Friday, September 28, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #34B-36A Missing Recaps 13-16, by Kim P.

If you're interested, Paula from Telenovela-World is keeping a cross-reference between these recaps and the original Univision air dates/episode numbers.

Missing Recap 13: When your boss tells you to go home... GO HOME!!

We're in reception and PM is telling the cuartel what Lopez is doing. He calls her again and she says she's with Saimon and the cuartel and can they come too, but he tells her it's in her best interest to get rid of them and come alone. I think he threatens to fire her if she doesn't. She agrees to meet him alone in 15 minutes. The rest of the cuartel are trying to get Marta to call Lopez's house, but she's afraid and doesn't want to. They say something to PM that I don't get, and she says she'll quit before she allows him to do anything. Sara shows her how to defend herself using Juana as a dummy. PM and Saimon talk, I think he says he'll go talk to Fernando, but she says no. Just then a hot chick walks in asking for Fernando and Saimon begins to drool.

PM calls Lety to let her know that a Fatima Bosh (?) is there for Fern, and tells her what's happening with Lopez, that Fern told him he could handle the situation so this is how he's handling it.

Omar and Fern are still talking in his office. He's balancing a pencil on his lip, so I'm guessing he's not paying a whole lot of attention. Lety tells Fernando that Fatima's there and he gets all excited while Omar makes some Omar-type comment. He yells at Lety about something and he and Omar talk stuff I don't get. Lety asks him if he told Lopez to handle the PM problem and Fernando says no, he told Lopez to reprimand her but not to dismiss her. She smiles and thanks him and immediately goes back to her office to tell Saimon this, but PM's already gone. Saimon offers his arm to Fatima to take her to Fern's office. Meanwhile Fern is lighting candles, turning on music and rearranging furniture. Omar brings in some wine and they talk man-talk, and Omar says something about Alicia.

Fernando wants to be alone with Fatima and goes into Lety's office and tells her to go home early, but she, for some reason (I thinks she's a closet masochist) decides she wants to stay and tells Fern she has a lot of work to do. He tells her ok, but under no circumstances is she to come out of her office until he tells her to, and I think he tells her not to say anything to Marcia. He leaves her office and sees Fatima and they start talking. Fatima tells Fern she knows Marcia's out of town and she wants to spend all night with him. He pours some wine and he and Fatima start to get it on. At first Lety listens while looking at her picture of him (ew!! Is there such a thing as a Hearing Tom in addition to a Peeping Tom?), but then she gets sad and cries and covers her ears to drown out the noise. Hard to feel sorry for her, it was her choice to stay. Oh well...

Meanwhile Saimon calls Marta and tells her what Lety said about Fernando. He wants her to call Lopez's house, but she still doesn't want to. He tries to reassure her that it will be ok.

At the Blue Dragon Bar (in case there's ever a trivia quiz on it), Lopez is hitting on PM. He tells her that Alicia resigned because of what happened and Omar's really upset. He tries to touch her hand but she pulls away. His cell phone rings and as he's pulling it out of his pocket he pulls out his toothbrush and toothpaste (ok, that just made me urp a little). PM is as disgusted as I was. He tells her the call is just someone from Conceptos and he doesn't answer it. They talk more stuff that I don't get but I feel like I need a shower from hearing it.

At Alicia's house, she's on the phone to her dad and tells him the same stuff Lopez just mentioned. She mentions she needs money and she thinks he hung up, but he didn't. She then tells him about Ariel's harassment and couldn't daddums help her out with just a little buckage? A knock at the door, she hangs up and answers, it's Omar, with flowers. At first she won't talk to him, but as soon as he starts to walk away she changes her mind.

Saimon is still begging Martha to call Lopez's house, but she's afraid because she knows Lopez will know it was her who called. Saimon asks her who's more important, her boss or PM? I'm guessing she chose her boss because Saimon tosses the phone down, then picks it up again to see if Marta is still there.

At Lety's, her 'rents are in bed and she calls. Usual crap about needing to stay late, no come home, can't must work, blah blah etc. Pop asks when she'll be home and she hears the two F's (Fern and Fatima) being mushy and tells her dad she doesn't know.

Speaking of the two F's, they're on the couch kissing and talking. Fatima asks Fernando if he's really going to marry Marcia and he tells her he doesn't want to talk about it. While they're talking, she's slipping off his tie and they kiss a lot more.

