Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Amar sin Limites 49—PAAAACO!

We being where we ended last time with Eva and Diego in their unfortunate sweaters discussing how Diego really likes Eva…but Eva already knows that he’s in love with somebody else. Diego still seems to be suffering from gripe (a cold) or at least that’s what he sounds like.
Eva says she’s tough, and she leaves, sniffing a bit to get get some documents she says.

Meanwhile at Mo’s palace of malice, Mo himself is giving a tour to some guy, explaining that there are people who want to bust into his crib. “Anybody in particular?” The guy asks. “You’ll find out eventually, “says Mo. “I don’t want the people who work here to be bothered.” It does sound like a job interview for Andres’ replacement.

Azul scoots past and Mo runs up all smiley and happy, pretending to be the desperate dumped boyfriend. Azul has her back to him and pouts and scowls. “It’s so good that you’re here” he beams.

Meanwhile back at the hotel, Diego finds Paco’s ID in Eva’s purse and stares at it, flaring his nostrils. I guess that’s impactado for him. He hastily puts it back and pretends to be reading the paper when Eva comes back. She hands him the documents and he leaves on the errand.
After he and his unfortunate pink sweater go, Eva thought bubbles tearfully about how much she needs him. Now more than ever.

Back at the Mansion, Azul explains that she’s only there because Caty called her crying. Mo pretends to be surprised and shocked. (Of course we saw him in the last episode put the nanny and Caty up to the call). Caty runs in schreeching her little head off. She’s wearing a princess outfit complete with Tiara. Caty is still upset that Azul won’t be her mommy. Mo tries to make like he and Caty already had the discussion about Azul but Azul brushes him off and leaves with Princess Caty. After they go, Mo smiles slyly. Whatever he’s got planned, it’s working.

We switch to the hospital, where Arnoldo is grimly waiting outside the ICU where Inez is after her suicide attempt. (He does look much better without the beard.) GSD shows up and asks for an update. Just then the Doctor shows up and the news isn’t good. She took a lot of [some kind of] drugs. Her respiratory system was affected. The kind of drugs she took only rarely cause death, just a lot of damage and even permanent coma. (THUNDER!) GSD is incredulous. Arnoldo asks for clarification. “Are you saying that my Aunt, even if she wakes up, could remain damaged? “Not be able to walk or talk?” The doctor agrees, and gives the traditional we’ll have to wait and see answer.

Over to Isela and Silvana, who is explaining that she had a fight with her mom over whether Mom should go have a face to face meeting with one of her phone sex clients. Isela is surprised to hear about Mom’s side business. At first Silvana is embarrassed but Isela says it’s not too common to meet someone in this line of work, but hey, she’s open minded. Silvana says that at first she thought it was awful but her mom says that she “helps” a lot of people. Isela says phone sex operators are sometimes the only women who will listen to these guys. (Really? Phone sex operator=psychiatrist? Who knew?) Silvana is more worried about mom meeting this guy. Isela agrees with her that the guy could be an ax murder or something. But the fight didn’t turn out well. It ended up with Mom packing a suitcase and leaving, saying that she was tired of being stuck at home. Now Silvana is really worried. Isela is sympathetic some more. “She’ll come back.” Silvana goes into her litany of woe. Her mom never loved her, she lost her son…etc. etc. Isela tells her to cut it out. Not to dwell on her injuries but not to be trapped in them. She’s young and should move on. Besides Flavio really likes her. And just then, there’s Flavio waiting on a table nearby, grinning at Silvana like jack-o’-lantern. A handsome one.

Back at the hospital Arnoldo is lamenting that his Aunt is a vegetable. GSD is ticked that she took the pills, that she wouldn’t move on from their affair and then he’s ticked that Arnoldo might be blaming him. Arnoldo says no, he’s not. A nurse comes in and says GSD can go in and visit her for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, Arnoldo calls Azul and leaves a message to call him, that there’s bad news about Tia Inez. GSD uses the opportunity to upbraid the comatose Inez for taking the pills. He tells her he wants her to get well.

