Saturday, September 22, 2007

Destilando Amor, 09/21/07: 3-2-1- Blastoff!

Rod and Gavi continue talking about the gala that evening when Alonso enters her office, raving like a lunatic. He starts freaking out about the guests' folios not arriving yet from the printers and there only being a couple hours till the event starts. As a boss he has a right to demand her full attention, though admittedly with a more civil tone, and Gavi should have put Rod on hold, but she doesn't and Rod has to hold himself back from jumping through the receiver and strangling Alonso for screaming at her.

She solves Alonso's problem and he asks angrily who Gavi is chattering to. ( I'd say the caffeine king needs a serious "intervention" about now cuz it's obvious he's got one mean addiction going, and this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act with his employees is getting really old.) Gavi says it's Ingeniero Montalvo and Alonso suddenly looks at her like he's just chomped down on a couple of prime sour balls. He stomps off to his office and slams his door.

Gavi tells a little white lie to Rod and says that it's unusual for her boss and swears that she's never seen Alonso like this; the affair has just made him a bundle of nerves for some reason. She asks Rod to promise then he'll be on his best behavior. Rod agrees as long as her boss behaves himself also and, provided he doesn't yell at her like that during the party. He tells her she's sacred to him, nobody should yell at her that way (that means you, too, Burly Bear!) and that his attitude is a result of his being so crazy in love with her. Gavi-Girl is all smiles now...........

Meanwhile, Dani and Elvis try to see Dr. Tejeiros, but Twerpy is hiding behind his door waiting for them to finally leave. His secretary informs them that he had to cancel all his appointments for the day for some emergency and wouldn't be able to speak with them for a couple of weeks at least. Elvis suggests he's avoiding them and simply hiding. Dani leaves Tejeiros a message that sooner or later he will have to talk to her. Once they're gone his secretary relays the message from Daniel and he tells her not in this lifetime he won't.

The coven has gathered back at Isa's. Pea-brained, self-righteous Sofia mentions that now more than ever Isa must stick like glue to her brother. Isa asks what she means and Minnie mentions the tour to Manzanillo and the visit to Montalveña and that she's going along with Aaron. They wonder if La Gaviota is going on it also. Either way, Isa says she's making sure she'll be there just in case and decides to fly back with Sofia and Minnie. Suddenly Isa needs a drink.

So now the Fearsome Foursome start having their own little party and the adult beverages begin to flow freely. Leave it to Sofia, though, to remind Minnie that she can't have any liquor because she's pregnant again. Minnie fudges and says just a little can't hurt. "Right, Fedra?" Fedra, all smiles at Minnie, says of course not but then thinks to herself that she's never forgiving this woman for not giving her son a child.

Fedra continues calling around to her friends in the CRT and tells them how they are protesting by staying away from the gala that night because the woman in charge who has rudely snubbed them, is the very same one Aaron fired for embezzlement back around New Year's. ( If I were any of those women, I would sure as shootin' want to get a look, up close and personal, at the female phenom and femme fatale who's puttin' on this shindig! I mean, come on, Fedra! What self-respecting socialite would want to be left out of the loop and all that juicy gossip at the club the next morning?)

Apparently, there are no true Sisters of Solidarity in high society 'cause nobody thinks much of Fedra's request to stay at home that evening. For now, Fedra's backdoor plan to sabotage the party seems to have fizzled. Sofia believes that after all the stories Fedra's told these women, none of them are going to let their husbands out of their sight, so of course they're all going. Fedra laughs and tells the others that at least the other wives are going to be uneasy and eventually more than one will pay attention to what she's told them and will react somehow.

Dani checks in with Gavi to tell her that Pilar is staying home out of support for the wives, but that she's become an admirer of Gavi's since their meeting and even said she could see from the look on her face that Gavi is truly in love with Rod. Gavi makes sure the men are coming and that their wives are not and to see if they had anything nasty planned. Dani cannot be sure The Breakfast Club de las Montalvo, schemers that they are, won't still try something nasty, but she knows they're all together at Rod's apartment for the evening while their husbands attend the business function at the CRT.

