Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #46, Wednesday 9-19: Infection!

Do you ever have déjà vu? Today's "Last night on Amar Sin Limites" is a condensed version of yesterday's ENTIRE episode. Sometimes a little out of order, but it's all in there. Do you ever have déjà vu? It's a shame fast forward doesn't work while the show's actually airing. I hope they don't go back and show the last 5-10 minutes of yesterday after all that.

They don't. Emilia and Alfredo are back from putting the virus in the fridge (ewww!). Emilia's freaked out about what Alfredo (GSD) did, what with the intrigue and the virus stealing. Alfredo says at least Azul's out of there, so she's not involved. Or so he thinks…

Diego and Eva are on her hotel terrace. Eva's wondering what's up with Diego's lying to Mauricio about her giving permission to break the contract. He complains about not really having a "job" with them--not in the sense of having any actual job duties. Eva reminds him he signed a contract, but she still intends to get him out of it. Diego talks about getting a sales job again…I think I can see where buying Julio's business is going to come in. Diego wonders what's up with Mauricio forcing GSD to work at gunpoint. Eva blames it on Mauricio's weirdness, not that they're doing anything shady. She makes a bunch of cryptic comments about "supply and demand" that are supposed to justify what they're doing. She says what happened today won't happen again, but she won't stop him from leaving, she just advises him to wait and earn more money, save some money. She says if she needs him she'll call.

Alfredo answers his phone to find Mauricio on the other end. Mauricio asks if Alfredo is going to return the virus. He expects Alfredo back in the lab tomorrow. Alfredo again denies having any of the virus sample left and says he's going to report Mauricio and the horse he rode in on--digo, everyone who works with him…not that he knows for what, but he's sure it's bad. Mauricio tells him he'll have to face the consequences and that Alfredo should think about his daughter.

Lidia is hitting on her new hubby Piero while he tries to drive. They're on the way to their honeymoon, but Piero's not as lovey as Lidia would like. Mauricio calls Piero and tells him to get Manuel to sign a contract ASAP, and screw this honeymoon business. Piero gets off the phone and tells Lidia they'll have to honeymoon another time.

Burgay was in Mauricio's office while he called Piero. He wants to let Eva in on things, but Mauricio doesn't agree. Burgay points out that Azul is Diego's girlfriend. Mauricio says he doesn't care about Azul, per se, but no one "se burla" (makes a mockery) of him! Burgay calls Eva. He tells her GSD tried to quit, but they've taken measures to make him work…they kidnapped Azul! Eva's wondering how they could be so stupid. Word. She's on her way over, but they'd better not make any more decisions without consulting her. Didn't she already tell Mauricio not to do anything without her say-so?

Lidia is back at her parents' house, storming up the stairs like a spoiled kid because they honeymoon was called off. To be fair, I'd probably be pissed off too, but I'd like to think I wouldn't come off as juvenile and pouty as she does. Piero says it was a business thing, which Clemencia seems to understand. Manuel comes in and they explain to him about the cancelled honeymoon. Piero says it was an emergency, but hey, since he had this work emergency anyway, why don't he and Manuel go sign that contract. Smoothly done, Piero. Clemencia goes upstairs to talk to Lidia.

Butch and Sundance are meeting at Azul's apartment, just by chance. Diego was looking for her, but she's not answering the door. Alfredo tells Diego about Mauricio's threat. Diego's ready to go off half-cocked, but Alfredo calms him down. They're going to go to Mauricio's house and Alfredo is going to say he's coming back to work so they'll let her go…he'll go to the cops later. Hm, I'd give it 5 out of 10…Alfredo's assuming he'll be able to call the cops, which isn't a safe assumption.

