Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Acorralada #169 – Wednesday, 9-12-07 – What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. . .Or Not as the Case May Be!

Dimwit and Doc V are commiserating about Mucks and Marshmallow wanting to start a family. It's a sad day for them.

Isabel has appeared at Lunkhead's house, apparently quite ripe, from the streets. She wants to tell them something but Octopus won't listen. Isabel then sits on the sofa and needles them. Yolanda talks Octopus into listening to what Isabel has to say. As Isabel and Octopus head off to the kitchen to talk, Octopus tells Yolanda to disinfect the sofa.

Fidiota and Roddy are making up and swearing to let nothing come between them again. Roddy is thrilled that ChewKey and he are back at Psycho Mansion. Granny M interrupts to announce Pasta is downstairs. After much discussion, Roddy agrees to go down and break the news, man to man, that Roddy and Fidiota are back together.

Isabel is shoveling chocolate cake into her mouth with her hands. I'm not sure how much she is eating and how much she is wearing. She then starts loading up on fresh fruit. She tells Octopus that she ran across Iggy, who is suffering from some bad Karma. Octopus suddenly can think of a way for Isabel to earn some extra bucks.

Marfil and Pedro are in Las Vegas. Did they just get married? I'm too aghast to re-wind this scene. Does anyone out there have the cast iron stomach to fill in the blanks? Is she actually talking to Pedro about all his money and property? Eeeew! My question is answered later in this recap. Double Eeeew!

Isabel is reciting her resume to Octopus. The title could be, "Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap!" Suddenly Octopus doesn't mind Isabel's odor. . .

Camila is telling Emili-Oh about Marfil marrying Pedro. Emili-Oh is as aghast as me! He naively asks Camila if Marfil loves Pedro. Camila points out Marfil loves his millions. At least I'm not as naïve as Emili-Oh.

Octopus is discussing a deal. Isabel points out she (Isabel) obviously doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Octopus wants to pay back Fidiota for ruining the big wedding plans Octopus had with Iggy. Isabel knows of a bruja with animals. Octopus doesn't believe in that sort of mumbo jumbo until Isabel points out the animals have venom that can leave a victim permanently paralyzed. "Now you're talking!" says an elated Octopus.

Roddy breaks the news to Pasta that he (Roddy) and Fidiota are back together. Pobre de Pasta.

Octopus and Isabel make the deal. Octopus is enchanted with the thought that Fidiota will be paralyzed forever. Isabel leaves with her bags and pockets crammed with fruit. Commercial.

Emili-Oh calls Mucks to tell him Marfil just married Pedro in Las Vegas.

Marfil is pressuring Pedro to sign over everything to her. Dang she's got a lot of nerve. She points out it's not like he has twenty more years to live. She doesn't want to end up on the streets alone and forsaken. She then refuses to eat because she's mad at him and frustrated because he hasn't put everything in her name already. Finally he agrees to do it "tomorrow" and Marfil turns as smooth as silk again, doing the whiny baby-talk thing.

Marshmallow runs into Dimwit at the hospital and says they need to talk. Glassy-eyed stare.

Mucks is horrified that Marfil is working Pedro over. He needs to speak to Pedro immediately and warn him!

Pasta returns to the bar dejected with his dozen red roses. Jorge and Yolanda are hanging out. He tells Jorge to throw the flowers away, but Yolanda snatches them up. Jorge beats a hasty retreat and Yolanda wants to know why Pasta is so sad. Pasta tells her he's so humiliated. She then gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is. Yada yada yada. Suddenly he lunges at her and about shatters her teeth with a "consolation" kiss. Yolanda kisses him back. Que patetico!

Dimwit takes the wind out of Marshmallow's sails when Dimwit tells Marshmallow she already knows Marshmallow is pregnant. Marshmallow wonders how Dimwit knows so soon. "Because I work here and I see Doc V's patients' test results. Marshmallow asks Dimwit to stay away from Mucks.

Iggy wants to know if Octopus is going to forgive him. Isabel laughs at him and says Octopus is going to help, but that Octopus wants to see Iggy dead.

Dimwit and Marshmallow have an insipid conversation. Marshmallow wants Dimwit to stay away from Mucks. Dimwit says she will. Dimwit admits she wanted Mucks back, but now that Marshmallow is pregnant; that changes everything. Marshmallow says she just wants a stable home filled with love. Dimwit says the baby deserves that "but remember, Mucks will never love you!" Marshmallow asks Dimwit how Dimwit can be so cruel. Dimwit basically says she calls it like she sees it. It's not like she won anything; now she's single with Mucks' other kid. She's given up Mucks forever for the sake of the new child.

Yolanda breaks off the kiss and runs out. Pasta begs forgiveness; it was another one of his harebrained impulses. Geez. Jorge tells Pasta he couldn't avoid seeing that kiss. He may be young, but he knows Yolanda is in love with Pasta. He knows about these things.

The sappy exchange continues between Dimwit and Marshmallow, with that maudlin violin sawing away in the background. Marshmallow tries to explain; Dimwit says no explanation is needed. Dimwit and Mucks love each other, but now he's married to Marshmallow. He belongs to Marshmallow. Commercial.

Will this boring pathetic conversation between Dimwit and Marshmallow never end? Marshmallow says she's there for Dimwit if Dimwit ever needs her. Ditto says our glassy-eyed heroine.

Dimwit tells Dulce she can't hate Marshmallow. Marshmallow is such a good woman. Dulce asks about Doc V. Dimwit says Doc V has been a tremendous help and is a good man. They have helped each other deal with the loss of the two people they love most in the world. Dulce suggests maybe Dimwit should open her eyes to the possibility of a new man. "Never," says Dimwit. "I'll never love another man."

