Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Destilando 9/28/07 "Pancho Villa..His Plan for Rich Folks to Market Tequila"

We start out with the rehash of Dona Jose trying to pry the secret knowledge of Gavi’s father outta Clarita.
Clarita vows she will never break that secret, cue the muy impacto music…Thus leaving us to wonder once again about the deep dark secret regarding the birth of Gavi.

Meanwhile now over to the party of uninvited mujars or the “Where the Boys Are”, cocktail party. Once again I cringe as Sofie tries to be one of the A-Team. Props to Isa for not just thumping her a good one. The ladies continue to drink. Isa could go totally “No one loves me, well except your two husbands”, in reference to Aaron boinking & Frankie boinking of the past. Fortunately, in her drunken state Isa realizes that this really wouldn’t be the time and once again is swigging on booze and laughing it up with the girls. Minnie comes up with the idea that “Hey I’m gonna go to the event & kill Gaviota”. This does seem like a logical plan, until the older & wiser Fedra points out that Minnie has no invitation and won’t be allowed in the festival. Minnie is forced to acknowledge the truth of Fedra’s statement and decides to stay & continue to drink with the girls. I believe this was a good idea, because at this point mixing Tequila with the already huge quantities of most likely Rum that has been consumed would not have been prudent. I also feel it would be sheer laziness on my part if I did not point out that Minnie’s outfit is not her best. No do not attend the function wearing a satin Muu-Muu.

Now we go back to the festival. Clarita & Jose are throwing down the Tequilas. Now we get a Dr. Blondie commercial on Tequila cocktails. Dr. Blondie offers them drinks made with "Ardiente pasión", orange juice, lime juice, grapefruit juice, pineapple, it is a kinda of little paper umbrella drink. Don’t mix the Tequila with sweet, the hangover, I waste my breath these TeleNovela people never take my advise. I thought my days of the “Sabor of Life”, was over but Damn you TeleVisa. Clarita & Jose are thrilled, why they will have another. This is turning into a Saturday night at Golden Corral, only it is drinks not sides of beef.

Rod later comes over to Clarita & tries to con her into forbidding Gavi to go on the trip. Rod says Gavi is a big executive, new friends, a swell boss. Well she is free to do what she wants, after all she is single and so is the doctor. Hey Rod, here is a grown woman who is allowed to think for herself, Hmmmmmm, doesn’t happen much with your family does it, Mr. Married the Wrong Woman?
Clarita says Rod needs to have confidence in Gavi, he shouldn’t doubt her just cause Dr. Blondie, is a swell guy and has very pretty eyes. She does not however, mention that he is about as exciting as C-Span at two in the morning. Rod is jealous, sets his finely chiseled jaw and marches off. Clarita & Jose giggle..oh yes, have a few more drinks.

Now more FUN TEQUILA FACTS: brought to courtesy of that wizard of fun facts Dr. Blondie.
FYI Mescal in the language of the Nahuatl, signifies the House of the Moon, the Spanish Fermented the drink and named it Tequila. Now then let’s move on to 1910, well the mean old aristocrats who ruled Mexcio, well they were all European like and drank only fine European liquors. Now the troops of Pancho Villa & Emilio Zapata, drank Tequila.
Rod walks up and interrupts, “Indeed the heros of our country have always drank Tequila”.
And if I may interject here, without little fruit slice and fairy umbrellas….Anyway carry on Rod.
Rod continues, “You should always look for the best, like with Gaviota”.
Blondie answers, “Gavi is brilliant”
This is a bit awkward & Gavi does the “Con Permiso” walking away. Just think how weird this looked to those buyers that were listening to Mexican History 101, the Revolution Years. I would have indeed paid a dollar to see one of those foreign guys ask, “What happened to all the Aristocrats?”. Oh, they now own all the Tequila manufacturing, Capitalism at it’s best, the descendents of the troops, well they harvest the Agave, indeed a win-win situation.

