Friday, September 14, 2007

Juan - Thursday 9/13 - In which Juan gets a new tie, Paula gets a backbone and Ivonne explodes like a cherry bomb.

Hello friends, sometimes I forget to say this: if I have missed any important phrases, words or dichos I would surely appreciate you adding them in the comments. If I have gotten something wrong or not quite right please correct me. Thank you. Now on with the recap...

Ivonne goes on a tirade against a bored-looking CL. She says when Paula showed up he simply dumped her (Ivonne) in the trash. He's a liar and an egoist, so there! CL responds that this is her big chance to break away from the vicious circle of Farell Industries. Yvonne explodes like a cherry bomb and swears he'll suffer twice as much as she. If he wants war she'll give it to him!

CL phones sweet receptionist Julia and demands that she locate Pastor at once.

Marely gives Paula a pep talk and Paula instructs her to call Monica and somehow get her out of their dinner date.

At Nidia's Nut House Alirio watches Nidia practicing some salsa steps in front of the mirror. He compliments her in his unctuous way but she merely sneers and says she's going out. Alirio says he wishes to express to her that her severe banishment of him goes against everything that would indicate a healthy conjugal coexistence. "Don't start with me, I'm not in the mood, I'm leaving," she snips. Al says he's going with. "In your dreams," she answers, "besides, you have to stay and put the pots on at noon." No matter that he can't cook. No cook, no eat. "And don't burn anything," she commands as she sashays out, her ample rump hitting the far sides of 9:00 and 3:00.

Mari conveys to Paula that there is a problem with Señor Sarmiento. He's too busy to take their calls. Paula decides to call him herself, if she loses that contract CL will kill her.

Don Pastor arrives in the garage and is delighted to see Juan, Fer and Kike lifting heavy boxes and working together. He pulls Juan aside and excitedly gives him a little gift as thanks for helping with his mami. It's a lovely pink stripey tie! Julia runs up and tells Pastor that CL wants to see him right away. On her way back she flirts with Kike, tells him she hopes he'll swing by the office, and kisses him on the cheek to Fer's great amusement.

Paula tries to suck up to Sarmiento but he hangs up on her. She's distraught that she blew the account. She tells Mari that the only person who might be able to save the Sarmiento account is CL himself.

Ivonne cries at her desk. When Paula asks what's the matter Ivonne practically bites her head off. She sarcastically tells Paula to go right into CL's office, Paula NEVER needs to be announced.

CL asks Paula if she left Nidia's party because of him. When she tells him she doesn't want to discuss the party he says "Oh, right, we're supposed to be Strictly Professional. So tell me, what Business do you have to discuss?" When she admits that Sarmiento cancelled his account because she was preoccupied by personal problems CL is completely stunned and impactado.

Pastor walks through the groups of office workers, no, make that office gossipers because nobody actually works in this place. Ivonne tells him that Precious Paula beat him to CL's ofice. She complains to him that the entire office has been staring at her. Pastor tells her not to cause a scene and a scandal but she leaps up, has another explosive hissy fit, and runs...well, she can't actually run because her skirt is too short and her heels are too high, so she kind of staggers and slides at a very fast pace toward the elevator.

CL, formerly Mister Cool, now Señor Screampop Asshat of the Universe, yells at Paula that she is irresponsible, she should keep her personal problems at home. She says her personal problems started with the president of the company. Hablablablablabla, fast-forward...Paula says their only hope is for CL to call Sarmiento personally. CL says he'll do it on one condition, Paula must not have dinner with Monica tonight. (Has she forgotten that she cancelled Sarmiento's appt. because she was in the hospital with Monica, CL's wife, at the time of her miscarriage? CL should care less about his accounts and more about his wife!!)

At this point my Tivo decided to reboot so I missed a commercial and probably the beginning of the next scene. Tivo picks up back in the garage where Fer and Kike tease Juan about Pastor's gift. Juan is irritated with them and calls them a couple of goat-suckers. Pastor is his friend, that's all, got it?? He says he couldn't care less what they think. As Juan scolds them he keeps whacking the gift box until the tie flies out. "Estupidos!" he tells them and stalks off.

