Thursday, September 27, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #51, Wednesday 9-26: It's official--Adios, Paco, we hardly knew ye.

Our first new scene for today is Emilia and Ceci at Casa C&A: Emilia is trying to BS Ceci about not knowing what's wrong with Azul. Ceci accuses her of hiding something; she says she suspects Azul is pregnant based on her symptoms (nausea, fainting). Emilia says it might be anemia or a parasite, but Azul's weakness worries her, so she wants her to keep resting and not let anything bother her. Ceci swears she won't tell Azul that Diego came looking for her.

At the hospital: Arnaldo tells GSD he was rude to Julio, who is his partner, not his "little friend." GSD says he just can't handle seeing his son with another man. Arnaldo tries to tell him he'll accept Julio eventually. GSD says he never will--he'll have a relationship with Arnaldo, but that doesn't mean he has to have a relationship with Julio. Arnaldo says that means GSD doesn't understand him and will never accept him. GSD doesn't want to talk about it anymore. He tells Arnaldo to take Julio away and he'll stay with Inés. He tells Arnaldo he should visit Azul because she's sick.

Casa Diego: Diego leaves after imparting the news about Paco. Mama goes upstairs to talk to Lidia. Piero is unconcerned and keeps eating, and Papa says he never wished anything bad would happen to Paco, but he's glad Lidia's with Piero instead. Gee, guys, tell me how you really feel.

Casa Silvana: Silvana picks up the phone, but one of Gloria's phone sex clients is on the other end. Since Gloria made such a fuss about multiple phones and multiple lines I can only assume Silvana picked up the wrong phone. There's a whole bit about "hot dogs" that I won't get into. It seems like Silvana doesn’t understand what's going on until the guy asks what she's wearing (black pants and a black shirt, in case you were wondering). She tells the guy not to call back because this is a decent house. Mr 5ft suspects that, in the tradition of all people on telenovelas knowing each other, the guy on the phone was Perez Castelar (the lawyer Burgay contacts from time to time, the one who still doesn't know "Santoro" is a woman).

Hospital: Julio asks if Arnaldo caught up to his dad. Arnaldo said it was worthless, GSD doesn't accept them. Julio says he will eventually. Arnaldo doesn't think so and says if GSD keeps rejecting them, he knows he'll end up losing his family.

Casa A&C: Azul gulps a glass of water and asks Emilia how she's doing with the whole Inés thing (fine) and asks Ceci and Emilia if they knew about GSD going back to work for Mauricio. Azul tells them that GSD decided that Mauricio isn't involved in whatever shady dealings Eva has going on. Emilia says GSD has reached a point in his life where he's dealing with things differently. Azul says that includes Inés, that he wants things to be OK with her, but he really loves Emilia. Ceci says they shouldn't be so sure--if he can decide from one day to the next that Mauricio is innocent, he might also decide he wants Inés back. Azul and Emilia look extremely uncomfortable, but I thought it was funny.

Hospital: GSD talks to a comatose Inés about how disrespectful Arnaldo was to bring Julio there. Shut it, GSD, just shut it. He tells Inés he thinks Julio's the one who "made" Arnaldo gay, essentially. Oh, just shut it.

Outside the hospital: Arnaldo muses about how small his family has become and he doesn't want them dividing over him. Julio says it's not his fault and he should forget it. Arnaldo says family isn't important to Julio. He says he knows it doesn't bother Julio that GSD won't address him, but it does bother Arnaldo. Arnaldo says Julio's concepts of relationships are different, that today Julio's with him, but tomorrow…. Julio says he should be the one who should be offended here, but he's not making a big deal out of it. He suggests they go back to the boutique, have dinner together, maybe see a movie, but Arnaldo says he has to go visit Azul. And no, Julio can't come with him because if GSD doesn't accept Julio and Julio doesn't care about being rejected, then the best thing is not to mix their relationship with Arnaldo's family. What. Ever. I'm seeing a family resemblance here. None of them are any good at relationships. They just get these wacked out ideas about the way things should be and they get overly dramatic about things and make them more complicated than they need to be. Julio has the grace to look sad, but not roll his eyes.

Casa A&C: Azul's checking her cell phone and she found the message from Diego saying he's coming over. Ceci tries to run out of the room, but Azul busts her on it. Ceci tries to put her off by saying she saw Andres…but then she gets stuck, because she can't tell where or how she saw Andres. Azul keeps bugging her to tell what she's hiding. Ceci tries to make her promise not to get out of bed, but Azul won't promise. Ceci finally tells her that Diego came over, found out she'd gone to Mauricio's and went looking for her. Dear old Ceci, love her to death, poor girl just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.

The 'Stang: Diego and Efrain are talking about how Paco's body was finally given to Anibal and they're doing the velorio ("vigil" this is an up-all-night-with-the-body thing) ASAP. Diego moans (or whines, take your pick) "Why, Paco, Why?" No answer is forthcoming.

