Thursday, September 13, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #41, Wednesday 9-12: Every move you make, I'll be watching you….

We start back at yesterday's balcony scene, with Diego very poutily putting the watch back on. I wouldn't be surprised to find out they're either using the watch to track him or to record all his conversations. I would like to make one slight correction to yesterday's recap…Burgay says that what Diego will have to pay is the equivalent of two years salary, which is not 600,000 pesos, but 9,600,000 pesos! At today's exchange rates, that means he would owe them $864,592.25. I bet right now all the other gigolos are wondering what they have to do to get such a sweet gig. Fast forward to Diego's hotel room, where he does some groaning and rocking back and forth on the bed. Hey, Diego…that strange sensation around your nether regions? That would be the vise they're in, my friend.

Flavio calls Silvana to ask if he can come over, just for a bit, maybe give her a kiss and then leave (uh huh, a likely story). Silvana says no. She says "ya no puedo mas" which roughly means "I can't go on anymore" and then hangs up the phone. Flavio is alarmed and it looks like he's going to head over anyway, despite Silvana telling him no. Silvana tells an absent Mauricio that he's "un miserable," which in this context means "a murdering bastard."

Burgay and Eva are having drinks out on the terrace. Burgay wants to know what to do with the clothing business she had him buy, since he's already spent a lot of money on it. Eva wants to go ahead as planned. She says Diego will get over being angry and in the meantime they'll keep a closer watch on him. She predicts things will get back to normal in a few days. She tells Burgay she's going to ask Mauricio for a meeting the following day and she'll let him know what time. Eva leaves and Ivan walks out onto the terrace. Burgay says this must be making things difficult for him. Ivan says Diego is easy to control. Burgay says Eva's in love and to keep watching Diego. Ivan says he will, but he makes a face after Burgay leaves, like "Don’t be telling me how to do my job, man, I could kill you with a spork and never break a sweat."

Flavio comes over to Silvana's (/Gloria's) and asks what happened. Silvana tells him she had a rough day. Flavio wants to hear the whole story, but Silvana says it's a long one. Flavio says he has his whole life to listen to her and calls her "precious." Silvana almost cracks a smile in spite of herself. Almost.

Diego calls Azul. He tells her he was in a meeting, but she's on to him. He says it's not going to be as easy as they thought, what with the ironclad contracts and all. Azul wants him to come over, but he won't go--and that's probably a wise decision. Azul says she's going to go see Mauricio tomorrow as if nothing happened. She says goodbye and hangs up. Diego gets weepy and mopey. He goes to the door like he's going to storm out of the room, but Burgay is there. He walks in and tells Diego he's an idiot for fighting with a guy who could kill him with one finger. He's not wrong. Diego whines more about wanting to quit and Burgay reminds him again about the contract. Burgay tries to sweet talk him, but then tells him he shouldn't quit, for his own good. Diego says he'll go to the cops about the Ninja Security Squad, but Burgay laughs that it's all legal. He tells Diego to enjoy his kept man status and to stay in the room until he gets further instructions.

Back at Silvana's, Flavio has now heard the whole story. He doesn't understand why she thinks it's all Mauricio's fault. She says it's because he threatened Liliana, for one. She also finds the fact that Katy didn't have a scratch on her suspicious and doesn't believe that Katy was thrown out the car window, while Nico and Liliana were still in the car when it "despeño" ("went over a cliff"--that answers a few of my flashback-related questions!). She tells Flavio about the Barbie recreation and Katy saying Nico was on the floor bleeding and Liliana was yelling for help. Silvana says Mauricio let Nico and Liliana die.

GSD and Azul are at Mansión Malicia talking about the dead battery in GSD's car. Eva and Ivan walk in and Eva asks about the project, but there's been no progress. Azul and Eva give each other "the look"…and I don't mean the one that ends in one of them borrowing Leo's dominatrix outfit either.

