Sunday, August 19, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #22 Thursday 8-16-07 – The Jig is Up!

This is going to be a very brief recap; I encourage any loyal viewers to fill in the nuances.

GCSSD is at Azul's apartment and gets introduced to Emilia. He gives her "the look." Emilia and GCSSD swap flatteries and mutual admirations.

Morticia is reading Diego's tarot cards. Things heat up and they end up in bed. As they're basking in the afterglow, Morticia actually smiles and laughs. I didn't know she could.

Inez is in bed when GCSSD walks in. He tells her he's met Azul's advisor, Emilia, and how enchanting he's found her to be. Inez wants to know if Emilia is married; GCSSD says he didn't ask. He then accuses Inez of being jealous. Inez denies it. GCSSD starts getting frisky and tickles Inez.

Lidia is getting dolled up; she's on the telephone and is frantic. She can't wait until tomorrow. She needs to meet the person in the office immediately.

Gloria comes home and discovers Morticia and Diego asleep in bed. She closes the door and walks away. Spectral music plays.

Mo is telling Andres why Diego should join the enterprise. Andres isn't sure it's such a good idea. Mo tells him why it is. "Don't be jealous, Andres. You'll always be my confidence man." Is that the beginning of a smile tugging at the corners of Andres' lips? I bet he's cute when he smiles.

Lidia tells Piero she thinks she's pregnant. Piero isn't happy. Lidia, who is clutching her EPT box, goes into the restroom to find out. Suspenseful music. Commercial.

Gloria tells Clemencia she just saw Morticia and Diego together. "Together, together?" asks Clemencia. "Sure enough!" exhalts Gloria excitedly.

Lydia walks out of the restroom glum, then starts laughing. Piero wants to know the results. "You've been punk'd! I just wanted to see the look on your face!" They end up swallowing each others' faces.

Andres is whining to Leo over dinner that Mo wants to hire Diego. Leo tells him not to fret. At least they didn't look like they were about to make out this time.

Piero brings Lidia home and they look like they're about to get it on in the hallway when Papa shows up and demands to know what the heck is going on. Papa throws Piero out and starts reading Lidia the riot act. He says, "Abuelo was right about you!" She says she doesn't want to be like Papa and Clemencia, to which Papa slaps her. He's yelling at her when Clemencia shows up to see what the fuss is all about. Papa storms off. When Clemencia asks Lidia, Lidia stomps off in tears. Clemencia is confused.

Clemencia goes into Lidia's room to get answers. Lidia lies about what happened. Clemencia points out she's not stupid, "What the heck is going on?" Lidia tells Clemencia to leave her alone. Clemencia leaves and Lidia cries.

Diego walks in and sees Clemencia at the kitchen table. Clemencia tells him something happened between Papa and Lidia and no one will tell her what it is. Diego volunteers to ask, but Clemencia thinks it's better to leave well enough alone. She then asks about Morticia; she smells Morticia's perfume on his hands. EEEWWW! Diego wants to know if it's intuition or if a little bird told her. He looks like he's about to say something when he suddenly gets up with a smile and tells Clemencia he's going to bed.

Gloria has fixed breakfast for Morticia. Morticia is still walking around with the high-pro glow. Gloria is thrilled! Gloria admits she saw Morticia asleep with Diego.

Diego also has the high-pro glow. Clemencia asks about the mother of his kids. "That's over. It's dead!"

Papa wants to know what Lidia is doing with a married man. Lidia replies he's not happy with his wife. P-- "Then why doesn't he divorce her?" L--"Because he has a little girl."

Mo is talking to Andres about the business when Azul walks in. "Do you two still think we don't need Diego in the business?" Spectral music.

Piero is comforting Lidia when Papa shows up. Papa wants a word alone with Piero.

Diego and Morticia are having a pleasant walk when Azul shows up and wrecks everything. Morticia excuses herself and goes inside. Azul begs Diego to not accept the job with Mo; "I know Mo and you'll not be able to do the things he wants done." Diego is mad; she has no confidence in his (Diego's) abilities. Azul is in tears pleading with him. They stand one millimeter apart and look like they are going to kiss. Diego accuses Azul of still feeling something for him, after all, she's trembling. This goes on for awhile as Morticia is staring glumly out the window.

Papa asks Piero his intentions with Lidia. "Is it true you are separated from your wife?" Piero says things aren't great with wifey, but they aren’t separated. He has no big plans for Lidia. Papa basically tells Piero to stay away from Lidia or there will be unpleasant consequences.

The teary reunion between Diego and Azul continues. He says she can leave if she's said everything she's come to say. She thanks him for saving Mo's life and leaves. Glycerine tears of true dolor course down Diego's cheeks.

Piero yells at Lidia. He does not want a repeat of her father's visit.