Omar is begging Alicia to forgive him, he doesn't know what PM was up to, she was crazy and he lost control, same story he fed Fernando. Alicia says she'll forgive him under two conditions: first he has to fire PM, secondly he has to marry her. He tells her PM is under Fernando's protection so he can't fire her, and I think he also just flat-out refuses to marry her. She gets sad and he leaves.

Back to the bar, PM tries to leave, I think Lopez is getting drunk, and he grabs her. She says something about his wife and just then his phone rings and, of course, it's his wife. He can't let her hear the music, so he goes to the bathroom to answer.

Lety is still listening at the door, que stalkerish. I'm having a hard time drumming up pity for her here. Did I mention she had the chance to go home but didn't???

Back to the Blue Dragon, Lopez answers the phone in the men's room and tells his wife he's working. Meanwhile, we get a rather pointless scene of Saimon pacing in Conceptos' reception and Celso and Sanson come in. They talk, I think about a woman being up with Fernando. Then we're back to the bar again, and while Lopez is gone PM asks a lady next to her to borrow her cell phone and calls Saimon. He tells her what Fernando had said, but the bar is so noisy she can't hear him. She tells him where she's at and hangs up because Lopez returns. She tells him she needs to leave, but Lopez wants to dance.

The two F's are still making out in his office and Lety finally has enough. She covers her ears and starts singing to block out the noise.

At Ariel's house he answers the door and it's Alicia. He invites her in and she says she needs to talk to him and he asks her if she quit Conceptos and she tells him no. He asks her if he no longer disgusts her (actually, after I saw him at Magic Mountain in L.A. he didn't disgust me either, he was so adorable, but until then I was full-on with Alicia on that). She says she only told him that because she was mad but she wants to be friends. He tells her he's only interested if there's sex involved (ok, I take it back, Magic Mountain or no Magic Mountain). She doesn't want him to compromise her relationship with Omar and, like the jerk he is, he says what relationship, 'cause that little incident at Conceptos kinda proved Omar wasn't taking it too seriously. She says she needs her job and he says then you have to accept my proposal (he says apuesta, which I thought meant "bet" but I guess it means "deal" or "proposal" as well), and he heads off into the bedroom. She thinks about it for a minute, then follows him in.

Lety calls her 'rents and Mom asks if she's going to be working all night. Pop is listening in and gets really pissed. Lety tells them she's working on a very special project and not to worry because there are a whole bunch of people working late that night, the other secretaries and Lopez. I guess she placates them. She says she'll see them tomorrow and hangs up.

Lopez and PM are dancing. She mentions she has to work tomorrow but that doesn't stop him. He's puttin' on the moves, she's pushing them off. I'm not sure, but I think she says something like "I'm not like that" and he says "you were, with Omar" or something equally disgusting. She's asking him to stop, he's married, and he starts kissing her neck. She's trying to fight him off when a woman in a nightdress and curlers shows up and scratches him down his back. He turns to look and freaks, it's the little woman. He tries to make an excuse, asking where Fern and Omar are, but she's not buying. Wifey sees the toothbrush and paste and puts two and two together and really starts screeching like a banshee. He denies everything, of course, but she drags him off by his ear, threatening the whole way, while everyone watches and PM laughs. The barman shows up with the bill and gives it to PM, but she doesn't have any money.

Fernando and Fatima are still at it at the office, but decide to go somewhere else to finish their business, leaving the music on and Lety holed up in her office, crying. We get to hear Aqui Estare again (great song). Should'a gone home woman! Jeez Louise!

Missing Recap 14: Alicia, Lety, and Lopez get unlucky

We're back at the bar where Lopez is being emasculated again. PM gets the bill and can't pay again, the two F's leave again and Lety cries again. Angelica sings that she's right here again, and I'm telling Lety she should have gone home when she had the chance again. Lety crawls up onto her desk and lays down, crying. Ok, I may not feel too sorry for her, but that part WAS kinda sad.

Paula Maria is arguing with the barman, she doesn't have any money. She offers him her watch, but just at that moment Saimon the P-Whipped shows up and offers to pay, but it's more than he has cash for. He offers his watch, saying it's Swiss, and the barman accepts. Sorry, still can't get over the fact he's doing this for someone who was busted trying to bang the VP. Anyroad...

