Thursday, September 13, 2007

Juan Q 9/12 - The manana after....and guess who's coming to dinner!

Moni outs to CL that Pau is coming to dinner. CL tells her she’s taking things too far and that she’s obsessed with Paula, she’s just an employee. Moni says that she helped very much and she’s considered a friend for that even though they haven’t known each other that long. Cl says she just trying to get ahead and that she will take advantage of her generosity and he sees her all day and doesn’t want to see her at home too. Moni disagrees and says tough, it’s done, I invited, she accepted and I’m not gong back on it now.

Delirio sings Mananitas to Nid as she snores away, she then wakes and asks who told him it was her birthday. She asks if he woke up well, he says there’s no better medicine than to sleep next to his beloved. He wants her to eat so that she is well prepared for what awaits her. She says what’s that. He says leave it to me, you just need to be in touch with Eros. She asks, Eros the singer? He’s says no he’s ready for his wedding morning instead of wedding night and says it time they consummate!

Back at the police station, they come up with the idea to take Pastora back to where she came from. He doesn’t want to but they tell him that’s the only thing left to do that this poor woman is upset. He doesn’t want anyone to say he’s not a good citizen, so he’ll take her to where he picked her up so maybe she’ll recognize her house. They tell her but she says she doesn’t remember him, and anyway he has the face of a depraved man. The police sergeant loses his patience and gives her the ultimatum - it’s this or the psych ward.

Gritos come from the bedroom. Alirio is screaming at the top of his lungs as the other house occupants stack up outside the door wondering if someone is being killed. Juan speculates that maybe she’s trying to get rid of him all over the room (dando chicharrones). Marely is afraid maybe he’s right because she was really annoyed last night. We flash inside to Nid telling Ali to stop yelling that she hasn’t even touched him yet. He says he’s engulfed with the thoughts of things to come and the mere contact with her skin drives him wild. She tells him she has daughters and he needs to shut up or they will think her indecent. He finally agrees he will if she’ll give him a little honey. It then gets quiet.

Outside Juan and the gang are discussing whether they should knock to see if things are ok because that doesn’t sound normal. Marely contemplates her mom being a black widow. They make her knock. Nid comes to the door and says she not killing him that he has an ingrown toenail and she’s trying to get it out. Yadi makes fun of her mom’s story. Juan thinks she’s telling the truth because an ingrown toenail hurts more than giving birth. Anyone care to comment on that???

Back inside Nid continues to tell Alirio to shut up and if he doesn’t he’ll never get it. She puts her foot down that they are going to wait until they are alone in the house whether he likes it or not.

Juan and the girls go down and Yadi kids Juan for being innocent and believing her story. Marely says well you don’t expect her to tell us exactly everything she’s doing anyway. Juan says well it sure sounds like Alirio is having the bomb!! The girls are offended that he talk about their mom that way. He says well, it is the wedding night so at least one of them should enjoy it. He tells himself that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth and he is a little ashamed with his girls.

The taxi shows up outside of the house Cachon with Pastorawitch inside. The taxi driver explains what he’s got, and asks for Juan’s help. He recognizes her and goes to kiss her glad she’s found. She is pleased someone finally knew her name. He asks the driver how much he owes. The taxi driver says nothing he’s just happy to return her. He says leaving this woman in someone else’s hands is payment enough.

Juan calls Pastor and tells him the mom is here and she’s ok. While Pastora waits, she asks the daughters what they are looking at, Marely says they are just pleased how well she managed out on the streets, to which Pastora replies that she is a decent woman and doesn’t wander the streets, Marely tries to clarify but she insults the daughters Cachon by calling them things of little importance, horribly outfitted, wiry legs. Juan tries to keep the peace.

Moni asks if CL is still mad, he says he wasn’t then agrees that he was. She doesn’t understand why he is so bugged. She wants him to tell the truth, doesn’t he like Pau?

