Sunday, September 23, 2007

Acorralada #177, Friday, September 21: Catfights abound and Yolanda spills all the beans.

Max, Diana, and Marcela are in Marcela's hospital room. Marcella tells Max to go with Diana, but he says he can't, they have to stay together, even if she doesn't want to, especially not know that she's going to have his kid. Marcela says he didn't do the same thing when Diana was pregnant with their kid. Max says things are different, she's got to take care of herself because it would be a shame if she lost the baby. Marcela and Diana exchange a look.

Marfil calls Pedro's lawyer and says the will isn't going to be changed after all. Pedro dozes away through all this as Marfil says she'll inherit every cent.

In Gaviota's room, everyone but Gaviota is feeling sorry for Gaviota for such a terrible thing happening to her. Lorenzo says Gaviota needs hope, not tears. Word to that. Doc Q is still running tests. Gaviota doesn't know if there's any hope.

Max asks if Marcela promises to take care of herself and she tells him to leave again. Diana keeps looking down, avoiding anyone's eyes. Marcela tells him to go have dinner with Diana, Godmom will be there to take care of her. Diana says there's nothing between her and Max anymore. OK, people, will someone start telling the truth here?! Godmom comes in complaining that Diana is in the room. She asks if Diana is there as part of her duties or to get with Marcela's husband. Diana excuses herself. Marcela kicks Max out of the room, yet again. This time, he leaves, but he says he'll be back first thing the next day. Godmom says this is just too much, pushing him into the arms of another woman. Marcela tells her she doesn't dare tell Max she lost the baby.

Out at the water cooler, Max tells Diana to ignore what Godmom said. Diana tells Max his wife needs him. He says he's obligated to be with her, but his heart wants to be with Diana. Diana says that's impossible.

Lorenzo says God will help Gaviota, she's been so good, he wouldn't send this cross. Gaviota says maybe it's her cross because she went for revenge against the Irazabals. Lorenzo doesn't believe it. Miguelina is going to go ask the V de G to help Gaviota. Gaby thinks if Diego can walk again, Gaviota can too. Interesting bit of logic there…does she also think if Diego ended up being a criminal, Gaviota can too? Miguelina asks about Paco, but Gaviota says she sent him away.

Diana finds Rodrigo in the waiting room and tells him Doc Q wants to talk to them.

At Bar Don Paco, Caramelo wants to go home and fix Paco dinner, but Paco's too bummed. He says nothing will lift his spirits. He says Gaviota is everything to him. Caramelo tells him he's going to pay for the mistake of marrying Octavia forever, since that's what pushed Gaviota into Rodrigo's arms.

Doc Q tells Diana and Rodrigo that the spider's venom is very strong and although they gave her the antidote, there are side effects. He doesn't know how long Gaviota will be like this. He says he doesn't know what will happen. Doc Q says there shouldn't be a problem with the pregnancy. Rodrigo says it's not fair, tomorrow's his birthday. What a lousy present. Doc Q says he does have good news, he's letting Gaviota go home tomorrow.

Caramelo says she knows how love hurts, but he's got to get over it, "ammararte los pantalones" (put on your big boy pants, figuratively speaking) and don't let it get you down. Paco says she's right, but it hurts. Caramelo says it hurts not to have the person you love by your side, but there are things you can't change.

Rodrigo and Diana come into Gaviota's room, but she's asleep. Diana tells Miguelina, Lorenzo, and Gaby that Gaviota can go home tomorrow. Gaby asks Rodrigo if he's going to stay with her mom. Rodrigo asks if she thinks he's such a bastard. Gaby says it was just a question. Rodrigo tells the girls he loves their mom, like, for realz, and he'll never leave her. Which in telenovela-speak means he's just tempted fate and it's only a matter of time now.

Ugh. Pancholon scene. I thought since he'd run off to Santo Domingo we wouldn't have to see him anymore. His new gal pal, the reincarnation of Veneno, took him shopping. He bs-es that he's a hardworking man who doesn't like to let women take care of him. Veneno 2.0 mopes about how ugly she is and how Pancho's her first male friend. Blah, blah, blah, Pancho's probably going to charm the millions out of her. Unless she turns out to be an undercover law enforcement agent who's just stringing him along until she can turn him in. I can only hope.

Looks like in addition to the show, Silvita and the trannies also clean up around the bar. Mariposa has mail, but we don't find out what it is yet.

More Pancholon time. Veneno 2.0 asks for a kiss. Pancho tells her he's a gentleman and he respects women. BS, BS, BS. He can't kiss her because he respects her so much. He has to get to know her better. His thought bubble isn't worth repeating.

