Friday, August 10, 2007

Yo Amo a Juan Querendón EXTRA VOCABULARY

Provided by Maricruz in her recaps, and I thought some of you might like them so I asked her permission to compile a list and post.

From August 9, 2007

Sinvergüenza = shameless

una chucha cuerera y ardida = a seething and vengeful female dog

de volada = as fast as I could, as fast as possible

capricho = caprice, whim

me saca de onda = that disconcerts me

muy neta = very honest

les hayas hecho el paro = you have helped them

me cala = gets to me

luego se ve que pan tiene la mantequilla = easy to see what bread has the butter, i.e., easy to see who’s the boss

Tititipequense = person from Titipico

la soga al cuello = putting one’s head in a noose

agachados de quinta = people shameful to the fifth degree, not just a little shameful—way shameful (from the verb “agarchar”)

no seas zoquete = don’t be a fool

From August 2, 2007

bendecido (a)/bendito (a) = blessed, used as an adjective in a sarcastic sense, to say, for example “the blessed door-la bendita puerta” when one means he or she is tired of hearing another talk about about this door

tepache = a drink made from fermented pineapple, which Maricruz drinks with sal de chile (chile powder)

regaste el tepache = spilled the tepache, i.e., made a mistake

el pez por su boca muere = the fish dies by his own mouth

si calladito te vez mas bonito = you look better when you’re quiet

si para tonto no se estudia = you don’t need to study to be a dunce

ni maiz paloma = no way

plato de segunda mesa = second best

hechar mas agua a los frijoles = add more water to the beans (set another place at the table for an extra guest)

Un clavo saca otro clavo = a nail pulls another nail, i. e., a lover helps forget another lover

Maricruz (posted by Jeanne)

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Thanks for this great list. What throws me sometimes about these expressions is that the verb comes before the subject.

or the object comes before the verb.

great list...colorful, and the show!

Judy B.

NinaK, most anything out of the ordinary throws me.



Many thanks Jeanne and Maricruz. I'm down here in Charlotte without a good dictionary and there were a couple of expressions last night I wasn't sure of....
1. hacerle la barba
2. dar el ancho
3. ir de espaldas
4. el bocadero de Cesar Luis
Any hints or ideas on those?
Thanks amigas....and darn it my daughter forgot to record the first part of the program Thursday night so I missed that hilarious opening scene with Paula, Ana and our lad "au natural".

Judy B.

Judy B..

Judy B., I hope someone can tell us since I have to finish the recap with those expressions!



You are too funny Jeanne! Just "fake it till you make it"....I know, easy for me to say.

Judy B.

"Hacer la barba" means to suck up or be very nice to your boss, El nuevo empleado es un barbero, le hizo la barba al jefe" The new employee is a suck up, he was very nice to the boss”
Dar el ancho" means being up to the challenge. “No se si des el acho para dirigir la compañía”. I’m not sure if you are up to the challenge to be the new company director.
“irse de espalda”. It is an exaggeration and is used to denote surprise “Cuando le dijeron el precio del carro casi se va de espaldas” When he was told the price of the card he almost fell backwards.
el bocadero de cesar luis, I’m not sure about this one, I need to see the whole sentence were it was use to understand the meaning. It could be Cesar Luis big mouth, but I’m not sure. I hope this helps

What I meant to write was: "I’m not sure about this one; I need to see where it was used in the whole sentence. It could be Cesar Luis' big mouth, but I’m not sure. I hope this helps"
This is what happens when you cut and paste

Wow, thanks, Maricruz! I was hopeful you'd step in here and save my bacon. CL's big mouth is Ivonne's saying, I think, and refers to him interfering with Monica hiring Ana.


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