In the sitting area outside Mauricio's office: Mauricio wants Azul to convince GSD to keep working. She wants to talk to him and Mauricio says he'll call him. Well, sure, how else is she supposed to convince him if she doesn't talk to him. Ooh, intrigue…Mauricio gets a container with some plastic stuff out of his office. He swabs his thumb and then lances it. He palms the lance so it's not visible from the back of his hand and the point is covered. Mr. 5ft is suspicious. So am I. Mauricio goes back out to the sitting room and offers Azul a drink, then while her back is to him, he stabs her with the lance. He says it must have been an insect. There's no blood, but her arm looks red. Mauricio says he'll have the place fumigated…darn insects. Azul goes off to put some alcohol on her arm, while Mauricio applies some alcohol internally. He tells Burgay that now GSD can't refuse to continue working. Mauricio claims everything's under control. Eva shows up. She's not happy about the "kidnapping" thing. Mauricio denies anyone's been kidnapped. Now GSD and Diego show up. Mauricio tries to kick Diego out, but he's not leaving without GSD and Azul. Eva says they're all there to try to arrange things with GSD, and Azul and Diego should wait outside. Azul complains that a bug bit her, so she won't go outside. Mauricio offers to let them wait in his office. GSD says they should go ahead--he already knows what he wants to say. Mauricio's just drinking his Scope and grinning manically. GSD says he won't come to an agreement with them, he's going to report them. Eva tells him to chill, only Mauricio has done freaky stuff, not her or Burgay. She says Mauricio's got good lawyers who will get him out in a matter of hours. GSD's sure something fishy is going on. Eva denies it. Mauricio can't take all this behaving calmly anymore and he screams at GSD to get back to work unless he wants his daughter to die. That's right…he infected her with the "ponzoña" (poison)! Everyone is impactados, except for GSD who looks pissed off and Mauricio who's doing his best impression of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Here's Johnny.

When we get back from commercial, Burgay is holding GSD back from beating the smugness out of Mauricio. GSD says Azul's not contaminated, the poison that "escurre" (drains) out of Mauricio's mouth doesn't need an antidote, it's enough to "jalar" (eat or pull) the water from the "sanitario" (bathroom). I swear, that's what he said, but I can't make sense of it…is he saying he'd like to swish Mauricio's head around in the toilet? GSD shouts for Azul and tells her and Diego that Mauricio's an imbecile and they're out of there. Eva wants to discuss this in the office. She asks why he said such a stupid thing to GSD. He repeats that if GSD doesn't work for them, Azul will die, but Eva doesn't believe him. She leaves the room while Mauricio rants about how soon GSD will be back at work and everything will change, and he'll be the one giving orders. Ivan's been looking at him with disgust and he informs Mauricio that he can be sure that one day Ivan will kill him. I believe him. Ivan now leaves the room. Burgay wonders why Mauricio would say such a silly thing. Mauricio says Azul is infected, remember the insect sting? Burgay wonders where Mauricio has his stash of virus, but Mauricio won't tell him. Burgay begs him to make peace with Eva, otherwise…well, what Ivan said was like a death sentence.

Back at Casa Azul and Ceci: Azul thinks GSD should wait a few days and then talk to Mauricio again. GSD says he just wants to protect Azul and that he never trusted Mauricio, but he went to work for him because of Azul, to protect her. He says he's going to make that report. Diego says he'll call Eva and see if she'll help them. Oops, he said the E word…now Azul's going to break up with him…again…hey, is anybody keeping track of how many times they've broken up? Seems like on this show we should keep track of that in addition to the body count, and possibly the infection count. Of course, with these two, the breakup count is about the same as the number of episodes, isn't it? Azul gripes him out for even bringing up Eva and says she can't be such a good person if she's involved in this. GSD says he still won't go back to work and he's going to make a report. Diego wants them to think and plan a bit more, maybe get some proof, otherwise the cops will think they were accomplices. After all, they all signed contracts and Azul WAS Mauricio's girlfriend…Azul snipes that Diego was Eva's boyfriend, but he says he never was. Show of hands, who here would like to be Diego's not-girlfriend? He gets it on more with his not-girlfriends than with Azul. GSD says working at gunpoint just isn't normal and he's not going back. He's convinced Mauricio's a gangster and the best thing to do is report him.

Eva and Ivan are in her hotel room listening to the conversation Mauricio and Burgay had after they left the room. This gives her the information that Mauricio actually did inject Azul and that he has a secret stash. It sounds like Burgay has been summoned to Eva's room. She's going to question him about the conversation they just heard. Ivan thinks things are starting to get complicated. Let's take a moment here and ponder Ivan…man of mystery, head of the Super Secret Ninja Security Squad, Master of Understatement. Eva says they've made a lot of mistakes and they've got to fix them. Before she can tell Ivan what she wants to do, there's a knock at the door. Burgay comes in and she asks him what they said after she left. He says Mauricio infected Azul with a "jeringa" (syringe), but he didn't see one. He says he doesn't believe Mauricio. Eva calls him on lying and accuses him of being in league with Mauricio, which she says she's already told Boris. This makes Burgay nervous. Eva asks Ivan to leave them alone. She says Burgay should pour some drinks and they'll talk. Burgay is upset he's lost her confidence. Eva says she only trusts 2 people in this world: Ivan and Diego.