And now, we bring you a Very Special Segment of Amar Sin Limites, entitled, "How not to let being married for about a billion years be a Limite to your Amar": Diego's dad has come home from a long day of searching for work, but he's had no luck. He blames it on ageism. Clemencia kind of "yeah, yeah"s him. Manuel asks for forgiveness for, well, she knows what. He says he had no right to be with another woman and asks her to forgive him. She wants to know why he did it, what Isela gave him that she didn't. He says the household routine, only talking about kids and work and debt didn't help the two of them be intimate. She says he's right and she rejects him a lot. They have a laugh about her "headaches". Then she gets serious again. Clemencia says he was also a bit brutish, expecting her to be ready whenever. Manuel's confused about what he should have done instead. Clemencia asks if he remembers how he used to seduce her, singing in her ear, caressing her. Manuel sits there with this blank look on his face and asks if they aren't too old for that stuff. Dude! Did the writers mean that to be so funny? Anyway, Clemencia says he wasn't "too old" to go looking for Isela…busted! He says she's right. He wants to start over and gain her trust and her love. He swears he's going to try to win her back, but he wants some seducing from her as well. They smush noses and kiss to seal the deal.

Back at Mansión Malicia: Eva wants to know how Azul knew she was in New York (Mauricio told her). Azul says something about Mauricio having been in Houston "on business", which makes Eva ask if he has business other than what he's got going on with her. Eva brags to Azul about how Diego picked her up at the airport and then took her to dinner and she gave him a watch. Burgay comes in and she asks Burgay to talk about Diego's watch, which he does. Mauricio comes in wanting to know why Azul didn't tell him Eva was here. Azul gets pissed and says that's what Leo is for (ooh, snap!). Eva asks how business in Houston went and then the Trio of Ultimate Evil go into Mauricio's office, but not before Azul tells Mauricio she's leaving and Mauricio asks her to stay.

Arnaldo calls GSD while he's in the super-secret virus room (aka, "el deposito") to warn him about Inés and how she's not going to let him go. He tells Arnaldo Inés wrecked his apartment. Arnaldo thinks GSD should do something. GSD asks how Arnaldo's doing, which strikes Arnaldo as odd. GSD asks how the relationship is going. Arnaldo invites GSD to come look at the shop and pick out a dress for his new girlfriend and also to meet Julio. GSD says he'll come visit and meet Julio, but he doesn’t think a gift of clothing would be a good idea. I think if Arnaldo knew about the super-secret virus room, he'd be less worried about GSD's safety. The most Inés can do is stand in the anteroom and scream at him.

The Trio of Evil meeting is about Diego and Azul being rebellious lately. Burgay and Eva think they're going to start asking questions soon. Mauricio tells them he's done things this way for a very good reason. He says he realized when Diego came to borrow money for his mom's operation that Azul was in love with Diego. He says Azul is a "pretty girl" but his interest in her is because of GSD, and that's why he started going out with her and why he's going to marry her--so he'll have GSD "en mis manos" (literally, "in my hands", but a better translation would be "in my power"). Burgay wonders if Diego is in love with Azul, but Mauricio explains that in his diabolical plot, that doesn't matter. If they have Azul, they have GSD and if they have Diego, they have Azul. Eva's surprised and asks if Mauricio doesn't care that Azul and Diego have a thing going on. Mauricio says as long as GSD does his work, no, he doesn't. Burgay asks Eva what she thinks, but she says she's going to talk to GSD and walks out. Mauricio says Eva's in love with Diego too and he thinks that's dangerous. Burgay notices Mauricio grabbing his arm, but Mauricio lies and says he's fine. I wonder how much of Mauricio's little speech back there was just for the benefit of Burgay and Eva. I guess it's possible that he really doesn't care, but sometimes the way he acts with Azul…did he pitch a fit the last time she "rejected" him because SHE rejected him or because he doesn't like rejection from anyone? Anyone have thoughts on that?

Azul is at home, at least looking like she's working, when Diego calls from his hotel room asking if she's mad at him. The short version--yep. He wants to talk, and she invites him over, but he says she should come to him since he's being watched. She agrees and writes down the hotel name and room number. Idiots. Do they not understand what "being watched" means? She tells him he'd better tell her the truth and he says he will.

Eva comes back to Mauricio's office, but only Burgay is there. Burgay thinks Mauricio's lying and he really is in love with Azul. Eva asks the burning question on many viewers' minds: "Is Azul special? Do you like her?" Burgay says she kind of reminds him of Eva, what with the bitchiness (okay, he didn't use that word, but we all know it's what he meant), but he takes it back when it's clear this displeases Eva. Leo comes a-spying and listens at the door as Burgay asks what to do with the clothing business. He says he's approached Julio Corso (ding, ding, ding! That's Arnaldo's boyfriend and Gaspar's boss) but he doesn't think Eva will want him to keep working on it since Diego's behaving so badly lately. Eva says he should keep working on it and she'll find some way to use it. Burgay says "he" (and this time I think it really is "he" despite the previous pronoun game Burgay played) called from Europe and he wants Eva to call "him" in Prague. This gets Eva worried. She doesn't know what to say to "him" since GSD doesn't have any results and Mauricio won't give her any info. Burgay says that Mauricio told him he wouldn't give out any info, even if it cost him his life. Eva says Ivan could make a dog talk. Burgay says she should tell Ivan to get a dog collar and put it on Mauricio ASAP, then. The head off to look for either Ivan, Mauricio, or both.

