Sunday, August 19, 2007

Amar August 17 - Mauricio the smarmy bastard to the rescue

I always set my recordings to start a couple minutes early and end a couple minutes late, that ensures that I don’t ever miss the beginning or ending to an episode. This really helps when I like to record episodes of “The King of Queens” that play in syndication. What that means for Amar is that I catch the end of Yo Amo a Juan Querendon everyday. At first that just meant that I got to watch a minute or two of whoever is that amazingly hot dark-haired acress on that show. Usually she’s wearing some kind of dress or suit, but still manages to show off her body. So, I’m good with that. Today, however, I got a little shock – Juan Q cut off his ridiculous hair! I was too blinded by his horrible tie to get a good look, but as far as I could tell he looks waay more normal. He’s still sporting the hubcap sized belt buckle and questionable wardrobe, but he’s headed in the right direction.

As I write this on Sunday afternoon, there isn’t a recap up for Thursday’s episode yet. So, to briefly go over what happened that day – Emilia (ha I actually reflexively wrote Emiliaaa – my Duelo readers will get that) and GSD make googly eyes at each other. Later GSD tells Ines what a great fantastical smart hottie she is, which is a really stupid thing to say to your girlfriend, and naturally Ines gets jealous. The next day at Azul’s place, the four of them (Arnaldo, Azul, GSD, Ines) are going to have dinner and the truth of the GSD/Ines relationship comes out – including the fact that the relationship started before Azul’s mother died! Needless to say Azul is super pissed, she even punches Ines in the face.

We left off Wednesday with Silvana telling Diego to do her good – he proceeded to do so. Gloria comes home and barges into Morticia’s room to find her and Diego asleep post-coitus. Unlike every other mother who would be horrified to find their daughter fornicating, she runs over to Diego’s mother and tells her, they have a little happy dance. “Yay! Our kids are screwing each other!” Later Azul shows up to tell Diego not to accept the job so she doesn’t have to see him any more. Diego figures out that she doesn’t want to see him so that she doesn’t have to confront her feelings for him, they go on about this for some time.

Lidia plays a bad joke on Piero, she calls him and demands that he meet her at the office (it’s late) where she pretends to be late for her period and takes a pregnancy test. Before telling him the results, she reveals that it was a joke. WTF? For some reason this doesn’t cause Piero to run for the hills. Dude, this chick is crazy. Run. Piero takes her home and follows her inside, where they start fooling around in the exact same spot that they got busted by Abuelo last time. How stupid are they? So, of course, someone comes in – it’s Manuel, who tells Piero to get the hell out after seeing him feeling up his daughter. Later Manuel confronts Piero in his office, Piero confesses that while his marriage isn’t great, he has a kid and won’t leave his wife. Manuel says to leave Lidia alone or he’ll regret it.

I think that covers the important events of Thursday. OH – one more thing – Clemencia has chest pain and is taken to the hospital, they say she needs an angioplasty but it costs 500,000 pesos, Diego says he’ll get the money. I was wondering how they would write him into needing the job with Mauricio, now we know.

After hearing the news of GSD and Ines, Azul tells Morris that she can’t live in a relationship that has any lies. Morris asks if she has lied to him, she says yes she has lied. He looks kind of pissed and curious at the same time. Notice how when she said that, he automatically assumed it was HER that had lied, even though he apparently lies constantly? Anyway. She says her lie was that she almost broke up with him and that she still has a little of that feeling. They talk a little and apparently decide everything is fine and hug each other.

Diego talks to his mother, he lies and tells her everything and everybody everywhere are just fine, doing great, don’t worry about anything.

Morris leaves Azul at her place, she wants to rest. Arnaldo comes out of the back dressed to go out, Azul can’t believe he’s going to go have fun after the day they had. He says he doesn’t want to just stay home and be sad. Azul won’t say what is bothering her and Arnaldo says she has to face it sooner or later. She snaps at him but then apologizes.