GSD is talking about how it's nuts to try to force someone to work at gunpoint…again...and how Mauricio didn't stop the fight in the garden (which one?), and now he's threatening Azul. Azul says she's never going back again either. She didn't think Mauricio would act like this when she wanted to break their contract. They agree to work on gathering evidence. GSD goes off to see Emilia and Azul insists (nonverbally) that Diego drive him. She complains about her arm, y'know, because of the thing that bit her, not in the garden, but in the house. GSD gets a little worried. He asks if Mauricio was near her and what the bite felt like. She says it felt like getting stuck with an "alfiler" (a pin). He looks really worried now, but says he's going to Emilia's, but then he wants to see her arm. She insists he should go see Emilia. He leaves and she asks Diego if he's leaving too, which he is. He says he'll call her later, but she doesn't want him to.

Burgay's still trying to lie to Eva, saying he knew Diego was a young man with "qualities", but he doesn't know where Boris got the idea that she was in love with Diego…he said Diego was just an employee. Eva tells him to shut it. She already confessed to Boris that she's in love with Diego and she didn't get punished, but Boris lost his trust in Burgay. Burgay begs for her help. Eva says that he can get the person who tried to kill Mauricio before, when Diego saved his life, to kill Mauricio now. Burgay offers to do it himself, but Eva says it would be better for them if the other person did it because that person has reasons. She says Mauricio's a risk and they've got to get rid of him, but without him suspecting them. Ivan will find out where Mauricio's hiding "the toxin", and then Eva will tell Burgay who wanted to kill Mauricio. He thanks her and she tells him to get out.

At Emilia's place: GSD is saying that Azul is, in fact, infected. He says he never imagined Mauricio would do so much damage. He says he's sure the antidote works, since one of the rats got better (even though it was still doing badly). The other rat died quickly. Heh. Oh, sorry, that wasn't supposed to be funny. Emilia wonders if it's a lie to pressure GSD and he says maybe it is. Emilia now chews him out for signing a contract without knowing who he was signing a contract with. GSD said Azul was the one who convinced him. Emilia wants him to take responsibility for his part in this, but he's denying responsibility. Now she's griping him out for the way he raised his kids--being so macho and authoritarian and selfish. She says Arnaldo is insecure because of GSD's rejection and Azul is unstable and makes bad decisions. Alfredo says she has no right to talk that way about his kids. Emilia counters that she does have the right, as Azul's friend and as a psychologist (albeit an incredibly unethical one), and because now that they're dating she sees what he's like. Ooh, burn! Alfredo says that's enough, she shouldn't give him psych sermons, and his kids are none of her business. Emilia takes the virus out of the fridge and tells him to take it and go. Well, that's not something you see every day. This is one strange telenovela, even among telenovelas. Now Alfredo wants them to talk calmly. She says if their relationship is just about sex and they can't talk about stuff, he's not the man she wants. He agrees, but asks for a plastic bag to put some ice in to keep the virus cold. She tells him there's a bag of ice in the kitchen. He says fine, they'll talk later when she calms down. Emilia's not taking this anymore…she says they'll talk when he thinks better of things, and not before--she doesn't like wasting her time.

Diego comes to see Eva out on the terrace again. He says they're going to report Mauricio. Eva says he's being naïve. He quits and gives back the keys to the car. Eva says he's got a contract and he's going to fulfill it. And he'd best not forget she's the one running the show. She tells him to drop that crap about reporting, since they have no evidence. If he insists on making a report, he's the one who's going to end up in jail. She tells him to take the keys back and get out…and he does. Ivan wants to know what happened. Eva tells him to put Security Ninjas back on Diego detail and pay a visit to Mauricio.

Diego's phone rings in the hotel hallway. Gaspar is calling to invite Diego to his dad's birthday party the following day. Diego says he'll be there.

Mauricio is on the phone to Burgay. He's saying that he (Mauricio) is the guy in control, the one giving orders, and Burgay needs to understand that. Oh, silly Mauricio and his delusions of grandeur. He hangs up the phone and goes to his office door, but Ivan opens it and demands to know where the secret stash of "toxin" is. Mauricio says Ivan shouldn't underestimate him, he's not afraid of Ivan. He's got techniques to tolerate pain. Ivan grabs Mauricio by…the nipple? And Mauricio squeals in pain. Ivan says he's got 24 hours to practice his pain tolerating techniques and then he'll be back to find out where "the toxin" is. Upon review, it looks like maybe Ivan poked him between the ribs with two fingers. Ivan says that "besides" Mauricio's going to have to dig more graves in the cemetery out back of the house. I don't get how that's a "besides", but ok…I'm reasonably intimidated.


