Wednesday, October 06, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #35-36 10/6/10 Too much to summarize in a title.

Read Kim's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 34B – 36A. Cap 35 starts at the section, “Missing Recap 14: Alicia, Lety, and Lopez get unlucky.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the section, “Missing Recap 16: Luigi’s new model.” That begins Cap 36.

Capitulo 35, Too much to summarize in a title.

I know I included a ton of detail in tonight’s cap. A lot of significant things happened. Also I want to include the details of the FI loans, etc. Last time this ran, there were a lot of questions about the details. So I’m posting the details as I hear them, for the record.

1. Saimon pays Paula’s antro bill. He counsels her that the ricos just want her for the night. Whereas he cares about her and wants to build a future with her and her son. She gives him a little kiss.

2. Ariel tells Alicia to get undressed and get to work.

3. In the morning Fernando finds Lety asleep on her desk. He lectures her until she tells him she was trapped there all night. He realizes his mistake and feels awful.

4. Fernando tells Omar that he suspects no woman will satisfy him. See transcript. It’s a significant dialog.

5. Fernando tells Omar that this shows Lety gives her absolute support. He has total confidence in her; he could even leave Conceptos in her hands.

6. Tom tells Lety his suspicion: they want her to embargo (lien?) Conceptos. Fernando tells Omar that Lety could fill out that pagaré and become owner of Conceptos, but she’d never do that.

7. Paula accepts a date tonight with another rico. Saimon just feels used and he tells her so.

8. Lopez arrives, wounded from last night. He fires Marta for giving out his phone number, and Saimon for interfering with his personal life. Fernando to the rescue. Irmita warns Lopez that the next time he tries that, they’ll press charges.

9. Omar tells Fern that Ariel told Alicia to not quit. She must be his spy. Fernando decides to not limit Luigi on the body wash commercial, so it’ll be perfect and they can recover their prestige. So Luigi manipulates the client to demand it be filmed in 35mm.

10. Lety writes in her diary, “In times like these, I’m the most important woman in his life, more than his novia, but to him I don’t exist as a woman. He’s given up on finding the love of his life; if only he realized I’m here. It would take a miracle for him to realize it.”

11. Lety tells Tom to keep at least 50% of their assets liquid. Tom wants to keep their profits a secret from Fern, so Fern doesn’t ask to borrow it, and Tom has more money to play with. (See the shift in Tom’s attitude about the money?)

12. Fernando’s worries are growing. He can’t make his loan payments so the lenders could foreclose. He asks Lety for another loan. Omar says a debt of only 700 K pesos and the blank pagaré isn’t enough to protect the company. Fernando says he’ll attach a Guarantee of Establishment of Commerce. Omar asks, stunned, “Do you plan to mortgage (hipotecarse) Conceptos to Lety?” (When did these two bobos gets so savy about financial instruments?) Fern answers, not just mortgage the property, but the equipment, client contracts, everything.

13. Lety’s really scared. She and Omar think the action is premature. Fernando says if they wait and the commercial fails, it’ll be too late. He says, “Lety, I need you.. to eventually embargo Conceptos.” And those words will turn the world upside-down.

Capitulo 36

Kim’s recap for Cap 36 spans two web pages. Read Cap 36, Part 1, starting at the section, “Missing Recap 16: Luigi’s new model.” Then go to Cap 36, Part 2, and stop at the section, “Missing Recap 18: Troubles brewing.” That’s the end of Cap 36. Then come back here to discuss it..

Pobre Don Fernando. It’s quite a dilema you’re facing. You have to convince Lety to lien Conceptos. Lety knows it’s immoral, and she won’t be convinced otherwise. Only one option remains. You have to convince Lety to ignore her morals. But Fernie, didn’t you watch episode 26? You gave her Filmo Imagen because she is honest, virtuous, incorruptible, – you said it yourself – she came through the test of fire and refused to surrender her morals. And now your only hope is to make her surrender her morals. Buena suerte, Fernandito! I hope you’re one h*ll of a salesman!