Abuelo, Lidia, Paco, Morticia, and Abuelo are in the kitchen. Abuelo kicks in some money for the operation. Diego says with all the money from everyone, they have 28,000 pesos. Considering they need 500k, it is nothing. Lidia says they need to sell the house. Paco asks about Diego’s severance and he gets mad and goes outside. Morticia follows him and suggests that now is the time for Morris to repay the debt he owes Diego for saving his life – money for mom’s operation. In the morning, Diego calls Morris and agrees to go to his house and meet with him. He gets up and leaves without his cell phone, which starts ringing. Nosy metiche Morticia grabs the phone and listens to the voicemail. It is Morris, saying that he had an emergency and has to now meet him downtown. Of course, Diego is already gone. Silvana looks impactado, though this is a very minor thing to get impactado about.

Azul talks to GSD, GSD tries to explain everything. He says he loved Azul’s mother but they never worked right as a couple. He talks some more but it doesn’t seem to mean anything.

Diego arrives at Morris’s house and Leo welcomes him in while simultaneously giving him the cold shoulder. She brings back Andres, who says Morris had an emergency and left Diego a message, didn’t he get it? Diego says he forgot his phone, will Morris be long? Andres just stands there like a palace guard and doesn’t answer. Sometime these scene cuts don’t work – they have something like this, where a person stands there looking mean or angry or whatever when all they are doing is answering a yes or no question. It’s weird.

Morris arrives at Diego’s house, Morticia is cleaning in the kitchen and gets a little freaked out at the sound of his voice. Manuel had opened the door and invites Morris in while he checks if Diego is home. Morticia rushes away so Morris doesn’t see her. Morticia is in Diego’s room when Manuel checks. She begs Manuel to just tell Morris that Diego isn’t home, she’ll explain later why she doesn’t want to see him. Manuel says fine, but damn calm down! She’s all hyperventilating and everything. Morris is just getting off the phone, turns out Diego is at his house, Three’s Company continues. I can only imagine that this whole deal was to get Manuel to know what the deal is with Morris and Morticia. Otherwise it makes no sense. Or, something is about to happen with Diego at Morris’s house. Let’s see.

Andres tells Diego that Morris is on the way. Just then Azul sees Diego and starts a fight with him. She thinks he is here to take the job, he says jeez woman the whole world doesn’t revolve around you. He is here for something else, nothing for her to concern herself with. She sees that something is wrong and starts being nice. Andres looks in on them suspiciously but Azul sends him away. Instead of telling her what’s up, he starts giving her a hard time about her relationship with Morris. She says whatever she knows he isn’t alone either, Diego asks her if she is jealous. Cripes I’ve had enough of these two as of right now. How can every show make it so we don’t even care if the main characters get together? Even Luis and Hipolita in Alborada – she was so stupid so many times I just wanted her to get in a carriage with her impotent/potentially gay husband and leave. Heridas, Duelo, every show makes the main couple look so pitiful, why should we care if they end up together? Bah.

Piero counts out some cash and gives it to Lidia, it is only 10k pesos. He says that’s all his wife would let him give. She tries to make him feel like less of a man for having to let his woman decide everything. She makes an interesting comment – “I comply with everything you ask, things your wife won’t do, and you humiliate me like this?” Hmmm – are we getting a hint at the kinky unseen antics of these two? Their relationship has been a bit strange, he keeps fondling her in her own house so they can keep getting caught, they aggravate each other on purpose, the whole thing is weird. I guess we’re seeing why it is worth it for him, he gets to do things with her that his wife won’t do. I guess she was hoping for money or presents for providing those services. Piero’s wife walks in on the conversation and wants to know what’s going on.

Diego says that at least fighting with Azul distracts him, she says she’s glad to be good for something. He says she is good for more than she can imagine, I tried to figure out what exactly he meant by that, but it was just one of Diego’s grand sweeping statements, he is full of them. Morris arrives. Bleah his smile is so fake, it drives me nuts. Diego asks to speak in private.