We are back with pink sweatered Diego who is with Efrain, still hounding him about Abuelo’s murder. Now Diego is linking Paco’s disappearance with Abuelo’s murder, thanks to the ID card he found in Eva’s purse. He brings this information to Efrain who at first thinks he’s crazy. When Diego tells him about the ID card, Efrain gives in and tells him that Ivan threatened his son. Diego is about to go off and confront Ivan and Eva and Efrain tries to stop him, saying “you just told me these guys were a much of mafiosos and killers!” Diego wants to avenge Paco, his best friend and won’t be stopped.

Lidia is walking along carrying her wedding photos, trips and drops them as she stoops to pick them, someone picks one up and hands it to her, saying “You missed this one, honey…” It’s none other than Piero’s ex-whatever, Lucia. She confronts her about her lying to her earlier about having an affair with her husband. Lidia tells her that she initially thought they were just having fun but …but your boyfriend found out about it, finishes Lucia. She also tells Lidia that she left her poor boyfriend for Piero, who she thought was rich but she’s about to find out that he’s got nothing. Lidia counters that he’s already found a job and even gotten a job for her dad. Piero’s ex seems impactada by this. Lida puruses the photos and remarks about how nice she looked as a bride. Another slight to the startled erstwhile Mrs. Piero whose eyes are open wide.
Our Diego is now on the march, back to Eva’s hotel room. If he was going for a confrontation, he really should have changed out of that pink sweater. He gets to the door and one of Ivan’s guys is there who tells him that she’s not in. He doesn’t buy it and starts screaming for her outside the door. Another of Ivan’s guys shows up and asks if there is a problem. Diego decides it’s better to go and come back later. He screams that he knows she’s in there, and that she just doesn’t want to show her face to him. He walks off. Nearly immediately Eva pokes her head out to give the security guys a figurative pat on the back and to let them know that she still doesn’t want him back.

Now a new venue—Anibal is on the phone, in a suit in his office. The phone rings, he answers it and looks surprised. Shortly after, another guy in a suit enters. I guess he’s a police detective because he tells him that they’ve found some bodies…and one of them fits Paco’s description. (THUNDER!) Anibal asks if they are sure and he says no, that’s why he’s there, to get Anibal to come down to the morgue to ID the body. (Ewww! Gross! Paco’s been dead for weeks now-- underground in a hole then left out for the animals to feed on. Come on, aren’t there dental records? Clothing? You’ve got to be kidding me!) Anibal looks grim, then nods and gets up to follow the detective.

Meanwhile, Lidia is whining to Piero that Lucia came and dissed her. Piero is all lovey dovey and claims he wishes he had been there to defend her. Then they get all disgusting kissy face as Lidia wants a roll in the hay and Piero says he has to go to work. He promises her that they’ll go on a honeymoon to Europe instead of Los Cabos as they planned. Lidia complains something about her Dad signing a contract with him but not actually starting his job yet…why is that? And Piero says something about “awaiting orders” from his new boss. All the while they are sucking face out in the open in what looks like a park.

Over at the casa malicia, Leonarda is upbraiding the maid/nanny that she gave her a yogurt with a past expiration date. “What, you want kill me?” She demands that she get her a new one. The maid is all apologetic. This is hilarious. For one thing, can yogurt actually go bad? It’s already kind of fermented anyway. Also, here is Leonarda, who has been shot with a lethal virus (or so she thinks) worrying about whether expired yogurt will kill her. Leonarda, honey, lets look at the big picture here… Meanwhile, Ivan is lurking in the background. Leonarda insultingly tells him that Mo isn’t in his office and asks where he is going. Ivan tells her never to speak that way to him again. “would you dare hit a woman?” challenges Leo. “A woman no, says Ivan but a witch, yes” replies Ivan. Leo has nothing to respond to that. Ivan asks where Mo is. Leo tells him that he’s busy. Ivan yells at her to call him and that he’ll be waiting in the office. Leo huffs off.

Diego and his pink sweater arrive at casa Azul and Ceci. He has something really really important to tell her…about Paco. Ceci stalls him a bit but then tells him she’s at Mauricio’s house. He won’t listen to the rest. He takes off. (This is the scene that we saw in the previews yesterday that Chris documented as a sure precursor to Diego and Azul breaking up for the millionth time.)