And then what will happen? Right now you trust her completely because she is completely honest and moral. Will you still trust her after you corrupt her and make her dishonest and immoral? Tell me, Don Fern-ankenstien, are you prepared to deal with the thing you create? Didn’t you read the book?

1. Fernando pulls out all the stops to convince Lety to embargo (lien?) Conceptos in its entirety. Note his salesmanship. See transcript. Omar teases that Fernandito is in love. For the first time Fern doesn’t dispute it, and that unsettles Omar.

2. Marcia returns and discovers that Conceptos has no work. She bites Fernando’s head off, then lays into Lety for being the financial whiz that caused all the problems. Fern defends Lety.

3. Saimon is quite taken by Jazmín. I guess he figures he’s wasting his time on Paula; she’ll always ditch him because he’s not rich.

4. Luigi is auditioning body doubles for preproduction. Irmita recommends Jazmín, who she doesn’t recognize as Lola’s homewrecker. Lola tells Luigi he can’t hire her, or she’ll complain to all the owners.

5. Luigi and Fernando scrap in the meeting. Luigi reminds Fern that they lost business because of the Benny video, so Fern has to compete for “Queen of the Night.”

6. Luigi hires Jazmín on the spot and tells Lopez to contract her ASAP. Lola begs Fernando to not hire her. Fern asks Luigi as a personal favor, but Luigi refuses. Alicia essentially offers to be Jazmín’s patron.

7. Fernando sweet-talks Marcia, asking her not to tell anyone, even Alicia, that they have no work. Marcia says he’s manipulating her. He says, “Go ahead, deliver my head to your brother.”

8. Lety brings Fernando the guarantee to sign. She promises him her total support. She will do the impossible to enable him to reach his goal. He’s moved by her support, especially in contrast to how Marcia just treated him.

9. In Lety’s office, Fernando says, “You’re hiding something from me. I feel like you’re betraying the confidence I have in you. How can FI make so much profit when you spend all your time here? Is there someone else behind FI?”

Spanish Lesson. Cap 35. Fernando & Omar rehash his Fatima date.

O: So tell me. Did you end up in love? Goodbye, Marcia! We’ll miss you!
F: No, Fatima is spectacular, very sensual, but no.
O: Oh, don’t try to tell me that it’s for Marcia, that you feel bad betraying her. That you realized you love your novia like crazy. Don’t say that, because you’d be a liar.
F: No, it wasn’t for Marcia. Know what? I have the feeling that no woman can satisfy (llenar – fill) me. Not Marcia, nor Fatima, nor the models, nor anybody. I don’t know.. When I see them, I want to have them NOW! But afterwards.. empty.
O: Maybe you feel a special attraction for Luigi?
F: Yeah, you’re sooo funny. (Que chistoso eres – that’s a great phrase to memorize.) I’m serious. The only woman I feel anything for is Marcia. And I don’t know if it’s love, affection, habit, being used to her.. I have no idea.
O: Well, if you’re really feeling that what you have doesn’t fill you, then you leave doors open. Keep looking for someone who completes you (yeah, Omar the Imbecile really said that!)
F: No, no, I’m very skeptical. I’ve looked around too much already. You know that better than anyone. And Marcia is still the best I’ve found.
O: Oh, my dear Fernando, maybe this special woman you’re looking for will appear at any moment. I just pray that it’s before you get married.
F: No. I see that as almost impossible.

(and in the executive bathroom, which by the way seems to have no toilet)
O: You actually found her sleeping?
F: I don’t see what’s so funny. I almost died for pity for her.
O: It’s incredible. I can’t believe that you didn’t remember her. Is Lety that insignificant to you?
F: No. (Gets serious.) She surprises me, now more than ever. She just showed me that her (support) for me is absolute (incondicional). She respects me. She obeys me blindly. It says I can have complete confidence in her. To the point that I could even leave Conceptos totally in her hands.

