. We suddenly see a raccoon-eyed blonde dragon lady emerge. She is Santoro! Impactado looks all around. It’s hard to convey just how creepy and unattractive this woman looks. I understand some of you know this actress, but I don’t.

Diego has made a fool of himself. He tries to say that Burgay did not tell him Santoro was a woman. (I did not rewind to see what pronouns Burgay used. Anybody?) Santoro is dismissive. Then they go outside. She doesn’t want to ride in the limo. She wants to ride in the Mustang convertible with Diego.

Azul comes home from work and talks to Ceci. Ceci says her boyfriend is strange. Azul decides she is going to tell Mo tomorrow that the wedding is off. She has to figure out where this thing with Diego is going. She’ll tell Mo after the meeting.


Thanks for all the recaps. I just decided to start watching this one. Been bummed since La Fea ended. Sorry to ask, but can someone tell me who the letters represent (GSD, etc). I know they've been used earlier, but I couldn't find the first.

GSD is grouchy scientist dude. There is a longer version that is like GSSCD or something but I can't ever remember what it all stands for, so I have been using GSD. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you here again.

GCSCD=Grouchy Chain Smoking Scientist Dad. Azul's Daddy. Dr. Alfredo Toscano. About to become Dr. Germ Warfare.

I can't wait to see what you made of his conversation with Evil Eva Santoro, Nina. I was putting tomatoes in the dehydrator and couldn't quite follow it, other than she wanted to make lots of money off the deal.

Actually it may have been grouchy scientist DAD, since he's Azul's father, but I prefer dude.

Strangely, I only had time to watch half this episode last night and ended at exactly the same spot. Thanks for the recap, and the plug at the beginning for mine from last week.
Yes, Isela wanted Diego's help because Silvana didn't come back (she didn't want to run into Diego) and Paco still hasn't shown up.
The GSD/Ines thing grossed me out. It seemed like GSD was saying, at the end, "no. what? no. forget what I said" because I think his 'passion' excuse was just to dump Ines, so he could go chase Emilia.
Ha I laughed when Burgay had start his explanation with "now don't forget, I'm not gay!"
Andres may have quit his job, but he kept the nice car! And have you noticed that everyone's car in a novela is always sparkling clean?
Regarding Burgay hinting to Santoro being a woman - since I was expecting this, having seen dragon lady in the previews Friday, I was paying close attention. Since in Spanish 'his' and 'her' are both the same word, there was no indication. I get the feeling that Burgay misled him on purpose, maybe a little test. I agree on not being able to describe the unattractiveness of Santoro - she isn't ugly, just like anti-attractive, if that makes sense. I commented to my wife that perhaps losing the raccoon eyes and helmet hair would help, my wife described it as 'Playmobil' hair and I laughed for a solid five minutes. What a perfect description.
Lastly, the Azul/Mo on/off relationship is reminding me too much of Emilioooooooooo/Alina and is starting to become just as annoying.

Great point, Chris. Of course, the pronouns are the same! Duh! Yes, I thought it was some kind of test also.

GCSSD = Grumpy Chain-Smoking Scientist Dad.

Part II will be a separate posting.

I would chose the Mustang convertible , too. Azul***I think that you are a day late and a dollar short with Diego because you now will have another rival besides mopey Silvana for his affections....a raccoon wearing a helmet and kneehigh boots. And , as for fickle Diego...Dude, you are soooo easy. Just because you are offered something doesn't mean that you have to accept it. I am losing respect for you, Buddy. Just because you are nice to your grandpa and mom does not mean that you are a good guy...I sense a certain smarmiest behind your shy smile. I don't even want to talk about Ines roughing up GSD...I think she made him drop his cig. He looked scared. These people ARE scary. I wish Mr. Pinata from ''Duelo'' could see Blanca in this telenovela...Gisela is pretty foxy with the long streaked hair and tee shirts....who knew ???

Speaking of the cars, Burgay is driving a Cadillac, and Andres seems to be driving a Nissan Murano. All American (or Japanese/American) cars. Unlike LFMB, they are not covering the logos with swiggles.

The longer this show goes on the harder it is for me to find any reason to like the main characters.

At first I was attracted to Azul, mostly due to the fact that she reminded me of Jennifer Love Hewitt (don't get me started!!), but her spoiled brat personality quickly turned me off. She can join Paco in the garden as far as I'm concerned. But then she'd probably bitch that she wasn't buried under the roses...

Diego, on the other hand, actually had me fooled with his apparent down-to-earth personality and compassion toward the other characters. But now I see that he is just another type of Azul, the one who was never told "NO" as he grew up (obviously the apple of his mother's eye) and, therefore, never added the word to his vocabulary. For somebody who claims that Azul is the only woman in his life, he regularly seeks comfort in whatever woman offers herself (all the while protesting that he doesn't want to hurt them!).

Move over Paco, it's getting crowded down there!

Pretty sure the "New Dragon Lady" is the same as the "husband stealing hussey" from Piel de Otono, only in that one she had dark hair with a blonde streak in it.

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