We cut to Ariel telling Alicia he's going to want a lot of sex. She says she doesn't want that kind of relationship, but you already know what he had to say about that and he heads into the bedroom. She thinks about it for a minute, then follows him in. He's lying there on the bed in an oh-so-NOT-sexy pose and I can't believe she didn't run off screaming at the sight.

We go back to PM and Saimon. She tells him what Lopez had proposed and he gets righteously pissed, and tells her that Fernando had ordered Lopez not to dismiss her. She thanks him for saving her, and thanks some saints for sending Mrs. Lopez along at the right time. Saimon tells her don't thank the saints, thank Marta for giving him the number or making the call, sorry I'm not clear who actually made the call. PM is a little worried that Marta will get into trouble, but being the selfish cretin she is, that worry flashes in and out of her mind about the same length of time as a lightening bolt hitting the ground, then she's back to being all over Saimon. They dance, then he picks her up and carries her out. Saimon takes her home and tells her he thinks Omar was a jackass whereas he's single and would love to be with her and her son. She says now she knows she has a guardian angel and gives him a kiss on the forehead. He wants more so she gives him a very quick kiss on the lips and runs off. He gets dreamy and says "beso" over and over. Ok, he's p-whipped, but that's kinda cute.

Next day Fern talks to Celso, then walks into reception. Marta is crying to PM about the trouble she's going to be in for giving out Lopez's number when Fern walks in. PM thanks him for his help with the situation and he makes her promise not to pull a stunt like that again.

Fernando walks into his office and sees that it's still a mess from last night. He starts moving furniture back and yells for Lety (was it her job to clean up after him?). He walks into her office and finds her asleep on her desk. At first he's pissed and wakes her up, asking why his office is still such a mess. She says she'll get Juana to clean it up and he gives her crap for sleeping on the job. She tells him she spent the night because he told her not to come out until he said so, and she heard the music still playing so she stayed put. He can't believe it and asks her again, you mean you spent the night here in the office?

Missing Recap 15: Lopez tries to do his thing

Lety affirms that yes, she spent the whole night there because he didn't tell her he'd left. I'm not sure of the whole conversation, but I think he says nothing happened, he and Fatima left, and he apologizes for leaving her there all night. She gives him the report she finished during the night and he tells her to go home. Omar comes in teasing him about how unprofessional the office looks, and wants to know all the details of last night's little adventure with Fatima. He's thinking this means adios Marcia, Lety is listening and likes this part. But Fern tells him no, it's like it always is, when he first sees a woman he really wants her, but afterwards he feels empty. The only one he still has any feelings for is Marcia (Lety's sad), and he's not sure if that's due to love, affection, or custom. Omar tells him he should keep looking (Lety's happy), but Fernando is skeptical and says that he's been doing it too long and so far Marcia's the best one he's found (Lety's sad). Lety comes out and offers to clean up but Fernando tells her to go home and he'll see her tomorrow. Omar wants to know was'sup and Fern tells him how she spent the night there and it was his fault. Omar the Ever-Sympathetic just laughs.

Lety tells PM she's leaving as Saimon comes into the reception with a big stuffed bear for PM. She loves it, but then she gets a call from an old boyfriend and sets up a date with him and Saimon is sad.

Omar is still laughing that Fernando left Lety in the office all night. He asks if she means so little to Fernando. Fern feels terrible about it and tells him that he's impressed that Lety trusts him and follows his orders unconditionally and he wants Omar to respect that. He says she's proven she's loyal to him and he has total confidence that Conceptos is in her hands.

Tomas runs into Lety as she's getting off the bus and wonders what's up. She tells him (against all orders of course) about F.I.'s loan to Conceptos. He again wonders if Fernando will want back his Filmo Imagen money but Lety tells him she doubts it because it's not enough money to help.

Fernando and Omar talk more about Lety and Conceptos, and make a joke about Alicia.

Alicia comes into reception, glares at PM, and gets onto the elevator. PM tries to talk to Saimon but he's unhappy and is barely responding. Clueless PM wants to know why, what's wrong, but he just tells her how stupid he is. She says something about the bear and throws it back at him. He yells at her, she snaps back, and he wusses down again.

