Friday, September 21, 2007

Juan-Thursday 9/20 - I pity the fool that falls in love with you*

*I heard this blues classic today and couldn't resist copying Amanda's quote motif (and Beckster's song-title method). Bobby "Blue" Bland could have been talking about more than one of our characters, no?

From yesterday: CL goes on a tirade against the infeliz who spent the night with Paula. He solicits Juan's help in finding out the identity of the guy. Juan displays one of his classic Juan Dominguez What Have I Gotten Myself Into Now faces.

Marely sees Yadira's flowers, are they from Kike? Fernando? No, says Yadi, they're from Alirio's friend Ramon Gutierrez who is uglier and crazier than Alirio. Mari dolefully comments that the world is worse than ever. Yadi sees that Mari is in a funk and she surmises it's due to Juan. Mari tearfully tells her sis that last night Juan was out with another woman.

In the den Alirio yells full volume to the phone while Nidia observes. He tells Ramon Gutierrez to stay away from them. Alirio is firm. He's strong. He is probably talking to a dead phone. He slams the phone down and puffs up in front of a sceptical Nidia.

Ah, Nidia has her doubts as well. She dials *69. My,'s not Gutierrez but rather the Gregorio Bakery. Nidia is not amused.

Yadi tells Mari that the only odd thing is that Juan hasn't had a girlfriend before now. Mari says, "girlfriend, if you can call her that because she regrets having been with him." Yadi can't believe it! Who would regret being with that papirrico, that muscular yummy yummy? (Yadi then says something I don't understand, "mucho tilin tilin y nada de paletas". Anyone have a clue?) Mari tells Yadi that the "girlfriend" told Mari She regretted being with Juan. Aha! So Mari knows Her? Mari admits it, she knows The Woman. Yadi's dying to know who it is.

Nidia tells Alirio he's pathetic for lying like a child. He whines and sucks up to her. She wants to give Gutierrez the big smack-down but Alirio begs her to let him handle it his own way.

Mari tells Yadi that She is just a girl at the office. She's pretty, nice, and a good person. Mari would fell better if She were a terrible witch. Mari adds that silly Juan is more deluded than ever and will end up broken. "And Saint Marely will be there to console him," Yadi suggests. Mari shakes her head and cries while her sister comforts her.

Juan and Kike sit in the limo at the Farell garage. Kike observes Juan's extreme mood change. This morning he was on top of the world and now he's at the bottom, what gives? Is it because the Licenciada left without telling him? Juan wonders why she would do that. Kike thinks it's because she felt the weight of Juan's desires. Juan thinks maybe she's confused. She's one of those women who seems confident on the outside but on the inside they are like delicate wafers, you blow on them and they become fractured and broken. Suspicious Kike asks Juan once again, did anything happen between him and the Licenciada? Juan looks like he's about to explode. He thought bubbles a bunch of stuff I didn't understand.

"Uh oh, here's your rival," Kike taunts as CL walks through the garage. He notes that CL has it all, he is the very picture of a guy dripping with dough. Kike tells Juan that not even in his dreams will Juan ever matter to the Licenciada. This makes Juan angry, there are more things in the world than money, like feelings for example! Juan says he might be a Mr. Nobody but at least he's well-proportioned. (I'm not sure what he was trying to say exactly but I couldn't agree more!) He tells Kike he's got an idea. They'll go to the taqueria and discuss it.

Paula thanks Ana for the lift. Ana feels Paula hasn't told her the entire truth about last night. If only Paula would tell her then Ana might be able to help Paula find a solution to her problem. (Or maybe Ana is just nosy and wants to hear about Paula's adventures because Ana is a terminal wet blanket and has no life of her own.) Paula goes to her room and attempts to sit down but it's difficult because she's wearing a red headband as a skirt. I can't believe she wore that outfit to work!

Post tacos, Juan tells Kike that if he wants to win Paula he really has to get his act together. He has to be able to offer her the life she's accustomed to. "How," laughs Kike, "by working lots of overtime?" Juan whips out a flyer, it says "Revalide su Bachillerato". (Does this mean "Earn your Diploma" or something like that?) Kike thinks it's too late for Juan but our optimistic Juan insists it's never too late.

Yadi tries to wheedle a car out of Nidia but Nidia says "No, no, no y no!"