Psychic Godmum can tell Marshmallow is upset. Marshmallow says Dimwit is a noble woman. If Marshmallow wasn't pregnant, she'd divorce Mucks so Mucks could be free for Dimwit. Godmum wants to talk to Mucks, but Marshmallow makes Godmum promise to not tell Mucks about the baby. Godmum tells Marshmallow to think of herself for once. I think Marshmallow plans to test Mucks; if he fails, Marshmallow will disappear forever with the baby to a place Mucks will never find her. We have about four to six weeks of this telenovela, so the handwriting is on the wall.

Mucks appears at the hospital. The first thing he wants to do when he sees Marshmallow is call Pedro to warn him. He didn't call Pedro before because? This makes no sense. At any rate, he calls Pedro to say Marfil only married Pedro for his money. Pedro gets mad at Mucks and tells him to quit talking trash about his dear wife, Marfil. "Marfil really digs me!" Pedro and Mucks agree to meet the next morning. Meanwhile Marshmallow tells Mucks the exam was a false alarm. It was just indigestion. Mucks seems all too happy. Marshmallow, in her neediest little-girl voice asks Mucks if Mucks is happy at her side. Mucks half-heartedly replies, "Certainly" and bolts out the door leaving Marshmallow alone in the hospital eating his dust. Commercial.

Pedro tells Marfil he just spoke with Mucks. Marfil starts whining that Mucks probably started talking trash about her. Pedro tells Marfil to quit talking trash about Mucks. Mucks is like a son to him. A grandson. Pedro then asks point blank, "Did you marry me for my money?"

Dimwit and Fidiota are discussing the return of Roddy and ChewKey. Fidiota hopes she can earn ChewKey's respect.

Meanwhile, the highlight of the show! ChewKey comes to say good night to Gaby. They say all these sickeningly sweet and nice things to one another while they are thought bubbling how much the other person is a liar. Meanwhile, they are grinning at each other like fools. ChewKey says she'll give up Larry for Gaby. Gaby says don't be crazy, he's all yours. Between gritted teeth they kiss each others' cheeks goodnight. As soon as ChewKey walks out the door, Gaby wipes her cheeks while ChewKey is doing the same on the other side of the door. They wish each other nightmares. It's actually pretty funny, although I couldn't follow the entire exchange.

Marfil is offended that Pedro could even suggest she may have ulterior motives for marrying him. Mucks is turning Pedro against her! Pedro starts begging for forgiveness. Marfil turns on the charm and says of course she can. She loves him SO much! This scene scores an 8.5 on the Cringe-o-Meter. The only thing worse would be if they turned this scene into something worthy of Lidia and Piero on Amar. Commercial.

Fidiota has brought ChewKey back to the office where Caramel, Emili-Oh, and Gaby welcome her back. Gaby says she's glad ChewKey is finished with KickMe. ChewKey heads off to her office, where KickMe is hiding under the desk. They start making out.

Puncho arrives in Santa Domingo. He shows up at the house of two spinster sisters. They apparently were looking for a musician and Puncho gives them a fake letter of reference. Turns out they also expect him to clean the house, do the yard work, clean the pool, etc. Puncho tries to remind himself he is starting life over as a good man. HA!

Mucks and Pedro fight about Marfil's intentions. Pedro storms off.

Mucks gets out of the pool in his too-tight swim trunks. At least it's not the white one. He opens a journal and starts mooning over Dimwit's picture. Suddenly he gets caught by Marshmallow. She confronts him and says she saw his slobbering over Dimwit's picture.

Credits roll.


Ha, hilarious recap, Karen. I am going to say that this was the third funniest episode of Acorralada. From Max's tight swim trunks, to Marfil's baby talk with Pedro (she was calling him her bebicito, but then she immediately switched to asking about his will), to that kiss between Paco and Yolanda, and Isabel's scarfing down the chocolate cake (and getting it all over herself in the process), while Octy and Yolando held their noses. Plus, that scene between Chucky and Gaby. Yes, a hoot!

Let's not forget, Pedro as "Hef". I cracked up when he went to answer the phone in his satin pj's and robe!

Actually, I didn't understand the whole pajama thing. In the episode the day before, Pedro seemed to be apologizing to Marfil that he wouldn't be able to do the deed, but she was saying that it wouldn't matter (indeed!). But then they were changing into pajamas anyway? Perhaps if Marfil had changed into that yellow corset from months ago . . . but that outfit was Faux Marfil's, I believe.

Sorry I couldn't do Tuesday's recap - I recap Amar on Tuesdays and can't find the time to do both. But, as you figured out, Marfil and Pedro are married. On Tuesday's show, he proposed and suggested they get married in a month, but sly Marfil suggested that they do it like they do it on the movies and catch the next flight to Vegas. In Vegas, they got married at a hotel, and had the traditional Venezuelan (?) style wedding, where the bride & groom sit at a table and sign documents.

I hate to admit it, but I've come full circle on this show... I love the begining, hated a good part of the middle, but now I'm loving it again. I can't wait to see how they wrap everything up!

Just think - one of these days we'll get to see Gaby & Larry scenes! Unfortunately we'll also have to see Max & Diana scenes. Eeew.

And I get a kick out of Marcela's variety of candy colored dresses. They're all basically the same dress with a few minor changes - whether she's out to dinner with her man, visiting her mom in the hospital, or sitting around the house - she's always wearing a clingy, candy colored, polyester dress. I'm waiting for her to dig into Octavia's closet and come out with one of those fabulous halter top pantsuits. Or maybe one of those kimono style dresses that Gaby and Fedora are so fond of!

I'm with you, Amy. The show is picking up now that the end is near. Maricela's dresses are all alike in one other way: they show off her ample boobs.

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