Friday, September 28, 2007

Acorralada #181 Thursday 9/27/07 Ding dong--the witch is dead . . . really!

First, I must apologize for my error of yesterday. I reported incorrectly (because of inattentiveness) that Emilio was not going to help Octavia get to the big duel. As you will see, he did help her.

Before we get to the big bitch slap fest, let's review some other plots:

Max and Diana seem to be making some progress at getting back together.

Diego calls his mother. She is worried that she hasn't heard from him, and they haven't heard from Pancho.

Paco leaves town.

Pedro overhears Marfil plotting against him. He tells Max about it, but reports that he has solved the problem by changing his will so Marfil won't get anything. Max will get everything. That will fix her. Er, but you'll be dead, Max says, and he doesn't want the money. He wants Pedro to live. Don't worry, Pedro has other plans.

More boring stuff about Max and Marcela, but it looks like they are through. At the bodega, it looks once again like Godmom and Marcela are living there. This week, they seem to be moving between the deli department and the cashier. The owner seems to want to date Godmom, and she flirts with him.

Pancho's wedding is about to start, at a church, no less, but no primo/prima in sight. Suddenly, enter Mariposa and Silvia. (Just after the priest has asked if anyone objects to the marriage.) Pancho realizes it's Silvia, so he tries to hide by facing away. Silvia trips and falls, so she doesn't see him right away. Credits roll at this point, so we will follow this part tomorrow.

But back to the big confrontation.

Emilio drives Fedora over to the site of the meeting. It seems to be a railyard, where trains are ending their runs. Fedora is sitting pathetically in her wheelchair, wearing her trademark red shirt with black silk flower! Imagine making sure to have on a silk flower for a fight. Emilio drives away in his Ford Expedition. Who is the bigger moron--Fedora or Emilio? Discuss.

Octy now shows up, and each taunts the other. It's the end for you. You tortured me for so many years etc., I am too bored to recap it verbatim. You can imagine. They start fighting. Soon, Octy has paralyzed Fedora down on the ground, and it doesn't look good for Fedora.

Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, the girls realize she's gone and they start calling around. Rodrigo reaches Emilio, who is driving away. He says Fedora made him promise not to tell where she was, so he can't. Bigger moron, I say. Finally, he reveals the location, and everyone rushes there. Emilio calls Max, and he is rushing to the scene as well. Then Emilio seems to get run off the road by an oncoming car, and we see him smashed against the driver's side window. Did he have on his seat belt?

The fight continues. Who should arrive, knife in hand, but Iggy, who has been lumbering around the same railyard in his zombielike way. Iggy plunges the knife into Octavia's back. It seems he is killing her not to save Fedora, but to continue his own crazed revenge.

Octavia rises, horrified, and staggers toward the train tracks just as a freight train is rolling by. At the same time, Max, Diana, and Rodrigo run up! What a climactic moment. Octavia drops to the tracks, and they all watch helplessly as Octy gets run over. Fedora sits there with her useless legs splayed out in front of her. Max, drawing on every molecule of acting chops that he might possess, drops to his knees in anguish, knowing his own mother is dead, but realizing at the same time that she was an incredibly evil woman who deserved to die. What cognitive dissonance! Diana runs between Fedora and her beloved Max, giving each glassy-eyed hugs.

At the moment of Octy's death, poor Yolanda feels a sisterly lightning bolt and is jolted awake in her cell, shouting "Octavia!" Later, Diana and Max visit her at the jail and they all rehash. Marfil reads about incident in the paper and show up at the station to see Max and Diana together. She is peeved. She didn't know about the Max/Marcela divorce. Don't worry. Diana is still married to Marfil's boytoy, Diego.

The next day, everyone is recapping the action to those who were not present. Lots of boring rehash. What is most confusing is that Emilio is fine without a scratch. Then I thought it was a trick, and it was Diego, but he was unscathed the next day also. Any ideas?


i kept waiting for the octavia dummy being stuck to the front of the train. Emilio by the way was only giong 25mph when he decided to speed up. next friday can't get here fast enough......cheddarsmom

I LOVE reading these funny recaps. I have a love/hate relationship w/this soap opera. It's so exaggerated, but Im going to be sad when it finishes. I started watching it when I was put on bedrest the same week it started. And I cant stop watching it now!

Dear anonymous:
I'm in agreement. Love/Hate it is. I will miss these goofy characters.

I just want to say how much you make my day when I check in to find another hilarious recap of a show I have been watching religiously. Everything that is ridiculous and laughable that I notice while watching is made even funnier when rehashed by you all! Thanks again!! Applause all around..

I'm going to really miss these dopes when the show ends. This is the telenovela you love to hate!

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