Sunday, September 30, 2007

Amar Sep 28 - Lidia gets to act dramatic a lot

After a very unbelievable beating of Andres by Diego, Leo runs to Frick and Frack for help, they pull a psych on her and laugh about it, then she runs back in, gets a gun, and shoots. Frick and Frack run in, look at who is on the floor, and look at who is still standing. We don’t get to see who is who.

Flava connects an answering machine at Morticia’s house, Isela is there too. He tries to get them to record the outgoing message while he’s still there, but they “uh uh no it’s ok” – I guess they didn’t tell him it was for the sex hotline. They have some idea that this will save her mom’s business or something. Flava clowns around and doesn’t leave.

We see that Diego is still standing. Frick yells at Diego for making trouble. Diego’s phone rings, he looks at it and puts it back in his pocket. He tells Andres that this isn’t over! Then we see Andres pick himself up off the floor. Leo must have just fired over their heads to break up the fight or something. I thought maybe she killed Andres out of jealousy. That would have been a big disappointment to you ladies I realize but it would have been interesting. Andres looks like crap. He tells Leo why Diego was beating him up, they discuss whether or not it is possible that anyone has proof that Andres killed Abuelo and Paco, whether or not all is lost. As Leo tries to clean him up, he complains that everything changed when Azul and Diego entered Mo’s life (Edit - originally this said 'entered Mo's wife' which is funny on a whole other level. Typo.). Leo says yes, those two, and then Cecilia. Andres says to leave her out of it, she pokes him in one of his wounds to let him know who’s boss. He tells her to call Mo.

Everyone watches the paramedics take Mo away from where he collapsed. His phone rings and Azul answers it, she tells Leo what’s going on. Leo freaks out when Azul mentions the hospital, Leo says he can’t go there, only to Houston. That is of course ridiculous and Azul tells her so. Azul and crew head off to the hospital.

Leo tells Andres what is going on, they worry about it.

Ivan talks on the phone, he’s getting a report from Frick. He tells Eva about the fight. She says Diego isn’t capable of killing anyone, Ivan says anyone is if they are pushed enough. She says no, not Diego. Whatever. He says Leonarda interrupted the fight with a gun, Eva freaks out and wants to know if Diego is ok. Ivan doesn’t answer, he looks like he’s trying to think of some angle here.

Azul is at the hospital worrying, Ceci shows up, there is no news. Ceci tells her to be patient. Ceci says Katy is downstairs crying her eyes out.

Leo is cleaning up Andres some more, she starts trying to kiss up on him. Andres looks disgusted, he tells her now isn’t the time. He’s worried if Diego really has proof. Leo says whatever happens she’ll always be with him. She says he can’t be with any other woman, or does he think Cecilia will be understanding about him being a killer?

GSD shows up to see Azul, I’m sure they are right outside Ines’s room. In fact GSD thinks that is why Azul is there, Azul fills him in. He’s freaked of course, since he knows the truth. He wants info.

Diego shows up at his mom’s house looking all beat up, she wants to know what’s up. Manuel also wants to know what’s up, Diego doesn’t want to get into it. Lidia is angry at him for taking so long to show up, Diego turns to show his bloody face, Lidia just finishes by saying she has the phone numbers that she needs. Diego forbids her to contact Mo.

Azul has no real news to give GSD, the doctors don’t know what’s up with Mo yet. He thought bubbles that he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Azul. Azul wants to know why GSD told Diego that he went to work with Mo again for Azul. GSD says he’ll clear it up. GSD asks if Diego really dumped her, she says yes. He asks if she’s sure that Diego loves her, she says yes and begs him to clear things up with Diego. He says he will.

Diego says Mo is a bum. Manuel says before he liked him fine, Diego says that was before. He won’t explain why, he just tells them all they can’t contact Mo, period. Lidia says it’s just because he loves Azul and she used to be with Mo. Everyone whines and argues. Manuel yells at Clemencia, Diego yells at him for that. Diego finally says he’ll find a lawyer. Lidia tells him to ask Eva, Diego says no, he’ll find a lawyer that he can pay for.