Lidia continues to say that it isn’t enough money, Mrs. Piero says it’s 10,000 pesos! She’ll have to work forever just to pay that back! She finally says tough luck Lidia, that’s all we have to give. Lidia storms out, Piero tries to explain that her mother is dying.

Diego tells Morris what is going on. He tells Morris that this is his last option. Morris thinks he should have been an earlier option, he told Diego before to come to him for anything. Diego says he’ll sell the house and pay it all back. Morris says they’ll discuss that later, besides he owes Diego his life and that is worth more than 500,000 pesos. Morris says he wants to help but his money is all tied up. He’ll make some calls and let him know what he can do. Azul knocks and enters, even though nobody told her to come in. She looks like she opened up her sweater and adjusted her bra to make sure she is showing as much boob as possible, perhaps to make Diego jealous. Diego looks upset but says fine, thanks. He leaves. Azul wants to know what’s up and Morris tells her. She says you’re going to help, right? Morris the ass says he doesn’t know, he asked for a lot. We are seeing his true colors here, perhaps so is Azul.

The doctor tells Diego that they can’t wait any longer. Tomorrow the family will have to authorize some other operation that is much riskier, since they can’t afford the angioplasty. Morticia arrives and Diego tells her they have to do the other thing. She says it will all be fine. Lidia shows up with her 10k pesos. He tells her too that they are doing the other operation.

Morris asks Azul if he should help, she says of course. He says he thought she didn’t like Diego, she says it doesn’t matter, his mom is dying! He says it’s a lot of money, she reminds him that Diego saved his life. Morris says he doesn’t understand why Diego is suddenly so important to her, she says just help him and you won’t owe him anything any more.

Back in Diego’s little room, he is complaining to Morticia that after all the times Morris kept asking how he could help, now he won’t. Morticia says yeah, now you see he’s evil, and oh, uh, did you see Azul? He says yes. She is jealously fishing for info, but there’s nothing to tell. Lidia comes in and says Manuel wants to speak with all of them. Manuel says he got a loan for 450,000 pesos from the bank, it will just take a few days for the paperwork. Diego says there isn’t time to wait, she’ll die. Abuelo says he understands that Manuel is doing the right thing, but there isn’t time. Manuel goes on a little rant that he won’t permit her to die, because her death is his death! He’ll kill, rob, whatever, to get the money. But still, there isn’t time, even if he robs and kills for the money. Manuel starts feeling sorry for himself, for not having the money.

I guess GSD and Ines have the whole world against them, so they might as well be with each other. We see them lying in be, both looking shocked at the recent events. GSD is smoking in bed, no no no! You’ll catch something on fire! GSD tries to blame everything on her, she wanted to tell everyone. He treats her like shit. He basically tells her how stupid she is, puff puff, so naïve, puff puff, I don’t want to hear any more. He leaves. She begs him not to leave. Maybe he decided that the middle aged thesis advisor with a body 20 years younger is a better option.

Manuel is up in bed asleep, downstairs Abuelo comments that he never realized how much he loved Clemencia, what a time to find out, huh?

Arnaldo and Azul discuss the GSD/Ines deal. Azul says she isn’t ever going to forgive them, what upsets her most is that it started before her mother’s death. Which reminds me – why did GSD admit that part? Why didn’t he just say they got together after his wife died? What an idiot. Another thing – what is with Arnaldo’s poor excuse for a beard? Does he trim it with his eyes closed? That thing is so patchy, it looks horrible. Well, to me at least. I understand why the prevailing opinion of this guy is ‘muy guapo’, going back to his Duelo days, but damn that beard is the worst. Anyway, Azul swears to never speak to them again. Arnaldo says so then what, we’ll just stay here alone with nobody? She says if she can’t have that family, it’s time to start a new one with Mauricio. Arnaldo says, what then of me? Huh? HUH? They cry together.