Mariposa's letter is from her millionaire cousin…oh, it's Veneno 2.0! She fills in Colibrí, Lorenzo, and Silvita on how ugly her cousin is. Veneno 2.0 has invited Mariposa to vacation in Santo Domingo, all expenses paid, and Mariposa is inviting Colibrí and Silvita. Colibrí doesn't have the money to go, but Silvita says she'll go.

Gaviota's got the bandages off her head and is dressed to go home. Diana's not there and Gaviota wonders where she is.

Marfil is gloating that Pedro slept all night and will probably sleep all day. The doorbell rings and she calls for Lucy to answer it, but Lucy doesn't. Marfil ends up going to get it herself. It's Diana, come to yell at Marfil that she remembers everything about the kidnapping. She says she can turn her in now.

Isabel has come to visit Octavia. She wants more food, but Octavia won't give her any. She also wants to know if the spider left Gaviota's legs paralyzed or not. Yolanda is listening at the door. Octavia brags that it did work. Yolanda's shaking her head. Isabel says that's all the more reason to give her food. Octavia says Isabel can go to the kitchen and look for leftovers. Yolanda bursts into the room, asking how Octavia could possibly! Yolanda, dear, you've known about every rotten thing your sister's done for the last 20-something years--she even had you drugged and tied up in the basement--and "How could you?" is the best you can come up with?! How…refreshing, that Yolanda can still be surprised every time Octavia does some new evil deed.

Gaviota's home and she's depressed. Nancy made a chocolate cake, though…hey, that usually fixes things for me. Lala says they're all going to take care of her. Gaviota asks Rodrigo to take her up to her room.

Marfil says she doesn't know what Diana's talking about. Diana says she doesn't have a way to prove her accusations, but she couldn't keep herself from coming to yell at Marfil--she says Deborah was an angel compared to Marfil. Marfil kicks her out, but Diana says she's not leaving until she gives her a pair of "cachetadas" (slaps) like she deserves. Diana makes good on her statement and a catfight commences. They roll around on the floor a bit and Marfil ends up losing her shoes. There's a lot of choking and hair-pulling, and mid-fight we go to commercial.

When we get back, Yolanda's yelling at Octavia. She still wonders how Octavia was capable. Yolanda says she'll tell Max everything, she's tired of being Octavia's accomplice, she's ready to tell the police everything, she's not going to cover up anything for Octavia anymore. Octavia slaps Yolanda and Yolanda smacks her back. Octavia tries to choke Yolanda…Yolanda's not fighting back very well.

Back at Casa Pedro, Diana pushes Marfil over the back of a chair and Marfil goes rolling. Now Isabel is enjoying the fight between Yolanda and Octavia. There's so much switching back and forth between the two fights, it's hard to keep up. Hair is flying everywhere! We end with Octavia really seriously choking Yolanda and Isabel looking on.

Gaviota's in her room with Rodrigo, Miguelina, and Gaby. Gaviota wants some alone time, so everybody leaves. Gaviota thought bubbles that her life is over, blah, blah, blah, she doesn’t want to leave the house, she doesn't want to have people look at her and feel sorry for her. It sounds like a recycling of Diego's earlier rantings. Which, hey, I get that people go through those feelings, but it comes across as the writers pushing the idea that all people in wheelchairs are angry and bitter 24-7. Thoughts?

Diana finally tosses Marfil onto the couch and shouts that she can send her to jail whenever she wants to. Marfil's bleeding from her mouth. Diana says whenever Marfil wants revenge, she should give her a call. Meow! Diana leaves. Marfil looks like she's too tired to get up.

Octavia's still choking Yolanda, then she pulls one hand off her neck and punches Yolanda in the face. This lets Yolanda pull Octavia's other hand off her throat and punch Octavia twice. Isabel starts looking worried and leaves. Yolanda runs outside, by the pool, and shouts for help. Octavia stumbles out and pushes her into the pool. They both fall in. Then Octavia tries to drown Yolanda, but she's not very effective so far. Isabel takes this opportunity to go into the kitchen and steal all the fruit. Yolanda and Octavia trade punches in the pool and Yolanda fights her way out of the pool. She runs off and Isabel comes outside, urging Octavia to hurry and get out of the pool, as Yolanda's gone out to the street to get help. Yolanda runs toward the street screaming for help. Back inside the house, Isabel is wondering what's taking Octavia so long. Well, she took so long because she was packing. Just let that sink in for a moment. Octavia comes into the living room with a rolling suitcase. She says there will be no keeping Yolanda quiet now and she can't catch her, so she's going to have to escape. Isabel and I both give a hearty "Que the hell?" and Octavia calls us both stupid. Octavia tells Isabel to hide her wherever Isabel is hiding. Okay, so she doesn't have time to catch Yolanda, but she has time to pack. I wonder if she's got an industrial-strength hair dryer in there.

