Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Destilando 9/5 - "It costs a lot to look this good," Francisco explains.

Aaron is going on a trip to capitalize on the success of Rod's tequila (I think) and is taking Minerva.

Dani visits Gaviota, "Not as my brother's emissary, but as a representative of the Montalvo Corporation. I have samples of Rodrigo's new tequila for Big Boss and Dr. Blondie." "What's it called?" "Ardent Passion! Catchy, dontcha think?" "It's his golden dream come true!" "He has two golden dreams - this tequila, and you." Gav says she'll help. Dani has another mission - she produces a lipstick and a piece of paper - Rodrigo has asked that she get Gaviota to cover the paper with kisses. Gaviota doesn't like the lipstick color he picked but she complies, asking if Rod's still mad at her for hanging up abruptly when Dr. Blondie shouts. "I guess if he's asking for a page of kisses, not so much."

Gaviota asks about the baby. "First, about the mother," says Dani, "he's trying to tolerate her until he can leave." "But the kid, he must be crazy for him?" "Sure, but I haven't seen them since he left the hospital, I'm not allowed at the house." Gav is going on about how lovely this child must be, with the beautiful Isa for a mom and the beautiful Rod for a dad (except I hate his new haircut) when the Dr. shouts in a panic: Gav cleaned his office while he was away and now he can't find his archives and his books and he's going crazy and (they follow him into his office) "You can't put the coffeepot in the sunshine!"

Gav introduces Dani, who charmingly says: "I'm part of the disastrous Montalvo family but please don't call the police." He tries the new tequila and says it's great: "Oh! I smell the agave! The taste! Sweet and bitter in equilibrium! Soft, a prolonged taste..." He starts beaming at Gaviota and beams this identical beam every time he looks at her for the rest of the episode. (It's like there's an on/off switch or something. High beam.)

As Dani is leaving, she says in private: "Any woman could fall for that Dr. Blondie." "Not if you work for him 19 hours a day." "Do you have a message for Rod?" "Tell him thanks for the tequila." "That's for the corporation, what about for my brother?" "Say I hope he likes the lipstick kisses, and why did he want them?"

At the hacienda, all coo over the baby. SanJuana says to Rod, "Oh, he's cute but he doesn't look one li'l bit like you." Frankie coughs. Roman comes for Rod, Frankie says he'll come too but Rod says "no need" and leaves quickly. Isa pulls Frankie aside and says, with a leer, that she'll be a most accommodating landlady.

Somewhere James and Rod are exulting over the report card their tequila got from the tasters - 19 out of a possible 20 points. Rod says two special people will be trying the tequila tonight, and he has an important decision to make. James and Rodrigo discuss Isa via dichos about a rattlesnake and a cobra. "She's blackmailed me over the baby ever since the hospital and last night gave an ultimatum: if I ever see Gaviota again, she'll destroy her. I'm sure she called Gaviota and threatened her. I've realized that Isa has two faces." "Will you separate from her?" "Of course! I need to get away from her and save my energy for work and for getting Gaviota back." There are other problems, like Isa's profligate father.

I notice rick-rack on James' shirt, I haven't seen this since junior high. He has the worst shirts in the world.

Gaviota calls her ma and says she'll be working till 10 getting that balance (erased by Suzi) back together. Clarita insists that if Dr Blondie gives her a ride home, he should come get formally presented.

Isa tells Sofia she threatened Rodrigo when she was in a rage, "But don't worry, I won't do any damage to the family. Besides the small problem of Gaviota, I have no complaints, your brother is good to the baby." "Your plan [unspecified] sounds dangerous," Sofia warns.

Sofia asks what time it is, and told it's 7:30, she panics. "Oh no, I haven't made Francisco's dinner!" "What about the maid Pilar gave you?" "He fired her." "How is your husband behaving?" "I don't want the family to know, but this marriage is not going the way I'd hoped. He leaves in the morning, he's obsessed with work, he goes shopping, meets with the farmers, then every single night he stays out till early in the morning."