Juan and Kike are now at the National Technical School. Juan's brochure says he can finish his Prep in 6 months, then he'll be able to go to the university. He's always dreamed of being an, he'll be an architect and build Paula the house of her dreams, two stories, a chimney, etc. Then he starts talking about meatballs. With chipotle. Whatever, I guess he's hungry again.

Monica greets CL when he gets home. He growls that he's had a rough day and does NOT want to discuss Paula Davila. Monica just wants to say one thing, their old pal Esteban Marquez will be in town and wouldn't he be the perfect guy for Paula?

Paula paces in her room (looking much more comfy in a bathrobe), she imagines kissing Cl, then she remembers kissing Juan, back to CL, then back to Juan again. "How could I?" she asks. (How could you even consider CL over Juan, I ask?)

CL and Monica argue. That's all he ever does with the women in his life. Why is he such a prize? He's a prize ass in my opinion. But I digress. He tells Monica that once she gets an idea in her head there's no stopping her.

Juan registers for school while Kike pats his rotund belly. The hottie in the registrars office is very impressed by Juan. He winks at her and kisses her hand. He will begin classes tomorrow. She admires his, um, departure.

Juan hits up Kike for a loan for his tuition. Doesn't Kike want Juan to better himself, to improve his life, blah blah blah? Kike finally agrees and adds that he'll go back to school too.

Pastor spends an excruciatingly boring evening at home. Mama knits while he, still in his suit, reads. He reminds her that she has a medical appointment tomorrow to get the results of her tests. She has to go because she forgot her own her age one lives in their memories. She snaps that those memories are killing her.

Juan finally gets home and runs into Marely. She wants to give him the ring back; she suspects it was never intended for her. She persists throughout the commercial until Juan finally admits the truth. She tells him to be cautious; she doesn't want to see him get hurt. He asks why would she say that? "Just be careful," she insists, "you're too innocent and ingenuous...and I can't keep the ring!" Juan thought bubbles that he feels lower than the sole of a shoe.

As Juan thinks he becomes suspicious, could Paula have told Marely about last night? They're friends so Marely must know about their romantic encounter. Juan thought bubbles that he's dying to know what words passed between the two women. He continues to agonize and blather to himself all night long.

The next morning at breakfast Mari attempts to ignore Juan while he casually tries to elicit information out of her. She says yes, Paula talked to her but she can't reveal what was said. Juan starts to put the squeeze on but Nidia breezes in and aks Juan for a huge favor...can he drive Alirio to the office? She won't take no for an answer.

Paula asks Ana to give her a ride to work. Ana rolls her eyes, she doesn't really want to enable Paula's immaturity and says Paula can't avoid Juan forever. Paula announces that today she will buy her own car. Ana says Paula is acting like a child, she'll buy a car just to avoid seeing Juan? "Come on ma, just this one ride," Pauls begs, "but first I have to make a quick call."

Juan is in the midst of trying to get out of driving Alirio to work when the phone rings. Oh my, it's Paula, and she's in such a rush to get to work that she can't wait for Juan, Ana will drive her, bye!! Juan admits to himself that there's no doubt about it, she's definitely hiding from him. As he drives to work with Mari and Alirio, he thought bubbles that he thought she was a decent woman, but as they say, love is blind...and the rest of what he said was just too complicated for my pea brain to translate, sorry. Juan goes on and on with his confusing mish-mash of mixed metaphors.

Cut to Paula at work. She tells Pastor that she doesn't want her decision to affect Juan's Job. Pastor snippily tells her that Juan is the company's chauffeur, not hers. He'll find something for Juan as he's a valued employee of the company.

The odd trio of Juan, Marely and Alirio arrive at work. Juan watches Marely and thought bubbles "Why does one like to complicate life so much? I could have been with my little rose garden, such beautiful eyes and graceful figure, so intelligent and with a big heart, but no, one must suffer."

Pastor approaches CL to make his case. Paula plans to buy her own car and drive herself, therefore he (Pastor) wants Juan to be assigned as his chauffeur. CL tells Pastor he'll think about it, don't push him because he's in a very bad mood.

Pastor tries to recount this episode to Ivonne but is interrupted by Alirio who is all "call me Licenciado and not Señor" to Pastor. Alirio drools over Ivonne who is not impressed. She starts to announce Alirio to CL when Pastor pipes up "Why announce such an important man like Licenciado Perafan?" He and Alirio exchange condescending belly pats and Alirio heads for CL's office, instructing Pastor to bring them a couple of coffees. Pastor smugly waits for the caca to hit the fan.

