Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tonki, Donkey, Sweet Little Doggie

My friend Susan was instrumental in getting me hooked on Telenovelas. She just sent me a picture of herself walking her new doggie. The doggie's name? Tonki The Wonder Dog of course!!
Don't you think that Tonki looks like she's ready to go after any ne'er do wells or mountain lions (no jaguars in California) who happen to get in her way, just like our beloved Tonki from Duelo?
Go get 'em Tonki!!!


Thanks for sharing that! I miss Tonki!


wow, he really does look like tonki! Especially those ears!

Sylvia !!! It's Tonki/Donki !!! Maybe he got tired of the show biz and found a good home with your friend Susan. I'm glad you're back. I missed you here. I'd often think to myself as I watched a telenovela...''I wonder what Sylvia would say about this .''

What a cute, good little doggie!!!
Maybe one day we will see Tonki in another novela. THIS Tonki looks like the other one!

Years ago I saw "Mari Mar", a novela starring Thalia. She had a little dog whose name was, of all things....Pulgoso! Chantal also came out in that novela. And, of course, she was evil!!!

I'm so glad y'all like Tonki. I miss Tonki, Maximo and the Duelo recappers/commenters!!

Who knew that we would EVER miss ''Duelo''??? I even miss Emiloooo and that $19.99 silver heart necklace and the #@&$$## cofre and Floralina's clever disguises. Well, maybe I just miss typing all those extra ''ooooo''s after emilio's name. And Gaspar...don't even get me started on how much I miss Gasparito. I still can't believe they let maldito Thelma take him down into the whirlpool with her. AND...I'm still not sure what was in THE COFRE and what happened to it. Did it stop glowing ???? There are still so many unanswered questions for me !

Do you know the only thing that would be better than this picture of Susan and Tonki??

If Gaspar was standing on the other side of her, grinning like a fool for the camera. Hot diggity dog! LOL

I miss Gaspar!! I wonder what El Intocable is up to? I heard he was going to fight again. Stephe, have you heard anything???

Well, at first I thought we might see him in another telenovela right away because the word was he'd decided to retire from the AAA. But then last month I read that it was a false alarm. He has supposed resigned a new contract.

They were probably screwing with his money or something, and he had to show 'em who was boss. LOL You can be sure I'll keep you up to speed, okay? ;-)

What a cute dog and, of course, a great name!

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