Spanish Lesson. Cap 36. Fernando convinces Lety to embargo Conceptos

F: I’d be a thousand times happier with Conceptos in your hands than in the bank’s. Understand?
L: Yes. .. NO! What you plan is very risky. It can throw us into problems. It’s a deception. A lie.
F: But it’s legal. My debt to FI is real. It’s established by the blank promisory note (pagaré), etc.
L: But we’re hiding the estates of the Mendiolas and Vilareals and, and deceiving the banks.
F: Look. I’m talking about protecting my company. With an instrument that is not entirely clean, but it’s legal. I’m not robbing anyone, and I’m not leaving the country. I’m talking about a means to protect us, to give us time to recover what we lost, without losing the company. Besides, we’re just preparing this in case Luigi’s commercial doesn’t bring in business.
Lety, you’re the only one who can help us. I asked you to set up this company, and I gave you capital. You can’t turn your back on me now. I need you!
L: You never told me that FI was for liening Conceptos.
F: I told you the company was to save me from future problems. And now, guess what? I’m in grave problems! Pleeeease Lety, you can’t turn me down just when I need you the most. What happened to all your loyalty to me? It was a lie, huh? Just a big lie?
Lety excuses herself and shuffles away to let her affection and her conscience wrestle it out. Her conclusion: “He needs me. I can’t abandon him. I can’t do that to him.”
O: I don’t think you should do the guarantee yet.
F: I didn’t want to register it today. I only wanted to have it ready. But what’s it matter? I was wrong about Lety.
L: (Lety comes back.) I told you I’m unconditional (absolute, wholehearted) with you. Tell me what I’m supposed to do.
F: Lety! Thank you. I assure you that we won’t have any problems. And this needs to stay btw the 3 of us.
O: My, oh my, I think our Fernie-boy is en amoooooor.


So tell me! The scene where Lety is writing in her diary, and we see Fernando at his desk, worried about the company. How do you read his silent "monologue"?

Lopez's story keeps changing.
* He tells Alicia that 5 thugs attacked him last night. He sees she doesn’t buy it, so he’ll change his story.
* He tells Lola he tripped and fell into a cactus.
* He tells Fernando that it was his cat. Fern says it looks more like it was a jaguar.

Once again, Omar vs. Lety. In the bathroom, as Fernando describes how marvelous Lety is, Omar gets distracted by the wine glasses because he doesn’t want to hear this.

Night before last, Fernando told Fatima that Marcia would be in the US 20 days. But today she returned. Oh, well. Never trust a telenovela timeline.

When Luigi leaves the studio with his dog, the dog is a person in a dog suit!!! Look at the hind legs. It’s usually a dog. But in this scene, it’s a person.

Somebody with a crystal ball, is there any end in sight for the double episodes? Covering two per day is just killing me. I don't know that I can keep going like this.

Paula, all your hard work is appreciated. I especially enjoyed the Spanish lessons. I would never be able to understand the full conversations without your translations. These conversations show how the Fern/Lety relationship is developing and changing and the embargo situation is somewhat clarified for me since I am definitely not business minded.


Paula: Thanks for all your hard work.

I got to watch the second episode today and read your Spanish lesson for that episode. I had a very different impression of the ending. I saw Lety agree to help; Fernando thanked her and she looked at him adoringly. She walked out almost in a daze, which Omar smilingly noticed, patted his heart, and I think he said, "There's love here, Fernandito," meaning that Lety was in love with Fernando, and not vice-versa. Fern gave him a dirty look, as he is grateful to Lety for helping him and not into mocking her. I dont have a dvr and could be wrong, but I dont think so because of the accompnaying action.

Thank you, GinC. It really helps me to know that someone is benefiting from the Spanish Lessons. It's what keeps me going.

Anon, thank you for bringing in another possible interpretation of the ending. The sharing of ideas is the foundation of this board.

Here is another example that Fernando is self-absorbed but he’s not self-centered. He totally forgot about Lety trapped in her office (self absorbed), but when he realized it, he almost died of pity for her (cares for someone besides himself).

Fernando gave Lety the shadow company because he trusted her absolutely. As he signs the guarantee, his final step putting him at her mercy, they get so close, they almost touch hands. IOW the embargo brings them together. But it also separates them via lies and distrust. This is the final moment of the “golden age.” Only moments after signing the guarantee, Fern barges into Lety’s office and accuses her of betraying him.