Rod follows her across the room. Rod is most upset that Gavi will be traveling with that “Sex God”, Dr. Blondie. Gavi is trying to get him to see reason. Av* walks up and asks if everything is fine and Rod says yes, they are just talking about the wonderful trip she is going on with Dr. Blondie. Av* oblivious to the underlying tension wanders off. Gavi is like it is a business trip not a vacation. Rod says it is like a Honey Moon. She even queries, “What kind of woman do you think I am?”

Gavi alittle advise here… See this is such a no win question, cause you know any guy would say, “A couple of Tequilas & you were easy enough for me.” Thus leading down a road of truth & bad feeling. Don’t open that door, just let him continue to lie to himself and believe, yes he was that special.
Rod answers a beautiful, sensuous, woman. He leaves out the part about, who has been screwed over by me for about four years now and might just want to hook up with a single professional guy.

Rod & Gavi get in another conversation. He says he bets she threw away the painting he sent her, so Dr. Blondie wouldn’t think there was anything between Rod & Gavi. She says she didn’t. A bet ensues, if she can show him the painting, she will let him decide if she should go or stay. They walk off to her office area, they are watched by Dr. Blondie & Aaron.

Now we go to a room where SanWanna is in a robe and towel on her head. She is smearing the Patrona’s good perfume all over. Quick jump to the Hacienda, Ofelia is telling Roman that SanWanna stole the Patron’s perfume before the little crack whore ran off. Wow what are the odds, that she would notice that at the same time SanWanna is rubbing it on? Roman doesn’t believe it. Roman damn Dude, first you trust the Patrona, now SanWanna. It was sheer luck that he got a decent wife cause this guy is no judge of the female character.

She takes Rod to the office area, he looks around the lobby & is all like “See I knew, you threw it away”. Damn he is so stupid, like AssHat she knows if she has the painting or not, this isn’t poker, she isn’t bluffing. Gavi takes him in her office. Rod is all shades of excited that the painting is on the wall, see it right there, behind her little desk.

Aaron & Bruno are drinking Rod’s Tequila, Aaron thinks it is a bit Cursi (pretentious) to name it Ardiente pasión. Bruno says he likes the name. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Aaron we all know you only named your 's Turquoise cause “AmanteNoon Delight”, was already taken.

Now then Frankie signs in…he comes in and says hi to Bruno & Aaron, who look none to pleased to see him. Frankie introduces himself to Av*. He says he is the husband of Sofie and Actual Administrator of the Hacienda. Damn Frankie lays it on thick, Av* walks away rolling his eyes. This was awesome and I know I am not alone in wishing to thank TeleVista for allowing us to see what it would have been like had Eddie Haskell been Mexican and wanted to worm his way into the world of Tequila. Thank you TeleVista Thank you.

Gavi has the little dedication Rod wrote her on her desk. Now Rod is one happy guy.
A Rod remembers Margarita gave him a card for Gavi. He gives it to her. It is her birthday on Sunday. Rod wants to be the first to give her a birthday hug. No No No…Yes Yes Yes. This leads to some serious kissing, and who should be prowling around the of course open door? Dr. Blondie, he stares and stares and stares, until the image is burned into the synapses of his brain where it is likely to remain, until surgical removal, a brain hemorrhage, an advanced state of Alzheimer’s or some loving down by the beach removes the image. Oh no, now I have that mental image of that ED commercial where the people are sitting on the beach in bathtubs, with the phallic symbol lighthouse in the background. Only in my image the guy has a cup of coffee perched on the side of the tub. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Hee-Hee now we have a commercial break where we see the crazy eyes of Dr. Blondie playing that other role on Amor..not to be exended..see he has crazy eyes.

Now we come back to “The Office Embrace of 1000 future promises”, ending. Rod sees the shameful rip off book of Tequila smells. For those of you who saw “French Kiss” with Kevin Kline & Meg Ryan, you know what I’m talking about. That little science project about wine, that Luc (Luc, Luc damn he was hawt) had lying in his bedroom that he showed to Meg Ryan about wine gets its flavors from the earth. How come I thought it was so wicked good when he did it and “Myth Busters” when Dr. Blondie did it? I know I should try to be fair and balanced, but well that just isn’t in my list of priorities.

