Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Destilando Amor 09/10/07 Anvils Anvils Everywhere and Not a Person Thinks

Okay we start off today’s adventure with Gavi kicking the cop in the shin & she did do a pretty wicked number on his leg. Geez, people have been shot for far less. Okay that is it, Cop Guy says they are both going downtown or where ever you go to jail in Mexico City. The poor cop can’t walk and Rod & Gavi have to prop him up between them as they go off to the local police station.

Once in the police station the bickering continues..the cop mentions phone call. “Call your wife”, says Gavi..”Call your boyfriend”, counters Rod. “He’s not my boyfriend”, sneers Gavi. This continues. The cop gives them time outs; Gavi on one side of the room and Rod on the other. The cop’s Jefe, comes in and the bum leg cop, tries to explain. “Lock me up for life”, Gavi & Rod each say. This is going nowhere fast, thus for scene continuity the two cops retire into the office, leaving our young lovers to sit out in the waiting area sneering at each other. “What are you lookin at?” Gavi says. “The wall” says Rod as he stares at her. *** Damn I played this game with my brother as a kid. Next they will start repeating everything the other one said.***

Now over to Hacienda land, Isa is lounging on the settee down in the main living area, she is still drinking and snickering over Rod & his Tequila plans. She says, “A toast to you Rod & to your Tequila, that it will be a failure, just like all your plans with Gaviota”, Isa vows she will destroy Rod’s happiness. ***Oh please I insert here, when did she ever see him happy? Listening to some lame ass poorly recorded cassette while watching GaviVision on your laptop, doesn’t really count.***

Back over at Mexico City Vice, the Officer Damaged Shin comes out. Rod calls him over and gives Officer Shin, Rod’s jacket. He tells the cop Gavi looks cold. The cop, and this guy has the patience of a Saint, tries to give Gavi the jacket. “I ain’t takin no f’in jacket ya dirty screw”, Gavi counters. Okay I added a little color here, but the girl has seriously gotta a tude’ problem going here, considering this is the cop she assaulted. ***Gavi is like an after to school special for what happens to “good girls” who starting hanging out with the wrong crowd, what’s next, skipping school, smoking cigarettes, pregnancy? Oh sorry strike that last one…it would be redundant***
Anyway pushing, shoving, the cop is in the middle, oooops, a misstep by Gavi and suddenly, she and Rod are in each other’s arms. (Hey that lil move really works for her, just like the Dance of the Crazed Machetes”.)

Officer Shin, calls them for clinching (boxing term)..back to their corners. Rod rants that he is such a sinner for trying to see Gavi, for trying to have a meeting with her. But oh No, she cancels on him and sneaks off for fine food, flirting, songs and hilarity, with that sex machine Dr. Alonso “WhatevertheHell his last name is”. Now, Gavi tears up, ***excellent timing***, she is being accused by a blind, obstinate man, who accuses her falsely and exaggerates everything.

The Cop is giving Rod the stink-eye, Gavi scored some points with that one.

Rod comes back with “He only wanted to meet with her to discuss their future and future of the new Tequila, their Tequila…with the new label that has her lips on it. Rod manages to tear up a bit. Good counter Rod.

Gavi comes back with a “He is only my boss, I have only ever loved one man and it is you, yet you can’t forgive me for one meeting”

Rod follows up with, a “I have loved only you, you’re my first, my last, my everything” Sing it to me Barry.. Rod just wants her to live with him forever.

Anyway..to make a long declaration of messy love shorter…I am crazy for you, I can’t live without you..Hug Hug kiss kiss…

Not a dry eye in the house, just like hydrogen and oxygen, when they collide it is water everywhere.

Back to the Hacienda, where Isa is now lying all come-hither on the sofa. To bad Carmelo, the shreakish barkeep didn’t show up tonight, cause I bet he could of nailed that. Anyway, our wayward young gigolo Frankie; finally comes home after a tiring night of pinning the local in the pickup. I think he comes home once he is certain that Sofie is having sweet chaste dreams of James. Isa gives him a deep throaty “Buenos Noches” greeting and Frankie’s eyes as well as the camera pan Isa from head to toe, lying seductively on the divan.
“What are you doing still up?” Frankie queries. “Insomnia,” Isa answers.