Azul has come to Diego's hotel room. They give us some nice shots from under the table to remind us what's going on here. Azul gripes at Diego about lying to her. Diego starts at the beginning of his story with Silvana and saving Mauricio's life, etc., etc. Azul finds fault with Diego sleeping with other women even though he claims to be in love with her. Word. She asks about the watch and he says it means nothing. She tells Diego not to be naïve, because his naiveté comes off looking like something else. Without my translating that sentence, and without him knowing much Spanish, Mr. 5ft says "No, Diego really is that stupid." He tells her about his attempt to return the watch. Azul says Eva's going to win him over and he's going to leave her (Azul). He swears this won't happen. She says she doesn’t want to lose him. Kissy, kissy. Azul swears if either of them (Silvana or Eva, I guess) gets in between them things will go badly. Diego begs to still be Silvana's friend, and besides she's going out with Flavio now. He makes excuses for Eva's behavior and begs to keep being her "friend" too. She wonders how Diego can be in love with her when he admires Eva so much. He says admiration's one thing, love is another. Yeah, and blatant stupidity is yet another, kids. More smooching and "I love you"s. Blech!

Bow chicka bow bow…Ceci and Andres are smooching on the red couch. Andres apologizes for not being able to come by sooner. Smoochies. Ceci's trying to get a little more than smoochies, but Andres begs off because "no soy de humor" ("I'm not in the mood"), ouch! Maybe he needs a little more time for those whip marks to heal. Ceci kisses down his neck to his shoulder and finds a huge bruise. Oops! He tries to say he passed under a "enredadera" (a vine or a creeper, but this makes no sense) and he got hurt (is he trying to pass it off as a big scratch? What?). Ceci tries to get a better look, but it makes Andres mad. He shows her a little of his violent side and says she doesn't know him, she can't understand because she's too good and clean, she'd never understand. He says "they" won't let him tell and it's "bad". As Ceci's trying to comfort him on the bench by the door Mauricio uses his key and comes into the apartment. Ceci's pissed at him for not ringing the bell and she tells him to get used to Andres being there. Mauricio yells at Ceci for not being able to find Azul. She's not having it. Mauricio tells her to tell Azul to call him. He tells Andres to stop causing problems and then he leaves. Ceci wonders what he's talking about, but Andres says he doesn't know, grabs his coat, and leaves, "because". Ceci shouts out the door that he's as crazy as everyone else around Mauricio. Word, sister.

Silvana surprises a shirtless Flavio (no, it's ok, you don't need to put your shirt back on!) in the little room over the IHoP. She tells him a guy asked how much for one of Flavio's paintings, but she didn't know what to tell him. Flavio invites her to sit down on the bed and asks how she's doing. Silvana says she won't be able to go back to Mansión Malicia since she's yelled at Mauricio and now she can't get any more information out of Katy. Flavio says she should just apologize and maybe Mauricio will let her go back. Silvana says it's odd that Katy remembered a lot of things about the accident (blood, screaming) but not falling over the cliff. She thinks she can help Katy remember more about the accident. Whoa, there, missy…best leave that to the professionals.

Back in Eva's hotel room, Eva is listening to Diego and Azul's greatest hits. She's looks flattered by what Diego says about her, but Ivan looks like he wants to puke. Eva turns the tape off. Ivan says he thinks the information could be useful to them and asks Eva if he should find out about this "Silvana" woman. Eva tells him to do it. Ivan seems delighted by the possibility that if she tried to kill Mauricio once, she could do it again. Eva turns the tape back on. She shuts it off after she hears Diego say admiration is one thing and love is another. She goes into the living room area of her suite and calls The Supreme Evil Overlord. He gripes her out for not calling and keeping him informed as she usually does. She can't get a word in edgewise. Whoever he is, he's already heard about her being "in love". He threatens to kick her out of "the organization". He says he wants results. She tells him about not being able to get info out of Mauricio. He says he knows she can do it. He tells her to leave emotions aside, that love makes you weak.