At first Rod thinks this is an awesome project, oh no he see the gushy message. He reads it out loud. Rod is mad, Dr. Blondie, LurkMuch? Who just happened to be outside comes in and says Rod misunderstood the tone of his message. Rod says he understood exactly. Then and this is just beyond the pale, Rod picks up Rod's little dedication off the desk and rubs his mouth all over it and crumbles it up and throws it down. How Gavi & Dr. Blondie kept from laughing in his face, I’ll never know, but he just screamed thirteen year old drama queen. Rod says he hopes they have a nice trip and marches out.

Gavi tears up and everyready Dr. Blondie hands her his hanky. He is so sorry Rod misunderstood his dedication. Why he will just explain everything. Gavi says no, Rod must stop the jealousy. Yeah Gavi I agree Rod needs to get a grip, but Dude was right on (and in his case that is a miracle in itself), he called it on that cheesy prose the Dr. wrote.

Now Clarita & Jose continue to drink, Dona Jose asks Clarita to go with her to the bathroom, but Clarita being uninformed on “Drunk Chic Etiquette” won’t go. Dona Jose wanders off to the bathroom a bit unstable in her gait.

Rod is talking to Frankie, Frankie wants to see MariAnne Franco.
Gavi walks up and tells Rod she hung the painting cause he is important to her and he is the only guy in her life. Rod scoffs at this. He calls Frankie over and introduces MariAnne Franco. Now we have a doble Muy Impacto Moment. They shake hands. Rod says Frankie or James will handle the visit to the ranch. Rod won’t be going and in fact he is leaving now.
Frankie comes back to talk to Gavi..They both agree to keep their mouths shut. Gavi throws in a dig that his mother is here and she will be happy to see him. Frankie with a shocked look turns to leave and Gavi calls him a coward.

Gavi see Clarita who yes is still drinking and she tells Clarita about Rod and about Dona Jose.
They decide to go find Dona Jose before Frankie can sneak out, but wait, Clarita see that enemy of decent folk Aaron.

Aaron is talking to Bruno, Bruno wanders off and Gavi and Clarita walk up. Aaron says Gavi must just be so pleased with herself. Gavi says indeed about the people who attended. Aaron starts in about how his family is so frickin important and they will not be marginalized by the CRT. He turns to walk away. Clarita comes up and in a voice of 1000 shots of Tequila tells him he will listen to her and she basically tells him what a low life he is. He asks who Clarita is and Gavi says her mother. Aaron is like you ask your mother here (meaning instead of my awesome mother)..Gavi just laughs at him and he is like just you wait. Aaron has a big ol grin and Gavi is like keep smirking AssHat. Aaron turns around with that big ol smirk on his face until he sees.…….Pamela. Yep Gavi was right the smirk is gone.

Pammie cuts a fine figure in her unnatural Red Hair, new tan & bright blue dress. I wonder whatever pool our little mermaid stands by motionless each day is now in the sun? Cause she is sporting a tan, ummmm unusual for a red head. Pammie greets Clarita & Gavi, they are very cordial and I can see a friendship based on Aaron hating could easily arise. Gavi & Ma take their leave, Aaron is left standing there with Pammie. He says he has to go and tries to do the cheek kiss, Pammie pulls away and Aaron walks off. Not so fast buckoo. We need to talk.

Rod, Frankie and Bruno are standing talking in the lobby, Dona Jose, finally figures out how to exit the bathroom, she see her little Panchito, she comes up and greets him and introduces herself to Rod and Bruno as Frankie’s Ma. She scolds him for not inviting her to the wedding. Rod and Bruno are looking way uncomfortable. Frankie covers by saying this is the Nanny that raised him while his parents were off on business, have a nice life and they leave. Poor Dona Jose is left clutching the wall sobbing by the bathroom.