Back at Isa's pad across town adult beverages are flowing freely and it is now like sauced sorority sisters on steroids. (Worse! Shades of Animal House cuz darned if it doesn't bring back those gawdawful memories of dateless freshman Saturday nights with the roomies at that women's college out in the boonies, swilling scavenged bottles of booze and curling smoke rings with the Marlboro Man, all of us getting sozzled while we waited for some chump townie to come by --as they always did-- to offer us a ride to the nearest "hotspot" so we could scope out the hunks from the surrounding colleges and score a real date for a change.)

The drunker these desperate housewives get the more raucous they are. They start cracking all sorts of weird funnies about Gaviota, about Rod's being such a sad sack, and about Isa's being sad in the sack, all because of Gaviota. Then Minnie gripes about how Aaron's gone back to laying pipe wherever he can find accessible plumbing.

After a while they want music and Isa starts up the cassette player. Unfortunately, it's Rod's and the cassette is Gavi belting out a song, and it's like curse of the jornalera there because they just cannot escape her tonight. Meanwhile, Aaron is up to his old tricks again and is eating dinner with another one of his many female "friends with benefits" whom he's just asked to travel with him to Miami. While he's there on company business she can help him with his monkey business.

Aaron pulls out his cell and checks in with Minnie to tell her he's at his "business" dinner. Minnie is feeling very little pain by now and asks him in between giggles, who he's cheating on her with this time, Claudia? Sherlyn? Aaron can't even get a word in edgewise. He tells her she needs to stop drinking and eventually hangs up in disgust.

Over at Montalvo Corp., Margarita asks Rod to deliver a card for her to Mariana. He asks her to give him the once-over and tell him how he looks. She says swell and that Mariana is going to just melt when she sees him. (What is up with that scarf though, Rod?)

Next Frankie calls over to the harem of harpies with his lie, telling Sofia that he's spending the evening with his cousin, Estefano. He won't be coming by to pick her up later as they'd planned. Sofia, who is also way beyond knowing or caring, giggles and warns him off another rendezvous with his "panther-woman" from the hacienda. Afterwards, the others want to know who that's supposed to be and Sofia and Isa explain about finding Frankie's clothes one morning after he'd been out late and noticing how all the buttons had been ripped off. Isa assures them that Sofia is exaggerating the situation.

Feeling a bit awkward for a second or two Isa looks away but then, perfect hypocrite that she is, joins in the fun and laughs at it all with the rest of them. Sofia gets sentimental and comes over to Isa and tells her that she's her favorite sissy-in-law. Isa feels a bit guilty for a few seconds--but only a few.

In his office Alonso straightens his tie and plays the same "how do I look" game with Nancy. She pumps his ego up telling him he looks like some handsome hunk in a romance magazine.

Bruno and Rod show up at the festivities first and Bruno "introduces" Rod to Alonso. They chitchat about how nicely Mariana got things set up. Every time Alonso mentions Mariana by her nickname, "Gaviota", Rod makes it a point to correct him and points out it's Mariana, Mariana Franco!

Eventually Alonso and Rod are left alone together and it's the caffeine kid in need of a fix facing a guy who's the equivalent of a bull moose needing to rut and ready to fight its competition. (Come to think of it, Alonso's been doin' without for the past four years, himself, so a bit of moose bellowing and head-butting probably isn't out of the question for him either.) It is going to be a rough night.

Rod decides to complain about the screaming he obviously heard over the phone earlier. He tells Alonso that nobody ever yelled at Mariana like that when she worked at Montalvo. Alonso apologizes, saying these events make him nervous, but then adds that he's just as upset with Rod for always making her cry when she's on the phone with him. Rod gets his back up even more and says he can't stop him yelling at her but he'll do his darnedest to see she doesn't cry anymore.

