Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Amar #45 Tuesday 9/18/07

Opening scene: Eva gives Boris an iPod with a recording of Azul's message to Diego. She's heartbroken that Diego isn't in love with her, but Boris doesn't want to hear this foolish talk. He asks why a woman like her would fall in love anyway?

Burgay is not happy that he's been left out of the meeting between Eva and Boris. He's outside the door whining about it to Ivan. Eva comes out, and Burgay starts to whine to her, but she doesn't care whether he thinks she treats him fairly.

Ivan is now summoned into Boris's office, where Boris tells him that he's doing a great job, and that he and Eva are his most valuable employees, they're like children to him. He tells Ivan to keep an eye on Burgay the traitor.

Azul & Diego are snuggling at her place, talking about breaking his contract when Alfredo calls to tell him that he'll have the deposit in the morning. After he hangs up, he refers to Alfredo as his father in law. I'm a little hazy on this, but I think he tells Azul that he's going to steal the deposit. Then Clemencia calls him to remind him that tomorrow's Lydia's wedding. After he hangs up, he tells Azul that it was her mother in law. Yuck.

Andres returns to Leo, who's more than happy to see him. She tells him that Dr. Toscano is making progress, and may have found something. Lots of smooches. Double yuck.

Azul and Diego are still kissing when Ceci comes home, and she's crying. Azul follows her to their bedroom and asks what's happened, but Ceci won't give her details - only that she and Andres had a fight. Azul returns to the bedroom for more kissing with Diego, and they talk about how excited they are for her to meet his family and for them to attend the wedding as a couple.

Next we see Eva and Burgay on her plane. He wants to know why she's brought him, but she doesn't feel like talking to or looking at him, and shoos him away. Ivan comes to sit next to her, and she tells him that although they've known each other a long time, there are things he doesn't know about her: that Boris killed her mother in front of her, and that Boris is her father!

Andres goes to Mo's office and learns that he's having problems with Diego. Diego claims that Eva let him out of his contract, but Mo doesn't believe him.

Eva returns to the hotel and calls Diego to let him know. He's not thrilled, especially since he's between the sheets with Azul when she calls. Azul gets mad and storms out. Eva wants to see Diego, but he says it would be better if they see each other in the morning.

Azul goes home and wakes Ceci to tell her about her fight with Diego. It's almost morning and Ceci reads her the riot act for waking her up and acting like she's the only person who has problems, when she's about to lose Andres. Of course princess Azul says that her problemos with Diego are more serious than Ceci's with Andres. What a nice friend!

Ivan and Eva are listening to a recording of Mo talking... he's talking about Diego's claim that Eva let him out of his contract. Ivan asks her if it's true and she says it's not.

Alfredo and Diego are together in Diego's car talking about how things will be more complicated now that Eva's back. Alfredo's surprised to hear that she called Diego directly, and wants to know if there's something between Eva and Diego. Alfredo warns him that Azul can be very possessive and jealous. Ya think? They don't notice that Andres is watching them as they pull up in Mo's driveway.

Leo and Mo are in his office and she's trying to convince him that he's better off without Azul as she pours him a drink. He's gulping down the liquor and trying to get his breath when Alfredo walks in and tells him that he left his glasses in the lab and needs them. Mo pulls a gun from his desk and aims it at Alfredo, then forces him outside and towards the lab. Diego sees and tries to intervene, and get a good butt kicking from Andres for his efforts. Eva and Ivan arrive and see what's happening, so Andres gets a good butt kicking from Ivan for his efforts.

Meanhwile, Mo and Alfredo are suited up in the lab and he's trying to force Alfredo to work, but Eva makes Mo come out of the lab. Alfredo takes the opportunity to steal the samples and run.

I'm sorry, guys, that's just all I have time to write for now. I'll try to add to it later. (This is the first half of the episode).


That's just the first half?!

Good grief! Boris is Darth Vader, and the scientists are about to bite the dust. What can happen next?

I thought maybe Burgay would get offed in this episode but no.

What the heck is gcsd's plan with the virus? It looked pretty half-assed to me and the scene where he's asking his new gf to stick it in her fridge was hysterical.

I guess you get what you wish for. I'm liking the more complex plot and characters in this novela, but that makes it a lot harder to follow. I would be lost without this blog.

I think the reveal that Boris is Eva's father would have been more dramatic if we'd known more about him, other than the fact that everyone is terrified of him.

I kind of like Diego and GSD working together. It's nice to see that GSD isn't a complete dummy and has caught on that something is going on. Stealing the toxin and putting it in his girlfriend's fridge was kind of strange, but it was a bold move.

I'm kind of thinking that Burguay isn't long for this world. He seems pretty dispensible.

Thanks for the recaps.


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