Casa A&C: Ceci's trying to explain how she tried to keep Diego from going and how she tried to call Azul (but Azul left her cell phone) and how she even went over there to tell Azul in person. Azul, of course, gripes her out and is determined to go looking for Diego. Ceci convinces her to call first. Diego, in the 'Stang, refuses to answer the phone. Azul's blaming it all on Ceci. She calls the apartment next and gets Chucho (that was quick, weren't they just going to find an apartment about, oh, an hour ago?--and how'd she get the number, anyway?) who tells her about Paco. Azul passes on the news about Paco to Ceci. Azul is now determined to go find Diego and be with him.

Eva's hotel room: I don't fully understand what Ivan's doing with the pictures of the paintings. I mean, I understand what he *said* he was doing, as far as feeding information into the computer, but that assumes that Mauricio used the same complicated process to hide the password in the first place, which doesn't seem likely. Anyway, Ivan is looking at the painting by Jacinto Gabu (which is where Mauricio got the name of his new security guy [who secretly works for Eva/Ivan]) and he finds who Mauricio bought the painting from and at what price, which for some reason tips him off. The painting's name is "Morning in Pamplona", so Ivan finds or comes up with a sentence about Pamplona being famous for the running of the bulls. He feeds "Mauricio Duarte + Pamplona, city famous for its tradition of the running of the bulls" into the computer. (I'm not translating literally, the sentence says "old tradition of the festival of bulls", which we all know means the running of the bulls. The actual name of the festival is the festival of San Fermín. But I digress.) The computer gives back the numbers 11/37 11/39 11/68 11/65 11/67, then at the click of a button from Ivan, 26 + 28 + 57 + 54 + 56, which looks like each of the second numbers minus 11 (not that it really means much else to me). This, apparently is the password they've been looking for. If anyone can explain how, I'd be delighted.

Casa A&C: Azul's gotten herself all dressed in black to go to Paco's velorio. Ceci tries to get her not to go, offering to go find Diego herself. She says if Azul had called Diego before she went to see Caty none of this would have happened. Thank you! Azul can't blame it all on Ceci, she's got to take responsibility for some of her own bad decisions. Ceci tries to block her from walking out the door, but eventually she lets Azul go. And it really is "lets her go" because Azul's been sick and in bed all day, so it's not like Ceci would've had to try very hard to stop her.

Eva's hotel room: As Eva goes around to the other side of the desk, congratulating Ivan on his brilliance, we see that what the computer finally came up with is "Santoro". So it looks like that's what the actual password is, but it took all the numbers and whatnot to get there. I still don't see how, given that there are five numbers, but "Santoro" has seven letters. Did Mauricio actually go through all that number stuff or was the painting just meant as a cue, like Pamplona, San Fermín, toro…Santoro? Am I overthinking this? Probably, yes. It's going to bug me. I'm anxiously awaiting opinions from all the cryptographers out there. Ivan says that Mauricio probably thought it would be the last thing they'd expect. Eva again congratulates Ivan on his brilliance. Oh, just kiss already!

Mansión Malicia: Jacinto and Leonarda run into each other in one of the sitting areas in the house. Leonarda is eating a yogurt, which, come on! We've never seen her eat yogurt until the writers decided her yogurt needed to be poisoned. I think it's out of character for Leo to walk around the house while eating, no matter what kind of food it is. Jacinto and Leo play a game of "Whose is bigger?" in which Leo says she runs the house and gives all the orders and Jacinto informs Leo that he's the new head of security and only takes orders from Mauricio. I'm not sure who wins this round. As Leo continues eating her yogurt, she finds the paper, where the front page news is that several bodies were found in a canyon. Oops. Bad things are ahead for Andres.

Mauricio's office: Jacinto asks about Leo. Mauricio says that Leo's important and should be treated with respect, but that Jacinto should only take orders from him.

Paco's velorio: lots of weepy people we've never seen before, plus the regulars. Lidia's practically acting like she's Paco's widow. Mama says there's just too much violence in the world. The exchange between Papa and Piero struck me as sort of funny, so I'll give it to you verbatim:

Manuel: Did you know Paco?
Piero: Yeah, he went to the office a few times. I liked him.
M: Is it true, uh, true that he caught you and Lidia together?
P: Well, yeah, even back then, Lidia and I were in love. You caught us too.

Seriously? They're having this conversation at poor Paco's velorio? Diego walks in supporting Isela, who's just a wreck. She puts her hands on what I assume is the box holding Paco's ashes ("He would have been pretty ripe," Mr. 5ft says…true, but so unkind to poor, dead Paco). Anibal comes up and holds her as she cries that Paco was like her own son. Silvana and Flavio show up and greet Manuel and Piero, who are closest to the door. Basically, it's like Manuel and Piero are accepting condolences for a guy neither one of them really cares is dead. Piero asks Manuel if it would be rude if he left. He says he's uncomfortable, since Paco was Lidia's ex, and besides, he's tired. Manuel says not to worry about it and he'll let Lidia know. Nice guy, that Piero.