Fernando and Omar talk about PM, then Omar tells Fernando that Alicia wouldn't forgive him unless he married her, and he pretends to strangle himself and Fernando pretends to stop him. He says he used that as an excuse to break up with her. I think Omar then says he thinks Alicia's going to quit, and he and Fernando pretend to cry about it, but then I think Fernando tells him basically don't bet on it.

Lopez comes into reception wearing sunglasses but you can still see scratches all over his face. He also has first aid tape on the back of his head. PM calls Lola to warn the cuartel that he's coming up. He stops at Alicia's desk and tells her about his conversation with Ariel. Alicia replies something that I don't get and I think she tells him she's not quitting after all. She suddenly notices his face and asks what happened, and he replies but I'm not sure what he says. Lopez tells Marta to come into his office and goes to do the lick/scratch thing but hurts his head. Lola and Alicia have one incredibly rare solidarity moment and share a laugh at his expense.

In his office, he asks Marta why she gave out his home number. Marta protests that she gave the number to Saimon because he said it was urgent. The cuartel and Saimon are listening at the door, of course. Lopez tells Marta that she caused big problems with his marriage and she's fired. The cuartel want Saimon to go in and stick up for Marta, but he's afraid. They shove him in anyway and he has trouble talking. Lopez asks why Saimon called his house. I'm not sure of his answer, but he mentions PM and Don Fernando. Lopez up and fires Saimon too. The cuartel run to Fernando and tell him what Lopez is up to. During that time, Marta finally grabs the pair of balls that Saimon isn't using and argues back to Lopez. This emboldens Saimon so he takes his balls back from Marta and tells Lopez he knows that Don Fernando didn't tell Lopez to handle things and threatens to tell Fernando what he did.

Just then, Fern walks in like a gorgeous knight in shining armor and stops anyone from getting fired. He wants to know what Lopez is doing and Lopez tells him it's a personnel issue. PM asks Fern if he didn't say that PM was only to be reprimanded and not fired and Fernando says yep, that's what I said, was I unclear to you? Lopez covers his butt and Fern says fine, anything else? Lopez says no. Fernando asks about the scratches on his face and Lopez says something about a cat. Sara asks if it was a male cat or a female cat. Fern teases him about the scratches, then leaves. Irma gives Lopez hell for what he tried to pull. The cuartel all leave, making meowing noises. Saimon stays behind and basically tells Lopez mess with PM again and you'll have to deal with me. Lopez orders him out of his office and does that disgusting scalp squeaking as only Lopez can do, but this time it hurts due to the scratches (good!).

Omar and Fernando head toward Luigi's office to discuss the shampoo commercial and see that Alicia has come to work. Fernando says something I don't get and shoves Omar toward her. She tells him that Ariel asked her not to resign and Omar looks like he swallowed a bug.

Omar tells Fernando that Alicia is now seeing Ariel and Fern is not happy. He's worried that she was dangerous before but now it's worse 'cause she's angry. She's going to tell Ariel that Conceptos doesn't have any clients and he'll want an audit and bye bye presidency. Omar says that the shampoo commercial that Luigi's working on is now even more important. Fernando agrees and says this time he'll do whatever Luigi wants even though it's going to be expensive. Then I can't tell if my tv signal is bad or if Fernando's cussing out Luigi, but it sounds like he's getting bleeped.

They go to Luigi's office where a musician is playing a synthesizer. Based on Luigi's comments, I guess he writes a lot of music for telenovelas and is very popular in real life. Luigi wants to hire him to write the music for the commercial. Fern asks if he costs a lot and the musician says yes, but Luigi says no, not a lot, a WHOLE lot! Fernando says ok, which surprises Luigi.

Lety's home writing in her diary, saying how much it would hurt her to see Fernando fail and she's flattered that Fernando trusts her. We see Fernando working, looking at his picture of Marcia and sighing while Lety voiceovers that she's the most important woman in his life, but he doesn't see her as a woman. Back to Lety, she's drawing hearts along the top of the diary page.

Next morning Tomas and Erasmo are going through some boxes. I think it's computer stuff. They talk to Lety, I'm not sure about what, and she tells them to be careful as they lift the heavy boxes. She talks to her mom about her dad and him having a job, I'm not totally clear. They mention Fernando. Tomas butts in and F.I. is mentioned, so I think they're discussing getting dad a job with Filmo Imagen, which has me confused because I thought they discussed this topic before in Lety's bedroom.