"Sofia - is your husband, perchance, unfaithful?" "Don't even joke about it!" (Sofia is wearing what appears to be a black lace teddy over her bulky button-up white blouse. She and James are meant for each other, with these horrible shirts.) "He loves me, but I feel abandoned. I have my pride, I can't reveal to anyone that I detest life locked up in this hacienda, taking care of Frankie's clothes and cooking his dinner. He's so fussy, only I can do it right..."

Isa points out that Sofia dumped James because she didn't want to be at the hacienda, and now look! "He treats you like an employee, why do you put up with it?" Sofia makes some lame excuses and then reveals that she and Francisco can't make ends meet on the salary Rod provides!

Isa is going into full impactada over that revelation when all the boys swarm in. It's time to go over the books. "Where's Frankie?" "He's resting up [with cucumbers over his eyes] for the meeting, I'll go get him."

Dani calls Rod to say she got the kiss-paper and he's all happy and wants to know how Gaviota is, and all the details. Dani says she'll come to the corporation next day and tell him in person and he's getting all bent about that when Isa bursts into the room, saying she's been waiting for him in the dining room. He shoves her out. Dani says, "It's your gendarme wife, see why we can't talk now?"

Dr. Blondie, predictably, offers to take Gaviota home at 10 and she tells him Clarita wants to meet him. "My mother wants to know if you're decent and educated." He pirhouettes: "Do I look presentable enough to meet your mother?" He and Gaviota get to her apartment and Clarita's wearing a housedress. She goes to get dressed properly. Dr. Blondie says he'll make the supreme sacrifice and drink some of their no-doubt-inferior and possibly horrible coffee. Clarita makes nice to Dr. Blondie, then asks if he's married or has a girlfriend, no he doesn't, well have you thought of marrying? Gav is mortified. "No woman could tolerate me," explains Blondie, "my work leaves me no time. It's been my salvation, distracting me from the death of my wife. Lucero's death left me empty." Oddly, Clarita suggests they toast the health of his dead wife (seems a little late for that). After embarrassing Gaviota once more by asking her to sing for the Doctor, Clarita says he can come back any time. He tells Gaviota: "I haven't gotten the 'Boyfriend Inquisition' since I was a teenager. He kiss her. She is impactada. Clarita leaps for joy.

The boys are hunched over the computer, going over tonnage of harvest, inventory of cattle, vaccination costs etc. and all that seems in order. Rod turns the page and sees a huge list of other expenses: hotels, bars, restaurants, facials!? Francisco explains: it's important that he, as representative of the Montalvo family, look specially cool. Rod barks: "well, it's excessive, cut it out."

Frankie, whose timing is erratic, now asks what his cut of the profits is going to be, seeing as how things are going well. Rod blows his top: "Are you crazy? You're a well-paid employee." "I thought I was part of the family."

Isa sends Sofia to calm her brother down, while she "explains" to Frankie thus: "I told you marrying Sofia wasn't a good business move. I have a better proposition."

Rod can't believe Sofia and Frankie can't live on the lush pasture Rod has provided, including a Jacuzzi and a nice jeep. Rod scolds James, who's been covering for Francisco. "He has to control his expenses, he could ruin us in three months." James says Frankie is a city boy, doing the best he can, but he just doesn't seem to be able to learn the work. "If he's betraying my sister, he's out of here, I can't take any more." Then Rod says he's thinking of Gaviota.

Gaviota scolds her mother and says to Dr. Blondie she is just a working machine. Clarita disagrees, she saw how Dr. Blondie's eyes sparkled (that's the beam machine in the "on" position) whenever he looked at her. "You know I only loved once. There's nothing between me and the doctor." "Does he know about Rod?" "He doesn't need to know everything, the story embarrasses me. Anyway ma, is this another of your telenovelas?" Clarita gets the last word: "Does he get jealous when you talk about Rod?"

My machine cut off before the previews, sorry!


Thanks for the recap Melinama. Well I'm glad Frankie got a little of what's coming to him. Its a bit sad thinking we'll have to wait three months to see him be revealed as the con artist he is.

