Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #14, Monday 8-6: A Swing and a Miss

At the Men's Wearhouse of Inappropriate Personal Disclosures: We pick back up with Diego telling Arnaldo and Ceci that, given the chance, he would have liked to marry Azul, make her happy, be made happy by her, have her babies…no, wait, he didn't say that last part. Arnaldo is impressed by Diego's sincerity (tomato, tomahto). Diego hands Arnaldo and Ceci off to the guy at the register. Diego heads upstairs, where Perla (Diego's female coworker/buddy) wants to know how long Paco and Lidia have been together (the answer: years). She leaves without telling him why she wanted to know. Now Abuelo comes up, rocking a blue tie, to chat with Diego about his day ("como los tamaleros: mal y vendiendo," meaning "like the tamale sellers: bad, but selling"). He says the sewing area is small and disorganized, but he can wing it, plus the other wise men all have a mutual admiration society going. Mama doesn't know Abuelo's working there yet. Diego mentions he has permission to leave work early and Abuelo wonders if it's about "the flower girl" or "the woman with mental problems". Diego just gives him a hug, but looks worried.

Casa Diego: Papa surprises Mama by buying bread. I wasn't trying to be snarky, it just came out that way. He tells her he went to talk to Isela (pool hall owner), but she treated him like a dog. Mama said he hasn't seen her in a while and she wonders if Isela's acting like "the first lady" because she's with Papa's boss, Anibal. Mama's surprised Papa didn't know Isela and Anibal were an item. She wonders why the two of them are hiding it since they're both free…as far as she knows. Ooh, Papa looks uncomfortable.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Azul comes home and Arnaldo's in the kitchen fixing coffee. He looks like a waiter or a bartender with his white shirt and black vest. Azul notices the garment bag from Men's Wearhouse and Arnaldo tells her he likes Diego. She's pissed that Ceci took Arnaldo to that specific Men's Wearhouse. Arnaldo tells her to chill, that Diego's part of Azul's amorous past, but Azul denies it. Arnaldo thinks it's suspicious that Azul is that upset just from seeing the garment bag. Azul admits he's right, but says it's not important. Arnaldo (who's just as big a gossip as Ceci!) repeats what Diego said about wanting to marry Azul. Arnaldo goes on to say that Diego has what Azul needs. But he doesn't say it in a dirty way. I know, sometimes it's tough to tell given the content of the show. Moving on….

Paco's love nest at Isela's: Perla and Paco are sitting on the bed, for some unknown reason, and Perla is drinking what I suspect is tequila. She wants to know why he lives there and he says home sucks because he doesn't get along with his stepfather. He starts touching her hair and telling her how pretty she is, then he takes the shot glasses and puts them on the bedside table…the better to kiss her, my dears. He says he's wanted to be alone with her for a while and she returns the sentiment. She says she doesn't know him well and he makes a joke about not biting…well, only sometimes. He tells her what a catch he is and once he assures her he'll still respect her in the morning, they consummate their total lack of any previous relationship.

Diego drives Silvana to her meeting with Mauricio. He waits in the car while she goes inside. Mauricio has brought The Box Of (Not) Nico's Stuff. He wants her to open the box, but she says she'll do it later, when she's alone. He starts right in telling her that even before the accident Liliana (his dead wife) "wasn't well", that she'd been hallucinating. He wants to know what she told Silvana. Silvana says the only thing she said is that Mauricio was a monster, but she never got around to saying why. Liliana said she'd seen something and that Mauricio would never leave her alone now. Silvana wants to know what that something was and how Mauricio could be capable. Mauricio wonders what he's supposed to have been capable of and says he tried to stop Liliana, but she got into the accident because she was "self-medicating" and drunk. Silvana accuses Mauricio of leaving her son "tirado ahi, en el suelo" ("thrown there, on the ground"; sounds like she's accusing him of not helping her son at the scene of the accident?). Mauricio says she should read the report before she talks. He says they were "all" responsible, that Silvana could have stopped her since they were on the phone for so long while Liliana was on the road. He says when something terrible happens we "all" feel guilty and asks if she thinks she could have done something to stop the accident. He says he feels guilty every second…doesn't she? Is she completely innocent? Oops, I think he broke her. Silvana gets up, grabs the box and goes back to the car. Mauricio smiles maliciously. Malicious Mauricio…say that ten times fast.