Av* comes up to chastise Gavi for not inviting the coven to the party. Gavi nobodies fool, directs Av* gaze to Pammie and Aaron and says not only for herself, but for Pammie she couldn’t invite that evil bitch Minnie. So true So true. Av* rushes off to inquire if everything is okay with Pammie and Aaron. Oh Bien they answer. Av* walks away looking like “I am getting way too old for this”.

Pammie still tries to talk to Aaron, but he is trying to walk off. Gaspar, Pa of Pammie comes up and says no explanation is necessary. Bruno comes up. He wants to leave. He and Gaspar walk off.

Now over the real party the girls are dancing, in come Rod & Frankie. Isa is all over Rod with a Hello Love of My Life. Sofie tries to hug Frankie who pulls away. Minnie wants to know who Aaron is banging. Rod says no one and he is going to bed.

Pammie asks why Aaron went back.

I have to say I am so grateful to see Rod come home empty handed. I was in fear he would return with a jizz sample, a turkey baster and his brother-in-law to add another unwanted child into the mix since he and his best girl Gavi broke up at the Homecoming Dance.

And see I called it...like all good "John Hughes" movies the couple always breaks up at the big dance..fear not they will reunite.

The End………………….

A Total Shoot-Out to TeleVista for making me realize what I was missing giving up Tequila for two weeks. You are the devil, but in a good way.

Now then in an unexpected move tomorrow evening SanWanna is wailing on two girls Hil brought home..Hil a threesome? Ewwww

Gavi & Clarita are crying…

Rod is this close from a Sofie smack down..she doesn’t want Gavi to come to the Hacienda..
While I do not condone sibling abuse I would be willing to look the other way in this case.


heh heh - ÄmanteNoon Delight - very funny

Thank you for the hilarious recap. I laughed aloud several times. I loved Minnie's- satin Muu-Muu; Isa's nobody loves me except your two husbands; Dr.Blondie as exciting as CSpan at 2 AM; the fun Tequila facts. Need I go on? You have such a way with words. I am not sure which I enjoyed more, watching the episode or reading your recap.


HAH. Rod needs to go back to preschool and sit in time-out. This is what you get when you spoil a four year old and then give him huge muscles and a lot of money.

The brujas have been drinking strawberry margaritas (one of 'em mentioned on Friday I think) - so no need to worry about mixing rum with tequila. Just worry about the throwing up tomorrow.

Personally I was pretty amused that they (at the party) would advise people to mix their expensive, extra-fine tequila into foofy girly cocktails, but I suppose it's a way to sell the more upscale stuff to people who don't really like tequila to begin with.

Aaron was so hilariously jealous in this episode, whining about the name of the product and the shape of the bottle. And then lecturing Gavi on snubbing his family, considering that he was so incredibly insulted that he showed up anyway. :)

I loved the Eddie Haskell comparison. I have been fascinated by Eddie Haskell all my life. The boy is trouble, so you'd think he'd be hotter... yet I always wished that someone (I'm not picky who - could be Wally or Beaver, June, or even some random girl) would punch him in the nose. I'm just wondering who's going to punch Frankie first. I know there must be quite a waiting list forming by now.

I hope there's still some drunkenness for me to enjoy tonight.

I almost blew out my sinuses trying to stifle the laughter while reading this at the library public computer. Great shout out to Televisa for giving us the Mex. Eddie Haskell. I wanted to reach into the tv and pinch off Frankie's head when he was bragging about being the big agave boss. What a heartless cruel coward to deny his mother that way.

It's possible to understand that Rod is the love of Gavi's life, but he's too impulsive and stupid to be the love of mine. Loved to see Aaron in such an uncomfortable situation.

Beckster, this recap was brilliant. There are too many great lines to even mention, but thanks for the funny reading.