I'm glad Rod is "seeing" that Isa can sometime have two faces. Now that he's noticed this perhaps he'll put together some other clues as well.

Thanks for the great recap. Whimpy Meester James whimped out again though, missing his BIG chance to toss Frankie under the bus. Money $pent on hotel$ -- I was waiting for the dutiful wifey to do the duck 'n cover under the table. I$a wa$ a major league perra ragging on the little wifey. I$a really i$ becoming more hateful by the minute.

That "going over the hacienda finances" scene was very satisfying. I too wish Frankie had been tossed under a bus, but I figure the longer we wait, the bigger the bus will be when it finally shows up. :)

When Gavi was getting the glasses to test the tequila, was Dr. Blondie checking her out, and did Dani notice? I only caught a glimpse of this out of the corner of my eye and wasn't sure if that's what I really saw.

Thanks again to the recappers! I've been traveling and unable to see any shows until last night. Just caught up and enjoyed everyones comments as usual.

I thought I saw Dr. Blondie checking out Gavi too!

I'm glad to see some of the unraveling now rather than in the last two episodes. It was fun to see smarmy Frankie squirming...

Breaking news on DNA -- see Washington Post, "Mom's Genes or Dad's? Map Can Tell." You have to register with the Post to see the full article. The basic spiel is: "Scientists have for the first time determined the order of virtually every letter of DNA code in an individual, offering an unprecedented readout of the separate genetic contributions made by that person's mother and father:
I'll bet soap writers across the world hated to get this news -- ruins the mystery.

Great recap of a great episode- Rod's testicles descended!! when reviewing the expences. "Como asi" count - 3, but one wasn't used a s an exclamation. One question about the recaps- Monday's and Tuesday's couldn't be pulled up til right now- what's with that? Thanx...doradodave

I was actually doing a countdown in my head as Rod was looking at those receipts ...3..2..1...we have liftoff. I think I saw steam coming out of Rod's right ear which was clearly visible with his new military do. What did I tell you about those strong, silent, easygoing types? When they finally lose it, they really, really lose it. I, too, do not want to miss when that bus finally shows up for Frankie, and I hope that Rodrigooo is driving that Greyhound. Julie^^^I saw Dr. Coffee giving Gavi the once over look, and Dani certainly noticed and will be reporting back to her hermano. I think that Clarita is getting increasingly annoying. Last night, she was on my last nerve. Turn on the TV , Clarita..have a shot of tequila and calm down. Thanks, Melinama. P.s. How are the donkey plans progressing ?

Eh, an advanced DNA test like that probably won't be available commercially for a long time, so it'll be a while before the soaps have to worry about it. Even the uberwealthy soap characters probably would go for the cheaper standard DNA tests that are already available, since what's described in that article is total overkill for a simple paternity test. :)

A fancy test like that would be much more useful in tracing a disease back through a family, or something like that. I don't know if that would make for an interesting novela plot, or a huge yawner!

I also found myself getting very irritated with Clarita last night. And I thought MY parents were embarrassing!

You know, all that time when Rodrigo was staring at the new tequila label and saying "something's missing," I was SURE (and really afraid) that he meant "a photo of Gaviota wearing a crown of celery stalks that are supposed to look like an agave, like in the opening credits." The lipstick kisses were a HUGE improvement!!

Great recap, Melinama! Finally, Rod blew his top! (Or, better said, by Doradodave!:D) Loved the frozen look on Frankie's face!!

And Rod's hair needs to grow out fast....his hat was way too big because of lack of hair!

As for Blondie making goo goo eyes at Gav and Rod being jealous...too bad, Rod... you're still MARRIED!!!

Julie^^^YES...Like you, I feared that Rod had a vision of Gavi in that faux Statue of Liberty/agave headpiece that made her look like she was trying out to be a Vegas showgirl. I don't think that would help the sales, but I was afraid that was what Rod thought was ''missing''...Gavi in that spikey crown o' agave.