Paco's School for Socially Challenged Young Men Who Need To Learn What NOT to Say After Sex: He starts with "I needed that". Perla asks him if he's not doing it with Lidia. He says sure, but after a while things get routine. Perla asks if that means he was just breaking out of his routine with her. He says no, it's not that, she's reguapa (way pretty); he kisses her hand and thanks her for "this gift". Are you cringing yet? Perla takes offense. She leaves, but not before telling him that he sucked in bed. Plus he cheated on his girlfriend, which wasn't worth it on account of how bad he was. Yee-ouch!

Casa Azul and Ceci: Mauricio came over to let Azul make him feel better after his horrible meeting with Silvana. They get all mushy with each other. Azul asks him when he's going to give her an engagement ring. Spoiled much? Mauricio's quiet a bit too long and Azul asks if he's going to answer. Mauricio tells him it's the first time a woman has demanded that from him. He says he loves it that she's done that. Aw, see, that's why they're perfect for each other. She's spoiled and he loves throwing money around. Can't we leave Diego for someone who actually wants him?

Driveway of Casa Diego: I don't know how long Silvana's been going on, but she tells Diego that Mauricio said she was to blame for the accident and that he's "un maldito" ("a damned"; we've talked about this adjectives-as-nouns thing before, she means he's a very, very bad man). She says he killed his wife and her son and he'll kill anyone who crosses him, etc., etc. Diego has had it with all this crazy talk. He says he likes her, but all this responsibility is weighing on him (hey, kid, you were the one who wanted the puppy). She gets out of the car, grabs The Box out of the back seat, and storms into the house. Mama sees her looking all homicidal/suicidal and asks how she is. No reply is forthcoming.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Mauricio and Arnaldo are bonding. Arnaldo says he's not on vacation, he's staying. Azul is happy to hear that, but not as happy to hear that Arnaldo spent the day with Tia Inés. Azul wants the three of them to go to dinner, but Mauricio says he'll go with them some other day, today he's too tired.

Diego's bedroom: Diego is whining to Silvana about how he gives, gives, gives, and never thinks about himself. He says he's not going to apologize for what he said because she knows why he said it. He plops down on his cot and she's sitting on the bed, so The Box is sitting in between them. She says she hasn't opened it yet, but now she flips the lid off. There's a fútbol that looks like perhaps it was kicked around for about half an hour on a carpet by kids wearing socks, a red toy car, and Caty's drawing. Nice try, Leonarda, but the drawing was too much. Silvana knows it's not Nico's drawing. And now she flips out, but good.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Arnaldo calls his dad, but Inés picks up the phone. She makes some excuse about picking up papers and hands the phone off to Alfredo. Alfredo and Arnaldo have a very terse conversation in which it is confirmed that they're having dinner the next night. Inés calls him on his terseness and he gives her a hard time about answering the phone at his place--what if it had been Azul? Inés apologizes. Who said it was like a relationship with a married man? Because that was right on.

Kitchen of Mansión Malicia: Mauricio is telling Andres that Silvana doesn't know anything. They can both sleep soundly from now on. Mauricio leaves the kitchen with his beer and Andres looks like he's not convinced he'll sleep soundly.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Arnaldo thinks Mauricio is too serious and a little arrogant. Azul defends him. Arnaldo points out that she pushed the relationship pretty fast after he (Arnaldo) brought up Diego. He suspects that Diego makes the earth move for her, and that scares her. She denies it, of course, and leaves the room.

Diego's bedroom: Diego's trying to get Silvana to calm down, but she's too upset that Mauricio would do this on purpose. She can't believe he thought this would fool her. Diego asks why he would deceive her about something this important and Silvana says it was so she would meet him. She says even though she was in a psych clinic for a year, she can still recognize her son's stuff and this ain't it. Diego says maybe Mauricio was confused. Silvana says if Diego doesn't believe her, they don't have anything more to talk about. She leaves the room.

Mansión Malicia: Azul and Mauricio are being mushy. Mauricio has a surprise for Azul. He covers her eyes and leads her to her death. No, he leads her to her new car, a little silver boxy sort of thing with a big red bow on top. She makes the usual noises about how she can't possibly accept it. From their perch by the hot tub, Leonarda and Andres look on. Leonarda says Azul is more ambitious than Mauricio. I'm not sure what that means or why it's such a dramatic statement.

Diego's bedroom: It's morning, and after Diego finishes getting dressed he sits on Silvana's bed and tells her he thinks it would be good for her to see Emilia and he'll see her there at the usual time.