A tearful Ivonne interrupts them and says she has to talk to Fernando.

Paula accuses CL of being afraid...afraid to have her visit the very same place where they were supposed to live together. Off they go on another boring round. CL says they had a deal, he'll call Sarmiento and she'll stay home. Paula throws it back that she never agreed on the deal. Ultimately Sarmiento is his problem. CL can call or lose the account. (You go Paula! Showing backbone becomes you!) She stomps out of the office, sees Pastor and wishes him
luck with CL.

Ivonne tells Fer that he has to take her to CL's house immediately, she needs to talk to Monica. Juan eavesdrops. Fer refuses and warns her not to do something that she'll regret later.

Guess what? CL blames Pastor for Ivonne's hysteria. Shocking, ain't it? Pastor says he only followed CL's orders. CL starts to explode onto Pastor when Fer bursts in saying he has news about Ivonne.

Mari, talking at the speed of sound, tells Paula the chisme about Ivonne and CL getting into a huge fight. Paula instructs Mari to discreetly try to find out the details.

Fer gives CL the news that Ivonne is headed for the house, not the apartment, He warns that an angry Ivonne is capable of anything.

Mari sweet talks Fer to try to get the dirt on Ivonne but Fer won't bite. Then Mari heads over to Julia to pick her brain. This is discreet?

Back down in the garage Nidia pops in for a surprise visit. Juan is delighted to see her but Nidia has her sights set elsewhere. Doesn't Fernandito work there? Juan is suspicious, she didn't come just to see Fer did she? She's a married woman. Nidia covers her ears, "Don't say it don't say it!" She sees Fer, forgets Juan, and gives an uncomfortable Fernando her biggest heft and smile.

At Casa Cachon Alirio amuses himself by rearranging bowls on a table. Yadi flounces downstairs and asks, doesn't he work or anything? "What, you think I'm a lazybones?" he indignantly asks. He tells her he's looking for a new position. Yadi instructs him to tell Nidia it's time for them to buy a car so that she can drive around town like a real heiress.

The sleazy music starts and we cut back to Nidia and Fernando. He tells her what they had is over, she's a married woman now. "I'm a woman first, married second," she coos. She keeps putting the moves on him while Juan tries to spy on them. She finally gives up and heads for the stairs. Now it's Juan's turn to tease Fernando.

Pastor wants to see Marely in his office. He wants to know why she's been going from desk to desk seeking the chisme on Ivonne and he can guess who sent her on this mission. No matter...he knows all, hears all and sees all in the office and he will tell her what she wants to know. Ivonne was crying because CL fired her.

CL gets a phone call; it's from a very smug Ivonne. She says she is standing in front of the building where his wife now lives (oops, guess she somehow figured out Moni's at the apartment). She and the Señora have an interesting conversation pending. In five minutes Monica will know everything. CL forbids Ivonne, like he could actually stop this freight train in a tight, red power suit.

Just as CL hangs up who should come into his office but Nidia. She has a little business and only plans to stay five minutes.

Mari tells Paula that Pastor has bionic ears, he heard her asking about Ivonne and he told her that CL fired Ivonne.

Ding dong...Chelo answers the door and it's nasty old Ivonne to see the Missus. When Monica asks Ivonne how she is Ivonne pouts, sheds a tear and answers that she's doing very badly.

Nidia blathers on to CL about how Juan admires him. CL squirms like he's got worms and says he has to make a call. He calls the apartment and asks to speak to Ivonne. Ivonne wails in response and Monica takes the phone. CL is desperate and he warns Monica not to believe a word That Woman says, she's crazy in the head! He's coming right over. CL dashes out of the office and a surprised Nidia helps herself to his booze.

As the entire office watches CL run toward the elevator (including Mari and Pau who are hiding in Pau's office), Nidia comes in and asks them que the hell is wrong with CL? She was in CL's office, he was acting very odd, he excused himself to make a call, she guesses to his wife. She wonders what his wife said to him because suddenly he changed colors, told her not to believe "that woman" then ran out.

CL runs to the garage and orders Fernando to drive him away.