Back at Conceptos, Fernando is complaining to Omar that Luigi is costing them a fortune on this commercial. Lety comes in and says good morning and Fern snaps at her. Omar tells him to calm down, maybe they can save money in post-production. Fern asks Lety how much money is in Filmo Imagen and she tells him. He's surprised by how much money is there. He tells her they're going to have to take another loan from F.I. Omar is nervous about this, but Fernando begins to list everything they have to pay.

Luigi is on the phone to someone, but I'm afraid I don't understand this at all. Marcia and videos get mentioned.

Fernando is talking to Omar and Lety interrupts. She's very nervous about having Conceptos in her hands. She says something about the banks and Fernando says something about Luigi's commercial. Fernando tells Lety that in order to stave off their creditors, it's necessary (again she sits at attention when he says that word) to completely embargo Conceptos to Filmo Imagen. Lety's eye twitches with impactadaness. If anyone can fill in this conversation, please do, I'd love to know all that was said.

Missing Recap 16: Luigi's new model

Fernando again says that it's necessary (attention Lety), Lety protests again, but Fernando and Omar try to convince her. Fernando reminds her that F.I. is a real and legal company. She goes to her office and stares at her picture of Fernando and rubs the rag he gave her (freaky!). Fernando and Omar are still discussing it when she comes back and tells Fern he can count on her to do whatever is necessary to help. He tells her thanks and she gives him one of her patented scary dreamy looks. Omar teases him about it.

Marcia is back from her trip and comes into reception. She talks about Luigi and his models with PM. Saimon is carrying boxes for her. She gets on the elevator and when she gets upstairs Alicia greats her heartily. She starts whining about everything that's happened but Marcia doesn't really want to hear it and gives her a bottle of perfume she bought her. She gives a gift to Saimon too, as well as a gift for Lola.

In Fern's office, Lety hands Fernando some info. Marcia comes in and they kiss, making Lety's eye twitch. She gives Fern a present, which he hands off to Lety without opening, and I think she tells him she bought some stuff for the wedding. He tells her he'd love to talk about it but right now he's working on something. She asks if it's a problem and he says no. She says fine, she'll be in her office. They kiss again and Lety makes an ugly face at her.

Marcia asks Lola for a report. Saimon thanks her for the gift. Luigi runs in and they do a diva greeting and chat, I think about her trip. Some models come in looking for Luigi, I think they're supposed to be auditioning for the shampoo commercial and he has Saimon take them somewhere. Lola gives the report to Marcia and she and Luigi go into her office. He complains about his model problem and she shows him the veil material she bought. He wraps it around his head and prances around in it while she reads the report and says it's a disaster. She heads off to confront Fernando and Luigi follows as far as the executive lobby. Lola stops him and asks him a question about the models' contracts, but he just gives the usual fea ugly ew go away digs. Marcia goes into the conference room where Fernando, Omar and Lety are working and wants to know why all the contracts have been canceled. She tosses her report at him and he picks them up and reads them. She makes some wise crack at Lety that I don't get and Fernando tells her Lety is practically the VP of Finance since Olarte got fired. Naturally this goes down like a ton of bricks and Marcia sarcastically claps for her. I'm sorry, my Spanish isn't good enough to figure out why Marcia thinks the company's problems are all Lety's fault. Fernando tells Marcia the orders were his and everything will be fine, and Lety leaves, to go out into the executive lobby and talk to the cuartel. Fernando's doin' some 'splainin' that I don't get a lot of, but he mentions that they got nothing from the L.A. trip. Marcia asks "nothing?", and Fernando replies nothing concrete, but we got ideas. They do more talking that I don't get, but I think mostly he's trying to paint he picture as rosier than it actually is.

Luigi is in the studio auditioning models. He complains when the cuartel walk in, they want Irma to go to lunch with them. He says they're too busy and makes them leave. Just then Marcia calls him and asks him to come to a meeting, so he tells Irma to choose a model.

The cuartel are in reception and leave for lunch as some models are sitting there. Saimon does his usual "pretend to be an executive" bit, I guess that never gets old.