Mansión Malicia: Ooh, Leonarda has said something nasty, apparently, because Mauricio says he'd prefer she didn't make those kinds of comments. Leo says she just wants to know if Azul also gets to decide when Leo will serve the employees lunch. All Mauricio cares about is that they don't have problems. Leo tries a "but Azul…." and Mauricio says if she doubts Azul, she doubts him. Andres tries to placate Mauricio, saying they just need to know what they're supposed to do. Mauricio apologizes and says he knows they're sensitive (say what?) and he hasn't been dealing well with things lately. He says they know he loves them and that they're his family. Then he walks off, leaving a not-reassured Leo and Andres.

Emilia's office: Big surprise, Silvana hasn't shown up for her session. Emilia tells Diego he should have called her and told her Silvana was in crisis. Gloria calls Emilia to tell her that Silvana saw Mauricio's picture in the paper with an article saying he'd be at some conference and that she (Silvana) grabbed the gun she'd hidden in Gloria's apartment and took off. She begs Emilia to help Silvana.

Mystery Conference, probably in some hotel ballroom: Mauricio and Andres are there, mixing and mingling. A couple of guys come to collect Mauricio so they can start the conference. Silvana shows up, but only has to say she's there with Mauricio in order to get in. She moves nervously around the room without really being noticed by anyone, despite wearing a bright red shirt and bumping into some people. She eventually goes to stand near a door. We see Diego coming to look for her, but since he only looks into the room and not around the corner, he apparently doesn't see Silvana. Either she sees him or she's just being her usual freaky self since she leaves her location and goes to hide behind a potted palm. More shots of Diego looking around the room before someone calls the conference to order. Silvana is pointing the gun, which Diego eventually sees. Things get slo-mo on and off as Silvana points the gun and people applaud Mauricio. Commercials! Ooh, suspenseful!

Back from commercials: Diego tackles Mauricio just before Silvana fires the gun and shatters the glass behind where Mauricio was standing. In the ensuing confusion, Silvana leaves. Mauricio wants to know who Diego is. A security guy asks everyone to calm down and tells them they can't leave. Diego is looking around for Silvana. The security guy asks if anyone saw where the shot came from and Mauricio points Diego out as having to have seen someone since he pushed him out of the way. Diego says he only saw that it was a man and saw the gun.

Mansión Malicia: Azul is showing off her new office to her dad and brother. Alfredo asks why Arnaldo is back. Arnaldo says it was just time, like it was time for Alfredo to leave his job at the university. Alfredo says it was different and that he "only" came to work there because he didn't have any other choice. Azul defends the bad-assedness of his job offer, but Alfredo says they had him between a rock and a hard place. Arnaldo says Alfredo's never going to thank Azul for rescuing him from financial ruin. Alfredo says he can see that Arnaldo only came back to bug him and to make up lies. Dude, I'm offended on Arnaldo's behalf. I wonder if GSD is purposely being a jerk or if he really sees it this way.

Office of Infidelity: Paco has come to visit Lidia at work. She asks if he's still out of sorts because of her promotion and says he's been this way since she got promoted. She notices he looks like he's crying and Paco admits to cheating on her--but just the once. Lidia's pissed and tells him to get out of there. You know, I kind of get the feeling that she's not really angry about the cheating per se, but because he told her. Or it might be because his shoes squeak so loudly on the floor.

Conference: Andres is suspicious of Diego. He thinks it's odd that Diego pushed Mauricio down to save him when he doesn't even know him. Mauricio gripes Andres out for not noticing what was going on. He blames it on Andres' jealousy of Azul (o-kay?).

Mansión Malicia, Azul's office: Azul asks Arnaldo why he and GSD always fight. She asks him to make an effort. He points out the "costume" (or "disguise") he's wearing--white shirt, black tie, black slacks…I'm getting that waiter vibe again.--as proof that he is making an effort. He says "me choca" (I hate it) that GSD always tries to act like he doesn't need them when he's always had to lean on someone to get ahead.

Conference: Mauricio wants to talk to Diego about what happened and reward him in some way, but Diego begs off, saying he already told the police everything, and he's freaked out. I'm amazed that Mauricio lets him leave without getting what he wanted out of him.