The two are standing there staring angrily at each other when Gavi arrives with her group of 15 important importers. They notice her entering and quickly look away, and then, because they cannot help themselves they both look over at her. Right away, she sees that the two are desperately trying to avoid coming to fisty-cuffs.

Alonso is all smiles and giving Gavi a hopeful once-over with his eyes; Rod looks at her and seems frustrated and jealous. He runs over to mark his territory, nearly bending her over backwards when he gives her a kiss hello on the cheek. (Ewwh! Talk about your awkward moments.....) Gavi is a bit uncomfortable with his exaggerated PDA, but without losing a beat, she immediately introduces Rod to the potential buyers as the producer of the new, organic tequila, Ardent Passion.

From the minute Gavi enters the room both Rod and Alonso follow after her. Rod hovers like a junkyard guard dog and Alonso follows her more or less like a lovesick puppy, both of them nearly tripping her as well as each other while she walks around the room attending to the various guests.

Rod tries to carry the business end of the conversation with the buyers. He keeps cutting Alonso off from speaking, but when the buyers want to know what it is about his tequila that makes it first class Rod is at a loss for words. Alonso jumps in and finally gets a chance to do his job. He tells the men that he's tried it and it's the best organic tequila he's ever tasted. They only need to try it for themselves. Rod is grateful to hear him say this and dials back his temper a bit, letting the P.R. man dazzle the potential buyers and earn his salary at last.

Meanwhile a very inebriated Minnie blames Patricio for blabbing the truth to Aaron about her really visiting her elderly aunt in Spain instead of touring the Greek Isands. She phones Patricio to complain about it to him, but he's already left for the function at the CRT.

Lluvia answers. When Minnie tries to gripe at her too and warns her off trying for Aaron again, little Lluvia gives her back as good as she gets. She tells Minnie she doesn't know what trip she's talking about, that Patricio is the only man in her life and that since it's senseless speaking to her since she's obviously drunk, she is not going to bother, and simply hangs up.

Rod finds out that Gavi must travel with the group and Alonso to Manzanillo as part of her responsibilities and will spend the night there before traveling with them to Montalveña. It is what he's feared most and he becomes agitated, sarcastically suggesting that she take them all to the beach to view the sunset. "Manzanillo," he adds nervously and looks at her, "is a wonderful place to fall in love." Gavi tries to stress it is a work trip and there will not be time for beaches and sunsets. "Well, I definitely have some wonderful memories of the area." he says and tells them both that he'll wait for them at the hacienda at Montalveña and will host them there.

Clarita and Jose arrive at the gala. Of the two best friends, Clarita has come dressed very tastefully in an expensive linen-weave suit dress and is wearing her hair in a classic bun befitting her new status as parent of a corporate executive, while ironically Jose is in her best nylon pants outfit still looking as blue-collar as it gets since even though her son has married into high society, he denies her existence.

Clarita looks around and gives Gavi a wild yell to get her attention. Gavi comes over and reminds her she can't just yell out like some dockworker. Clarita looks around the room and sees Rod and Alonso are together and tells Gavi she's amazed they haven't killed each other yet. Gavi isn't holding her breath but hopes they'll contain themselves like that the rest of the evening.

Clarita spies Avellaneda next and she is immediately attracted to him. "He looks like a television star!" She demands to have Gavi introduce him to her. (Avellaneda a hunk? Who'd a thunk it?) So Gavi introduces her and Jose to both the Secretary of Agriculture and Roberto Avellaneda. Clarita is absolutely thrilled when Avellaneda kisses her hand. Both men congratulate Gavi for the fabulous success the function has turned out to be.

Afterwards, Gavi tells the two women that they can get a couple of free drinks and explains it's an open bar. However, she warns her mother not to do doubles tonight. They head off to get their tequila.

Aaron makes his entrance and walks over to Rod and Gavi who are now standing with Alonso and the group of buyers interested in Ardent Passion. Aaron greets Mariana and tries to kiss her on the cheek but Gavi coldly turns her head aside and simply introduces him to the others. Patricio walks over right afterward and she and he do greet each other warmly. "Glad to see it's going well for you, Mariana."