CL is irritated at Alirio for not knocking. He starts to kick him out of his office but Alirio asks, "what exactly is my job?"

Paula tells Marely that she needs to buy a car to solve her problem, the problem being that she doesn't want to see Juan. Marely scolds Paula, doesn't she know that Juan is still ignorant of how Paula feels? She urges Paula to talk to Juan because it's better for him not to have his head in the clouds. Paula reluctantly agrees, "you're right, I have to talk to Juan, I have to bring him back to reality. Could you tell him to come up please?"

Observation: Has anyone noticed that whenever Paula has the final scene or line it's very anticlimactic? I'm just sayin'

esperar la cosa ponerse fea = wait for the s**t to hit the fan (lit. wait for things to become ugly)

estar en las nubes = to have one's head in the clouds

ponerse las pilas = get one's act together (lit. put on the batteries)


Hey, Cap’n Eve, thanks for the terrific recap! You run a tight ship! Thanks for the dichos!

For someone who comes off like an over hormonal ditz sometimes, Nidia nailed Alirio smoothly with the redial for “Gutierrez.” I was proud of her.

“Kike tells Juan that not even in his dreams will Juan ever matter to the Licenciada.” Poor Juan doesn’t like it that Kike is so observant AND direct. Kike is not capable of lying well, or refraining from saying it like it is.

“If only Paula would tell her then Ana might be able to help Paula find a solution to her problem. (Or maybe Ana is just nosy and wants to hear about Paula's adventures because Ana is a terminal wet blanket and has no life of her own.)” LOL! Ana surely is a wet blanket. Best description I’ve seen yet of her.

“Paula goes to her room and attempts to sit down but it's difficult because she's wearing a red headband as a skirt. I can't believe she wore that outfit to work!” ROTFL! Can you believe ANY of what she’s worn to work so far?

Here’s from the Yahoo online dictionary:;_ylt=AryZmvG5rJSKRYAIka8EgFT_s8sF

“ba·chi·lle·ra·to - m. - studies required to enter a university program, equivalent to a high school diploma

Inflected Forms: bachilleratos – masc”

Sounds like a GED or something. Originally I thought an Associate’s Degree, but this sounds more like a diploma, as you noted, Sylvia.

I think it’s so great that Monica is looking to fix Paula up. Talk about cooking CL’s goose! Indeed, Sylvia, how could Paula choose CL over Juan?

The scene with Pastor and his mother was sweet and poignant. I find myself liking Pastor. Sometimes.

“and the rest of what he said was just too complicated for my pea brain to translate, sorry. Juan goes on and on with his confusing mish-mash of mixed metaphors.” It has nothing to do with your brain, which is stellar. It’s the mixed metaphors. They’re more than mixed, they’re pureed to a pulp.

Jeanne (aka Captain Jenny Cash…..doesn’t sound too swashbuckling to me, maybe I better try again)

Sylvia - Thanks for the fine recap. Perhaps I loved the headband as skirt description best. The acceptable office attire in these telenovelas sometimes shows panties instead of pantylines and enough cleavage to make one think of photos of the grand canyon. Sexy babes though, gotta flaunt it while they got it.
I will look forward to catching up via Caraycaray when I return from Australia in 2 wks. Adios comadres y compadres! I don't think I will see any Spanish TN's there. I am already feeling the withdrawal pains...

Yes, Sylvia, thanks for the dichos and also for helping the rest of us not to feel so bad about getting lost in Juan's the other telenovelas I can get it all (pretty much) if the closed captioning is working...but ye gods, with this one, both Enrique and Juan get going and lose me completely. I get the emotion but not the words...what a workout for the brain!

Judy B.

I came home late after a school meeting. I did not see the beginning of the show, but I think that what Yadira was trying to insinuate was that maybe Juan talked too much but couldn't perform and maybe that was why Marely’s “friend” regretted it. “Mucho tilin tilin y nada de paletas” is referring to the ice cream little cars that sell ice pops (paletas) in the parks in Mexico. They announce their product by ringing little bells attached to the cars. You were right Jeanne. In Mexico there are 2 kinds of high education. If you finish your “bachillerato” is like doing an AA degree, however you have a choice to continue your education or just end it there. On the other hand if you finish the “Preparatoria” you have no degree and have to continue in order to become a “Licenciado” in something. If you have a “bachillerato” you must enter a Tecnologico. If you finish “preparatoria” you must enter “La Universidad”. What Juan was trying to do (I think) was to take some classes to make his “bachillerato” education equivalent to a “preparatoria” education and be able to enter “la Universidad”.