Katy finds Azul at the hospital and wants to know how Mo is. Azul has no answer. She gives Katy a wad of money and tells her to go buy all the candy in the store. Somebody asks if Azul is there for Mo, Katy says yes, she is his “prometiva.” They all laugh and correct her to say “Prometida.” Katy says “whatever, that.” They don’t correct her that Azul ISN’T Mo’s prometida. Finally a doctor comes out and says that he doesn’t know what’s wrong but his situation is very grave. Azul wants to know if Mo might…. The doctor says yes, at any moment it is possible. Azul says no, he can’t die! She doesn’t understand how they don’t know what’s wrong with him. She tells the doctor that he sees some doctor in Houston, maybe they can get the file from there. The doctor wants as much info as they can provide about allergies, etc. They blather on about this type of thing for a while. She comments that since Mo said he was never sick, it is strange that Leonarda said that Mo regularly got treatment in Houston. GSD says he’ll go to Mo’s house and see if he ate something strange or something. The doctor asks him to bring anything that looks remotely medical. Azul says she’ll go with him, GSD says “no no no no no no.” Of course. He asks the doctor to speak in private for a moment. After they walk away, Azul whines and cries while Ceci tries to comfort her.

GSD says to the doctor that he didn’t want to say in front of his daughter, but… He tells him something about a transfusion that I didn’t understand. GSD says Mo needs a transfusion and tells the doctor to trust him. If the doctor trusts some guy who reeks like an ashtray, he is a poor doctor.

Flava wants to know why the ladies are pushing him out. Morticia says they want to talk about girl stuff. Finally she tells Flav to give her a little space and get out for a few minutes. They are all kissy about it, barf. Morticia begs Isela to help with the recording.

GSD tells Azul that he told Leo not to come, to stay and look for any documents that might help. Azul says things about Mo’s illness, GSD keeps saying “no no no.” Shouldn’t he be off somewhere working on a cure? This guy is a joke. He is going to lose his daughter and he’s here dicking around at the hospital with his ‘ex’ girlfriend that he is supposedly over and now messing around with Mo’s doctor. Go find a cure already. He leaves Azul at the hospital, I hope he’s going back to work.

Leo tells Andres that they are waiting for GSD to show up. They hope GSD can save Mo.

Katy wants to see Mo, Azul says that they can’t right now. She explains that he needs complete peace and quiet. The maid takes Katy off to buy candy or something. Ceci asks Azul if it’s a good idea to make Katy think that Mo will get better when he probably won’t. Ceci says that she hopes Mo didn’t have something weird and infected Azul with it. Dum dum Dum!

Morticia leaves a very basic message on the machine, Isela doesn’t like it. She wants her to sound more sensual, more sexy. Morticia tries again and it’s better, but Isela wants more. Morticia goes over the top and does a real phone sex style voice, we even get porno music in the background. I can’t figure out what the point of this storyline is. Days and days that amount to “they put an answering machine on the phone sex line because mom disappeared.” That’s it. What a waste of time. I guess it’s to keep these characters active until we need them again later.

Ivan asks Eva if she’s worried that Diego won’t want to work for her anymore, she just gives him a look. Burgay shows up. He says the lawyer is with Piero and Burgay told the lawyer to tell Piero that Mo sent him, not Burgay and Eva. She says they need to know why Piero is in jail and if it is Mo’s fault. Burgay says something about her wanting to help Diego’s brother in law, at which Eva rolls her eyes and turns away. Burgay says maybe he should go. Yes, maybe you should. Eva rolls her eyes again.

The lawyer tells Piero that if the accuser doesn’t present any evidence in 72 hours why Piero did what she says, he is free and they’ll go after her for filing a false report. Piero is distressed that it takes 72 hours. I agree, that’s a long time. The lawyer goes over Piero’s history of cheating with Lidia, he was in the country illegally or something, Piero says that isn’t motive for killing anyone. He also doesn’t have any idea who could have killed Paco. The lawyer wants to know his business with Mo, Piero is evasive. The lawyer says to tell him everything or find another lawyer.

Ivan tells Eva to be careful what she does, they have some conversation about knowledge being power, she loves Diego, she has no secrets from Ivan. She wants to avenge Diego’s pain and control Mo. Ivan gets a secret message in his ear and nods when he gets the message. Why is he nodding? Can somebody on the other end of the secret service earpiece see him nodding? He says Diego is outside, should he let him in? Eva says yes, and leave them alone. Diego enters and follows Eva out onto the balcony.