Azul tries to set up Inez with Andres. GCSSD is in the room and drops a glass when he hears this. As Azul runs to clean up the mess, GCSSD says he wants to talk to Inez alone in the bedroom.

Morticia is arguing about Diego's talk with Azul. She's jealous. Diego says Azul only came by to beg Diego not to accept Mo's job offer. Some how the conversation goes downhill, because they start talking about him not wanting her to get pregnant because he's afraid their kid would be crazy like her. There's probably more to the conversation than this, so anyone is more than welcome to weigh in.

Clemencia is splayed out on the bed clutching her chest. Papa comes in babbling about whatever. Clemencia says she's not feeling particularly good and gets up to get a glass of water. She collapses and Papa is frantic. "I can't breathe!"

Inez and GCSSD are fighting. Azul walks in and wants to know what the fight is about. Inez tells GCSSD that it's about time Azul learned the truth. GCSSD is furious. He asks what does she want him to say? That he and Inez have been lovers for over 15 years? Before Azul's mother died? Azul is muy impactada!

Morticia and Diego are walking along the street. Papa calls and says Clemencia is not doing really well. He stutters a bit and Lidia picks up the phone. She gets right to the point. Clemencia is in the hospital; she's dying!!

Azul is hysterical. Arnie comes in and wants to know what the ruckus is about. Azul tells him that Inez and GCSSD have been lovers for over fifteen years. Arnie does the math and isn't happy. Azul tries to slap Inez. Inez and GCSSD leave and Azul sobs uncontrollably in Arnie's arms.

Diego, Morticia, Papa, and Lidia are hanging out in the hospital waiting room. Clemencia needs heart surgery. Papa doesn't know what to do; they have no money. He'll have to sell the house. Diego tells him not to worry, Diego will come up with the money some how. Perhaps by making a deal with the devil.

Lidia is either begging Piero for money or for time off. Whatever it is, he's blowing her off saying Clemencia is strong. She'll be fine!

Inez and GCSSD are back at Inez' house. What are they going to do now? Nothing is going to be the same. GCSSD lights a cigarette and says he's going for a walk. He needs fresh air.

Azul is whining to Mo about Inez and GCSSD. The lies they have told. Azul says she doesn't want to be like them. Mo asks if she's lied to him about something. Azul admits she has.

Credits roll.


This was quite the episode with the big news dropped that Inez and GCSSD are amantes. Azul is such a hypocrite! One minute she is cooing over how her aunt should get married and have kids and then next she says how she never loved her and hauls off and slaps her! Too much!

Well, I guess GCSSD was right when he wanted to keep the secret for so long--he was prepared for a bad reaction from the ninos.

But why did he have to get into the part about it being before his wife died? He totally brought all this on himself. Can't they just say that it has been more than 10 years, something? He's an ass to begin with and this just proved it. GCSSD deserves whatever hate gets thrown his way.

I agree, Chris. This guy is a piece of work. For a guy who is supposed to be such a modern intellectual, he has more hangups than the worst, most villainous traditional matriarch on any novela. I think he did it to punish himself and Inez because he thinks their relationship is perverted. He thinks they don't deserve to be happy. He doesn't, I don't know about Inez.

Thanks for the recap. While Azul is an awful character, I agree with Ferro and understand her being upset that her father and aunt (her mom's sister) started their affair before her mother died. Now why Azul's personality challenged father revealed that tidbit is beyong me.

so much drama!
I thought there was something odd about GCSSD and well there it is he's a cheating odd ball! I wonder how long till Piero's wife finds out?
Azul just telling Mo more stuff is gonna fill his evil teddy bear head with more fluff!
great work!

Thank you, klee. And so go the days of their lives.

Thanks for the great recap. So far, I'm enjoying this novela more than others. They're doing a good job of revealing secrets bit by bit, but there are also quite a few that we don't know the answers to yet. What really happened in the accident that killed Mo's wife, daughter, and Nick? What's the deal between Leo, Andres, and Mo? Why did Clemencia get sick when they told her she was all better? Inquiring minds want to know, so I'll keep watching.

BTW, I love this blog. Thanks for all the great recaps and discussion.


Thanks Peggy - keep putting your two cents in! Thanks for the compliments (I'll thank you on behalf of the whole team).

In answer to your question about Clemencia,Peggy, I think that before she had some kind of cancer, and now she has a heart blockage I think they said that she was in remission which is not something you would generally say about someone with a heart problem. In the second instance, they talked about her having an angioplasty or bypass surgery (they decided on angioplasty, I think.) I didn't really follow the discussion between the two all that well. Bypass was riskier and more expensive but they talked about it like it was a choice between riskier and cheaper vs. safer and more expensive. Angioplasty has about a 20% chance of failure (they have to do it again or do a bypass) in real life so if the novela follows real life, look for Clemencia to be back in the hospital in about 6 months of telenovela time.

Sorry I meant, Angioplasty has a 20% chance of success.

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