Mansión Malicia: Leo is on the phone to Andres, who is giving her instructions not to let Caty watch TV (Mauricio's orders, not Andres'). He clarifies that it wasn't a "shoot-out" it was just one shot, they're fine, and they're going to go home. We see Azul walking behind Leo. Leo tells Azul that Mauricio and Andres had "a little problem". Seriously, y'all, for a second there, I thought Leo was just evil enough to NOT give the instructions to Azul and let her take the fall for traumatizing the moppet.

Emilia's office: Diego is way freaked. He tells Emilia he can't find Silvana anywhere. Emilia says Gloria wants them to call the police, but Diego asks her to hold off for an hour while he keeps looking. I don't think Emilia knows about Silvana's homicidal intentions toward Mauricio--what she's worried about is that Silvana will kill herself.

Office of Infidelity: Lidia is violently ripping up a piece of paper. Piero comes back from lunch asking if Lidia wasn't with Paco and did they have a fight. She accuses him of having spies. He tries to flirt, but she gets pissed off and says today's not her day. She storms out of the office, leaving a confused Piero. Who probably needs a cold shower anyway.

Mansión Malicia: Mauricio and Azul are talking about the shooting. Mauricio says it wasn't someone shooting AT him, just in the general direction of him and some other people. Smooth. He tells her about the nice guy who saved him from getting shot. The nice guy whose name he doesn't know. Azul says the guy was brave. She's worried that the shooter is still out there, but Mauricio doesn't want her to worry or else they won't ever be calm.

Casa Diego: Diego's on the phone with his boss, explaining that he's got a situation and complaining that he never comes in late or misses work, so his boss should ease up on him. Abuelo comes home just to tell Diego that he's worried about Diego's attitude, what with mouthing off to his boss and so on. Abuelo's worried that Diego will lose his job and he advises him to call the boss back and play nice. Diego says he doesn't have time for this, he's in the middle of a big problem. Abuelo tells him he needs to get out of this problem, since the last thing he needs is to become "un irresponsable" ("an irresponsible").

Emilia's office: Silvana has finally shown up and she won't tell Emilia what happened, but she begs to go back to the clinic.

Casa Diego: Apparently Mama saw Silvana looking nutty earlier, but didn't call Diego because she thought he didn't want her to get involved. He tells Mama that Silvana's in trouble (duh!), nothing serious, but she's very sensitive and he's worried. Lidia comes in and snaps at Mama and then leaves again. Emilia calls Diego and tells him Silvana showed up and he can't see her right now since she's resting (with the help of some sedatives). Emilia tells him Silvana wants to go back to the clinic. Diego wants to see her, but Emilia says she'll call him when Silvana wakes up.

Lidia's room: Lidia asks Mama why men are the ones who define what "our" place is as women. Mama asks if she's starting a feminist revolution or is this because of a personal problem. Lidia says it's because of a personal problem. Mama asks if there's a man in Lidia's life who's not appreciating her and Lidia says it's something like that. Mama says women have always been at a disadvantage and have to fight harder than men, but it's worth the trouble. She asks Lidia never to settle and to fight for what she wants. She says it's easier to resign oneself to mediocrity, but one is never happy. She says resignation is like being dead.

Emilia's office: Emilia touches Silvana's hair and wakes her without meaning to. Emilia wants to know what happened, but Silvana says she'll tell her later. Silvana says Emilia's been good to her and she (Silvana) has behaved badly. She says Emilia isn't the one who should have been responsible for caring for her, it was Emilia's brother, Silvana's husband. Emilia says she thinks Hugo had his reasons and they can't judge him. Silvana says she doesn't want to do crazy stuff anymore, she wants to be well. Emilia says she's got to make an effort. Silvana says a man saved her life today, a pretty man, a knight in shining armor, the boy of her dreams. Emilia laughs and says it's the tranqs talking. Silvana swears it's true--he kept her from killing the monster, that's why he's her prince on a white steed (ah, but death rides a pale horse too, no?). Emilia says she'll leave her to dream. Silvana mutters that tomorrow he'll take her far away.

Mansión Malicia: Azul finds Mauricio out on the balcony. He says he was thinking about her, but she says he's thinking about the shooting. Mauricio says there's nothing for her to worry about. She says she does worry about him. She promises never to leave him alone again and she'll be his guardian angel. She says she couldn't take it if anything happened to him. He says they should enjoy this moment because it's all they have. He's a murdering desgraciado, sinvergüenza, infeliz…but he does have a point.

