Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Amar #34 Monday 9/3/07 Murder will out

Santoro's henchman Ivan is asking around about Andres, as they suspect him of the killing. They seem to be asking about the hotel receipt from Acapulco.

Mo ominously tells Andres that Ivan is from Russia, and you know what that means . . . Anyway, he tells him not to do anymore stupid things.

Diego is riding in a truck with his friend Flavio. Eva calls, and Flavio takes him there.
Diego sounds drunk.

Abuelo's friend is very drunk, and breaks the window of an old Lincoln Continental, then gets into a fight with the owner of the car. His son comes out. Something later comes out about how he may have been paid by Ivan to stage this fight. Did anyone follow this?

Diego talks to Santoro. She promises the guilty will pay for Abuelo's death.

Santoro tells a story about being an orphan. She lived in Hungary and Germany. She begins kissing Diego. She is wearing a strange white suit with mirrors sewn in--is it a weird take on a matador's garb? I know this history is important, but I don't have time to review it. If someone else has watched, please fill in.

She tells him he is a great temptation and then sends him home. She is letting him off the hook for sex because of his grief.

Ivan went into Andres's room and found a 9 mm gun? (Guys, I really did not have time to watch this carefully last night. I could not follow this investigation of Andres closely--mostly because like everything else on this show, they never tell you everything, so you're simply guessing. After a while I just lose patience.)
The bottom line is I'm not sure if they (Santoro's gang) have real evidence against Andres or if they suspect him and have some evidence and will plant it. The police don't seem to be doing much.

Ivan flies to Acapulco.

Azul and Ceci arrive. Ceci is going to sunbathe while Azul works. I guess she's given up on job hunting. Didn't Azul get her her job back a while ago? I guess not.

Abuelo's friend laments that his friend was killed for a cheap watch--now he's fighting with the neighbor (the car owner).

Andres offers Ceci a drink. She flirts with him and orders a lemonade.

Ivan goes to the hotel in Acapulco seems to have found Abuelo's keys there. It's not clear why the hotel people were so easy about letting him into the room.
Ivan calls Eva to fill her in. Diego comes in just then.

She now tells Diego how much she wants him.
Mo talks to Eva? (I have bad notes here) about how he met Diego. He says he met him at the place his Abuelo worked?

Ivan gets the keys and the rental truck that Andres was driving and seems to plant the keys in the truck then he calls the police to report the murderer's identity.

Ceci chats with Andres.

Diego and Eva arrive at the mansion. Azul stomps out, as usual. Eva warns Ceci that Andres is not good boyfriend material.

Eva continues strutting around in her matador costume. She calls GSD in the lab, and he seems to have some partial results.

Ivan finishes the phone call to the police and then throws the phone under the car and runs over it.

Azul now talks to Diego in another room while Eva is talking to GSD. She asks after his mother, and the police investigation. She asks about the jefa, and he asks about her father. She says the work is secret, and Diego is surprised.

Then he asks: Tell the truth--are you in love with Mo? She asks Are you in love with Eva? They now reveal that they love each other, etc. You love me? He asks. What are we going to do? They want to figure out how to tell the truth. They begin kissing madly. How will they tell Mo? Etc. Just then who should come in, but Piero! They pull apart guiltily. Dumb! Then Mo comes in with Eva. Piero somehow decides he's going to keep their secret, as it must be useful to him.

Mo introduces Eva to Piero. Azul stomps out. Eva and Mo call GSD. Eva asks Piero how he knows Diego. He says he met him in a cafeteria (Isela's?) Azul and Diego now have moved to another ill-concealed location for more talk and kissing. He says he wants to eat her--to devour her!

Andres asks Ceci what Eva said.

Clemencia is looking at the fotos of her dad. Manuel comes in. Suddenly it is revealed that he and Isela used to be novios. She is impactada! How could she not have been told? There is something about Anibal here also. I just don't have time to rewatch this. I still don't understand : Did Manuel work for Anibal? Did he quit his job?

Eva warns Mo about having Ceci there. She even thinks it's not the greatest idea to have Azul there (I think we know why). And waht about this Piero guy, she asks. He's the lover of Diego's sister, Mo says. He thinks this is useful info to him. I am with Azul, and I have Toscano in my hands! My DVR cuts off here, as it is the end of the one-hour period.


