Saturday, August 18, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #21, Wednesday 8-15: The engagement party from hell

This will be a brief recap, as I'm so behind in posting it! Hold on to your tequila, cause here we go…

Mansión Malicia: Guy who saved Mauricio's life, meet woman who's marrying Mauricio. In how many languages can you say "impactados"? Mauricio leaves them together to go talk to some other couple and they stare at each other for a while until Azul gets pissy and leaves.

Azul goes off to complain to Ceci and Arnaldo about how Diego did this on purpose just to ruin her day. Ceci and I question Azul's logic on this one. Ceci and Arnaldo volunteer to keep an eye on him and report anything strange he does and Azul says she's going to go stick to Mauricio's side for the rest of the day.

Diego goes to tell Paco that Azul is Mauricio's fiancée and Paco suggests they leave, but Diego wants to talk to her first (no, Diego, run, run now, while you still can!). Mauricio, still in the dark, introduces Ceci and Arnaldo to Diego. GSD notices Diego and comes over to ask if he's met him before, but Diego and Azul both try to cover and blame it on GSD's bad memory and propensity to think he knows everyone. Diego tries to leave, but Mauricio insists that he stay for the toast, sits him down at his (Mauricio's) table next to Azul and reminds him that he's still got a job offer. Mauricio is summoned by Andres and leaves the table. Azul accuses Diego of befriending Mauricio on purpose (as if!) and Diego bemoans his fate to fall in love with a woman who's marrying someone else. Blah, blah, blah, lastima (lastima=hurt).

Gloria's apartment: Silvana is back in full-on Morticia mode. She's not wanting to go back to work or ever see Diego again and she tells Gloria she wants to run away. Gloria makes an attempt to be a good mother and asks Silvana not to leave now, just when they're starting to get closer to each other. Gloria's flighty, but she's trying.

Mansión Malicia: Mauricio, Caty, and Azul stand together while Mauricio makes his engagement announcement/toast. He says some pretty BS about how ever since Azul came back into his life he got back the love he lost after his wife (was viciously murdered by him) died. Diego's eyes water. I think it's hay fever from all the flowers…he can't be crying over Azul. Tía Inés' quartet starts playing Canon in D while Diego tries to leave the party again. Azul goes off to hide in Mauricio's room. Mauricio goes to ask Diego not to leave by offering CECI as a reason he should stay. My husband and I crack up laughing at Mauricio's display of being on our team--we're rooting for Ceci and Diego (well, really, anyone-but-Azul and Diego). Ceci has the entire conversation between her and Diego all by herself--"I know you're going to tell me you're here to say goodbye to her, and then I'd have to tell you that you're both stupid and suffering, and then you'd say that it's not fair, and then I'd say that she's been with Mauricio since before you showed up." Diego asks Ceci not to tell him anything and walks off.

Ceci goes to check on Azul and tells her that Diego keeps trying to leave, but Mauricio keeps dragging him back and that the last thing they need is for Mauricio to insist that Diego dance with Azul. (Dude's got all the money in the world, but I will pay him to do it! I'm sure I've got some loose change here in the couch cushions.)

Tía Inés' quartet finishes playing something a little more lively. She leaves her cello to the conductor and goes to talk to GSD. She's feeling really good, as she's got her chops back and GSD says she's playing like she did back in the good old days. She says what would make her completely happy is to tell everyone about their relationship. GSD's reply is to ask if she's crazy. Wow, he sucks at interpersonal relationships, possibly even worse than his daughter does. Tía Inés says either they come clean or it's over. Leonarda has observed this little scene and smiles fetchingly at GSD, who returns said fetching smile. EWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Diego finally gets to leave the party, but not before getting more pressure from Mauricio to accept his job offer. Diego says he'll think about it. Azul walks up to be by Mauricio and the four of them (Diego, Paco, Mauricio, and Azul) say their goodbyes. While Mauricio is distracted by Paco, Diego leans over and whispers in Azul's ear that this time it's goodbye forever. After they leave, Mauricio asks what Azul thinks of Diego and she says he's "normal" (nothing special).