Warning! Norman Bates and Mother scene coming up: Leo and Andres eat dinner. Leo wants to know what's up, as Andres hasn't eaten anything. He says he had some whisky with Mauricio and lost his appetite. Andres can't believe he's worried about Mauricio since once Liliana died, Andres became Mauricio's favorite victim. Andres says Mauricio treats him badly, as if it's Andres' responsibility to fix every problem Mauricio has. Leo reminds him that Mauricio is their boss and the "owner" of their lives, and that it's because of Mauricio that they are where they are and that they're together. So…in a way it's Mauricio who's responsible for this creepy relationship? Gee, thanks, dude. Andres says it's getting more difficult. Leo takes his hand and places it on her face (ew!) telling him to think about how much she loves him, that she's here to take care of him, that she's his only family and if anything happens to him, she'll kill herself. She kisses his hand.

The next morning: Andres is on the phone to someone, confirming information. Mauricio comes out the door and greets him, noting that Andres is really happy. Andres says he knows who tried to kill Mauricio.

Dun, dun, dun!

Tune in tomorrow, when things will allegedly heat up.


Today's episode was really good. I had to read spoilers to see if it was going to speed up and oh it surely is today was just the beginning of how interesting this is going to get. Although it is still weirdish but in reading it looks good let's see how it turns out in television. Although the scene when Diego saves Mauricio was just too good, excellent.

~ Anita

Thanks for the recap 5 ft. I'm glad things are picking up but I am disappointed that Azul is not the kindest of protagonistas. At this point I think I like Ceci with Diego more than Azul or Sylvania/Morticia.


Great recap 5ft! I'm with you about the Que the hell Paco/Perla scene. Where did that come from? And is he mentally disabled or what? "Thanks for the gift?" What finesse!

Did I miss something with Isela and Diego's dad? They have some kind of history but I don't know what it is. And have we met her supposed lover Anibal, Dad's boss? This is the first I've heard of him.

I agree with Karen, Azul is flighty and it was irritating to see her get all giggly over her new cooper mini. Maybe I'm just jealous...

Margaret, so nice to see you here, I was feeling a bit lonely for the old days. I haven't fully bonded with my new classmates yet, though things are going well. Susanlynn made a welcome visit the other day too.
You haven't missed anything with Diego's dad and Isela/Gisela (spelling depends on who does the captions any given day, like Donkey). We haven't been brought in the loop yet on WTF is going on there. As for the Paco/Perla bit, super WTF or QTH as 5ft said. When did they even meet? One day she just asks Diego about his relationship status and then go bones him. Where was she back in my single days? I could have used a friend like that. Though I would have tried to be a little nicer afterwards, in hopes of a return visit.
Great recap 5ft, I feel funny calling you that. Are you incognito by not using your real name or having a picture up? Just curious. I like your language explanations, we are seeing some different usage on this show than I've seen before, like re- everything. I've heard a little adjectives as nouns before but not to this extent. As an English language grammar Nazi (just ask my poor English as a second language son how fussy I am about speaking correctly) I always appreciate that sort of thing.
I agree that Azul is kind of dopey. At first I liked her, she saw that Morris was kind of an ass so she was going to tell him to kiss off, but she totally caved and showed that she is very shallow. Diego started as the super nice too good to be true guy, but then we discover that the only thing bigger than his heart is his libido. He falls in love with Azul instantly, even so he gets drunk and has to walk away from screwing her roommate, then he mashes all over a mental patient. He needs to be a little more selective.

lol, yeah, I'm undercover :) I keep meaning to find a good picture, but all my pictures are on the hard drive of my desktop which is hardly ever on and I'm on my laptop, etc., etc. I'll get to it eventually.

I'm betting Isela and Diego's dad had an affair, but then again, that might be too obvious of an answer. And the whole Isela and Anibal thing came out of nowhere. Plus I think Anibal is Paco's dad, so that would mean Paco's constantly flirting with his dad's girlfriend. Levels. I swear, someone needs to make a chart of everyone's relationships with everyone else...or at least what we can figure out so far!

5ft, I agree. I now need a chart more than ever.

Here is a preliminary list of characters. Please add corrections, as I am confused.
Caty: Mauricio's daughter
Mauricio's dead wife: Name?

Diego's mom and dad:
Someone please fill in first names for them.

Azul's father: Alfredo? GCSSD?
GSCSD's girlfriend: ?
Azul's friend: Cecilia
Azul's brother: Arnaldo?