Luigi shows up in the conference room with his dog, and he, Fernando, Marcia and Omar discuss it for a minute. Marcia asks how the shampoo commercial is going and Fernando and Marcia explain to Luigi that it's their only gig right now. There's more conversation that's over my head. I'm not sure but I think the 35 mm camera gets mentioned again.

In the lobby, Saimon sends the next model up to audition just as another model walks in. It's Jazmin, the woman who stole Lola's husband! Saimon drools and dances and puts her on the elevator to audition before the other models already sitting there.

Alicia sends food into the conference room and heads back to her desk as Saimon and Jazmin get off the elevator. Alicia eyeballs her and shudders and says something about nacos. I guess she summed Jazmin up as low class trash pretty quick.

Irma thanks the current models as Saimon brings Jazmin in. Irma tells her she thinks she's seen her somewhere before but can't remember where. Jazmin says she doesn't think so. Irma gives her something to change into which apparently is just some material to wrap around herself. Saimon starts to help wrapping Jazmin up but Irma boots him out.

Back in reception, the cuartel come back, apparently talking about Alicia. They notice that Saimon isn't there just as he's coming off the elevator. He's busy dancing and swooning over the new woman. They ask what he's doing and he tells them something about the new model that I don't get. PM, the chick who JUST got busted for trying to bang another man there at work, is jealous. Saimon dances off.

Jazmin is modeling for Irma. She tells her that she likes her but that Luigi still needs to approve her choice. Jaz walks away to change while Irma continues to wonder where she's seen her before.

Back at the meeting, they're continuing to discuss their problem. I'm not positive, but I think Marcia is going to make calls to try to drum up some business. She leaves and Luigi mentions the bet and that Fernando lost since they have no bidness. Fern tries to back out of it, but Luigi tells him "no Ferni, a bet is a bet," and leaves. Omar teases him about being Queen of the Night, and Fernando responds with something I don't get but I'll bet it ain't so nice.

Marcia and Alicia talk in the bathroom but I'm afraid I don't get it. If anyone can fill in, thanks!

In the lobby, Lola sees Jaz and starts buggin'. Alicia asks what's going on and Lola starts telling her about Jazmin. Just then Luigi calls and Jaz is supposed to go back to his office. Everyone holds Lola back as she tries to steal Sara's Roller Derby Chick persona and go all amazon on Jaz's butt. Just then Lopez comes out and wants to know what the commotion is. The cuartel don't speak so Alicia tells him Lola was picking on this poor innocent woman, while Jazmin gives her fake pout. Lola sticks up for herself and tries to explain but Lopez tells her it's HER problem and tells Jaz to go to Luigi's office as asked. She flirts with him (EEEWWWWWWW!!!) and thanks him.

Luigi and Irma are talking and he wants to know where the new model is. Irma says she doesn't know, she called Alicia and told her to send her back. Just then the skank ho, I mean Jazmin, walks in. Irma introduces her to Luigi, who tells her to turn around. He likee.

Lola is still wigging out and the cuartel are trying to calm her down. They go to Luigi's office and Lola says she needs to talk to him. Naturally he doesn't want to, but she talks anyway and tells him he can't hire Jazmin. He wants to know why, snottily of course, and Irma asks what the problem is. Lola tells them Jazmin is the ho who broke up her marriage. Irma is impactada and says she's very sorry, she didn't know. Luigi tells Lola she can't give him orders in his own office and she says fine, she'll talk to Fernando, and Don Humberto, and Dona Teresita, and Marcia, and Ariel, and all the heads of Conceptos if that's what it takes. Luigi pretends to be worried, then does the exact opposite to spite her and tells Jazmin she's got the contract. Lola faints and the cuartel drags her out. Jazmin says something sarcastic and Luigi calls Lopez and tells him he needs to see him. The cuartel try to calm Lola down in the bathroom. PM comes in and they tell her what's going on. Meanwhile, Luigi is working with Jaz when Lopez comes in. He's openly drooling over her and Luigi calls him on it. He tells Lopez he doesn't want the cuartel bothering her. Lopez needs to borrow Jaz for a few minutes to do the paperwork, and Luigi says ok but hurry, he has to start filming the commercial. They leave and Irma asks Luigi to please not use Jazmin. He replies with something I don't get and reminds her that she's the one who chose her.