Doradodave, as I have explained many times before, posting the recaps to the sidebar is a manual process. if the recapper forgets to do it and I don't have time to check, it doesn't appear there. It doesn't mean it isn't on the site. You can go directly to the main page and scroll down and find it.

Thanks Melinama, I enjoyed going to your web site to see all the pictures of the donkeys and the dancers, must have been a great trip. Thanks too for the thorough recap. My random observations about clothes are that James may wear uncool western wear but notice how perfectly ironed his shirts are. He should let Senora Dowdy (Sofie) in on his secret ironer. I bet it isn't poor insane wifey who is hopelessly beating the stuffing out of her dolls. Rod needed to get a smaller hat to go with his shorn locks. He looked like a little boy with the ears half covered but that still doesn't dilute my joy at his rage against pretty boy and his philadering spending sprees. Even Isa enjoyed smirking at the dressing down at the table. Whoever said Clarita was irritating was right, I can't stand that this experienced campesina is so ignorant and goofy and above all speaks in suc a whining little girl voice when a calm wise character would be such a nice relief amidst the wild undulations of her daughter's frantic life.

Yep Dr. B did check out Gavi and Dani noticed and is sure to spread the word. Frankie worrying about looking good and living large was hilarious while his slave looks less and less attractive whining about doing the cooking and ironing for him because he is so delicate. She should have put her foot down early on but then again this idiot had a thing for the terminally annoying James. Speaking of which he seems to have forgotten all about his poor wife. I can never decide if he is right or wrong in not blowing the whistle on the Faux Frog. I guess he is just one of those people who figures it's smart to MYOB.

What is with Rod wearing his hat inside the house? I guess he feels he has to cover his head to hide that awful haircut.

Clarita was totally cringe inducing. I can never figure where she really stands with Gavi's affair with Rod. It actually surprises me that so many of the characters on this show seem to find nothing wrong with a married man mooning over another woman. In fact they seem to encourage it. If he was separated or divorcing Isa it would another thing but he isn't.

I actually caught this episode, the first in a while and I am wondering, like others here, what happened to James' wife? I feel really bad for her and for my part, I think she's done a good job acting. Growing up abused leaves an idelible mark, a fear that you think you'll never escape and some poor souls keep themselves there. I for one am glad there's 3 months left so that they can wrap her story line up and hopefully give her some peace! (And maybe a stronger more supportive man, that James sucks)


Clarita needs to get a life! She expects her grown daughter to be home so she'll have company?! Is Gavi supposed to be tied to her hip forever? Clarita's healthy and perfectly capable of living her own life. I remember when all three of them were going to live on the island. Sheesh, they need some healthy boundaries, maybe some new friends, hobbies or a pet...

For me the best part of Rod slamming Frankie was the look of glee on Isa's face...

I've always preferred dark-haired women to blondes, but Isa looks great and the curls and smile instead of the usual frown were a welcome change of pace.

The only thing I was confused about was whether she was smiling at Sophie's embarrassment or at Frankie's stupid excuse about needing to look good!

I think that Isa was smirking at Frankie getting reprimanded by Rod. [She has , by the way, a most excellent smirk which always includes a charming sparkle in her eye.] Isa's not stupid ; she recognizes that she has found the male counterpart to herself in Frankie...shallow , demanding, and shameless...the prince to her princessa wanting to be taken care of and fawned over by a rich someone. Their attitude seems to be : ''You supply the richo , and we'll supply the suave.'' I can't wait for Rod to make the walls come tumbling down for those two deadbeats. Then, they'll have to work on getting their GEDs and looking for employment. Who's going to iron your shirts then, Frank ????

I don't have much sympathy for Sofie -- big deal, she's ironing and doing some cooking and she's so tired she can't do anything but weep ... lots of women do that and take care of their kids and work outside the home plus plus plus. She even has money and resources so she can dump that worthless heap she married.
The hat falling down around Rod's ears was hilarious. Even more hilarious was Meester James standing there with bowed head while Rod chewed him out. cindy

Clarita has definitely replaced the newly rehabilitated James and the absent Acacia as the character who makes me cringe the most. If I had a mom like that I'd feel like hanging myself. COmo asi. As for Isa, she looks smashing. I wish they'd let her be the good girl sometime.