In the kitchen, Leo tells Andres she overheard the conversation between Tía Inés and GSD (I can't wait to see how she turns this to her advantage). Arnaldo wanders into the kitchen and makes small talk about what a great party it is. One of our burning questions gets answered as Andres confirms that Leo is not his mother, but his aunt (however, I'm still creeped out by the relationship!). Arnaldo and Andres make eyes at each other, which Leo notices, and I guess it's not just other girls she doesn't want her little Andres paying attention to, but other boys as well. She looks steamed and when Andres introduces Arnaldo as Azul's brother, and she shakes his hand with as little enthusiasm and as curled an upper lip as she possibly can. I predict that soon we will get a tirade about how those darn Toscanos want to take away everyone she loves. *Shudder*

Outside Isela's Pool Hall of Taking In Every Stray: Silvana watches Paco coming back from the party and stops him to tell him she doesn't want to work there anymore, but doesn't know how to tell Isela. Paco fills her in on the whole "Azul is Mauricio's fiancée" news and the fact that Diego is having fights with "everybody". Silvana takes this in, but I'm not sure if this news is something that is going to make her more or less sympathetic towards Diego.

Mansión Malicia: Ick, ick, ick--Leo and Andres are back in their quarters. Leo is waxing rhapsodic about GSD, trying to make Andres jealous. How do I know? Because she's gratified when Andres insists that she tell him whether she seriously likes GSD. All together now…EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Mauricio and Azul are getting ready for bed. Azul is brushing her wet hair. She shouldn't do that. Wet hair stretches and she's going to get breakage. She should get a wide-tooth comb. I digress. Mauricio is AGAIN asking her what she thinks of Diego and she tells him she thinks it's weird for him to be so interested in Diego. Mauricio lets her in on the fact that (a) he made Diego a job offer, (b) Diego turned it down, and (c) the reason he's so interested is Diego's the guy who saved his life. So now she knows. She's impactada, but not speechless. She continues nervously getting ready for bed by applying moisturizer. Good habit, that.

Upstairs in the Stray Cat Pool Hall: Silvana comes to visit Diego in the upstairs bedroom/storage room because she heard about Azul.

Mauricio and Azul: More moisturizer application while Mauricio talks about Diego's woman problems.

Silvana and Diego: Diego talks about his woman problems. Silvana marvels at the coincidences that brought her and Diego together. Another big revelation…Silvana read the police report. It clearly states that Mauricio had nothing to do with Nico's death. One of the witnesses said that they (the witness) looked after Nico while Mauricio was seeing to Caty. Silvana is grateful to Diego for giving her back the will to live, I accidentally typed "will to love", but she means that too…she's hinting very heavy-handedly that she'd like a relationship with Diego. I'd vote for it if she stops being crazy and smiles more. My husband is still insistent that it needs to be Ceci. We're going to have to work that out between ourselves :)

Mauricio and Azul: Azul wonders what job Mauricio was going to offer Diego. He says PR and Azul complains that PR is her job (What? I thought it was personnel). Mauricio says she does "so much more" than just PR, so Diego would be her assistant. She complains about Mauricio going on and on about Diego and that they haven't even talked about the party or about their relationship. She writes it off as being tired and disappointed that they're not making sweet, sweet love and are talking about Diego instead. She questions Mauricio's objectivity about Diego (because of the whole saving-Mauricio's-life thing).

Gloria's apartment: Bow chica bow bow. Phone coitus interruptus. Watching Gloria talk dirty while filing her nails is kind of funny. Gloria assumes that Silvana knew what she was doing, but Silvana thinks it was a guy Gloria genuinely liked. Gloria explains the phone sex thing and Silvana looks less horrified than one would expect. I think she has such a low opinion of her mother that this is just one other crazy thing (that runs in the family, no). Gloria's happy to hear that Silvana wants to go back to work.

Casa Abuelo's buddy: Buddy and son are looking at pictures. Sounds like his mama left when he was 4 and papa's been very good about not talking bad about her. Sonny says papa has done a good job raising him. Diego and Abuelo come over to visit. Sonny's name is Gaspar. Buddy pours everybody tequila and they toast to being all together.