Meanwhile, Azul is trying to explain to Caty, that although she and her daddy aren’t getting married, and don’t love eachother THAT way anymore, they still have happy memories. Caty is pretty dense and asks if Azul can still be her mommy even if she and her daddy aren’t going to get married. Azul tries to give her a hug and reassure her. Outside, Mo is lurking and listening to this conversation. Leo shows up and tells him that Ivan’s waiting for him. Mo tells her to tell him he’s busy—this is more important than anything else. Leo looks puzzled but leaves. Mo goes into the room and flops on the bed next to Azul and Caty who are sitting on the floor. Caty asks him if Azul can still come and visit her. Mo says, sure, “the doors of this house will always be open to Azul.” He leaves, telling them that he’ll let them play. As he turns and walks away, he’s got an evil grin.

Leo is talking elsewhere with Andres. Andres is looking a little worse for wear these days with all the beatings he’s been getting. He’s got a black eye and a bruise on his broken nose that makes him look like he’s wearing a mask. She’s bitching that Ivan wasn’t just happy with infecting her with the toxin, now he’s treating her rudely. (Lady, por favor, get some perspective!) Andres swears that Ivan will pay. Leo tells him that Mo is busy with Azul. Andres says he’ll give Ivan the reception he deserves. (Not a good idea, Andres! Seems like you’ve been on the short end of all of the previous “receptions.” )

Ivan isn’t just sitting around, either. He’s been busy planting more bugs in Mo’s office. Then he starts taking pictures of all of the paintings in the office with his cell. (I am remembering now that he discussed something about these paintings with Eva but I can’t remember exactly what).

Azul is trying to leave and whiney Caty is boohooing about how lonely she will be when Azul goes. Azul gives her a doll and tells her that when she’s lonely she can talk to the doll and the doll will tell Azul everything while Caty is asleep. (That actually sounds a little creepy). Caty will call the doll Marazul or Mariazul or something like that. Azul gets up and Caty starts in with “When are you coming back?”

Back in Mo’s office, Ivan already has Andres immobilized and wincing. Ivan tells him to get out of his way and makes a crack about Andres’ [old ]lady lover. Mo bursts in just as Ivan heaves Andres to the floor. He’s followed by the new security guy. Mo tries to get Andres to leave and Andres protests saying that they have unfinished business. Mo boots him anyway saying they will talk later. Andres leaves in a huff. Mo yells that just because he’s Eva’s security guy he doesn’t have the right to interfere with his people. Ivan points out that Eva is underwriting the place. Mo doesn’t like this and yells some more and the new security guy whips out a semiautomatic and asks Mo if he should dispatch Ivan. Ivan doesn’t even flinch, nor does Mo, who tells him no. “He’s just a messenger.” “tell me what the message is.” he says to Ivan. Ivan wants an update on GSD. Mo tells him that GSD is back with him, that he’s going to be arriving any minute. He adds that Azul is also back and that “soon everything will be back to normal.” Ivan seems agreeable to this news and Mo tells Jacinto, the new guy to “accompany Mr. Zukov to his car.” Jacinto taps Ivan on the arm and Ivan gives him a look. He smiles and turns to go. In the next scene after the commercial break, we see what the look means when Ivan and Jacinto confer on the way to Ivan’s car—Ivan tells him that they are now about to begin the next phase—to get GSD’s research.

We are back at Isela’s café where Silvana and Flavio are talking. Silvana apologizes for her dour attitude. She knows that her son wouldn’t want his mom to be defeated but to be strong. Flavio likes the sound of that. They hug.

Ivan is giving his final instructions to Jacinto. When the new yogurts arrive from the store, he’s to inject them with rat poison (an anti-coagulant).

GSD has arrived and is walking across the campus of the mansion toward the lab. Jacinto follows in his wake.

At the hospital, Arnaldo is at Inez’ beside when Julio arrives. He’s brought him a cappuccino..the way he likes it…and he explains that he decided to wait until he was sure that GSD was gone, since he was sure that it wasn’t the right moment for them to meet for the first time. Arnoldo is kind of dozy and pauses before thanking Julio. Julio asks how she is. Arnoldo tells him that she’s still not reacting.