Someone,anyone please Kill Azul and Diego for being so, damned stupid. I mean really, In the man's house! Come on, Aren't these
people suppose to be gangsters. I mean really. If the two of them are in love, then go a head and be
together and stop wasting other people's valuable time. Not to mention Azul and Diego are a boring
ass couple. The thing that is holding my interest the most is Andres the psychopath. The killing are so unexpected. Wow! I am watching to see who is next. Azul's dad girlfriend is an easy target. Or, maybe Eva will kill Azul out of jealousy. Anyway, more killing and
depraved behavior please,I generally do not like it, however in this novela it's seems to be apropos.
Oh yeah, I thought that the car was
his own car and the the neighbor was just upset because the drunkard
was distrubing the peace.
Thank you very much for your recapping and all of the other recappers. It's a fine service you all provide,
and I am truely greatful!

Until I Read Again,

Thanks, Nina. Wow. These people are dumb. My favorite scene was Diegoooo and Azul under the bench making out like 2 teens in the family room with mom and dad upstairs...been there, done that...but I was 16. That was such a good idea. Whenever I see Evileva, the song ''Maneater'' starts playing in my head. I expected Leonarda to come out and catch her boy with another gal. I was sure that she was going to offer Diegooo the healing power of sex. I wanted to tell the delicious Andres that this was probably not a good time to be putting the moves on Ceci. He should be worrying about Ivan the Terrible. Well, at least, we weren't subjected to the permanently morose Silvana in this one.

Nina - I left a note on Friday's highlight reel, but again thanks for providing some details from Friday's show.
Some people have started commenting on not liking this show, which is fine, but I am actually liking it more. Maybe men like different stuff, who knows. So many of the people are stupid, sure, but things actually HAPPEN. I was expecting it to slide into six weeks of nothing to fill time like most other shows, but so far there is plenty of action, plenty of twists and turns. Again, a lot of it is due to people being dumb, but it's better than a month of Alina liking/not liking Emiliooo every day for weeks and weeks based upon the last conversation she had with anyone and NOTHING ELSE HAPPENING. Diego and Azul could easily be filling that exact role if not for all the other stuff going on around them.
Susanlynn, I saw your DVR comment and believe me, I told my DVR what is in store for it if it doesn't shape up.
For those who compare Evil Eva to Samantha from Bewitched - I see where you're coming from, but there is obviously some small difference between the two since EE does nothing for me but Samantha is totally hot.
Totally unrelated/tenuous segue - speaking of old TV shows with hot actresses, I hadn't seen the Dick Van Dyke show in 20+ years but caught a bit of one recently while flipping channels, Mary Tyler Moore was seriously hot back then! I had no idea. Where's Oldman54? He'll probably back me up on that.

Thanks so much for the recap! I admit to being hooked on this novela. Yes, Azul and Diego are definitely acting like teenagers; it's the "baddies" in this show that have me hooked. I'm actually curious as to what's going on in the lab and what EE's and Mo's plans are regarding this virus or whatever it is that they are having Azul's Dad concoct. And I still want to know what's up with the relationship between Mo, Leonarda and Andres. It's definitely the mystery / intrigue aspect of this novela that I find more compelling than the ridiculous "romance" between Azul and Diego. I hate to give up once I've started, and I figure if I stuck with Duelo, then I can definitely see this one through to the end. (I kinda miss Tonki and Gaspar but certainly not Duhlina and Duhmilio...oh those were such perfect nicknames for those 2 nincompoops!)


Okay, just to set the record straight...

When this show first started, the chemistry between Diego and Azul was extremely evident and hot, hot, hot! Mauricio, Andres and Leonarda were bad, bad, bad! Lydia and Pierro were, umm, can't think of a better way to say horizontal whenever possible three times in a row, but you get my drift.

The show was really a breath of fresh air after Duello and the Duh-twins.

But Azul's constant whining and temper tantrums, Diego's inability to say "no" (reminds me of a joke that Johnny Carson told about parrots and Arizona girls) and Mo turning out to be a small frog in a very big pond, has taken the edge off the show for me.

I record a block of shows (Juan Q, Amar and Destilando Amor) for my wife and I usually watch them at the same time. Lately I've been timing my chores so I end up doing them during the Amar segment and then catching up on the show via the recaps here. A shame really, the show really did have promise in the beginning.

Oh and I attribute my attraction to dark-haired women to my formative years spent watching the Dick Van Dyke show...:)

Although Jeannie will always be my first amor!

Ferro***I remember reading somewhere that Mary's slacks were quite scandalous at the time the show first aired. As you said, Mary was a hottie but in the subtle way that makes both men and women like her. She and Dick Van Dyke made a cute couple.

I loved the Dick Van Dyke Show as a kid and still love it now. Whitle MTM was considered "hot," the show was still tame (remember, they had the double beds). Now that I am watching Mad Men, as I mentioned earlier, I realize it shows the seamy underbelly of the Bewitched world. The NYC suburbs, Manhattan offices, night clubs, etc. I grew up in NYC and was a kid in the 60s, so I didn't experience these work environments personally. Also my father operated a tree service and never worked in an office. Still, these 60s shows really speak to me.