Aaron says, "Mariana, it looks likes you've done well for yourself." She replies that although some have tried to put stones in her way, she's happy working at the CRT because here they act decently and don't fire employees without justification, or steal their severance checks. Before Aaron can answer, Alonso breaks off the discussion. "No more talk about firings." To Gavi: "You've become an indispensable part of us--" Aaron chuckles and snickers, "Heh, yes, that's just what we thought when she used to work for us at our company until one day --" Rod jumps in to defend her, "That's history now and doesn't count; besides, the fact remains she's demonstrated her abilities and has done a terrific job here and hopefully will continue garnering her successes."

Mariana politely extracts herself and says to Aaron, "Ingeniero Montalvo, you and I will continue talking later." "--Yes, we will and we have many, many several and various things to discuss." Mariana walks coolly away. Aaron taunts Rod, "Absolutely we will! We're going on the trip to Manzanillo with them and I'll have three delicious days and nights to spend next to her." Rod grits his teeth and stares--hopefully counting to ten--but he says nothing.

Clarita and Jose find the nearest tequila booth. Clarita looks proudly over at Gavi being interviewed by the press and says that she lights up the place like a sun at noon. One thing leads to another and Jose asks about the story behind Clarita's husband. Clarita tells her, "That is a secret I'll carry to my grave," and then starts knocking back tequilas.

Rod catches up with Aaron at the bar and tells him enough already and then tries to laugh about it. "You're worse than even Isadora or Minnerva with all the biting commentary." Bruno walks over just then and checks in with the two of them. He and Aaron talk about the drink fest the wives are having on their own over at Rod's. Bruno says he cannot believe all the nonsense he was hearing going on in the background while he was talking to Fedra.

Across town again, Isa cries that Rod finds a rotten agave more exciting than her. Sofia says she obviously hasn't tried everything yet. "What else is left, attempting suicide?" she weeps. Sofia jumps to hug her while Minnie goes with the flow and starts singing "Ay! Gaviota!" off key in between giggles and Fedra even puts on a headscarf backwards and pretends she's our jornalera cutting jima in huaraches. This unfortunately does not cheer up Isa whose high is crashing and quickly turning into a blue drunk.


Some absolutely hilarious moments in this episode. Rod and Dr. Coffee's quiet hissing match reminded me of the choke off spats in LFMB. The drunken wives proving what idiots the coven members are. Clarita showing up looking mature and classy with her polyester suited BFF then ruining it all by shrieking at Gavi. I'm sure the worse is yet to come.

Interesting foreshadowing about Clarita's husband and she didn't look like the memories were pleasant. Could it be that the long suffering Acacia isn't the only one with a body in the barn?

For such a muy importante party there seems to be a lot of vacant space. Surely there were a lot of extra's available to fill in the space.

Monday's previews look priceless. The only thing apparently missing is the drunken wives showing up to have a p*** off match with Clarita and Jose who are sure to tip back a ton of free hootch.

A great recap! I agree... the witches cackling while drunk was funny! And Minnie right on target about Aaron fooling around on her really cracked me up!

Yes, Monday's should be very interesting, what with Rubberlips showing up and Frankie's frozen face when he sees dear old Mom!

Anyone else think it was maybe unprofessional for Dr. Coffee to give Rod's tequila such lavish praise in comparison to the other tequilas at the tasting?

Thanks for the recap...
Maggie..I find most anything Dr. Blondie does most annoying.

