Friday, August 17, 2007

Destilando Amor - Aug. 16, 2007 while Isa and Minnie gloat, Gavi gets a new boss

(NOTE: due to time constraints, health concerns and the early stages of telenovela burnout, here are the brief highlights from the episode last night. if you were able to see the whole episode, please post your recap in the comments. thank you. J.R. )

Bruno catches Fedra on the phone, meddling with Pammie's insecurities of Aaron and Minnie. Fedra then confesses that isn't the only relationship she's been meddling in - she had assisted Sofia, Minnie and Isa with their plan against Gavi and the Ag. commission. Bruno is furious, because he and Granny just promised Rod to stay away from Mariana the other night.

Pammie's mom walks into the office where Pammie is staring at her poem on the computer screen. As mommy approaches, Pammie has a severe epileptic seizure. (at least that's what it looked like to me.)

Minnie is taking advantage of Aaron's groveling - making him take part in an endless array of interviews and appearances to show that they are happily back together. Aaron is growing evermore frustrated by her demands. Patricio is caught in the middle (trying to remain as neutral as Switzerland).

Isa goes on an expensive shopping spree - gloating about her success in the plan against Gavi's job at the commission.(Jardinera adds: when Isa went on a shopping spree it was for the most outrageously expensive diamond and rubi necklace and earrings she could find, and then she pulls a Teddy Roosevelt and tells the clerk to charge it all)

Don Roberto has the papers drawn up to fire Gavi from the commission. Gavi cries and tries to explain her side of the story. He isn't interested and she goes ahead and signs the papers.

Dani informs Rod about the threesome's poisonous meetings at the Ag. Commission - Rod tells Dani that he went to Gavi's hotel and she checked out. They determine the two incidents are somehow related. Rod is more determined than ever to play protector for Gavi against his own family.

Rod calls Don Roberto to convince him into not firing Gavi/Mariana (not listening to Rod's family when it comes to business and personnel matters). Mariana's boss is fuming as he goes to meet with Don Roberto to convince him not to fire Gavi as well.

Gavi doesn't get fired after all - Don Roberto is going to move her to the commission's Guadalajara's office, so they can avoid any more problems from the Montalvo family (and she and Rod can more easily live up to their promise to avoid contacting each other. Rod and Gavi's final phone conversation ends with Rod saying "friends forever," and Gavi responding "friends forever, mi amor."

Oh, and Gavi's new boss will be Alonso (portrayed by Rene Strickler - if you're watching Amar Sin Limites, he portrays Mauricio.) Alonso just lost his beloved secretary Lupita and is up in arms - he asks Gavi's boss and Don Roberto for help in finding a replacement.


Thursday nights are really bad for me - typically it's days before I get around to seeing the Thursday episode. I am so glad that Gavi got un-fired! I think that is what any reasonable employer would do when there's that kind of conflict with such an otherwise good employee.

As for that "amigos forever" thing - we'll see. ;-)

Thank you for the great recap..Each show is getting better now and more exciting..Gavi's getting an new job to care for herself & Clarita..Finally a break comes her way,and the dysfunctional Montalvos weren't able to kick her to the curb.When will their lies ever catch up to them? Can't be too soon..

New love interest for Gavi & Rodrigo,but not each other,I feel? Definitely not Isa,as Rod has almost dumped her,even before the bebe arrives.Could that fake belly bump be any more hideous? What were the wardrobe department at Televisa thinking? That it looks real? Por favor.
How about my favorite character Hilario? Male model and he's so cute and sweet too..Can that San Juanna be far behind looking to be at a wedding(hers)? I knew the day he met the woman in the yellow convertible his mechanic days were over..I just love him..

You have the main points down and that is muy appreciated! Thanks!

Yep Pam appears to be epileptic (sp?) she look like she was in a petite mal that went full blown grand mal seizure..I had a friend who had this, plus we had a dog that had seizures and she would go into the absent staring before the grand mal. Stress did indeed increase the seizures.

by the is Aaron is a shame..that is way harsh what they did to Pammie

Thanks for the summary, J.R.