Now back to the crime scene in DF, a patrolman comes in and goes into Jefe cop’s office, Officer Shin comes out and tells our two sweethearts to beat it, no more bad public behavior and send him some Tequila.
***I say, don’t try this at home kids. If Rod goes all BSC and kills Gavi & Alonso in a fit of crazed jealously as they sit sippin petite cups of coffee, well Clarita is gonna sue the entire Mexico City police dept, and it will all be on the Mexican version of Dateline. Jest sayin.***

Our fine young lovers are sitting on a part bench. ***The scene behind them looks kinda like the area in the park where in LFMB, Fernando kissed Lety on the swings (kissed her on the lips, but she was on the swings). ***Anyway, Rod says he is divorcing Isa, he had Videgaray draw up the papers. Gavi worries about lil Ricky, but Rod says no matter what Gavi’s decision is, he will divorce Isa. Geez, hindsight is 20-20, three years and a jizz sample later. Then they start talking about, the Tequila label. Rod remembers it is in the trunk of the car, so off they go get a taxi, swing by the apartment to get a spare set of keys for the locked car. Gavi is scared, oh no she doesn’t not want to see Isa. Rod laughs, he says Isa is asleep many kilometers away.

A perfect time to check in on “Sleeping Beauty”, Isa starts rubbing on Frankie and he is a bit nervous, granted Sofie is stupid, but she’s not dead. Isa asks if he remembers their time in Acapulco and those great sex times in the Jacuzzi times in Frankie’s apartment? She is so 70’s. Of course how could Frankie forget? Well she has Frankie all hawt and bothered, thus solving an age old question, “No when it comes to this, just like a good man, you can’t keep a bad man down either”. Isa promptly pulls away and Frankie is like “Que the Hell?”. Isa gives him an evil smile fraught with promises of sin to come and says he is going to have to decide if he wants her hawt bode for all eternity. She slinks on up the stairs. Oh yes there was a name for girls like that in high school and no it wasn’t just “Cheerleader”. Frankie is all steamy and he finishes off the drink she left and he ponders her words. ***Frankie, surely you can’t seriously be thinking of hooking up with that no money drama queen? Dude you are scoring left and right, Isa is lady with a trophy, granted it is your trophy, but you don’t seem like the fatherly type to me. I say, lay low & let Isa leave.***

Meanwhile, Alonso & Clarita finally make it back home. For the love of Gawd can you say Awkward? This poor guy has been stuck with her for going on days now, or maybe I should feel sorry for her, cause just how much can you talk about coffee? Clarita asks Alsonso to come up, but he says he must go and turns with a broken hearted half smile. Clarita goes in and Alonso looks up at the apartment window. The light is out. He says Gavi isn’t home. Say wouldn’t this be a perfect time for a message from that great songster Mr. Dylan. “And it ain't no use in turning on your light babe the light I never knowed”, alas Alonso figuratively speaking that light will never shine for you.

Now then we have come full circle and we are back at the ol restaurant, we left a lifetime ago. After some non-sense close your eyes don’t peek; Rod pulls out the graphic for the Tequila, Gavi loves it. Look there is the tree of done deeds, where first we first pledged our love, where Rod tasted her many kisses. **Am I the only person, who kinda wishes they’d of lost it in a sleezy motel with velvet paintings? Now that would have been a label.** Okay, Okay it is kinda romantic, I guess. Now they get into this big discussion about Gavi’s problem with bursting into song. Rod is a crazy jealous man and Gavi says hey, Ma made me do it, you know you are the only man I want to sing to. Gavi wonders how she will face her boss tomorrow? Rod says “hey little woman, you have to quit your job” Gavi is muy impacted. I think Rod wants her to, cause he is crazy jealous. He tells Gavi that Isa will ruin Gavi once the word is out. She will be all over the CRT. Gavi says her job is very important to her. Rod says don’t worry, they will all live at the ranch and Gavi can work on her career there, cause Sofie is getting behind on the ironing. Gavi says she has to think about it. Rod wants to go talk to his “mother-in-law” Clarita.

Clarita is once again, bothering the Virgin Mary, I mean praying. Well not exactly praying, rather beseeching, cause she is using the timeless mother ploy on Mary, about only wanting their children to be happy. She uses this evasive tactic cause she can’t really say, hey how’s bout you get rid of Rod’s real wife and kid and plant my kid in her place. It just wouldn’t be the Christian thing to do.

Now we have a wicked return to the ranch..Isa is lying on the bed & well…she seems to be deep in thought about something deep. She is having a fantasy about Frankie. Geez Aaron for such a stud, you are not even worthy of a skanky Isa fantasy. I guess we get to see this soft porn scene, so it will be okay to plant Gavi in Isa’s place as wife numero uno. But hey, it was always okay with me, I could have gone on in my happy way, without ever seeing that.