Hi Paula, finally got to watcch and record these episodes. Yesterday was a blur time wise for me. I worked and got home late, than I had to get the Dinero recap up and try and watch the first game of the playoffs. Niether one of these was much fun last night. At least LFMB had some fun moments.

Again I am amazed at the stuff I am picking up that I missed before. For instance I never paid attention to the whole Jazmen/Lola story line and didn't realize it was actually Irmita that opened the door for Jazmen to be at Conceptos.

Poor Lety, when Fernando found her asllep on her desk and his first move was to yell at her. I enjoy watching these two together. Your comments and summary really do add to this show so once again thank you so much.

Hi Paula, I couldn't believe how much important stuff happened in these episodes and how much conversation there was about it. Yowza.

Poor Lola, I really feel for her. Jazmin looks familiar, no doubt we've seen the actress in other telenovelas but I can't think where.

Thank you for the business explanations, that stuff is totally over my head and I know I wouldn't have absorbed the meaning of it. The translated conversations were particularly insightful and helpful.

I agree, it does seem like Fernando is demonstrating a bit more business savvy these days. Presumably he always had some but maybe he got lazy and never used his brain. Now he has to or the result will be he loses Conceptos.

I checked Tivo and it looks like the 2 hr episodes continue into the week of Oct 18! Does anyone know how many capitulos there are in total? I remember this was extended and was very long.

the last I saw the actress that plays Yazmin was at MEPS, she is the girl that was in love with him when they were kids, but he always saw her as a sister type, towards the end she is the one that tells Fernanda who he is.

Fernando to the rescue...
not sure if the cuartel would have gone to Fernando as quickly if Betty and him had not developed a relationship as they have, and the cuartel knows Fernando owes them for the 'computer breakdown' stuff. So they are treating him as their patron for sure... but when he is not around, they see Lety the same way... (notice they went straight to her when they were late from lunch when Fer/Marcia were gone on trip).

the moment I fould to be the AWWWWWW moment during Lety writing in her diary and fernando looking at the photo of Marcia was when Fernando put the photo back on his desk and then looked toward Lety's door, like he misses her already after just a few hours of not having her around him.

Paula, if you need help and want me to summarize one ep each day let me know, but I dont have the entire novela so I would do it the night after it airs.

Marta's right. And when the actress (Aleida Núñez) played Gardenia on MEPS, she was even more top-heavy.

And that's interesting about the cuartel's dual loyalty. It's as if both Fernando and Lety are their patrons. that can work, as long as Fern and Lety are aligned together as a single unit - what serves one serves the other.

Luigi commented that Marcia has a new look, which in TN's usually indicates a change in the character's life. Is she in a new phase as well? Is the honeymoon over?

Speaking of Marcia, she brings Fern a gift from her trip. He puts on big fuss receiving it, but when she leaves the room he laterals it to Lety without even opening it.

Marta, I'm glad you chimed in on Fernando's "silent monologue." I suspect everybody interpreted it a little differently. Does anyone else want to tell what they saw in it?

Here is how I read it.
Fern looks at his computer calcs – huge business problems, huge stress. Where can he turn for answers?
A. Then he sets aside his grip exerciser/stress reliever – useless for this level of stress.
B. Then he looks to the left, to Marcia’s picture. He looks hard at it, looking for something, but he doesn’t find anything, shakes his head, looks away. Back to the problems on computer, sigh.
C. Then he looks to the right, to Lety’s door... Maybe... No, of course not!

Marta, thank you so much for the offer to help. I really need to think about reworking my approach, especially since there is no end in sight for the double cap's. I don't need to recap or summarize here, since we have the original recaps. I choose to post a scene list, as an aid to conversation here. Lately those scene lists have gotten wordy; I need to cut back. And on days when I fall behind on doing the write-up (typically Thu & Fri), I should just post the links and not write a scene list.

I really have to make a decision. I sincerely thank you for the offer. I will throw that into the mix as I look for a solution. I know the perfect solution: for Uni to quit these maldita double episodes!

Hi Paula, I just found the LaFea reruns about a week ago and I'm so happy to see you are recapping again!
This was my favorite soap of all time. I love the way you are doing it but WOW!, what a lot of work for you with these doubles.
It's so much fun to see gorgeous Camil again.
Thank you a million times!