Mauricio's office: Leo bursts in to show Mauricio the newspaper. Mauricio calls Andres an imbecile and complains that it was supposed to have been impossible to find the bodies. Hey, dude, you try hiding your own bodies sometime if you think it's that easy! Give poor Andres a break.

Paco's velorio: More amusing conversations, as Diego tells Silvana that she was right all along about Mauricio. Silvana doesn't quite say "I told you so"…but she does say "And you didn't believe me." Diego is determined to keep his job long enough to find out what's going on--he's sure that the deaths of Nico, Abuelo, and Paco are all connected somehow. Silvana says she's been visiting Caty and Caty's memories about the crash don't square with what the witnesses say. Flavio wants to help, too, and Diego says he'll let him know what he can do. Diego swears if Mauricio's responsible for all this, he'll pay.

Casa Piero's ex: She sees a news report about the bodies, including Paco's (which is the only one that's been identified) and picks up the phone to tell the cops she has information about Paco's murder. She says she knows who killed him. I'm sure she doesn't, but I bet she's going to say it was Piero. Does she really think he did it, though, or does she just want revenge?

Paco's velorio: Azul has finally showed up, and runs into Diego on the stairs. Diego calls her a hypocrite and says he doesn't want to hear any more lies. He tells her to leave and that it's over forever. Azul wants to explain, but Diego is convinced she'd just lie to him. Azul tries to explain about Caty, but Diego twists it into Azul not being able to let go of anything having to do with Mauricio. He says that's why she convinced her dad to go back to work for him. He tells Azul he saw her in Mauricio's arms. Azul tries to say it's not what he thinks, but since GSD said he went back to work "for Azul," Diego just doesn't want to hear it. He leaves and Azul cries. Diego sits outside, thinking about Azul. He tells her to get out of his thoughts because he should only be thinking about Paco.

Casa A&C: Arnaldo gripes Ceci out for letting Azul out of the house. Ceci says she tried to call GSD, Emilia, and Arnaldo. Plus she called Diego, who told her to go to hell because he thought she was Azul. Arnaldo wants to go look for Azul, but Ceci points out they don't even know Paco's full name to find out what funeral home his velorio is at. Arnaldo decides he'll start by going to the IHoP--once Ceci tells him where it is.

Paco's velorio: Lidia comes outside and finds Diego. Diego questions whether she even cares that Paco's dead. Lidia says he'll always be important to her. Diego is pissed that Lidia brought Piero, or rather "the guy you cheated on Paco with." Wow, he's just letting it all out now. He's pissed about the way Lidia got married. Lidia said that was done on the fly, but the church wedding will be bigger. Diego's pissed that she didn't wait to see what happened to Paco before she got married. Lidia (rightly) says that while she did cheat on him, that doesn't make her responsible for him getting killed. Because cheating girlfriends don't kill people, uh, Andres does. He says she lost a good man to marry a bastard. Lidia doesn't take this well. Diego starts going off on why "women" get rid of true love to be with men who will "resuelve la vida" (solve or resolve their lives; in other words, take care of them financially). He storms back inside as Lidia stands outside and cries. Pobre de Lidia--it ain't easy being skeezy.

Emilia's office: Emilia says goodbye to a client and Azul walks in, looking bad and quite possibly feeling worse. She tells Emilia it's all over, she and Diego are broken up for good this time. It's to her credit that Emilia, unlike me, doesn't say, "Again? That's the third time this week!" Azul doesn't want to go back home and rest, she just wants Diego to understand. Emilia tries to calm her down and get her to talk about what happened. Azul's cell phone rings and Emilia answers it, but we don't get to see who's calling.

Some bar: Anibal talks to Isela about how guilty he feels about the way his and Paco's relationship was. Anibal thinks she should have helped him out more, but Isela says Paco wanted to do things on his own. Isela says that Paco loved him and they should think of the good things about Paco, like how hard he worked. I guess this is some part of the funeral home, since Manuel comes in to say that he's leaving. Isela cries on his shoulder and Anibal goes over to Clemencia to tell her how thankful he is for her welcoming Paco into her home. Clemencia says they loved Paco and the door is always open to Anibal like it was to Paco. She puts her hand on his shoulder and we see Manuel and Isela have come over to have a look. Woo hoo! Mixed doubles among the mature folks! Why let the young ones have all the fun? Manuel restrains himself from kicking Anibal's ass and Clemencia kind of looks over at him like she knows it's pissing him off, but she's doing it on purpose.