Dr. “WhatevertheHell his last Name is”, shows up at his cousin’s home. Caffeine addicts like cokeheads never seem to realize that not everyone wants to talk all night. I guess he never saw ScarFace. Anyway his cousin, the model lady, Hilario’s boss quizzes him. Alonso puts on his sad face and says he is in love. She is like “que bueno, so how come your not happy?” This lady has a look of permanent surprise and scary eyebrows plus didn’t those bench couches used to be in a Denny’s booth? Sorry this episode just had way too little action and too much talking. Anyway, yes viewers, Alonso is sad cause he is in love with someone who is in love with another.

Clarita is sleeping on the couch, Knock, Knock…oh it is Gavi..Clarita starts giving her a hard time..here comes Rod with Roses and the tail end of a band, yeah three guys…they start softly singing (with the door open)..wouldn’t you just love to be the neighbors. Rod & Gavi are back together & life is swell. He is gonna take care of Clarita for the rest of her life. Mexico City Headlines…Apartment Dweller Killed After Giant Acme Anvil Crashes though Franco Apartment killing innocent neighbor below”. I’m sure Clarita is silently thanking the Virgin Mary, man that was service, Clarita do not, pawn everything and buy lotto tickets. I heard the anvil. Finally, the traveling band of “All Noche Long” singers leave, Clarita slips off to the bedroom and Gavi and Rod stand around making out. Finally Gavi says she has made her decision, she will quit her job tomorrow, she will give them time to find a replacement, then it is off to that life of merriment and joy with Rod. Rod is thrilled….Yep folks another innocent neighbor just lost their life to the Acme Anvil..will it never stop?

Rod leaves and Clarita comes out…She is a little less thrilled with Gavi quitting her job.


I'm outta here in a few minutes for mi trabajo. But I wanted to be the first to thank you for another great humorous recap. It's good to see the love birds together even if it's just for a short time. It's so selfish of Rod to ask her to quit her job. I can hardly wait until tonight to see what the evil plot will develop to destroy or at least complicate things for the lovebirds. I can just see Rod having another major hissy fit over some little misunderstanding. Gavi must have the patience of a saint.

I can't believe Gavi is quitting her job. I know she's got the threat of Isa's "secret info" about the illegal passport hanging over her head... but the person who got that passport in the first place was the Evil Photographer Guy and he's in jail now. So I don't think there's any danger there.

PS - I kept expecting the cop's boss to squeak his hand across his forehead. (Ignore if you didn't watch LFMB.)

Another very enjoyable and funny description of some very humorous scenes. I was so ready for some kiss and make up scenes. I grew up in a house and neighborhood where arguments usually got out of control and led to physical violence. Even though that was 40 some odd years ago, I'm still very uneasy around yelling and screaming especially when alcohol is involved. I find myself getting all tensed up before reality clicks in. Funny how some of those old hang ups follow you through life. I'm surprised at Isa's professing love for Frankie. I always thought that was just a sex thing. Recall that she barely wanted to look at him afterwards. She would always tell him to leave her alone.

Good grief! Is there no end to Rod's stupidity and selfishness. Pressuring Gavi to quit her job because HE is jealous of her boss. What a moron and she is even worse for even considering it. How exactly is she supposed to live while he dithers around about the divorce since Isa is not going to go quietly into the night.

Oh wouldn't you love to be the neighbors of these idiots bringing in a mariachi trio at God knows what hour of the morning and Clarita "singing". I'm still twitching over it.

And Isa mooning over Frankie - thank God we didn't get a full on scene of her engaged, in how shall I put this delicately, self fulfillment.

These recaps are so great and so funny you all should be paid. In fact, I'm looking at my computer now trying to figure out what slot I could put some coins in.

Thank you for a another great one.
Too bad for the guy who played the sleazy HR guy on LFMB. What a weensy part he had in this one - blink and you'd miss him.

Freaking funny, girl. I laughed out loud many times. The writing on this show is sometimes too slow (probably all the extenders) but sometimes it is very good. I like the story and can't wait to see it on weeknights. Since my Spanish is so bad, I need these recaps to keep the story straight.

I thought for sure Isa would hook up with Frankie again. She must be ready about now. But not yet. The writers led us astray for the time being.

Our heroine is in for more bad times giving up her job. Anvil over the head. Can't wait for Sophie to realize her knight in shinning armor is really encased in a rusted tin can. She's about had it also.

Time for the agave to come up diseased. Can't wait!