Now then the drunken ladies are like one drink away from puke sick. Sofie annoyed me most and I must give Isa kudos for not smacking her. I hate huggy drunks.
Also Sofie was drunk after the first strawberry slice..

good recap--- I thought this was one of the richest episodes. Each character seemed so perfectly who they are. Jardinera-- how funny you are -- the reference to college was a hoot, we must have gone to the same school. Truthfully I thought the wives' party seemed more fun than the other moribund one, where there were "hombres importantes." The moment when Sofie breaks down and pushes Isa to talk about La pantera really was powerful.... squirm, for just a split second. Of course hitting the button because they are too dumb to know how to work the music machine (uh-oh, might break a nail) and up pops Gavi on the tape was even funnier. Their shreiky version of Ay Gaviota was just a tad better than Clarita's singing at midnight, but it was funny--they even had the backup down. Meanwhile at the tequila booth party, Rod and Mr. Coffee really were like two rams. Clarita's one clear moment was when she asked hadn't they killed each other yet. I am so loving this. Next time I am cracking out the tequila.

Thank you for the recap.
This was a funny episode. I enjoyed seeing the "classless 4" drinking it up. I wish that Dona Pillar & Bruno could have seen Fedra with her jornalera head gear. How does he tolerate her?
I can't wait until Monday. I hope that Pepe LePew's (Pancho) lying days are numbered.
I agree Maggie. Dr. Blondie is annoying. I know that he is in love with Gaviota, he doesn't like Rodrigo but I felt that his endorsement was out of place.


xanMany thanks to our wordsmith master, Jardinera! It was an entertaining episode, with more impactados on Monday.

Gavi is having a few mature moments lately. In the meantime, our slow Rod just keeps drowning in his own jealous rages...

What a nice recap. We were having terrible thunder storms in the Miami area and I kept losing my sattelite. You captured those lost moments very well. I really enjoyed the humorous comparisons of Rod and Dr Coffee. "The caffeine kid facing a bull moose ready to fight its competition". The other that got my funny bone going was the comparison of a junkyard guard dog and a love sick puppy. There's something very likeable about Jose poor darling in her "blue collar" outfit. Clarita was gorgeous but her behavior fit the saying that "you can take a person out of the country, but you can't take the country out of a person". What an exciting episode. I enjoyed the partying witches as much as the gala event. Sophie really played her part well. She was a mellow drunk whereas even booze can't simmer down Minnie's anger. Two faced Fedra needs to be ashamed of herself.

I got home just in time to see Av* give Clarita almost as admiring a look as the one she gave him, and Jose staring happily at her hand that he had just kissed.

And then the brujas were at approximately that stage of the party where one person starts babbling "you guys are the greatest - you're my best friends in the world, I don't have any other friends besides you" and someone else ends up curled under the table crying.

I know there's going to be more drunkenness on Monday, and I believe I saw in the preview where Doña Jose walks right up to her dear Panchito in front of everyone.

I'm going to make popcorn.

I just hope Clarita doesn't start stuffing food into her purse.

Thanks, Jardinera. And to all those who commented, to quote Julie, ''You guys are the greatest.'' I felt embarrassed for the 4 drunk broads. It was like being at a party and watching people you work with everyday getting really stinking drunk stupid...cringe. These chicks are the centers of their own universes. I so want Min and Sophie to find out about their ''friend'' Isa and their husbands. I think the clock is tick-tick-ticking for Pancho. Let's count it down ...3...2...1...Jose!!! I still love Burly Bear, but he could lose the scarf. Dr.Coffee/Dr.Blondie is too wimpy wishywashy for me. I enjoyed the Gaviota/Mariana Franco debate. Rod is possessive , but I kind of like that in a guy. It's better than indifference and apathy. If the good doctor and Rod lock horns, we know who's going to win . Clarita looked very pretty. Being a country girl myself, I was happy to see her all dolled up and out with the city slickers ..let's hope that she holds back on the free tequila.