Great recap, thank you so much, 5ft. Now I'd like to know what kind of moron brings a box full of toxin over to a girlfriend's house and pops in it the fridge like it's just a sixpack of beer. The only one more stupid than GSD is Amelia/shrink/girlfriend. Geezzz! and these people have advanced science degrees?

I am once again annoyed at how whiney Azul is, and she's stupid too to not let her father look at her arm and won't listen to anything Diego has to say (wellllll, maybe that isn't so goofy). This was a good episode for upsetting all sorts of apple carts of power, ready to shift into new scenes. Mauricio is pretty eerie with the new glitter in his eyes and smashing glasses.

I was really looking closely at Ivan the last couple of episodes. Except for the life-threatningly bad hair style, he is actually verrrryyy Hawt! I wonder if touching him is like putting your tongue on dry ice though, might burn a bit unless you are the equally icy Eva.

That's was a great recap, 5ft. I was really looking forward to seeing what you thought of this episode. The last few nights there has been so much action that I can barely keep up with all the twists. I'm lovin' it and wondering how I ever found this novela dull. My question is: Is Azul really infected or just exposed to the virus? I think we should start guessing who'll be left alive at the end with all these betrayals going on. Burgay is definitely on his way out once he's served his usefulness. Side note: I think Emilia needs to heal herself. For a therapist she has pretty bad anger management, judgmental and discretion issues. And speaking of Jack Nicholson, I hope we don't have to see Andres with a splint on his broken nose a la Jack in "Chinatown".

Cheryl, I also think Ivan is kinda hot. It's something about how he never breaks a sweat during his intimidating moves, plus his unswerving devotion to Eva. And his hair is better than Diego's with those dumb little curls on his forehead.

Thanks to all the recaappers for making this such an enjoyable novela.

*sigh* Ivan. I want Ivan to get a girlfriend, but I don't know who would be badass enough for him.

I can only hope that since we didn't see either Andres nor Ceci this episode that they've run off together to get away from all the crazy people.

What a relief I didn't miss an Aahndres sighting!

I had a different take on the Emilia rant. I was loving it. Finally somebody tells him off for the self-centered smug bastard he is. Granted, the timing could be better and it's not nice to kick a guy when he's down but frankly, gsd is way too high maintenence. How does she know that he didn't incriminate her by hiding the stuff in her fridge? It was a nice contrast over all the fawning she did over him because he was supposedly this great scientist. Her image of him conflicted with the reality of him being a bad father, a selfish lover and a moron who signed a contract with gangsters without reading it.

I first thought the angry words between mo and gsd were something about how he couldn't have infected her because he didn't have the toxin, it had to be refridgerated properly (I thought I heard congeladora) but from what you heard it sounds like that the "poison" that mo infected azul with was basically his word (convincing her that he was a great guy to marry) and that it could be washed off with soap and water.

Don't get me wrong. I do think GSSD is insensitive, egocentric and intolerant and needs to be taken down a peg or three or four. I just thought it was unfair for Emilia to blame him for Azul's infection. He had no idea how Mo & Co. were and had to be convinced to work for them. I just thought Emilia was a tad harsh with him at that particular time, especially as she is supposed to be a clinically trained person. But this is her private life so I guess she's entitled to go off :) I think the only woman badass enough for Ivan is Eva and since they've been friends since childhood, I guess that ship has already sailed. But,hey, if she's going to boink one of her underlings, he's much more of a man than that insipid Diego.

I am getting quite a kick out of the fact that so-called toxin required biohazmat suits to handle, refrigeration at extremely low temps (as per the cold fumes emanating opening the glass/locked box with the gold bullet)and how it could so casually be thrown in some lunch pail with dry ice! Then, the really funny thing - dump it in a regular fridge amidst the yogurt and the left-overs! Wow, CDC must be rolling over.

Great recap 5ft, thanks. I watched most of this episode, I thought the big 'reveal' to Mo of Diego and Azul being together was a bit of a letdown, even though it was realistic. Mo tries to act surprised and Burgay just says 'whatever, you already knew.'
Azul has gone over the edge, her jealousy has gone far past anything reasonable. The mere mention of Eva, who by the way provides all of Diego's riches, sends her into a tizzy. She calls him for something job related and Azul acts like she walked into them having sex. Eva - "Diego I need a ride" Azul "CRIPES Diego you man whore why don't you just marry her!" It's a little over the top and a lot annoying. I hope they move on from that before too long.
Regarding Azul and Diego breaking up every day - every single damn novela keeps using that angle. Luis and Hipolita, together/apart 50 times. Alejandro and Miranda. Duhlina and Emiliooooo. Get a new angle already you writers PLEASE. This plot device has grown tiresome. Please. I'm begging you.

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