Back at Casa Davila Ana and Pau are talking about the dinner and imagine that this woman might become her good friend; Pau says in that case she has to tell Moni everything because she can’t sustain a friendship on such a lie. Ana asks her if she could do that and if she really should be friends with this woman. Ana says Cl is still her boss and she needs to watch out for her career. Pau can’t wait to see his face when she tells everything to his wife. Ana says he’ll deny everything and blame it all on her. She says she would love to see his face though when she does tell his wife everything.

CL denies that he dislikes Pau. He thinks she’s an opportunist. She thinks he’s wrong that maybe it’s his fault because he’s cold and distant around people. She thinks he needs to get to know her better. She’s a good person.

Pastor is doting over his newly found mom. They should have left her lost. She is still rude to him. He thanks Juan profusely for bring her back. Juan tells him he needs to watch his mom more carefully because she didn’t remember her house or Juan, Pastor is impactado.

Marely yells at Yadi to stop making a big deal about the morning’s events because like it or not that guy is mom’s husband and we have to see him everyday. Juan agrees that they don’t need to make more of it than there is. Yadi reluctantly agrees.

Alirio comes down and greets everyone with a good morning. Yadi says not as good as you had and asks him if he’s always going to be having an ingrown toe nail pulled out. Juan cracks up.

Alirio thanks Juan for his “support” and complains about being the brunt of jokes. He shames him into understanding him as a man. He ends up asking Juan to take the girls out of the house. Juan isn’t sure he can, especially with Marely and wants to know why. Alirio tells him his plan; Juan macho-ly encourages him, but says he can’t do it. Alirio begs him to think of a reason he can get them away. We hear a tiger growling and then Juan looks at the painting of same.

Juan chats with himself for a while as he sews, reflecting on the agitating weekend and wondering how things are going with Cl and his little dove.

Pastor is at the doctor with his mother.

Pau chats with Juan in the car about Pastora, and that Moni called her for dinner with her and CL. She says she couldn’t refuse because Moni kept insisting and is really thankful for how she helped when Moni lost her baby. She thinks it would have been wonderful if he would have been invited too since he was there and helped just as much. He says he only was the chauffeur. Pau says he helped and she would feel much more comfortable if he were there with her. He tells her she shouldn’t have accepted. She says she actually is interested in going because she’d really love to know what CL has always had in mind. He starts to tell himself that after this night things are going to change for her and for him.

Pastor rehashes his mom’s plight with Yvonne and tells her Moni lost the baby and Pau consoled her the whole time. Pastor tells her that at Nid’s wedding CL and Pau didn’t even look at each other. Yvonne is pleased about that. Oh, and by the way, he says CL wants him to throw her out of the business. Of course Yvonne doesn’t take this well and bad mouths CL that he just throws her away when he’s done and who does he think he is and if he wants war he’ll get it and so forth. Yeah, duh.

She says she knows Cl well and she can take him on. Pastor thinks she should take this opportunity and don’t be stubborn, she’s young and has a lot of things that she can be doing and he’ll help her with her severance. She wonders whose side he’s on, he says hers, but he knows he can’t change CL’s decision.

At the apartment CL leaves as Mon reminds him to bring Pau home with him for dinner.

Ali is looking at Yadi and tell her she should make something of herself and finish school. She says she has no desire to burn off her eyelashes and be mediocre. Ali continues that if she doesn’t want to go to school, she needs to find something to do, that’s what her Pa wanted for her. She lashes back that, yeah that and to give the Davilas his fortune and leave us in the street, but thankfully that my mom married you that won’t happen, so leave me alone. She figures him out, though, that he just wants her out to be alone with her mom. She toys with him a little as he denies this and then tells him not to worry because he won’t have to wait that long anyway, she’s going out this afternoon.

Pau says goodbye to Juan, and wishes him a good day. She asks him to wish her luck, which he says he would, and more as she says she’s going to have a tough day. Just then Kike comes up and asks how it went with his mother in law yesterday. Juan says who? Kike says, you know Pastor’s mother. Juan doesn’t take the joke well and punishes Kike by dumping a heavy box on him and nearly breaking him down until he apologizes!

CL walks into the office where everyone stares at him funny. He notes this and goes into his office where Yvonne follows him and yells at him about his decision to let her go. She says this time she has nothing to lose so she will act on her warnings to him that she knows too much about him. She threatens him to try her to see what she is capable of.