Dunno, Maggie, but maybe Alonso felt he could make points by pleasing Gavi with his positive comments about AP. On the other hand, he's a very honest and just individual, just like she is, and you can't really sell a product by hinting it isn't quite up to par, and this guy is supposed to be the ultimate in persuasive selling: a suave wordsmith as well as savvy. Also, we know it got some of the highest numbers that a tequila could receive from the top tasters in the industry .....
For me this was a tedious episodio with only a few bright spots of humor. (Just my personal take.) The scenes with Alonso and Rod were great, and Clarita is always a card because, despite her humble life and naivete in the ways of society sophisticates, she is wise as the day is long in human nature. However, I draw the line at thinking Avellaneda could ever think of hooking up with her! I mean, I appreciated the beautiful jewelry in the window at Cartier's in Paris, but I'd never dream of being able to own any of it let alone feel comfortable wearing any.....

Watching those self-serving, scheming, nasty, selfish, useless, female-of-a-plague-on-society women getting sloppy drunk while crying, "Woe is me" and then mocking their workers so tastelessly with the headscarf and the crack about jimadoras in huaraches, was just more than I could stomach without a few shots of something myself! BUT, unfortunately, I cannot avail myself of the spirits these days and it is taking its toll, believe-you-me!!

p.s. I will say that the actresses all were excellent in their interpretations of the inebriated female. They must have been or those scenes wouldn't have evoked such a response from the rest of us, huh.

This episode was hilarious and ooooohhh its gonna be so good on Monday! The only sad thing is that its getting closer and closer to the end...It's going to take me a while to mourn the loss of my novela. The only small hope I have left is that Christina will probably interview the cast- I hope! If anyone finds out any info on that please let me know! thanks

It's interesting how our opinions differ on how we see these characters. Rod may be good looking but I could never be attracted to a man like his character. He's beyond possessive. He's obsessed with gavi 24/7. He stalk her because he doesn't trust her out of his sight. He reminds me of the type who'd keep his woman at home, barefoot and pregnant. He's also too explosive. He's just short of dangerous. He's been in several physical fights and is willing to break Dr Coffee's face for yelling at Gavi. I like a man who is more even tempered like Patricio or Bruno.

Anon 1:02pm -- I certainly can understand your distaste for Rod's exceedingly possessive nature. I guess it begs the question, just when and where does the law consider it over the line? IMHO there were two instances when he interfered formally and I think there were snide and insulting words exchanged with her "other men", but never any implied or actual threats with either Beni or now, Alonso, only a lot of braggadocio. Even over the phone it was a matter of smash-mouth only. When he was in fights with the workers or Aaron it was because they'd insulted both her and his reputations, and that I would have cheered on myself. However, I am not a pacifist by any stretch of the word.

I'd say his possessiveness and "stalking" has stemmed first from his desire to ensure she was still in love with him and disinterested in anybody else so it would make sense to give everything up and divorce Isa; later when he was tricked into staying with Isa twice, he wanted to make sure the way was clear to hold her affections till he could free himself from the financial blunder over the next 90 days. I cannot fault him for worrying he's got competition in Alonso. That's a healthy human response when it's kept in check. Perhaps that is the intended PSA message Uni thinks it has to put out.

As for Rod's keeping them barefoot and pregnant attitude, I would tend to disagree because he's appreciative of her accomplishments and even asked her to work with him again at Montalvo Corp. and has kept her office empty with just that in mind. I would think Aaron is more like that than Rod is. : ? )

Okay if I correctly remember my highschool drinking binges with friends..the weakest link always got bashed on..thus I am totally surprised first Sofie hasn't just been ragged on into a total crying binge..then don't consider yourself safe little missy Isa, next to fall...ah only the strong survive

Speaking of which, beckster/Susanlynn: What do you think Sofia and Minnie will do to Isa when they find out about their husbands' affairs with her? Think we'll see some catfights? A bit of kicking, stomping, slapping and hairpulling? Cannot imagine what the writers have cooked up!

Jardinera, all of your justifications of Rod's behavor are valid. I'm only saying that he's not my type. I need more breathing space in a relationship. Rod's stalking seem cute since he's so darn handsome but in real life being stalked by a married man wouldn't be too cute. Or showing up on your job and kissing you in front of your boss wouldn't be too kool. So, again, please don't think I'm finding fault with him. I'm just saying he's not my type.