GSD's apartment: At the party, Azul had asked Tía Inés and GSD if her engagement present could be a music box that Tía Inés gave to her mom. GSD is looking for it and babbling to Inés. He still can't remember where he saw Diego. Inés finally says she's leaving and has to clarify that it's her leaving, not the two of them--she wants to be alone. GSD stupidly wants to know why. Inés complains that he spent the party being friendly with Leonarda and acting like Inés wasn't there. Inés says that since he won't tell the family it's like she's nothing and she's sick of it. She storms out. But hey, GSD's still got science, and science will never give him a hard time and storm out if he spends an afternoon with philosophy instead. Some consolation.

Casa Abulo's buddy: The younger set leave the little party early--Diego to go home and Gaspar to go to bed. But Abuelo and his friend are experienced gentlemen of the world, and they know how to keep partying. They sit and talk some more over their tequilas. Abuelo is worried about Diego with his unemployment situation.

Mansión Malicia: Alfredo gives Azul the music box. He remembers suddenly that Diego once left a present for Azul at his apartment and asks her what's up with that. Mauricio comes in at the tail end of the sentence and Azul and Alfredo cover that the "muchacho" in question is Arnaldo. Mauricio says he doesn't want to butt in, but he thinks Alfredo and Arnaldo need to work on their communication. Azul leaves and Mauricio asks if he and Alfredo can talk business.

Emilia's office: Silvana talks about how Diego's in love with a woman he can't have, so she thinks she's got a clear shot. Emilia worries about what this means about Silvana's self-esteem, going after a guy who's in love with someone else. Silvana's not worried, she thinks she can make Diego happy. Bow chicka bow bow?

Casa Azul and Ceci: Hey, Azul's back in the bubblegum pink track suit! Alfredo is questioning Azul about Diego. She says it was nothing and Alfredo wants to confirm that (a) it's nothing, but (b) he's supposed to lie about it. He's giving her the "hey, missy, I wasn't born yesterday and I know from having clandestine affairs" look. Azul admits that it could have been something, but it wasn't and GSD can't understand because his only love is science. Well, there it is, Tía Inés should just change her name.

Gloria's apartment: Diego is telling Silvana he wishes a witch would read his fortune and tell him what to do. Silvana grabs some candles and a pack of cards and tells him she'll ask the cards. Diego laughs that she's a witch, but she says a gypsy showed her how to read the cards. She lights three candles for past, present, and future, and a fourth for fate. Diego tells the cards to talk to him. Silvana has him cut the cards with his left hand and she starts laying them out.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Alfredo say's he'll play dumb about Diego, but he still wants to hear the story. Emilia comes over to visit and meets GSD. Uh-oh, they're looking at each other…you know, like really looking. Alfredo grandly sends Azul to get them coffee. She looks like this is a pairing she'd approve of. Poor Tía Inés.

Gloria's apartment: Silvana's not so much reading Diego's cards as hitting on him. He says it infuriates him to think of Azul and Mauricio together. Diego says he wants to live in the present he has with Silvana. Ooh, smoochies--but then, no, he says he doesn't want to hurt her. She puts his hand on her chest and tells him to feel her heartbeat. She says he doesn't need to take care of her any more and asks (or perhaps orders) him to make love to her "de una buena vez" which as close as I can figure means "do it already, and make it good". Smoochies. Bow chicka bow bow indeed.


I'm not sure I blame GSD - frumpy Ines, or relatively hottie Emilia who wears tight pants and tight sweaters and gives him the old "Come get some" smile. I don't condone his actions, I'm just saying I see where he's coming from here.
Great recap!

Plus there's the whole issue where Emilia's not his dead wife's sister, which will probably go over better with the least until Azul's therapy/graduate advising sessions start turning into Emilia only wanting to talk about Alfredo.

5ft~~~Thanks for the great recap. Well, we finally know that Leo is Andres's tia. Looks like Diego and Sylvana might get together. I don't like Azul either and Sylvana is creepy, so I am voting for Diego and Ceci even though I know that he will end up with Azul.

I just felt the need to comment on the hairbrush scene! I felt her hair's pain. I can't believe you noticed that too. That was the most significant thing in this episode for me!

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