The family, plus Morticia (who has somehow infiltrated this family in a way a CIA operative could never pull off), is gathered around Clemencia the next morning at the hospital, all looking at her like she’s going to die. The doctor says it’s time to get her ready. Clemencia tells Manuel that she won’t leave him. They all cry and act like she’s already dead anyway. She and Diego have a tearful goodbye. Abuelo finally drags Diego out of the room. After they are gone, Clemencia finally breaks down and cries. The screen goes fuzzy, not sure if that means that she already died, or what.

Ines shows up at Azul’s apartment. Azul doesn’t let her speak, she just goes on a long rant. Ines tries to tell her to understand, Azul doesn’t want to hear it. Arnaldo shows up and tells Ines that she should leave. Finally they slam the door on her.

Diego goes to look in on his mother, he sees Morris sitting by her bed. Morris tells Diego that he got the money together to get the angioplasty for Clemencia. Diego is ecstatic. Is this some kind of dream sequence? In the hall, Diego thanks him. He swears to repay every cent. Morris tells Diego to give his thanks to Azul, she is the one who said he should help.

Now that Ines is gone, Azul snaps at Arnaldo instead. She confesses that part of her bad mood is knowing Diego’s mom is sick and how he must feel.

Morris is talking to some guy and saying he needs money, for an angioplasty and for the best doctor in the country to do it. So – he promised everything to Diego without first having lined it up. I smell a disaster coming. Morris tells the guy to ‘haz un esfuerzo’, which I guess means “do me a solid.” The guy wants to know how to justify that much cash for an operation, Morris says whatever, just do it, and hints at their less than legal/moral business that they have together, just a reminder I guess. The guy says he’ll see what he can do.

Manuel is concerned with paying the money back, Diego says they’ll worry about it later. The doctor says that whoever this Senor Duarte is, when he calls, people jump and start working!

Azul is trying to find where Clemencia is being treated and how she is.

Silvana isn’t pleased that Morris is helping, but she’s glad Clemencia will be ok. Clemencia is wheeled down the hall, they all fuss over her again. Lidia and Abuelo take Manuel off for some coffee, he looks like he’ll pass out. Diego stays behind to be pensive, who approaches but Azul. She wants to know how mom is, and apologize for being mean to him lately. He accepts. She says she came to be with him in this difficult time. He thanks her for convincing Morris to cough up the money. She is surprised, she didn’t realize Morris had come. Just then, Morris walks up to the nurse’s station, in view, Diego tries whispers to Azul that he’s right there! She just freezes and looks impactado. Yeah, I can imagine what he’ll think if he sees them together!

Monday: Diego accepts work with Mauricio, Azul tells him “No you can’t!”


It looks like you're finding some things to make fun of, after all! I've noticed the same thing about the main couple in telenovelas almost always being really lame. It was like that in Peregrina and Inocente de Ti, too. Usually the "hero" is a weak dithering fool. (About Juan Querendon -- he looks so much better with his hair short -- I can't believe what a difference it makes.)

Yes, I noticed as I was writing that I was finding a few kinks in the armor. My favorite part was when Silvana got waaay creepy on Diego, wanting to know why he wore a condom, "what, you don't want to have kids with me? cause they'd be CRAZY like me?" Wow, way to show how NOT crazy you are. That killed me, the first ever woman getting mad a man for using protection. What a psycho. They argue, then smile and walk, then fight again, then smile and walk. These two are a mess, Diego isn't finding anything good anywhere.

Thanks for your recap Ferro. I have to agree with you about many of the key couples in these novela. (There were so many times I wanted to kick Hipolita to the curb. But even she had more moments than poor Azul. She's an awful character. I keep asking myself why I want Diego with her -and I actually like the actress who plays the part. I agree with 5ft Latina, I want Diego with Ceci.)

Its hard to care if they get together which must be why when the actors click the producers lose their minds and agree for extensions (that are unplanned or too long) that kill the story.