Anon 3:29 I agree with you about Rod and find his behavior ofrf putting. He is still a married man and living in the same house with his wife. His behavior crosses the line with me.

Now watching the coven girls getting drunk was fun and I think they are all just one drink away from one of the idiots having the brilliant idea to crash the party. My money is on Minnie who is the alpha bitch in the pack. Either that or they'll all fall in a heap of tears which is out of character.

Well I expect for poor pitiful me Sofie, to weep, gnash her teeth & say lots of "No Puede Ser"..then fall into the arms of her spiritual lover, James. pull a switchblade and cut the bitch..then sleep with Aaron (while showing her teeth in a savage way, thru all stages) & to think she is special cause she still has that hawtie Aaron.

Anon. 3:29 and decie: I forgot to add that he's not my type either, in any way, shape or form. His being married is a definite turn-off as well as all the PDA crap that's gone on and what the previews are showing. All would make me feel queazie. > : 3 ))

beckster: that will probably be Sofia's situation, but I can't help but hope she gets at least a couple of black eyes to symbolize her "blind ambition" that helped put everybody in the rut they're in; as for Minnie, she deserves a bald patch, a broken nose, and a few broken teeth for her continual backbiting and a few years at hard labor with Leona Helmsley's Mexican equivalent of the lowly "little people" for aiding and abetting her husband's fraud; Isa deserves to have a few bald patches, broken teeth, a broken nose, and sterility for being La Pantera and so animalistic in her ungrateful attitude toward Gavi after giving birth, and time in the slammer for bribery, coersion, and fraud and then she can become Big Bertha's "girlfriend" in there, without the benefit of her family sending her money to buy protection because they'll both be in the slammer too! Yep, I think that about covers it......

ok, ok, I get that the perras Montalvo will have to know sooner or later that Isa did Frankie, since there seems to be a little bundle of proof, but why would anyone have to know about Arron and Isa? Is this one of those telenovela rules about married sluts not having sex without someone finding out?

All things considered Minnie knows Aron is a cheat and so if she finds out he did Isa it will only p**s her off since Isa is supposedly her friend. Now Sofie on the other hand will become a candidate to join Acacia since she claims to love her SIL. A nice three way catfight would be new for a novela and worth waiting for but I suspect we'll get a few slaps and a lot of hissing with futile Fedra wringing her hands.


The truth always comes out..cause hey it is just fun that way. Or the storyline just completely gets dropped.
I want the truth to come out..Cause as we have all seen Minnie brings the vicious and Isa always backs down from Minnie

I agree with Beckster - while I haven't been watching these very long, I know that secret deceptions never remain secret in a telenovela. Nor in soaps in general.

Rod is also not my type, physically nor personality-wise. I get where his looks are theoretically appealing, even if I don't see them that way. As for his personality... I have to give the writers and Angelica Rivera MAJOR credit for selling that. It's cute that he's all in love and junk, but he's made too many errors of judgment, temperament, and character for my taste.

I don't remember whose comment, or what they said, made me think of this, but: I noticed that Dr. Blondie was looking Gavi up-and-down, openly, at the party. To me, this seems out of character for him. I thought he was more discreet than that. This reinforces my theory that his illness, whatever it is, is affecting his mind; but I admit that there's not a whole lot of additional supporting evidence.

Speaking of minds being affected, I was also impressed by the way the various brujas expressed their drunkenness. It really rang true. I even wondered if they actually got a little buzzed in order to do the scene; but I think it's more likely that Mr. Gaitan has spent a lot of time watching drunken women do their thing. ;)

I did finally watch the episode in its entirety this morning, and what Dr. Blondie said was that AP was the best ORGANIC tequila he'd ever tried. I figure that's okay since he's probably had only two or three at most, and probably AP is the only new one at this year's expo. (I'm just guessing.)

Natalia: Yes, Christina ALWAYS (in my experience so far) does at least one show (often two) at the end of any popular telenovela. However, the entire cast doesn't always participate. (Since DA has ended in Mexico, she's probably either done the taping already, or will do it very soon.)