I’m kind of curious about Minnie’s background. I understand Isa’s hatred of Gavi (even though she had ample warning signs before getting married) and because of her parents there is some explanation of how she ended up where she is now. But, unless I missed it, there’s been nothing, other than having to put up with Aaron, to explain Minnie’s full on hatred. She seems kind of young to just simply be bitter and nasty and put so much time and effort into making Gavi’s life miserable.

I think Minnie USED to hate Gavi because Gavi was the best chance for Rodrigo to get the inheritance instead of Aaron. But now that Isa's pregnant with supposedly a boy, you would think that Minnie would hate Isa more. (Maybe Minnie just wanted to get Gavi out of the way first, then will try to get Isa out of the way too.)

Minnie was also the first person to hate Mariana Franco - even before Isa hated her and before they knew she was Gaviota.

Maybe she hates Gaviota because she is everything Minerva isn't. She's independent, can fight her way out of any hardship, etc. And she represents class mobility, which probably seems threatening to a useless, scheming mooch like Minerva.

Dunno. That's just a guess. Minerva seems not to like a lot of people to begin with, and generally most of her "friends" only seem to tolerate her.

rhonda from St Louis..
you said full on hate..awesome that is perfect. I agree I can see the whole Isa thing, but Minnie..she is just mean cause she can be. How come she tolerates Pat's girlfriend who Aaron actually boinked, but she knows Gavi didn't so I don't get it...
Some of this plot is kinda why did Aaron ever go back with Minnie? Pammie seemed perfect for him, simpering and adoring.

Rhonda, I think he went back to Minnie because she knew too much about his schemes (bad dealings). She has threatened to reveal what he has been up. Plus there was some jealousy. I remember Pam's dad threatening Aaron that he better not hurt his daughter. Wonder what he plans to do, cause Aaron did hurt his daughter. Don't understand how Rod can say that he will stay with Esa (tonight Friday night), knowing that esa was always one of the ones trying to hurt Gavi. I would think he would walk out on her and let her have the house, get gavi and go to the Island. What is so hard about that. He would have visiting rights for the baby, until he finds out it is not his. Yet he stays with Esa and doesn't understand why gavi gets upset. He obviously was in special education classes as a child.

Check out this video... I think it's how Frankie learned all of his French.

I think Aaron went back to Minnie because, in his own, sick, twisted way, he needs the abuse that she so ably dishes out!

The problem with Pam is that she was too accomodating. She never had a chance. Aaron only thinks he wants a puppet.

In a strange way it also explains Minnie's hatred of Gaviota. She knows instictively that she has no handle on Gavi and would be unable to best her in a straight up match. The only way for her to beat Gavi is to come at her from the side or by ambush.

This comment has been removed by the author.

J.R., I would only add if you can that when Isa went on a shopping spree it was for the most outrageously expensive diamond and rubi necklace and earrings she could find, and then she pulls a Teddy Roosevelt and tells the clerk to charge it all. She's going to make sure Rod is going to literally pay for screwing her ego over with Gavi.

Thanks for the recap, JR. I also enjoyed all the analyses of Pammie, Minervaa, and AAron. I think that Minervaaa is very insecure and is threatened by someone like Gavi and afraid to confront her face to face in a fair way, so she uses her sneaky snake ways of tattle tailing and backstabbing . Chantel ALWAYS plays this type of scheming , bitter woman. What AAron did to Pammie at Minervaaa's command was harsh even for an asshat like AAron. He should have listened to my husband's philosophy on cheating : ''The screwing you get is NOT worth the screwing you'll get.'' [Hub so knows me !!! I would make Minervaa look like Mother Teresa if I was unfortunate enough to end up with an hombre like AAron. I'm little, but I can hold a grudge. Thank goodness Hub is more like Rod and not at all like that Philandering Asshat AAron...whatanenormousjerk].