The cuartel come out of the bathroom and run into Alicia. The usual insults fly. Lety takes Lola in to Fernando's office. He wants to know why Lety's late from lunch and she explains that Lola has a problem. She then heads to her office so Lola can explain in private. Lola tells Fernando that Luigi is hiring the woman who ruined her life.

Alicia has run and tattled to Luigi that Lola has run and tattled to Fernando. Fernando walks in to Luigi's office and Alicia calls him the representative of the cuartel de las feas. He gives her a look and she leaves. He asks where the new model is and Luigi tells him she's in Lopez's office signing the contract. Fernando says he wants to talk about a personal matter and Luigi gets a hopeful look on his face (I LOVE Sergio Mayer, he's so perfect at this!). Fernando says NO, it's about the new model and the problem she's causing with the cuartel. He asks Luigi to please use another model, he must have had several candidates. Naturally Luigi gets obstinate and says he wants her and Irma was the one who hired her and it's too late because she's already signing the contract. Fernando caves a little too easily and says fine, whatever, it's going to be your problem then. Luigi says and another thing I really don't want the cuartel coming into my office. Fernando says Oh, I get it, this is personal against Lola, right? Luigi denies it, then reminds Fernando of their bet and that as a gentleman he has to keep his part of the deal and dress up as the Queen of the Night or Luigi will resign from the company.

Jazmin is signing her contract while Lopez is drooling and ogling her a**. He's flirting with her and, unlike the cuartel, she's lapping it up like a kitten with cream. When the contract's signed, he takes her hands and welcomes her. He brushes his eyebrows (yes, that's as disgusting as it sounds), takes her arm, and leads her back to the studio.

Fernando stops by Lola's desk to tell her that he couldn't stop Luigi from hiring Jazmin, and Lola cries.

Jazmin goes into the bathroom and Alicia walks in. Jaz thanks her for sticking up for her against Lola. Alicia tells her about the cuartel and to be careful of them and to come to her if she has any problems with them.

Marcia is at Lola's desk and Lola is telling her about Jazmin. The very same skank walks by and Lola cries harder.

Omar and Fernando are in Fern's office talking when Marcia comes in. Omar leaves and Marcia mentions Lola. Fern tells her he tried to talk Luigi out of hiring her but wasn't able to because Luigi wants her and she already signed the contract and there's nothing he can do. She says ok, then asks him something about tonight that I don't get, then they kiss. Fern asks her not to say anything to anyone about the company's problems, to just keep it between herself, him, Omar and Luigi. He asks her especially not to tell Alicia or Ariel.

Back in Luigi's office Jazmin is on the phone to Flaquito, telling him she got the job. Luigi shakes his head, I think he's already disgusted by how much time she spends on the phone but I'm not sure. Flaquito is in his office and is surprised that she got the job at Conceptos. He's worried about what Lola will do.

Marcia doesn't want to keep quiet about the problems and mentions their families. Fernando says fine and something about his head and the presidency. She says he's being ridiculous and stalks out and he makes fun of her behind her back. Lety comes out and with the embargo paperwork for him to sign, and warns him that once it's registered there's no going back. He tells her not to worry, the worst has happened (or nothing worse can happen, or something along those lines) and asks her where to sign. She stands right next to him to show him, looks at him dreamily and puts her hand right next to his. It looks like she's about to take his hand in hers, but he impatiently brushes her hand out of his way so he can sign, and she hurries back to the other side of his desk. She expresses more doubts and he tells her not to worry, he's sure Luigi's commercial will bring them more business.

Alicia is enjoying watching Lola cry as Marcia tells her there's nothing she can do and Luigi's going to use Jazmin for the commercial. Marcia really does feel sorry for her here, which is nice.

Fernando goes into Lety's office and asks for the loan check. He asks her why F.I. has so much extra money, and she makes a face.


Thank you, Julie, for mentioning the threaded forum-style discussion of LFMB on telenovela-world. I just posted another "what if" topic there, if anyone wants to chime in.

Mystery conversation, end of Missing Recap 15. Kim, you said, "If anyone can fill in this conversation, please do, I'd love to know all that was said." Your wish is my command. Here is the end of recap, which is the end of episode 35. It continues in episode 36, recap 16, but I'll start a new post for that.