Julie: You're right! Alonso did say "organico" and I didn't make that distinction, so I'll just go ahead and add that in. Thanks.

In the long run, you make a good point, in answer to Maggie's question. I don't know if this changes the essence of his support for AP tequila over the others as an excellent product or not, since he's very well travelled, and other parts of Mexico and a few other countries (like S. Africa), we were told, tequila is also made, and these could have their own version of an organic. It isn't clear, as you've said, what "others" he might have been referring to, i.e., a different region's, or a different country's, i.e., South Africa, I believe, as I heard both Gavi and Alonso welcome them and direct them inside in English. Of course, that could have been because the importers were either American or South African, etc.....

Now about the Gavi/Rod relationship..yeah Rod has been a bit of an ass. However, his uber-tard lapses in judgement have allowed Gavi to grow far beyond (like only on a soap), where she was four years ago. She has been forced to rely on herself and prove herself. She will never have to rely on Rod & he knows it.

What I like about this TeleNovela, is that thru out all the crap, they have never doubted their own love. I mean they have doubted each other but never themselves..See LFMB. Each in his/her own way have remained true to each other.

The Rod character I really can't explain because he is well just stupid, he hasn't really done things out of spite..but just stupidity.

If I had been Gavi's friend, I would have told her to move on decades ago. In truth, she is Rod's spiritual Amante. It is a bit annoying.

I guess Rod would really annoy the crap out of me..well wait I guess I could put up with him as long as he gave me copious amounts of tequila...and worshipped me, & gave me full run of the hacienda...Yeah I think we could make it work. Plus if he let me berate Sofie.

excellent recap of an interesting capitulo. i really thought that the gals might have been drinking real drinks at the filming. they were doinga real convincing portrayal of drunken slurring and acting. looking forward to monday- what las perras montalvo do next (are they going to crash the soire'?), Frankie and Jose', Aron and Innertubelips, Clarita the wild card, and of course those boys Rod and Dr. Cafe'. should be a very action-packed and interesting episode. just wish i had captions at the bottom to follw it's getting really fun now, i'm feeling swept up in it!

I can see Pamela checkmating anything that Aaron might try at the festival anti Gavi by at least occupying his time; Gavi with Frankie the same way.

p.s. I'd say it's high time Gavi and Pammy meet and compare Aaron & Minnie experiences.....

it look slike Pammie and gavi just might have that opprtunity tonight. this episode is going to be a barn-burner...

Thanks for the excellent recap. I missed part of it. You perked my interest in production of tequila in South Africa. I have not lived there for over half a century. I found this article:

They cannot call it tequila as that right probably belongs to Mexico. According to the article India may also start production.

I enjoyed the women in this episode, Clarita and Jose out for a big evening and the 4 borrachas/ brujas. Beyond the well-portrayed progressive inebriation, I liked the way the "evil" actresses seemed to be having fun with this opportunity to loosen up. Looking forward to Monday's action.

I meant a quarter of a century:). I emigrated in 1979.


Mexico fought a long and hard battle to protect the tequila name. Tequila can only be called that if it is made in Mexico and must be made from blue agave. They got tired of all the cheap rot gunk junk that was using the name and reflecting poorly on their own product. There are some stunningly great tequila's out there and they wanted the same copy-write protection that France gets for Champagne (or at least tries to get).

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Beckster^^^I enjoyed your stipulations for your relationship with Rod. You gave me the only laughs I've had all day. I appreciate your great sense of humor. Gracias.

Yes, Susanlynn, I know all about the battle about champagne and some other French brands. The Cape - southern most part of S. Africa has a mediterarean climate and they have produced good wines. My ancestors on my dad's side were French Huguenots and helped the Dutch refine growing grapes and making wine. It seems that the agave plants require a different type of climate. Believe me no sane person would want to live in the Karoo. Don't tell my South African friends who live there :)

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