Susanlynn, your comments are really funny. Its amusing that each of us reacts to the characters in the novela according to our own life. My reaction to this - and according to real life is - want someone else - fine by me. I can support myself and don't need any such nonsense in my life. Someone in your life is great if you are compatible. But the eternal loves of the novela characters make me wonder why they cannot find a real life. On the women's part likely economic dependance and old-style stereotypes that one cannot be happy without a man!

Lynne - I think you just hit on another reason for the way Minerva treats Gavi. Minnie keeps messing with Gavi's job and her relationship with Rod because it's the worst thing that Minerva thinks can happen to a woman. She hasn't yet figured out that Gavi can survive without a man (even though she's done without for most of her life already) and can always get a new job. It's maybe not always the best job, but enough to keep a roof over two people's heads for a while.

Julie--- oh my god. that frenchy thing was way funny. now I am ROTFL. Pero como se dice eso en francais?

the Isa-Mini-Sofi-Fedra act reminds me of all things female hateful circa 6th grade.

where is Rene Strickler's accent from? Is it real or is he doing a MeesterJames?

This is what I think about the misquoted Freud "Sometimes a dream is just a dream" well sometimes a bitch is just a can say bad childhood or whatever..but some people are just nasty..she is one

Re the comment about Rene Stickler's accent. He is Argentinian just like Juan Soler so all those Aldo flashbacks are to be expected. Obvious from Friday's interaction with Gavi a least we will be spared endless preaching. LOL

Poor Chantal saddling her self with another bitch role. It's too bad because she a better actress than she gets to show in most of her novelas. Poor Minnie i just another woman bred to have a rich marriage who has no life outside "her man". An independent woman like Gavi threatens everything she thinks is important. As for Isa her parents are a pair of pimps so her whorish behavior shouldn't be a surprise. Too bad she also lacks the spine to tell Rod to get lost, soap him for a bundle and leave with faux Freddie.

Maybe such characters exist in real life - or maybe in a different type of culture. Most women whom I know work - even if hubby is wealthy ....

These people aren't wealthy they are the extreme wealthy..most of those wives are on boards, or museums or whatever..but they don't work..even here

great recap I love that gavi got that new job but it seems like on the flash forward to Mondays episode that she doesn't like that guy to much??? ooh one more thing from Fridays episode Pammy's
erasing of all of mister Aaron's computer files brilliant

Beckster, then we agree. I regard being on the board of museums etc as work. Voluntary work is also work but Isa and Minnie don't seen to do anything productive to do with themselves except plot against Gavi and wonder whether their husbands are having affairs.

Loved all the great details of this action packed episode. I love reading the comments almost as much as the recap. The comments seem to reinforce my opinion that the way we see the characters says a lot about us as individuals, our life style, our values, our educational level, our personality etc. Opinions differ from facts because they are not right versus wrong, or true versus false. BUT, that doesn't mean they can't be kind or humorous versus offensive, mean, hurtful, petty etc. OK, so why am I preaching? Something about me agreed with the person who said "The Isa, Mini, Sofi, Redra act reminds me of all things female hateful circa 6th grade". On the otherhand, I was dissapointed when someone revived the subject of Isa's fake belly. C'mon folks, this is entertainment. If you get the idea, that's good enough. I've seen novelas where someone was supposed to be pregnant and in the next scene they were exiting the delivery room. So, I thought it was a rather clever idea. As far as the piercing, the younger childbearing generation view it as OK. Those of us who think of it as disgusting are also the ones who would not pierce our tongue, our eyebrow or a nipple (ouch)! So, for the young character she's playing it fits. Please let's not encourage anymore cruel remarks from the Anon who hates Isa so much that she wants to hurt the baby. In her (or his) twisted way of thinking, she was just going a step further with the cruel remarks she interpreted others were making. I've belonged to so many other groups in the past that didn't last because of ingroup fighting. I wouldn't want to see that happen to this blog. Last but not least, I'm coming to Isa's defense because I happen to like her.

Aw, Anti! What would be the fun in that?

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