F: I want to protect this company, not defraud my father.
O: Yes, but at the end of the story, who will own the business?
L: (very scared) I don’t understand why you’re putting Conceptos into my hands.
F: I’ll explain. Please sit down. (Omar shoves chair under her. Did his eyes just turn green?)
F: The bank will definitely [do something bad to us].
O: We still have time. Luigi’s commercials .. . Lety, was denkst (what do you think)?
L: We can delay the banks for another month.
F: There’s a lot your plan doesn’t consider. What if Luigi’s commercials don’t do what we hope?
L: We’ll just hope they do.
O: Yes, you’ll see, we’ll return to a position of prestige with our clients. Not only that, it could open doors to pick up international clients.
F: Yes, but if none of that happens. And the whole world – or worst of all, if the banks – descend upon us. It will be too late then, to correct.
F continues: Lety, I need you to prepare FI to embargo Conceptos.

The start of Missing Recap 16, at the beginning of episode 36. I transcribed almost all of it because it's important IMHO. The embargo is critical throughout the plot. This conversation is a crucial turning-point. Will Lety abandon her morals or abandon Fernando?

The conversation picks up where it left off.
F (to Lety): I’d be a thousand times happier with Conceptos in your hands than in the bank’s.
L: What you plan is very risky, DF. It can throw us into problems. It’s a deception. A lie. It’s [being dishonest] with the Mendiolas and Vilareals and their estates, and [deceiving] the banks.

(You’re in trouble now, Don Fernando. Lety knows it’s immoral, and won’t be convinced otherwise. Only one option remains. You have to convince Lety to ignore her morals and do what you ask. But Fernie, didn’t you watch episode 26? You gave her FI because she is honest, virtuous, of an upright family, incorruptible, – you said it yourself – she is capable of temptation, but she came through the test of fire and in the end refused to surrender her morals. I know because I read the recap. And now your only hope is to get her to surrender her morals. Buenas suerte, Fernandito! I hope you’re one h*ll of a salesman.)
F: But it’s legal because FI is real. Listen up, Tutz. You’re going to do this just like I tell you to (or you’ll find a horse head in your bed?). It may not be totally clean, but it’s legal. I’m not trying to rob my family and leave the country, y’know?
(Fern sits) Lety, you’re the only one who I can entrust this to. You can’t turn your back on me now, right when I need you!
L: (Pleading) Don’t order me to embargo Conceptos, Don Fernando.
F: I gave you that business so it could save my business in time of crisis. And at this moment, guess what? I’m in a huge crisis. {Fernandito pulls out all the stops now.) Pleeeease Lety, you can’t turn me down just when I need you the most. What happened to all your loyalty to me? It was a lie, huh? Just a big lie?
Lety excuses herself and shuffles to her office to let her affection and her conscience wrestle it out. Her conclusion: “He needs me. I can’t abandon him. I can’t do that to him.”

While Lety’s out of the office, Fern tells Omar he wanted the embargo ready now, for when they need it. But none of that matters if I was wrong about Lety (or if Lety deceived us; I’m unclear).

Lety comes back. “I’m here to tell you, I believe in you unconditionally. Tell me what I’m supposed to do.” He assures her: this won’t cause any problems for you (except the part where I destroy your life and crush your very soul, but let’s not quibble). She leaves, and Omar says, “My, oh my, I think our Fernie-boy is en amoooooor.” For the first time, Fernandito doesn’t dispute it, and that unsettles Omar.

Thanks for filling me in on the parts I missed Paula, it helps to clarify it all in my mind.
Kim P.

I said I'd post here when I got my replacement disk #61 from (formerly -- I found out today that they will send it as soon as they can -- here is the email exchange I had with them:
Date: 10/4/07
I'll wait patiently.
Thank you very much for your reply and for writing your email to me in english.
I don't speak spanish but I enjoyed amor real and alborada and la fea mas bella without knowing the language.
Your new name is nice.
I don't know how to say it spanish but in english:
good luck with your nice new name

Sent: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 6:38 am
Subject: Re: please send #61 replacement

Hi, We are also waithing on a new one. The original that we have is also no good so we have to ask for new one. We hope to get it soon.
Very sorry for the inconvinience.
Now that you are back from vacation, I still didn't get a new disk #61 so this is just to remind you that I'm still waiting for my replacement for disk #61

/mab [The last disk #61's sound was a little out of snych w/actors lips.]

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 35 & 36 is at this link.

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