Yolanda manages to flag down a police car and she tells to cop to take her to Comisario Gomez, aka, the same Telemiami cop who's investigating every other baddie on this show. I guess since the show's winding down, his arrest rate is going to go up.

Marcela's godmom is asking if she's going to tell Max about the baby. Max comes in. Marcela starts bugging him about Diana and Godmom makes nasty remarks, all as per usual. Doc V told Max that Marcela can go home and Max wants Marcela to go home with him. Riiiiight, because Casa Irazabal v2.0 is such a restful place to be right now. Max would know that if he'd been home, but it looks like he's still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Godmom tells Marcela to tell Max…tell me what? He asks. Godmom tells Max that Marcela lost the baby. The hamster on the wheel in Max's head almost dies trying to generate enough power for Max to process this.

Gaby, Miguelina, Lala, and Rodrigo talk about Gaviota. Rodrigo says they've got to cheer her up. Diana shows up, but she says she's fine. And other than a torn shirt she looks fine. She says she paid a "courtesy visit" to Marfil (*snort*) and gave her a beating she won't soon forget.

Marfil's holding an ice pack to her jaw when Pedro, aka Hef, finally wakes up and comes into the living room telling Marfil he feels "atontado" (stupid, although he probably means something more like groggy or doped-up). He asks what happened to her and she tells him she fell on the stairs. Hef points out that there are no stairs in that house. Marfil tells him to quit asking questions and not to dare leave the house and leave her alone. Marfil leaves the room and we see that both the sleeves on her blouse are torn and one is completely unattached.

Yolanda is wrapped in a blanket, telling Comisario Gomez what happened, or at least this incident. Gomez wants the whole story. Yolanda says Octavia's a monster and she stayed quiet out of fear, but after today it's all just too much for her. She doesn't want to keep quiet anymore. Yolanda says Octavia's been a killer for years. She planned Gaviota's first husband's murder and ordered her husband to carry it out; she had Gaviota's daughters taken away. Then we cut away from the scene. And here I was hoping for the full list of Octavia's evil deeds all at once.

Gaviota's talking to the baby, telling it she's not going to be able to run with it in the park, etc., etc., There's a knock on the door. It's Diana. She asks if she can come keep Gaviota company. Gaviota says that everybody being so nice just reminds her of her "desgracia" (misfortune) and makes her anxious. More self-pitying talk. She wants to be alone to think and accept. If anyone in that house remembers what happens to Gaviota every time things get too hard for her, they wouldn't let her be alone. I guess at least this time, the alcohol would have to be within arm's reach.

Octavia has arrived at Hotel Isabel. Octavia looks askance at Isabel for having taken some cookware out of the house. Isabel says she can't figure out why she took them, since she has no kitchen, but she thinks she may be able to sell them. Octavia asks about security. Isabel says the cops never come around there and Ignacio's been hiding there. Ignacio now makes an appearance. This could get interesting.

Comisario Gomez is still waiting for the whole story. Yolana continues: Octavia took everything that was Gaviota's; Octavia poisoned her husband…Comisario Gomez wants to know if she knew all this, why did she keep quiet and why did she testify against Gaviota. Yolanda says it was out of fear, that she's always been weak, a puppet in Octavia's hands. Yolanda tells CG that Octavia's dangerous: she killed Licenciado Reynosa. CG actually looks surprised, but I'm not sure if it's because of what she said or because she said it.

Isabel tells Ignacio that Octavia has come to hide out with them. Ignacio jokes with Isabel that Octavia is their luxury guest.

Max asks why Marcela had a miscarriage. Godmom blames it on Max. Marcela says the doctor told her she had to be careful, so she didn't tell him about the kid so it wouldn't weigh in his decision. She asks what he's going to do…or more to the point, who is he going to choose?

I guess we'll get that answer on Monday. Yay! 2 more weeks to go!


Thank you, 5Ft, for recapping Friday's episode; great job! I'm sorry I missed the catfights, but am glad I didn't miss anything between Gaby and Lunkhead.

I am SO tired of Fidiota's "Poor Me" role. Only in Telemiama could tarantulas be so deadly and dangerous. . .

When Yolanda and Octy started fighting, I was really concerned that they were not going to fall into the pool. I was really relieved when the action moved outside the house to poolside.

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