Friday, September 14, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #42 – Thursday, 9/13/07 - Three Funerals and a Wedding?

Rehash of yesterday. Morticia wants to hang out with Moppet. It makes her feel like she's with Nico again. Mo says "mi casa, tu casa." Moppet loves Morticia, and if Moppet is happy, so is Mo. Mo also wants to prove to her he had nothing to do with his wife's or Nico's death.

Piero is making a deal with the devil. Piero is hurting for money big time. Mo will help him. . .but for a price. Mo wants Piero to marry Lidia. I'm betting it has something to do with controlling Diego the Ditz.

Ms. Blue and Ceci are having a nice little dinner together. Ceci is telling Azul about her Dinner with Aahndres. She tells Azul about the marks all over Aahndres' neck and back. They ponder how he could have gotten them. Ceci then goes on to say that Aahndres got mad when she asked about them. The subject then switches to Azul and her impossible situation with Mo. Diego can't leave Eva because he signed a contract. Ceci points out Azul did too, but Azul seems to think Mo will let her out of hers. Right. Pobre de Azul and Diego; they are in an impossible situation!

Leo tells Mo she overheard Burgay and Eva talking to someone about GCSSD and the progress he's making. Leo says Eva sounded worried. Mo says they have no idea what has preceded what GCSSD is working on. Lots of suspenseful music plays. Mo then says someone will die without the formula. I couldn't tell if Mo said he'll die if GCSSD doesn't find the formula or if GCSSD will die (aka be killed). Help!

Ivan the terrible is having dinner with EE. EE tells Ivan to call off the Ninjas. Ivan and Eva agree that Diego is a good guy but Ivan is more worried about EE. He takes her hand to prove his point. They agree to leave the bugs in Diego's room.

Apparently Azul has been up all night biting her thumbnail and thinking about her predicament with Diego. She tells Ceci she's going to talk to Eva, woman-to-woman. Surely Eva will let Diego out of his contract. Eva's an intelligent woman who knows that Diego loves Azul and Azul loves Diego. Geez, of all the dim bulb ideas! I bet Eva will get right on that! I believe Ceci makes a crack about Azul buying out Diego's contact.

Piero is trying to talk Lidia into marrying him. He doesn't need Lucia's money any more; he's got lots of connections. He wants to talk to her parents and get their blessing. Lidia is skeptical at first but he talks her into it. This is all taking place at his and Lucia's (soon to be Lucia's) fancy house. This house doesn't have one speck of dirt or any signs of life in it. There's not one bill laying out on a flat surface, no clutter, nada! Even their voices echo. Piero and Lucia are fighting, as usual, but so far Lucia is still alive. Piero says he doesn't need Lucia's money or construction business. He's marrying a woman better than her; Lidia! Lucia screams at him to get out.

Diego calls for Azul and gets Ceci instead. They talk in terms of princes, princesses, dragons and monsters. Basically it has something to do with Azul wanting to talk to Eva about Diego, I believe. I may be wrong.

Chucho calls Diego and wants to hang out and party. Diego will try to get the day off, but he needs to talk to Evil Eva first.

Evil Eva slaps Burgay across the face for telling El Jefe Mas Grande, Boris, that Eva is in love. She doesn't think it's appropriate for Boris to know about her personal life unless she tells Boris herself. She tells Burgay to consider this a warning. More suspenseful music.

Azul tells Mo she wants to quit her job to work on her thesis. I think she wants to break up with him as well. Mo doesn't want any explanations; he has his dignity. He just asks that she stay a few days until they can find a replacement for her. He seems to be taking this in stride, but the Exorcist music says otherwise.

Diego asks Eva for the day off. He wants to hang out with his buds. Eva wants to know what he plans to do. When he tells her of hanging out in the barrio, she wants to meet "his people." Diego says it would be below her, but she says "Nonsense! What's the dress code? Jeans? I can be ready in five…make that ten minutes."

Diego apologizes to Ivan the Terrible for making fun of Ivan's job. Ivan apologizes as well. Diego says perhaps Ivan can teach him about technology.

Piero tells Mo he's proposed to Lidia. Can he learn about Mo's special project now? Mo says not yet, but he'll give Piero the money tomorrow. I guess he wants Piero married to Lidia first. I guess you can get divorced in two hours in telenovelaland. Piero tells Mo he's on his way to get the rings. He'll marry Lidia ASAP. I bet once they get married, the disgusting scenes between those two will stop. Anyone out there want to take that bet?

Diego shows up at IHoP with Ivan the Terrible and Evil Eva in tow. Efrain says he recognizes Ivan the Terrible, presumably from the night Abuelo was killed. No one believes Efrain and Ivan denies ever having seen Efrain in the past. Can someone please help elaborate on this scene? I didn't recognize one word from this exchange, but whatever happened, I'm wondering if Efrain will be the next murder victim. Efrain seemed a little too insistent for his own good. Efrain even went on to tell Ivan that he (Efrain) has a photographic memory. Eva suddenly decides she has errands to run and scoops up Ivan and rushes out. Chucho and Flavor looked confused. Diego tries to tell Efrain that Efrain is just drunk and has mistaken Ivan for someone else. Efrain then goes on to describe Ivan's Vulcan death grip, or something having to do with Ivan's fingers. Suddenly Diego realizes Efrain really DOES recognize Ivan from that fateful night.