Beckster - Roaring good laughs again. Thank you, thank you. I look forward to your sarcastic asides each week when it's your night in the barrel (oops, I grew up in Wyoming and know too many sheepherder jokes). I think the writers of DA, the recappers, and the commenters should have a big party to compare notes. Roderigo (Eduardo) is really hitting his stride as comedic genius. And, even with the pinhead haircut he's soooo sexy, woofffff!
So, it's anvils in the Franco apartment; wonder if the big TV will have to be hocked again, arrrggghh. Those saints look like the one thing that keeps growing in the apartment and stays from homeless to career dreams come true and back to homelessness. Oh well, the furniture is boring anyway.
Perhaps we will have irons flying at the hacienda not anvils once dopey Sofie wakes up at some inoportune moment. eeewwww, smarmy, smarmy, even icky Isa should/could do better than Frankie the boyslut. Oddly, she hasn't had sex with anyone else (at least that we have been shown) since her groping dips with Frankie that lead to the little nipper, Ricky. Must be getting pretty desperate, might lead to a lapse in judgement, HA!
I do agree that we needed and deserved a good love scene between Rod and Gav, so now all hell will break loose for a couple more weeks, right?

Words fail me. I have only 2 comments : 1] I wonder if Roman is starting to look pretty good to Isa right about now or maybe Crispin. 2] Rodrigo's haircut has not affected his kissing abilities. He is right up there with Fernando C. in the kissing capabilities. Kudos to you, Eduardo. Fernando is a hard act to follow.

LOL guffaw funny, beckster. Man, I bet that white truck of Rod's has been seen on every back road by just about every local sherrif or party-hardy agave farm hand in the region by now and they must all think he's the one out there nailing everything in sight......

Thanks for the recap...

Clarita is getting on ma last nerve she is worse than the cuatel in LFMB.

Her and Gavi never learn from their experiences.....so once again when Gavi is jobless, clarita sits at home complaining it never occurs to her she could also help out by lookin for a job she can saw can't she...?

Ok,Ok,Ok - How many are guessing Isa still hasn't figured out what "The Pill" or a condum is for and are wondering how she's gonna explain away pregnancy #2?

I would say that EY was definitely having a great time in that kiss and make-up scene....'nuff said.

Hubby and I were figuring the same thing about the faked passport since Gavi was ignorant of the white slaver scheme which has already been explained to the cop in charge of her case, and the faked resume I thought would have been covered when she explained to Avellaneda how and why she got thrown out of the Montalvo Corp. Besides, Patricio says it wasn't illegal, only a firing offense, and she has her two letters of reference for the CRT and she came in at the bottom and worked her way back up again. If I were her I would dare Isa and Crew to try something. I suppose it would have made too much sense to check with a labor lawyer, let alone to have Rod check with Videgaray, huh.

Beckster, you rock! And thanks for clearing up the stop to pick up the extra car key, 'cause hubby and I were trying to figure out how they got into the car. Hubby spotted Lopez in the police uniform before I did. Another minor character from the great tnvla repertory company. If you're a mariachi musician, do you have to be on call day or night if someone needs a serenade? I was expecting Clarita to be able to sing, at least a little. Her vocals were as bad as her totally butt-ugly dress. I'm annoyed with Gavi being willing to drop her job. She's been broke and jobless too many times.

Also, Beckster, nice title for this episode's recap.

Gavi, Gavi, Gavi WTF are you thinking? That was my big reaction last night..There is way more riding on this than will Rod really take me to the Prom. But due to the wicked web of stupid lies..I guess the passport thing could be a problem. Yet why? Gavi has now legally changed her name and I don't mean to be flippant, but isn't it quite common in Mexico to have a least one relative who has left the country under an assumed name? Geez not that I am outting any one I know personally..really...seriously.

I don't think Avellaneda will want her to leave, and may keep her on till the divorce is finalized or some such to keep her from going broke again. --I think Alonso convinced him to "llevar los pantalones" (wear the pants) around there and act like the hugely powerful bigshot he supposedly is.

I am still laughing. Beckster your observations are hilarious.

funny, I didn't think Frankie looked nervous, I figured he was spent. (but of course not for long) and did you pick up the sexy music in the background-- it was not his usual cheesy sax. I thought the music might wake Meester James. Then he could catch them and decide that he is not being a metiche celoso once again. Do you think he wears one of those foofie ties with his jammies?

And do you even understand his Spanish?

My favorite all time bad line from Rod's mouth was his trying to elicit a promise from Gavi that she will not wear those mini faldas to work. that set my eye to twitching. First quit your job, now don't wear those skirts.

Oh Rodrigo, Rodrigo.... Dr. Coffee just does not stand up to you, bad hair cut and all. This novela really needs a fortune teller new age guy, and maybe a bad dream scene.


VV: LOLOLOL Your question about el metiche celoso ese and his jammies has me giggling so hard I can hardly type!

Wile E. Coyote call your office.

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