Over at Isela's café, Isela asks Silvana how it went with Flavio. Silvana tells her that she followed her advice and that they are going to start dating. Silvana admits that he will help her get her groove back since she lost Diego. She knows that nothing will separate Diego and Azul. Then Isela uses an expression that I couldn’t quite catch, something like –“hay un focan al cubano las batterias, mi Chula.” I know mi chula, means “my pretty.” Maybe somebody can help me out on the rest of the saying? Something about putting out a fire with another fire?

Azul is on her way out and Mo catches up to her to ask where she left things with Caty. Azul explains that she’ll come to visit her a few more times to help with the adjustment. Mo tells her that he’ll try to get Caty to understand. Mo gets all chokey voiced and tells her that it hasn’t been easy for him. Azul tells him not to confuse her trying to be nice to Caty and their relationship, which is over, forever. Azul gives him back the key to the car he gave her. And he gives her the keys to her apartment. Meanwhile, she has been looking worse and worse this whole time and is obviously getting lightheaded. She faints just in time for Diego to see her. Mo carries her back into the house. Diego tries follow and two security guys grab him and refuse to let him in.

In the lab, GSD takes a call from Arnoldo who has exceeded his credit limit on the deposit on the hospital bill. GSD agrees to pay the bill and says he’ll come by later. After he hangs up, Jacinto comes in. GSD asks him why he’s been following him and Jacinto explains that he’s the new head of security. And he’s not following him, just making the rounds on the new job. GSD asks if he knows if Mo is in the house and when Jacinto responds affirmatively, GSD leaves the lab. Jacinto looks around and at the lab on the camera and follows him out.

As they pass the gate where Diego is being roughed up by the guards, Jacinto asks what’s going on. Diego is surprised to see GSD there. GSD vouches for Diego. Diego wants to know why he has come back. Before answering, GSD tells the guards to leave. But he doesn’t use the opportunity to say anything worthwhile to Diego. He tells him that he’s decided to fulfill his contract, that he’s not sure that Mo is a bad guy after all. When Diego brings up Azul, GSD gets all excited and tells him that Azul has nothing to do with this, that they took separate decisions. Diego seems to get the idea from this that Azul and Mo are back together because he starts to get all flustered and weepy. GSD leaves him with this impression since he goes on to say that “Azul and Mauricio are…”he never finishes the sentence. In order to keep him from knowing she’s infected, he’d rather he believe that she dumped him. Diego walks away in a huff and GSD looks like he needs a cigarette.

Back in Mo’s office Mo thought bubbles to the unconscious Azul that “everything was going fine until you fell in love with that idiot, Diego. The maid rushes in with some ammonia or something to wake her. She stirs and just then GSD rushes in and asks what’s going on and why she is there. Azul asks him the same and tells him that she came to visit Caty. He insists on knowing what she felt like before she fainted. She resists telling him again. The maid rushes in with a tray and Mo gives her something to drink and GSD looks at the can. She drinks it, grimaces and puts it down. She gets up to leave and Mo offers to drive her home. GSD tells him no, he’ll drive her home. He has to go anyway. After he goes, who should be hanging around but Leonarda. Leonarda remarks on how fast Azul seems to be going down, especially compared to her, since they were both infected around the same time. Mo says not to be so sure and by the way, what is all the hate for Azul. Leo explains that she hated her when she thought that she was going to usurp her role as mistress of the mansion malicia. But now that she’s not going to be doing that, she feels sorry for her.

Mo is skeptical of her “feeling sorry” but Leo decides to offer him advice. She says that he should be careful. She has noticed the way that he has been looking at Azul and that love has a way of entrapping you, even in your own trap. Mo protests that he never felt anything for Azul, that his wanting to marry her was only for convenience. And by the way, he adds, she needs to be controlling Andres a little better, not letting him get in Ivan’s face. She tells that Andres went after Ivan most recently to defend her. Mo interrupts—“control him, Leonarda!” “Ivan is not like your dead husband. He knows how to defend himself. And you could lose your beloved Andres forever.” Mo gets up and leaves. Leo would probably be impactada if she weren’t such a bad plastic surgery victim.