Lidia: Diego's sister
Paco: her boyfriend
Piero: Boss
Boss's wife? (name )

Isela: Bar owner?
Boyfriend of hers?
Emilia: psychologist? What is her relationship to anyone.
Silvana: mother of dead Nico who was in car accident with Mauricio's dead wife.
Cello player? is that GCSSD's girlfriend?
Perla: girl who works in clothing store?
Does Arnaldo like her or is he hiding a secret like he's gay?

Also, 5ft, you should post a picture. We want to see if you are really only five feet tall.

5ft***Thanks for the excellenr recap. I liked the way you noted the setting of each scene. My favorite was ''Office of Infidelity.'' Now, let's talk about Paco. The actor seems to be playing a similar role to the one he is playing in ''Destilando Amor.'' In that show, he is Francisco , the gigolo...or , as we regular viewers like to call him, Frankie the Smarmy Frog Prince . What a sport ...''I needed that....thanks for the ''this gift.'' Slam Bam Gracias ...Yuck ! Somebody stop this hombre. He and Lidia are quite a pair...birds of a feather . I'm a little confused...Sylvana is sleeping on a cot in Diego's room , but they are just buds ???? QTH I like Arnaldo [on ''Duelo de Pasiones'' this actor played a guy who had a big, black cloud over his head]. I am trying to figure out his secret. And , Andreas ...is he Morris brother ? Does he ever smile? Is Leonarda his real mother...his adopted mother...his Mrs. Robinson ????

If Paco is Anibal's son, then Paco is going with his Dad's employee's daughter and he just cheated on her with his dad's employee's son's co-worker. This mysterious Anibal better show up soon.

Then again, "the Anibal and Isela are an item" may just have been a cover for Diego's dad, if he was the one having an affair with Isela. It is really hard to imagine those two together but they sure seem to be insinuating that.

Here are some more names that need identifying for me:

Liliana (Mauricio's dead wife?)

Thanks, all!

Ninak***I think Anibal is Isela's beau....Mauricio's wife was Liliana... Diego's parents are Manuel and Gloria [maybe???]...these are my best guesses. I, too, am wondering if Arnaldo is gay or a crossdresser because he referred to his dark pants and vest and white shirt as his ''disguise.'' Does he like to dress more flamboyantly ...maybe like Azul ???

Diego's parents are Manuel and Clemencia (Clemi, I think she was called by somebody). Gloria is Silvana's mom. Inez is Azul and Arnaldo's aunt and GCSD's sister-in-law and lover.

Emilia is Silvana's ex-sister in law. She's the sister of Silvana's ex-husband who left her after Nico died and she went nuts. I think they said his name was Hugo.

The one person I can't recall is Piero's wife. I think her name is Lucia but I am not sure.

Also I think the actress Sabine Moussier is supposed to be in this thing but I don't think she's turned up yet.

Thanks, Margaret. I really have missed some of these details for lack of paying attention.

This novela is confusing to me.
And, What is up with Diego's hair
it seems to me to always look matted, which does not go with those near alien looking ear.He is suppose to be the main eye candy for ladies right? well damn. Fix his wig!


I think his wild hair is supposed to show what a light-hearted and easygoing guy he is. Morris, on the other hand, is so straight-laced, boring hair, boring clothes, to show how uptight and bad he is. That's my theory. They have to be more subtle than using black hats and white hats these days.
Also, I forgot to mention earlier, I love the phrase at the end of the recap that says things will 'allegedly' heat up on Tuesday. Ha!

I'm confused. Has Cecilia been thrown out of her apartment by Azul? Isn't Azul now living with Mauricio? You all may have to drum me out of the recappers' corps.

Yeah, the living arrangements on this show are a little fluid. I think Cecilia begged her way back into staying with Azul and Azul seems to stay at Mauricio's palace of malice for days at a time. (I would!, what a crib!) Silvana has done the most hopping around. First she was with Emilia, then at Diego's, then I think she spent the night with her Mama before she went out hunting Mauricio. Now she's at the mental hospital/clinic.

Didn't Diego also take Silvana to Isela's ? Did she spend some time there, too. She reminds my of Hippolita in Alborada who was always looking for a place to stay--her mother's, the house of ill repute, the convent, the hacienda, Cristobal's, her own little hovel, the palace, her hubby's place. It was really hard to keep track of her.

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