Carrie L.

Double eps as far as the eye and the program guide can see... This is so dumb. I've been FFing through a lot of the cuartel stuff because it's just too much time. Plus, I'm still annoyed that they moved Camaleones to Saturdays only. I LOVE Camaleones and it's torturously slow at only one episode per week.

Back to LFMB... I found Marcia much more tolerable than usual. She changed her look; has she changed her attitudes a bit, too? I thought it was nice that she brought a gift for Saimon. It was a nice bit of humanity in her, that she doesn't see him as a nobody lackey the way some people seem to treat him. I also liked what she said when she gave Alicia her spray so much of that all over, I figured you must be out. Some definite snark in the sweetness, which I love.

But the best part is Fernando realizing how valuable Lety is, and how he didn't even object when Omar said he's in love.

I don't even think Omar is ready to 'say' that Fernando is in love with Lety, at this point he is still saying 'there is love there' and meaning it coming from Lety's side. Deep inside he might be beginning to show some doubt as to Fernando not corresponding, but I don't think when he mentions love he is talking about Fernando's feelings...
and I went home for lunch again... ROFLOL when Tomas said 'I am an annonymous financial genius' when Lety told him she had not told Fernando about his role in FI.

Such a great point in the recaps... At first Lety was honest, truthful, would not lie to a plush animal in her room... by now Fernando has spoiled her to the extent that she lies to her own parents, to Fernando, and even to the cuartel... boy he has spoiled the heck out of her in such a short time... if only Don Erasmo knew, he would beat the cr_) out of our Fernandito

Okay, maybe Omar didn't directly say that Fernando is in love with Lety, but he mentioned there being love and Fernando's face I thought strongly suggested he was thinking about Lety and didn't find it objectionable, even if he didn't specifically think consciously that he is in love with her.

I think Marcia's hair is darker since her return. In BLF it was more drastic. Marcela left with brown hair and returned with onyx black hair and a new shorter cut.

Several times, Omar has teased Fernando about a relationship with Lety -
* the computer program to find his perfect match,
* then Omar said a fea would make the perfect wife because she'd be grateful.
* I think it was after she steamrolled Ariel, Omar said he should take her for a romantic weekend in Cancun
* There are more I can't remember at the moment.

That's why I read Omar's "Hay amor" as directed to Fernando. He doesn't believe Fern loves Lety, any more than he believes that Fern is attracted to Luigi, and he teases him about that all the time. In fact, he considers Fern+Lety about as likely as Fern+Luigi. His "Hay amor" is just another in a long line of Omar's teasing Fern. The difference is, every other time, Fern strongly objected.

But I must admit, Omar has also often joked that Lety loves Fernando. So the line is still ambiguous.

He doesn't believe Fern loves Lety, any more than he believes that Fern is attracted to Luigi, and he teases him about that all the time. In fact, he considers Fern+Lety about as likely as Fern+Luigi. His "Hay amor" is just another in a long line of Omar's teasing Fern. The difference is, every other time, Fern strongly objected.
I agree, that Omar is teasing... but I too agree that he is beginning to notice the same change in reaction by Fernando as we are... it does not seem to bother Fernando so much because he is beginning to get to know the Lety inside, her soul and devotion to him... which he cannot deny by now. Even the possibility that she loves him should not be out of the question for him anymore... it is no longer just Omar teasing him. After all Fernando has not known this kind of devotion and loyalty from anyone before. Even Marcia has not been so completely unconditional with him.

Just as Lety was initially overwhelmed by Fernando's protection, so also Fernando is deeply moved by Lety's absolute loyalty. It could even rank as #1 in what he values in the people around him. And as you said, Marta, he hasn't ever gotten it from anyone else. Including Marcia. Note what she told Fern after he failed the love test ("What if I told Ariel?"). She said, "You have my UNCONDITIONAL support. AS LONG AS you don't do any more crazy things." That's like saying, "I'll give you ALL my money. Except the part I keep for myself."

Yes! She was Gardenia. I remember her now. Thanks!

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