Azul calls Diego and tells him she broke up with Mo. Diego is thrilled. His happiness is short-lived when Azul asks if he's at IHoP where Morticia works. Now Azul is getting all whiny about his being around Morticia. Diego explains Morticia is just a friend. They then have the typical discussion about what's fair and what's not fair.

Piero shows up at Mama's and Papa's house with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Mama finally comes downstairs and wants to know what Piero is doing at their house. Piero says he's come to ask for Lidia's hand. Papa walks in and asks what the heck Piero is doing at their house. Mama tells Papa to calm down; Piero needs to talk to them. Piero then asks them both for Lidia's hand in marriage.

Azul shows up at IHoP looking for Diego. Flavor says he's left but will probably return later. Azul then wants to speak to Morticia. Azul asks Morticia about Morticia's relationship with Diego. She says it's in the past. She's got a new guy now and has moved on. She loves Diego, but Diego loves Azul. Life goes on. The subject then switches to Mo and how Morticia believes Mo killed Nico. Azul asks why Morticia thinks Mo is responsible. Morticia then goes on to say on the day of the accident, she got a call from Liliana. . .

Ivan is trying to make excuses for the exchange with Efrain. Eva is furious and wants Efrain killed. Ivan says if he kills Efrain, Diego will get suspicious. Ivan will take care of things. Eva wants to know what to say if Diego brings up the exchange. "Just tell Diego Efrain was mistaken."

Piero officially proposes to Lidia and presents her with a ring. Although we don't see it, Lidia oohs and aahs over it, showing it to Mama. Papa suggests they drink to the announcement. Mama suggests she and Lidia go to the kitchen to get some snacks. When Mama and Lidia are gone, Piero asks Papa about the job situation. When Papa says it doesn't look so great, Piero asks about Papa's experience. I got the part that Papa worked in insurance, but I didn't catch what else he can do. Whatever it is, Piero has some investors lined up and could use Papa's help. Mama and Lidia return. Now the talk turns to the "big date." Piero wants to get married ASAP; perhaps over the weekend. Papa thinks that's fine, Lidia is excited, and Mama looks very pained.

Chucho and Efrain are talking about women in general. As they leave, Morticia and Azul are bonding. Azul agrees to help Mortiicia find out what happened to Nico. Morticia tells Azul to be careful; Mo is more dangerous than Azul thinks. "Pshaw!" says Azul. I'll see what I can find out from Moppet.

Evil Eva is talking to Mo. Mo says Azul broke up with him and wants to leave. EE says that's not good; Azul and GCSSD have to stay. Mo tells her not to worry, in a few days he'll feign depression and Azul will return.

Ivan the Terrible pays Efrain a visit. He offers $2,000 to tell Diego some lie; probably involving the fact that Efrain was mistaken and didn't recognize Ivan after all. He mentions something about karate, noon sharp, and some client. Ivan tries to tell Efrain he doesn't want his boss to know about a girlfriend or something. Can anyone explain? Before Ivan leaves, he calls Efrain by name. Efrain is all freaked out. Efrain gets more freaked when Ivan points out he knows Efrain has a son. . .Ivan says Efrain isn't the only one with a photographic memory. Suspenseful music plays.

Diego asks EE about the relationship between Ivan and Efrain. Something having to do with Abuelo's murder and the neighbor getting framed. EE says Efrain is obviously mistaken. Diego doesn't think so; Efrain has too many details. I think Efrain's days may be numbered. We may have to move his name to the top of the list ahead of Ceci's.


A couple questions : ''Diego will try to get the day off.''---off from what?--what does he do besides jump into bed with various willing women and whine about stuff. That was a pretty good broma our Ceci made about Azul buying out Diego's contract. HaHaHa...Points for Ceci...the only person on this show with any trace of a sense of humor. Second, do love slaves actually have contracts?? I think not. P.S.I missed Anndress and his wounds.

Thanks for the recap Klee. I hope Ceci can somehow live through her relationship with Andres. She's the best character on the show (IMO).

Agreed. Ceci is the only decent person. And Abuelo, of course.

We didn't get to see this whole episode because the station played most of the first half of the episode twice! The DVR cut off when Lidia put the flowers in the vase and then the computer stopped taping at the 1:02 mark, which was during Azul and Silvana's conversation. So, anyway, thanks for filling us in on the stuff we missed! Did this happen to anyone else?

Efrain recognizes Ivan from the day after Abuelo's funeral. Ivan, as part of his snooping duties, brought his car around to Efrain's garage claiming it had a problem. He stuck around while the nasty neighbor and his son showed up to fight with Efrain and then afterwards he said he had to go and he'd bring the car back some other time. I could have sworn Efrain's photographic memory came up during that conversation between them, but maybe not.

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