A great recap , as always, Ferro. I always enjoy your point of view and the laughs you provide. Valentino's thing must be his excellent ''pining'' capabilities. Remember how he followed Hipolita around like a puppy dog in Alborada....and ended up skewered in the surf as a result. Well, now he is fixated on Princessa Azul which will lead to mucho problemos with MO down the road. Que lastima ! Silvana is freaky . Diego made a bad move giving in to that one. Didn't she recognize he was rebounding or didn't she care ? I don't know who annoys me more Azul or her cranky , chainsmoking father.

P.S. I like the way Azul's little eyebrows go up in the center when she is soooo sad. Ahhh..que lastima. ***Susanlynn. trying to achieve that sad little eyebrow lift for moments when she may need it...For example : ''I didn't mean to back into your car, Sir.'' ...or ''No, my syllabus is not done yet, but I am muy sad about it.''...or ''Was that YOUR glass of tequila....I thought it was MINE...Sorry.''...or''Gee, I thought I could claim my dog as a dependent because he really depends on me.''

Excellent recap, Chris. You're finding stuff to rip on, just like old times!

I couldn't follow the pre-operation conversation between Morris and the guy with the big mole on his face that well. I see you got the part that Morris wanted cash for the operation but also they talked about some doctor. Was this really the best doctor or just some hack that Mo knows? Mole guy didn't look too happy about the whole thing. I think you were right that Mo was calling in a favor or something. I guess this will unfold as we go.

I think it's fascinating that if Morris is such a rich guy he can't raise 500,000 pesos in cash. More troubling news about his business. Maybe he is tied up in subprime mortgage loans.

I did not watch this episode of Amar, but I do have Juan Q recorded. I have been watching Juan intermittently and erasing it, but I will definitely tune in for the trimming of the mullet! I do not usually read the Juan Q recaps, so I would have missed it without your tip. Thanks, Chris.

I actually had a conversation with my wife about raising $50,000 (rough equivalent of 500,000 pesos). I said that I could even come up with that if it meant saving my mother's life, and let me tell you, I have a LONG way to go before I have money like Morris. I was shocked by that bit too, that he'd have to go visit his shady cronies to round up that amount.
I think that the doctor he chose might actually be the best, since he's trying to show off. He'd have to know that somebody will check up on him, so I don't think he'd bring in Dr. Nick Riviera.

It's not too shocking I guess that Mo is a paper tiger - flim flam guy. His wealth is probably predicated on the next deal/scam whatever. No doubt that's what his dead wife left the house crazed about--about discovering this evil secret.

When he's discussing not having the money right away with Diego he uses the term "plazo fijo." I think normally this means that he's got a fixed income from investments, like stocks or bonds that pay a monthly or quarterly dividend, rather than having liquid assets like cash in a bank.

I was also wondering about that amount of money. Surely the hospital would perform it even if the people don't have the money. Will they really leave someone to die if they don't have the money for an operation? This operation is life-saving. If there has to be some priority of giving operations based on need/wealth, Diego's mother is still fairly young.

Yeah, I've been cracking up about the whole "we have to raise the cash before they'll perform the operation" business too. Hospitals don't do that! Imagine the lawsuits if they did! But it's all part of the fun of TeleNovela Land.

I'm not sure how it works in Mexico, it isn't quite the same as here. Medical care is much more cash for service, they don't have the same tangled insurance web we have here. Still, I wouldn't expect that they'd let someone die while they raised the money.
Also, my wife said something about there being a law that employers provide some kind of insurance, she had insurance when she still lived there from her job. She didn't know the details, but doesn't that mean Manuel would have some coverage? He puts on a suit every day, he has a job somewhere right?

I agree with Margaret. Mo is probably running some empire built on a foundation of debt.

Lawsuits are far more the order of the day in the USA than elsewhere. Still I know that even in SA they will perform operations on people who cannot afford it in life-saving situations. Both my niece and nephew are doctors in rural hospitals where people certain do not have the wealth to afford expensive operations.

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