Diego comes to Eva's room wanting to talk to her. Ivan asks him to wait while he checks with Eva and then lets him in. Eva asks what "majaderia" he's come to do now (what bit of idiocy, what stupid thing). Diego says he's come to apologize, he was rude, and he didn't have a right to be rude to her. He says he owes her a lot, he owes her his new confidence. Then he goes back to complaining about being watched. She tells him she'll take his protection away if he wants. She says it's not about watching him, but for security, and then she says she doesn't care what he does. Diego says he cares what she thinks of him, though. They have a discussion about not being able to act the way he did with certain people, especially Ivan, who can kill him with one hand (hey, he's been downgraded--earlier it was one finger). Sounds like she wants him and Ivan to get along better. She offers him a drink and he accepts.

Piero has come to Mansión Malicia, but since he didn't make an appointment, he's been waiting all afternoon for Mauricio. Mauricio finally shows up and says he didn't remember that Piero was supposed to come back. They go into Maurico's office.

Silvana calls Mansión Malicia and asks to speak to Mauricio. She apologizes for the other day. Mauricio is gracious about it. She says she'd like to visit Katy again, it makes her feel closer to Nico. Mauricio says he understands and says she can come over whenever she wants. It makes Katy happy and if Katy's happy, he's happy. He says it will give him the chance to show her he had nothing to do with the accident. He hangs up the phone and continues his impromptu meeting with Piero. Mauricio offers to help Piero with his money troubles. Piero says the magic words--he'll do ANYTHING to get back on his feet. He's brought a budget for Mauricio to look over and he asks for 40% of the cost. Mauricio says he can have the money, but there's a thing he's got to do, something that will help him protect this project, the most important project of his life. Piero says he'll do anything. Mauricio says he needs Piero to marry Lidia. Yep, just like that. Please excuse the 5ft Household as we speculate on what exactly this gains Mauricio. Talk amongst yourselves :)


Excellent recap as usual, 5ft and FAST! If Mo isn't sure that Diego is into Azul, it may be just one more way of trying to control Diego.

Is it just me or does it seem like Mo, Burgay and Eva are spending far too much working on controlling people through other people than getting results from Azul's dad? I mean, the guy is all alone in that lab. Couldn't they afford a few assistants or co-workers who could run tests for him or something? No wonder he hasn't gotten very far.

I guess they can't have assistants, because they'd have to worry about keeping more people silent. It seems like the same amount of trouble either way, though.

I agree, Mo wants Piero to marry Lidia so he can control Diego. It seemed Mo wanted Azul in order to get control of GSD, but his ego must take over somewhat so he wants her for himself.

Meanwhile, Eva is violating the first rule of Evil Overlord behavior--don't fall in love with the help. And Diego is just plain stupid.

One thing that is interesting about this novela is that we keep seeing the food chain unfold as we go. First Mo was the evil guy, but then it turns out that Mo has a boss, or at least powerful partner, Burgay. Then Eva shows up and she's the top dog. Suddenly, there's this voice on the phone that makes Eva tremble. I half expect us to find out next that there is some some global Dr. Evil in charge of the whole mess. When you go all the way down the food chain to Azul and Diego, it's like "The problems of two little people don't amount to a hill of beans" or how does the quote from Casablanca go?

Thanks, 5ft. for the recap and the giggles. I like to read your take on things. Diego is such a piece of work. Is he officially Evileva's love slave now ? Blecccch. I enjoyed the scene of Ivan telling Diego to wait and then slamming the door in face. HaHa. I am afraid that the clock has started ticking for Ceci. Leo has evidently damaged Andres beyond repair. Que lastima. [What do they say?...The good ones are all married, gay, or killers who are into S&M.] Mo and Leo [Dona Leather] are not going to want Ceci around distracting young Andres from his work [i.e. killing people and being Leo's boytoy]. What a tangled web they weave. Am I wrong , or was FlavaFlav's hair grayer when we first met him ???? Grecian Formula, perhaps? My father-in-law used it , and he used a little too much of the formula once and it turned his hair green. I wonder if Flav knows what he is getting into with Silvana. Run Flave...just run. I like GSD better in the all white sterile see a lot less of for me. Ines did go BSC on him. I guess the cello no longer makes him ''hot'' as it once did. Move on , can do better. And it looks like the 3 amigos [Julio, Gaspar, and Arnaldo] are going to get dragged into this messy mess.