Very nice, Susanlynn--"you supply the rico, we'll supply the suave."
I guess Rod scolding Frankie was just a teaser for bigger things to come. Clarita=comic relief gone awry.
I had to just hoot at Jame's rick-rack shirt and Rod's hat. I too thought he was wearing the hat in the house to cover his bad hair style. I don't remember him doing that before. Sophie's black lace bustier over a tailored white shirt? QUE the heck, girl?? She may be the most fashion-challenged one on the show. James caused me to try researching Mexican folk costume online today. Those floppy bow ties seem to be required wear for charro/mariachi outfits. Haven't finished searching yet.

Thankyou recappers.... i can view the recaps...for me it's not just about the recaps it's also about the comments that go with it.In the main page u only view the recaps but not the comment.

Clarita needs a J O B...

A vision of a silhouette celery wearing gavi flashed in ma mind too only it was accampanied by Pilar making a snide comment the label reminds her of a certain jimadhora...LOL Pilar was the first person to pop in ma head.


Hani, you can very easily find links to the comments at the end of each recap on the main page. It's how I used to read the recaps and access the comments all the time.

On the main page, find the recap, scroll to the end of the recap, and you'll find a Permalink and a Comments link:

- The Permalink takes you to the page that includes the recap and comments.

- The Comments link takes you to the Leave a Comment page, which lists the comments and lets you add one of your own.

It's possible to display the recap on that "Leave a Comment" page, but I don't recommend it. The recap doesn't get formatted properly if you display it that way.

Hani and all - if you just click on the "post a comment" link on the main page all the comments will magically appear.

We have brainstormed ideas for who is really blood related in this novela, but has anyone thought of the possibility that gavi is not claritas daughter and that rod is? Rod could hve been adopted by the motalvos because clarita was too young or too poor to raise him. This is why clarita has constantly pushed for this relationshp; however, then where did gavi come from? She does not look like her mother who looks 100% spanish.

I'm late on this...but to all the fashion comments..yes, yes, yes

Wouldn't it be awesome if Acacia escaped & killed James by, not the piano wire...but rick-rack

Clarita, take it down a notch..all the sudden she was like texas-cheerleader mom & gavi just made the squad.

The actress that plays Clarita has a long telenovela history..she often plays "Indian" or mixed role. I always think she is great cause she must make quite a lucretive salary on these. She cranks out a bunch of them.

"Clarita looks 100% Spanish"
You know that this takes place in
Mexico and not Spain, right?

"You know that this takes place in
Mexico and not Spain, right?"

Well, I've traveled lots of times down to Mexico with my wife to visit family and Clarita looks more like the people I've seen and met than the rest of the cast members other than Acacia!!

I think this topic came up in one of the other novella's in reference to the nationality of the major actors in comparision to the country that the novella was set in.

I understood that Anon 7:44 was simply noting that based on physical similarities, Rod looks more like Clarita's son than Gaviota looks like her daughter.

On the other hand, I had the delightful experience once while stationed in Hawaii, or meeting a group of 18 young Mexican women (secretaries) on a group vacation. The physical characteristics ranged from dusky skin/black hair to fair skin, freckles and red hair! Mexico has been quite the melting pot with the various waves of immigrants and would-be rulers.

regarding the bloodlines of the characters in this novella, I think that the model dude, Hilario, could be the love child of Clarita and Grandpa Montalvo. If the dna test comes back that the baby is a montalvo then either its Arons but it would be great if it were Hilario's. Isa did sleep with Hilario, right? That would make Gaviota and Hilario half brother and sister, and Rod and Hilario half brothers also. But that doesntmake Gaviota blood related to Rod, does it? whatdoyathink?

oops i mean hilario could be the son of rodrigos grandfather

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