GSD says to himself that the password Mo gave him worked, he is looking at some medical papers of Mo. Frick wants an explanation, Leo comes in and supports GSD’s story and gets Frick to back off. GSD thanks her. Outside, Leo begs him to find a cure and save Mo. GSD says he doesn’t have the antidote yet, she says she doesn’t want to die this way. I guess the poison yogurt is making her feel sufficiently sick.

Diego tells Eva that he found a lawyer for Piero and that Piero is accused of killing Paco. He explains the story and why Piero’s ex would have accused him. Eva offers her lawyers, Diego declines.

Manuel tells Lidia what’s going on, she is getting all freaked out that Piero isn’t out already. She badmouths Diego for finding that lawyer and says nobody cares. Very 15 year old behavior. Manuel says he’s going to find Mo and get a better lawyer, he suddenly thinks Piero and Mo are the cooooolest guys ever and can do no wrong. Clemencia thinks it’s a bad idea. Manuel says he’s going to tell her a couple things that will explain how the situation is much more complicated than she thinks, why they need a very very smart lawyer.

Arnaldo hears Ceci’s voice behind him in the café, he joins her. He asks why she is there, for Ines? She doesn’t answer to create some forced drama.

Lidia comes back downstairs and says she’s going to go find Mo to ask for help. Clemencia has already heard Manuel’s story, apparently, and stops her so Manuel can tell Lidia what’s up too. Piero came into the country as a student to study architecture but didn’t complete the program, he stayed in the country after that without permission. Clemencia asks how Lidia couldn’t know this stuff, or did she know? Lidia says it doesn’t matter and she storms out. Manuel says to let her go, they have to look out for their interests and the interests of Piero’s business! Clemencia says he is too concerned with that business, I guess she doesn’t care if Manuel pulls down a salary and puts food on the table? Clemencia says he should be more worried about Lidia, he doesn’t know what kind of man she’s tied up with! Lots of !!!! Oh my!!!

Eva asks Diego if he still wants to leave the company, he says no. He says he’s staying because he wants justice against the killer of his Abuelo and Paco. She offers to have Andres offed, Diego says no, he doesn’t want blood on his hands. What kind of vengeance is he after then? Diego says death is too good, he wants him to suffer for a long time. His phone rings, it’s his mom. He tells Eva that Lidia went to look for Mo at the hospital.

Azul sneaks Katy into Ines’s room. Katy looks at a picture of the family that Arnaldo brought, she asks if that’s Azul’s mama, Azul explains that no, her mom died, that is her aunt Ines in the picture. Katy asks if Ines was her second mom, like Azul is to Katy? Azul says sort of, then she starts crying. Ceci and Arnaldo enter the room, Arnaldo says Ceci told him everything.

Ivan serves Eva coffee and says that he listened to the recordings from Mo’s house and Mo is in the hospital. She very bitchily (is that a word?) that she knows, Diego told her. Well la dee da good for Diego. My wife wants to know what Eva does. She doesn’t exercise, she doesn’t even eat, she just drinks a lot. She tells Ivan that Mo is important to the business, he is the only one that knows certain things about the illness. Ivan says he’s going to sneak into Mo’s house and copy information and get into the lab to copy stuff about the virus. Eva says fine, she’s going to the hospital. Ivan gets on the secret service earpiece and says they are going to commence project whatever.

Andres and Leo show up at the hospital, Andres asks to speak to Ceci alone, if she will. She doesn’t look like she wants to. Andres looks horrible. It’s almost a joke now, how messed up can they make him look. And through it all, he keeps wearing a suit. One of his eyes is completely swollen shut. Ceci says she’ll talk to him, the others leave them alone.

Some lady is telling Lidia that she isn’t family so she can’t see Mo. Diego asks what she’s doing there, Lidia gets all bitchy and says she’s doing what Diego isn’t. The lady says if she wants to know anything about Mo, talk to that lady (she points at Azul), she is Senor Duarte’s prometida. Diego turns around and sees her smiling at him, he gets the clenched jaw look going. GREAT. We get more Three’s Company misunderstanding plot device combined with break up every day plot device again. Argh.

Monday – more stuff about who is sleeping with who and who thinks who is sleeping with who and maybe who is actually sleeping with who, and everyone acting like teenagers about it.