Mari asks Nidia why she came to see CL and Nidia tells her it's because she came to ask CL to find a job for Alirio. She's not going to stand for Alirio twiddling his thumbs all day at home.

The three mujeres go down to the garage so Juan can drive them home after a busy day at the office gossiping and losing important accounts. Juan thought bubbles that at this moment he is no longer a simple chauffeur but rather a a gardener caring for his rose bush. Huy! Juan does love the ladies.

CL and Fernando arrive at the apartment; CL tells Fer to wait downstairs in case he has to go to a hotel, or worse...Patagonia.

Pastor asks Julia if Ivonne has returned. Julia tells him no, nor does Ivonne answer her cellular. She's worried about her friend. Pastor comments that today their friend Ivonne has condemned herself.

CL rushes into the apartment where he sees a sobbing Ivonne and a stern Monica. Stern Monica demands to speak to him alone. A smirking Ivonne waves her hankie at him behind Monica's back.

CL begins, "Monica, I promise you that..." "Don't promise me anything," she commands, "how could you be so contemptible Cesar Luis???"

chupacabra = goat-sucker, creature that sucks the blood of goats
Wikipedia entry on chupacabra here
cotorres = parrots, gossips
holgazan = lazybones
Me importa un pepino = I couldn't care less (pepino = cucumber)
rascarse la barriga = to twiddle one's thumbs, laze around (lit. to scratch one's belly)
ruin = contemptible


>Love the "rascarse la barriga" expression! This language has so much color and spark. Of course English does too, but we're so used to it, we've lost our awe of it's color. With Spanish we still have the excitement of a young child learning new words. You're a great resource Sylvia, and I loved the pictures from your trip as well.

Judy B.

Sylvia, your recaps are totally delightful! Thanks for this one! Love that title, too….and the dichos/vocabulary.

“she sashays out, her ample rump hitting the far sides of 9:00 and 3:00.” ROTFL! What a picture this gives!

Can we hope that this tie is longer than Juan’s others? And that he’ll tie it properly?

“she leaps up, has another explosive hissy fit, and runs...well, she can't actually run because her skirt is too short and her heels are too high, so she kind of staggers and slides at a very fast pace” LOL! Apparently, she and Nidia haven’t learned that walking in High Heels isn’t really walking. Or running. (I have a colleague who wears three-inch heels and her walking is so oddly affected it makes me nervous to see it. She’s gotta be ruining her back, knees, etc.) In Ivonne’s case, the shortness and tightness of the skirts increases the effects logarithmically.

“formerly Mister Cool, now Señor Screampop Asshat of the Universe” LOL! His weird and illogical behavior escalates with every new twist of “bad” luck. Bad, of course, depends on the viewer’s perspective. In our perspective, this is a Good Thing.

“CL forbids Ivonne, like he could actually stop this freight train in a tight, red power suit.” LOL! I really giggled when he forbade her to talk to Monica. This guy is so busted, but even if it’s not right this minute, when it comes, he’s really going to be a mess.

“CL dashes out of the office and a surprised Nidia helps herself to his booze.” Nidia leads a charmed life, doesn’t she? There’s always a silver lining.

“Pastor comments that today their friend Ivonne has condemned herself” She may be condemned, but she’ll take down everyone with her.

Susanlynn, if you are reading these, I trust I didn't offend you. If so, mea culpa!


It's so aggravating the way everybody in Farrell just stands around staring. Heh. I love Nidia, that actress just throws herself into the role, doesn't she? CL and Paula are too too boring.

Jeanne***Que???? Offend me ???? How????

Susanlynn, Whew, I guess I didn't! That was when you asked about the football game and I asked if you'd email me so I could give details--rather than having it online.

Jeanne (grateful!)

I missed that post , Jeanne. You could never offend me. You are a complete honeybun....siempre, siempre !

¡Muchas gracias, mi amiga! The post was "email me at" for details."


Thanks so much for the recap and the vocabulary words Sylvia. Your descriptions are so vivid I feel like I'm watching the episode. Cheers.

Excellent recap, and yes, showing backbone does become Paula! I hope she doesn't fall back into Cesar L's smarmy trap.

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