Casa A&C: Ceci paces the living room while eating ice cream out of the carton. I knew I liked her. Arnaldo has come back since he found out Azul is at Emilia's. She's going to spend the night there. Ceci says it's a good thing, since she'd almost eaten all the ice cream out of nervousness. *snort* Arnaldo asks her what's going on with Azul. Ceci fills him in enough that Arnaldo also wonders if she's pregnant, but Ceci says they're not an aunt and uncle yet. She tells him Diego's pissed at Azul, and attempts to explain why. Better her than me.

Emilia's office: Azul cries about how Diego is accusing her of things that aren't true and he's acting all loco. Emilia says his best friend just died, so it's not the best time to be trying to explain things to him. She says when Diego's calmer, he'll have to listen to her. Azul cries that he doesn't want to listen and brings up that Diego said GSD said he went back to work for her. She asks Emilia if she knows why GSD said that and Emilia lies and says she doesn't know. It looks like Azul is working herself up into a righteous rage as she says she's got to talk to GSD and find out why he said that. Emilia says it will have to wait since GSD is keeping watch over Inés all night.

Hospital: GSD tells the comatose Inés there's nothing more important than life itself--not her cello, or his lab, just living, breathing air, feeling, laughing, and crying too. He says that now that Azul is at risk of dying he sees it all clearly, we only get one life and that's the only thing that really belongs to us. He says the most valuable thing is to take advantage of every moment. He tells Inés she has to live.

Mansión Malicia: Mauricio is tucking Caty in and he thanks her since because of her he got to see Azul again. He tells Caty that Azul is sick and Caty kind of freaks out because she doesn't want Azul to be sick or DIE like her mom did. Poor kid, she's going to be in therapy the rest of her life the way this is going. Mauricio promises that won't happen, that Azul will get better. Caty asks him what he did to Azul. Dun dun dun!

Tomorrow, more follow up on Paco's death, including Eva telling Diego that Andres probably killed Abuelo on Mauricio's orders. The beast is loose, says the announcer. Tune in for all the exciting new developments.


I always enjoy your recaps, 5Ft., and Mr. 5Ft. sounds like he'd be fun to watch the show with.

I have no clue how Ivan came up with that complicated formula just from looking at a painting - I have trouble coming up with a suitable password for my ATM card! Like Eva, I'll have to chalk it up to Ivan's brilliance.

I wonder if Lucia thinks Piero killed Paco to get rid of a rival. But had she met Paco? And did she know his real name?

Good insight on the screwed up relationships in GSSD's family, and ditto for Diego's clan. Only dear departed Abuelo had his head on straight(Well,and Clemencia on most days).

The only positive thing to come out of Paco's demise was that it forced Diego to change out of that hideous sweater. But geez, I've never seen a more self absorbed bunch of mourners at a wake!

I can't believe that de-coding by Ivan either, what a bunch of crap. It reminds me of hackers in movies who can break into the department of defense from a laptop on a subway car in 30 seconds. Whatever.
Excellent recap, I love your level of detail. I also admire Emilia's restraint in not pointing out that Azul and Diego break up every day. Maybe she also realizes that it is what extends the length of the show and keeps her working.
I wonder if we are going to suffer through "waiting for the cure" for the entire run of the show, or if that will get resolved and we can move onto more intrigue and murder. I'm hoping for the latter.

Oh, and how about Clemencia sticking it to Manuel! I love that.

Definitely the best moment of last night's ep was Clemencia's giving Manual what for...ahh Manuel, paybacks are a bitch dude. (Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.)

As for Diego, Azul and her dysfunctional family - enough already. What a bunch of whiners.

I like Ceci more everyday. Now her character would have been a heroine I could root for. Down to earth, fun-loving and a loyal friend. Too bad the same can't be said for Azul.

Great recap 5ft. Wish I could shed some light on the password decoding but I found it all beyond my limited understanding. Oh where is that secret decoder ring you need it?


The decoding was non-sensical. But...if the painter's name was Jacinto Gabu, wouldn't Mo think that was a funny coincidence that he owns a painting by a Jacinto Gabu and he's hiring a security guy whose name is Jacinto Gabu? It doesn't sound like a common name.

2nd best payback's a bitch moment: Lucia calling the cops to tell them that Piero murdered Paco, or so we may expect.

Mo's the one who named the security guy. The guy told him he didn't have a name, so Mo looked at the painting on the wall and said he'd call him Jacinto Gabu.

Thanks for all the positive feedback--I'm glad y'all are having as much fun reading these as I am writing them!

I also agree with your husband's theory of everyone knowing each other - we have all often pointed out how there is only one church, one priest, one hospital, one police detective, one lawyer, one doctor, in all of Mexico City, the most populous city in the Western Hemisphere. So of course this holds true in every smaller city a show might also be set in.

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