Eddie Haskell- excellent! Why didn't i see that too? Talvez "Eduardo" Haskell. Hotrod is not maturing at all, despite the passage of four+ years. Is gavi ever going to really tire of this, especiually since she's been celibate all this time also. Of course not, silly me. Don't really understand all this celibacy on their parts. If i had a bride that looked like Isa, you'd bet that i'd have an occasional wrestling match; and drivensnow Gavi MUST have some hormones working, too...I digress. Coulda killed Francisco when he dissed Jose' like that- he truly deserves anything that comes his way, as long as it's really bad. The party hasn't ended yet- what can tonite have in store?? dorado dave

P.S. Beckster- you outdid youself on this one, and so quickly. I't great to be able to read the recap before leaving for work. Keep up the good work. dorado dave

Beckster^^^That was GREAT. I still love Rod...it's the shoulders...no amount of stupidity, jealousy, and childishness can narrow them. I am lost. Give up on that go-getter, Gavi. I am ready and willing to live at the hacienda and do your laundry. Dr. Blondie/Coffee , on the other hand, does nada for me...nada. I got a kick out of Rod referring to him as a ''Sex God''...no, Rod, that would be YOU, Honeybun. Look in a mirror, Rod...Get a little confidence, Buddy. Time marches on...let's all go to the hacienda so that Rod and Dr. can glare at each other and butt horns. Dr., sorry, but...you do not have a chance. P.S. So what's happening with poor, batty Acacia??? Have the writers completely forgotten this storyline ? And someone please knee that rat Frankie...rejecting his mom at the big bash was the final nail in his little coffin. Frankie, you are such an oxygenwaster. Basta . someone bring that phony baloney down soon.

I don't think Bruno and Rod really believed that Jose was not Frankie's mother. Slimey Frankie looked too uncomfortable.




This jealousy thing that Rod has is not becoming. I have decided that I do not like him very much. I have become a big fan of Dr. Blonde. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if Gavi fell in love with the good doctor and told Rod to shove off.

I'd almost agree with you, G (about Rod doubting Frankie's explanation about Jose being his nana) except for one thing... Rod seems to miss out on all subtleties. The only subtleties he does catch are the ones that still convince him that Gaviota is going to betray him (after four years of never betraying him even once). In other words, the ones in his imagination.

On the other hand, Rod already suspects that Frankie is a bit shady because of the way he tricked Rod into hiring him, then mismanaged the finances... eventually he's going to find out (if he hasn't already - I forget) that the guy makes Sofia do his cooking and ironing... it won't be long till the agaves fall to the plague thanks to inadequate spraying...

I can't even imagine what will happen to "Panchito" when the Wrath of Rod finally falls on him like the biggest anvil ever seen.

As for Bruno, he may have doubted about Frankie's explanation, but he probably isn't too interested in Sofia's husband's family, regardless.

Was it last night or on Friday that Av* said something to Bruno about not wanting him to overdo it, or something like that? It was a reminder to us that Bruno's heart is a bit weak... I don't think this will be like on Heridas when Sleazar got run over by a truck and his heart was recycled to save someone else's life. I don't think Aaron has a heart!

Beckster, as usual, your recap made my day. Ditto to the comments already made about your humorous way with words. I have a comment to make about Rod's behavior, (I cross my heart and hope to die if I'm lying). A friend and I was watching the novela together. We both thought that Rod needed a good swift kick. But I commented to my friend about this blog and predicted that before the night was over, someone would write in a comment about how good looking and great he is. Where do you draw the line between what behaviors you'd accept in a person and those that would turn you off?

lBecky, very clever and entertaining. My hat's off to you.

Frankie was despicable last night to his mother. DH brought up a good point. Wasn't Rod's obligation to Isa's dad only the profits from the first year's organic tequila crop. With Frankie ruining the organic crop (sulfur and organic?) he'll be hurting Isa and her dad most of all.

I'll add my 2 cents about Rod: A total turn off. He's acting too stupid and inappropiate for a married man to make him desirable. He does have a nice smile, however.

By the way, does Dr Cafe have a disease? I totally missed that.

"But I commented to my friend about this blog and predicted that before the night was over, someone would write in a comment about how good looking and great he is. Where do you draw the line between what behaviors you'd accept in a person and those that would turn you off?"