Marely and Pau are discussing what she’s got on her agenda; Pau says from now on she won’t let her private life interfere with work. Marely asks if that means the problems with Cl are over, Pau says no, on the contrary I think they are just beginning. Could it be that she is finally seeing the light???

Yvonne is still chastising CL for letting her go. He says actually this is the best for the both of us. She retorts that he’s only thinking of himself and his convenience. He then turns it on thick and says he has a special concern for her and he wants her to excel and reach higher levels than she can at Farell. She says he thinks he knows women and can manipulate them but she says she’ll show him. She warns him that as much as she’s suffered, he’ll suffer double.

Finally, I just want to thank Melinama for filling in for me last week while I was in Mexico. I did see just a little of Juan Q, which is way ahead of us, and well, there are definitely some interesting developments in store...


Thanks Kris, I really enjoyed last night's episode and your recap of it.

I find the Pastora sub-plot very interesting. In the midst of the slapstick they have decided to bring up a rather serious subject. I wonder how it will be handled? It brings up yet another side to Don Pastor...and to Juan. Juan seems like such a boob half the time yet he is always very sweet to Doña Pastora and he seems genuinely concerned about her.

My my, I fear Casa Cachón is about to get even nuttier with Alirio in the mix. Remember we were discussing that Yadi does nothing all day except her hair and her nails? Methinks Alirio is already weary of her hanging about the house all day, hence his urging her to go to school.

Wasn't Juan adorable when he was sewing the button on his shirt?

Thanks for the recap...I always miss the first 15 minutes or so because I get home late for work and our recorder has to be set manually. I depend on you guys mucho!
You're killing me though with "interesting developments to come"...oooh, I'm wondering what!!?? Will Paula tell Monica...or will Ivonne?
Oh well, tune in tonight and next week. Thanks, K.

Judy B.

Kris, thanks for the great recap!! And thanks for the teaser about interesting developments ahead!

“CL tells her she’s taking things too far and that she’s obsessed with Paula, she’s just an employee.” Who better than CL knows what an obsession with Paula looks like? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

“He’s says no he’s ready for his wedding morning instead of wedding night and says it time they consummate!” Here’s another one who knows what obsession looks like. He’s obsessed…..sort of like Don Loco in Duelo…..but harmless--mostly.

“the psych ward.” Poor Pastora. And can you picture the poor workers in the psych ward?

“Juan thinks she’s telling the truth because an ingrown toenail hurts more than giving birth. Anyone care to comment on that???” Only that it sounded like something a guy would say. Women know better.

“She puts her foot down that they are going to wait until they are alone in the house whether he likes it or not.” Reminds me of a song line: until the 12th of never……that’s when the house will be empty.

“Pastorawitch” LOL! Perfect! I loved it when she told the girls they had spindly legs and they both looked down as if they really believed it. Pastora’s got ankles as thick as her knees. Maybe her perspective is skewed.

“Pau can’t wait to see his face when she tells everything to his wife.” H*** hath no fury like a woman deceived. (Sorry, Shakespeare) I’ve always heard that if you attack, it brings attack back to you. This just seemed spiteful to me.

“He thinks she’s an opportunist.” Spoken from experience by one of the best.

“They should have left her lost. She is still rude to him.” LOL! Sylvia, you're right, though. This is a very serious subject and one that worries me as I have two parents getting elderly and frail, as well as a husband who is over 70 (though very fit given congestive heart failure). It will be interesting, as you note, to see how they handle it.

“Yvonne doesn’t take this well and bad mouths CL that he just throws her away when he’s done” And we see that h*** also hath no fury like a woman fired.

“Could it be that she is finally seeing the light???” Let’s hope so. I’m not so sure, though. This novela is barely started.


If only there was a way for Juan to give birth. That would shut his pie-hole.

The scenes with Nidia and Alirio in bed were a riot. You're right, Jeanne... he was obsessed like Don Loco. But looks like Elias. ROFL!

Stephe, ROTFL indeed! That's who he reminds me of!


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