Hey all you Fernando Colunga followers, the leading lady in his new novela was supposed to have been Adela Noriega, from Amor Real. But right before shooting began she had some botched up surgery and wanted the production to wait on her, needless to say they said NO-NO and that's how Susana ended up in the role. Just FYI...

Maricruz, I just KNEW you would bail me out. Thank you! I have also wondered about Juan's yackety yack. How can the guy concentrate?

Great sleuthing Jeanne. (Maybe you should rename yourself Cap'n Somebody Else's Cash) You folks are amazing when it comes to filling in the blanks. I was positively dizzy after last night's episode.

Cherylnewmex, have a fantastic vacation!

Anon, thanks for the info on FC. Too bad about Adela Noriega, hope she's doing better. I have heard a lot of griping about Susana Gonzales in the lead, but I really like her and was excited to hear that she got the chance. Now we'll just have to wait and how the chemistry works out...


CherylNM, I second Cap'n Eve's motion for you to have a great vacation!


Maricruz, thanks! Great info!


Sylvia, love the title! ;-) Oh, and I second jeanne in that your description of Ana is the best ever. Seriously, does that woman ever not have a sour look on her face?

Cap'n Eve***There were a lot of captains at the other site I frequent . Someone there was just named Calico Bess Flint...catchy, no? I might plunder that one . There are a lot of Flints there , too--Black Mary Flint, Bloody Mary Flint. I might steal the Bloody Mary Flint , but last night after a stressful couple of days of packing up my m-i-l to move into a smaller apartment, I treated myself to some me-time that included a wine cooler called Seagram's Cherry now I'm thinking that I mighty be Cherry Mary Fizz. At least these pirate names and the anticipation of Fernando as PIRATE on the horizon keeps my mind occupied. ~~~Dread Pirate Bonney [a really weiny name for a pirate...que the hell ???]

Susanlynn, good luck packing and all....I like that Bloody Mary twist, though. I thought Captain Jenny Cash was pretty dorky and couldn't figure it out, except that I realized I told the quiz my favorite color is black (it is, really, probably because I spent five years working for a firm in Manhattan and everyone in Manhattan wears black and white, period.) So, the quiz decided I was the woman in black. The other factor that probably tipped the balance was that I took over running my family the day I was born. My three year old stepgrandaughter did that to all of us, too--when she walks into the day care, she's in charge. It doesn't even matter if it's her cousins' day care and not hers. This started at 18 months.

Jeanne (proud Grandma)

Captain-my-captain Jenny Jeanne Cash : I took the quiz and used several names [Susanlynn, susan, susy, ''stevi'', my name on the Highlander site] and different answers and always got the same name. I think that they are using a lot of British names--Mary, Jenny, Bonney, Bess, etc. So I've decided to just beg-borrow-and steal something I like in true pirate tradition. These last few days have been spent packing and trying to calm hubby down since his sister has pretty much dumped everything in our laps and we don't have much help since one of our daughters lives in 8 hours away in Toronto [she worked in Manhattan for several years and owns lots of black, too] and one is due any time now. Anyhoo, escaping here and into telenovelaland, and the wine coolers is helping me. I multitasked all day here to get my papers corrected for Monday's classes and get my own house in order as much as possible. Now Cap'n Hubby is calling me to return to his mother's house for more packing ...C'est-la vie, n'est-ce pas? One just keeps doing and moving forward...a life lesson that I learned a long time ago. Swim with the tide, Matey. ~~~Bloody Mary Cherry Fizz, waiting for her ship to come in and considering swimming out to meet it

Susanlynn Bloody Mary Cherry Fizz--

LOL! I guess we won't ask how many wine coolers it takes to pack an apartment.


Sylvia, wonderful recap as always! I think Pastora's remark about memories killing her were a hint of some amazing revelation or another to come. Will Pastor turn out to be Cesar Luis's long-lost brother or something? Hmm.

Clever Carmel, I wonder?..

y nada de paletas" I think what was said was lots of ding a ling but no popcicles. A paleta is a popcicle and my really big dictionary says that the other word = ding a ling. The good humor man?

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