Next we have Ceci at one of the gates trying to bust in. Jacinto is there trying to keep her out. Andres shows up. She explains that she’s looking for Azul. Andres takes charge and Jacinto leaves. Andres tries to explain why he hasn’t been by but she’s not listening. She knows that he loves Leonarda more than her (if she only knew!!) Andres tries to tell her that Azul left already with her Dad but she doesn’t believe him, she doesn’t even think he’s telling the truth about GSD working there. When he tells her that Azul wasn’t feeling well, Ceci decides to believe him and turns to go. Now Andres wants her to stay and listen to him. He wants to talk about their relationship. (Now I am starting to think he’s gay.) Ceci says "what kind of relationship when you look at me like you want me [not sure about this—it was very fast] and then you get furious when I talk about Leonarda." He still wants to explain. She has an orange flashback of Eva telling her to be careful with Andres. Andres tells her that if he hasn’t wanted her because…he has some problems. Ceci cuts him off, saying that she knows he’s complicated and that she’s complicated and that it would be better if they didn’t see eachother for awhile. (She has a tear rolling down her cheek). Before she can get away, he tells her he loves her, grabs her and kisses her passionately. She doesn’t pull away. In the distance, back in the courtyard, Leonarda sees them and clenches her fists in rage.

In the promo for tomorrow: Azul gets sicker, GSS tries to save her, Mo threatens her life some more and Diego finds out that Azul’s life is at stake. Will Diego become another victim? On the last one, survey says NOOO! All I want to know is, will Diego still be wearing that sweater?


Wow Margaret I forgot how fast you post your recaps. Nice work, you haven't lost it after some time off. Even reading about yet another huff/argument/potential breakup between our lead characters makes my grind my teeth, I didn't even watch this episode. What a completely unnecessary plot contrivance. There is enough going on without having to have them break up every episode. The only thing that accomplishes is to show us how gullible both of them are and how they have the mindset of 14 year olds.
Maybe I'm dim, but I was totally surprised that Jacinto and Ivan were in cahoots. Ivan has been talking about infiltrating Mo's security, I figured it was more behind the scenes or something. I was taken off guard by that one. Perhaps Diego and Azul have dumbed me down.
Great recap and it's great to have you back!

That was a really full recap, Margaret, I enjoyed your insights. I too think there might be another twist in store for us with Andres. They seem to be making a point that so far he's managed to avoid any real intimacy with Ceci. And speaking of Ceci, why didn't she at least ask Andres what had happened to his handsome face? It's not like it wasn't glaringly obvious. And instead of banging on the gate, did it not dawn on her to just ring Azul up on the ol' cellphone?

I have that same salmon pink sweater that Diego was sporting..

Hey Chris, it's fun to be back. My husband had to do some prep for a big meeting today so I got the TV to myself for the evening. Schedulewise I don't know if I'll be able to post that early every time but at least I have time Tueday Mornings to write, if I can't do it Monday night.

Jacinto being in the pay of Ivan was kind of a surprise to me too. When J gives I that tap on the shoulder to go, you are thinking...wow, he just insured his own death somewhere down the road. Then the next minute Ivan is giving him his marching orders. He was probably smiling because he thought that Jacinto was doing a fine acting job. I was pleased to see it since now Mo knows about the bugs in the house. Ivan and Eva are still one step ahead of him. I still don't get why he was taking pictures of the paintings though.

Jestina, good point on Andres. Maybe he is gay. We already have the evidence of Julio, Andres and Gaspar's gaydar going off every time they see him. Given that his first experience was a twisted, kinky relationship with a woman who could have been his mother, I'd say that we really don't know what his actual proclivities are and he may be pretty confused about them himself.

On the cellphone--we know that Arnaldo tried to reach Azul to tell her about Inez and got voicemail. Maybe Ceci tried to call? I was wondering why she didn't ask about the bruises. Maybe she decided not to bother asking since he obviously lied to her before about the scratches on his body.

Diego in the pink sweater and Azul in the pink track suit are a matched set.

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