Thanks for the recap, Ferro. When I start getting nostalgic for caves and people trying to escape their bedroom with massive suitcases and guys with only one facial expression and other guys whining for their munequitas and $15.99 silver lockets , I know that this telenovela is going downhill. I can't believe that they have messed up the beautiful Annndress's face even more. That swollen eye is really the last straw. And que the hell with the sex phoneline answering machine message? Where do these writers get these plotlines ? I wish Diego would wear a red bandana like he put on to rescue Hippolita in ''Alborada'' now that he's gone all badass. That would be great. Maybe a black leather jacket and a red bandana...yeah. This show is so wrong on so many levels. Auxilio. I need me some pirates.

My oh my, what a crazy show. My sis and I actually watched this episode. Naturally she was very interested when she saw Diego (whom she adored as Martin in Alborada) but when I told her who the hamburger-faced Andres was (Marcos from Alborada) she was stricken. How could they do that to his beautiful face? They could at least have had his shirt ripped off or something. Still, nobody does anger and angst like Valentino Lanus.

Right, so I was wondering what's up with the sex phone plot line...apparently nothing.

Great recap Chris, nice to see you haven't lost your caustic acid touch. (That's a compliment.)
-Sylvia, waiting impatiently for pirates.

Love the recap, Chris! I waited impatiently for it all weekend since I only watched the actual show with half an eye and got interrupted constantly. I thought it was that reason that I couldn't understand what the answering machine storyline was about but nooo turns out it really did have no purpose!

Also, I was surprised that nobody was impactado (esp. Diego) to find out that Mo was Piero's boss. I thought that was supposed to be a secret? I mean, Diego now knows or at least strongly suspects that Mo is responsible for Paco and Abuelo's deaths, owns him due to the loan for Mom's operation and now Mo is the uber-boss of both his new brother-in law AND his dad? Or did I miss that impactado?

I also appreciated your recap, Ferro. I had to force myself to watch this episode as it felt like one big fake-out. What was the deal with Leo pointing and shooting the gun as a cliffhanger, and then....nothing. Also, like Margaret, I expected Diego to react to more of his gente being involved with Mo. And speaking of not reacting: I love Ceci, but she's apparently not the most observant person in the world. I think I'd scream or faint if I saw my hot novio mauled and disfigured, but Ceci doesn't bat an eye at seeing poor battered Aahndres.

I think the only salvation for this show is to bring in Tonkey, the wonder dog and fit him with a secret earpiece.

I don't think you missed any impactado, everyone was preoccupied with something else. Manuel is only concerned with his new job, everything else can go to hell. Lidia is busy being dramatic and accusing everyone of hating Piero (why shouldn't they? He's a snake). Clemencia is busy hating Manuel for cheating on her. Diego is busy hating everyone and trying his hardest to do Fabricio from Duelo's trembling anger face. I think we are at the point in this show where they spin a few random plotlines around to chug the show along for the next month, before finally wrapping it up. I think I'll go on and try to figure out how long the show is.

I don't think you missed any impactado, everyone was preoccupied with something else. Manuel is only concerned with his new job, everything else can go to hell. Lidia is busy being dramatic and accusing everyone of hating Piero (why shouldn't they? He's a snake). Clemencia is busy hating Manuel for cheating on her. Diego is busy hating everyone and trying his hardest to do Fabricio from Duelo's trembling anger face. I think we are at the point in this show where they spin a few random plotlines around to chug the show along for the next month, before finally wrapping it up. I think I'll go on and try to figure out how long the show is.

Whoops sorry about the double post, how does that happen? I didn't type it in twice. Whatever. Anyway, this show ran in Mexico from Oct. 27, 2006 to April 20, 2007. That's almost six months. We're about two months in, so we're looking at four more months. Sounds like a long time, but I'm enjoying this so far. Maybe four months is just the right amount of time until they start showing Pirates here in the U.S.

Ha Ha! I looked it up last week myself and got about the same answer, like January or so. Real answer: too long. I remember one of the novelas, maybe Duelo, was only half an hour in Mexico so you could cut the time left in half but this one looks like it ran for an hour a night so 4 months it is.

Hi, folks. Just chiming in from the post of ex-recapper. I agree. I don't see how they can drag this out for 3/4 more months, but according to Telenovela world it ran for 7 months in Mexico. It seems to be like a Bourne Identity movie that should be over already.

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