While I'll admit that a person's behavior does color my perception of his appearance (and Rodrigo's looks aren't my type in any case), I can still appreciate a man's looks even if I think he's a jerk. I don't have to be friends with him or even speak to him in order to look at him. Especially if he's a fictional character.

So I don't see a conflict or even really understand the question. There's no chance that I'm going to date any of these people, so it's moot. I can enjoy watching Aaron be evil and hope he gets run over by a truck at the same time, while drooling at his face and admiring the actor's performance. They're make-believe. It doesn't matter. That's why it's fun.

True, true, Julie.... these characters ARE fictional so that's why "we love to mock" here!!

Even though Rod is acting like a jerk right now, I'm with Melanie....he DOES have a nice smile..........:)

And Frankie is a total ass as we all know. Thanks Beckster !!!!!

Que? Que? Que?

These people are fictional?
Well that certainly puts a whole new perspective on things.

All this time I simply thought they were ignoring my good advise.

Still my favorite part was Rod & wadding up the paper he gave Gavi...that was just so "Drama Queen"

I agree with Anonymous: "I have become a big fan of Dr. Blonde. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if Gavi fell in love with the good doctor and told Rod to shove off."

What bothers me about Rod, is that he exhibits the classic signs of an abuser. He is overly jealous, very possessive and everything revolves around him. He may be rich and pretty, but remember how he "twisted" Aaron's arm.

Where is the respect for the woman he loves?

Can anyone translate more of what Aron, Clarita and Gavi said to each other. It seemed Clarita and Gavi told him off but good.

Ah ha yet again we begin to look at the overly jealous possessive man as a potential abuser and Rod shows all the classic signs, wanting Gavi to quit her job and lower her skirts and always throwing fits over imagined transgressions.. Very scary and that detracts from his looks. He is actually a little coarse looking for my taste but he does have those big white teeth. He acted like a complete idiot last night and no really smart woman would put up with it.

We all keep wondering about Dr. Coffee and mystery disease. I'm wondering if he will turn out to have a brain tumor and Gavi will run off and marry him to be with him in his final days after one more childish outburst from her married lover. Of course it would be totally platonic and then she could inherit his bucks (I think he has some) and put herself on equal footing with the Moltavo clan (if she isn't in fact one of them). Love to sit around and come up with plots for these shows as they roll out.

One thing about our Faux Frog he thinks fast on his feet which is more than can be said for the rest of them.

Beckster- I, too had been beleiving that they are real. They are not following your advice simply because they are filming several weeks in advance, and haven't had the ability to get your advice. Of course, they will reget that they hadn't rec'd it (your advice) in a timely manner. Things could be so much easier, but they will never know it. It would also be really boring if they acted like responsible people. Better to just leave it as it is....

Well... these particular people are fictitious. But I bet you know people who are equally... let's put this delicately... "unwise" in real life.

If you look at Yahoo Answers (http://answers.yahoo.com) in the Romance/Dating area, you will be AMAZED at the questions that some people ask. Many of them are obviously very young, but it's sad when you see questions like "my boyfriend doesn't talk to me and he forgot my birthday, what should I do?" or "this girl asked me out and I made fun of her, now I like her and she's not interested any more, what did I do wrong?" (Seriously!)

And you can answer them, but they're not going to listen to you either. The difference is that the fictitious characters don't resent you later on when it turns out you were right. :-)

Ok,Beckster--- you have my vote---forget the show-- anyone who remembers Eddie Haskell, and in Mexico--- so freakin funny. didn't you want to sock faux-froggie in the eye? I am with you Julie.

And as for the illness of Dr. Coffee, I think he has the attack of the too-thin lips-little mouth. How can he kiss with that boquitita? I died with your comment about the crazy Mr. Coffee on Amar-- yeah I crack up on those commericials too-- you outted us all-- lookit those crazy eyes. He's way too placido for me on Destilando. Having said that, I have just about had it with Rod the Bod and the jealousy-- licking his dedicatorio (or whatever) was demasiado-- lick this buster!

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