OK, Oldman; you've got my curiosity peaked. What's the joke about parrots, AZ girls, and saying "No?" Inquiring minds want to know. . .

This show is starting to get a little more interesting, but I've just not had the time to watch all the episodes and read the recaps thanks to Acorralada. I probably just need to make more time.


I'll put it in the context of Amar Sin Limites.

What is the difference between Diego and a parrot?

You can teach a parrot to say no!

I remember the joke mostly because shortly after Johnny told it during an opening monologue (using Arizona Girls instead of Diego of course) he received a letter of protest from the Governor of Arizona!

Diego should probably get his named changed to "Facil". It doesn't take much for him to forget that he loves Azul more than life!

Speaking of the Dick Van Dyke show reminded me of the time I took my son to the Ringling Brother's Circus.

I was 42 when my son was born and even though it wasn't planned, I love him dearly and can't conceive of a world without him in my life...

Anyhow, we go to the circus and on the way back out to the car my son looks up at me and asks, "Dad, did you go to the circus when you were a boy?"

And I said, "Yep, but it was in black-and-white".

I laughed all the way back home. Mikey was simply confused.

Hate to say it but I have to agree with Ferro. After Duelo, this thing is not half bad. At least something happens (although it is not always clear what!) and I will take Eva and that creepy Leonarda over those two doormats Soledad and Alina anytime. Never found Duhmilio attractive anyway and Diegito is too boyish for me but that Andres is hot! Totally crazy - but hot.

However, here is my burning question for the day - What's up with Compadre broken car's son? Is he also supposed to be Gay? I can't figure that out. Does he also work for the Dueno of the Boutique?

Gracias for all the re-caps.

I'm not sure if he's gay, but I think he is, he is waaay too excited about his boss. The other thing about him is he looks like a horror movie villain with those huge teeth, I keep expecting him to open his mouth further to reveal that they are filed sharp or something, then he'll latch on to someone's neck and start chomping away.

Ha ha. Finally got around to seeing this one tonight. Then I read the recaps and everybody wants to talk about something else...Dick Van Dyke show, the circus and parrot jokes. I agree this show has some pretty weak aspects but I also agree it's not as dumb as Duelo. Like oldman, I generally end up washing the dishes or sweeping the floor during the show.

I was not sure what the hell that scene with the compadre breaking into the lincoln was about. I swear he said something about trying to get a cofre (coffer) that was inside but maybe I was just remembering the cofre from duelo. That night, the two guys actually treated him nicely when he was drunk, just leading him off. Then the next day, they show up to beat him up, when he's sober? Que the hell? And compadre seems to have no recollection of the event which makes it even funnier. I think the Compadre's son is guy, not the Compadre, although I suppose it could run in the family. After all, his wife ran away and he didn't seem to be all that upset about it. The son is the one with the boutique right?

I think we learn a little bit about the secret of Eva. She was an orphan, she travelled the world and met some gangster who liked her and set her up in business. Also, Ivan was a fellow inmate of hers at the orphanage.

Ceci told Azul that she lost the job that Azul got for her. There was some complicated explanation but I didn't follow it that closely. So Azul invites ceci to hang out around the pool at Mo's. What a pal!

Ivan told Eva he found Abuelo's stuff in Alex's room. Then he goes to Alcapulco and finds the keys and the van. If these guys are such badasses, why wasn't finding abuelos stuff enough. And why did he call the cops? Don't they have their own ninja assasins?

Yeah, the stealth ninjas have the gun Andres killed Abuelo with, plus Abuelo's wallet and watch, all of which they found in Andres' room. Then Ivan went to Acapulco and told Elvira (the gal Andres was hitting on) he was Andres' bff, so Elvira gave him the keys that the rental car guy found in the back of the van. Then Ivan bought the van and planted all the evidence in it.

Yes, Gaspar is gay. That's why his dad once asked him "not to be stereotypical, but" was he dating his boss. That's when Gaspar told him no, that Julio had dated someone in Brazil (Arnaldo), etc., etc.

Ceci was hired because some other girl had quit, but then they fired Ceci when the other girl came back. Pobre de Ceci.

Efrain had gotten drunk after the funeral and he locked his keys in the car with the car still running, so he busted out the window, but couldn't get the alarm to shut off. The "cofre" is whatever box one gets into to pull wires so that the alarm shuts off (sorry, I'm not a car person, lol). The neighbor was pissed about the car alarm going off in the middle of the night.

Wow, so I wasn't imagining that he said cofre! I still don't understand why they were somewhat tolerant the first night and then wanted to give him a beatdown the next day. Convenient though, for Ivan and he getting to know eachother though.

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