P.S. We could start doing tequila shots every time Azul, Miss Blue says, ''I'm leaving.'' She says it at least once in every episode.

Thanks for the correction on the 600,000 pesos... I heard him say 2 years salary, so I should have realized that 600k couldn't be right.

Dear 5ft - Thanks for a super recap. I think Señor 5ft is right on about dimwit Diego. For all his lovely looks, Diego is dumb as a post. How could he be so naive to think someone would want to pay him a princely salary just to drive the Empress of Evil around in his 'Stang with a bit of boinking to seal the deal? No experience, no talent, no apparent signs of intelligent life??? Give him a sense of self confidence?? Confident about what may I ask?

I like Margaret's food chain review. Mr. Very, Very Big sounds a bit whiney though. He'll fit right in. Maybe he will fall in love with Azul too. Egad. and I am very afraid for Ceci. Andressss seems so close to the edge, hope he doesn't change from thinking she is limpia limpia and perhaps is in need of punishment as a maldita mala.

So who do we think the next main character muerto will be (a) Piero's wife? (b) Ceci (c) Inez?

I think that Ceci is on borrowed time. Mo doesn't want her learning about his dastardly evil plans, and Leo is jealous of her budding relationship with Annndresss. Bye-bye, Ceci ! Life is short...have some dessert with your pizza tonight.

I am hoping that Eva in a fit of jealous rage will kill Azul.(she is just not working for me). I know that this is unlikely.
Mo's just playing Azul to have better control of things, makes better sense to. It's more ganster.
However, it puts a blackeye in how
I'd imagine things would be. I thought Mo would kill Azul in a fit
of rage forcing Diego to grow some,
you know what, and go Rambo 'em.
I just have to look away and turn down the volume at Inez's antics become pain when people at like.
save yourself people and just walk away.
That's my say! Great recap.Thank You all for so much fun.

Now to put some of the new information into context....

It's obvious that something (physical) is bothering Mo. He is suffering from some kind of condition.

Now we have an unknown "boss" who is telling Eva that he wants results.

I would be willing to bet that Mo is using the Lab and GSD to find a cure for himself, while pretending to be working on some kind of virus for the "boss". That's why he won't talk about what's happening.

All the more reason for him to try and keep control of things, especially GSD!!

Great recap, 5ft. I am voting for Piero's wife as the next fatality. Maybe so she can't mess up a Piero marriage to Lidia. I agree it would give Mo more direct control over Diego who is now Eva's boy.

Has anyone else noticed that Leo seems to be casting lingering glances at Piero? For such a chilly person, she's quite warm and friendly to him. What a cougar!

Could this plot get anymore twisted? To all the re-cappers here on Caray, Caray: I salute you for providing much needed clarification to my "¡Cómo! No lo creo." exclamations. I can't believe that Mo doesn't really care that Azul and Diego are in love? I can't believe that Diego is so stupid..did he not read his contract that he signed? I can't believe that Azul thinks that she and Diego can cover up their love affair when Azul's jealousy of Evil Eva is so evident.

I don't believe that anyone is safe from being the next to be killed for what they know..even that Mo suspects she may "know" more about the "accident." What fun. Lots of unexpected turns in this TN, I must admit.

So let's see here, what does the scoreboard look like for the next probable murder. Vote for as many as you need to:
Piero's wife to ease the way to his marriage to Lidia?
Or Piero's wife may kill Piero just because he needs killing?
Silvana because she knows too much about the wreck?
Diego because he is too stupid to believe? (Ivan may just lose it one day)
Ceci because she gets too close to Aannndddress? (could be either Andres himself or jealous Leo)
Science Guy because he can't come up with a cure?
And there are so many more that might need killing......Keeps me coming back every day.

I think if Ines makes one more scene, or if Eva and Ivan hear about the last one, she may be the next to go. I'm pretty sure after trashing GSD's apartment, Ivan would consider her a security risk. He may be overzealous, but that's what makes him good at his job.

There's a place near where I work called "Andres Hair Styling". I have these fabulous fantasies about getting a nice shampoo...but then I sit down in the chair and Andres pulls out the scissors and it's all over.

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