Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Acorralada #180003 Monday and Tuesday 10/1 and 10/2 4 down and 3 to go by my count . . . will this ever end?

Here's a quickie recap of Monday and Tuesday. The producers are unstinting in their efforts to give us the worst, most cheesy finale week we could possibly ask for.

Monday, we see that Emilio and Caramelo get married finally. They have their civil ceremony, and they're going to meet Paco in PR to have their church ceremony.

Everyone is trying to push Max and Diana together. There is a funny scene where Dr. V's mother tries to push Dr. V and Diana together, but Granny DS intervenes. Max and Diana are sent into the library separately by Fedora on the pretense of looking for her glasses. She now wants to push them together. She has repented of all her foolish anger and revenge. She also wants Larry and Gaby to get back together. Fans, we have only three days left. They had better materialize William Levy soon, even if he's in a pirate costume.

Meanwhile, Marfil is preparing to poison Pedro. She has two drinks ready for a toast; his has the poison in it. She is interrupted by the maid asking some dumb question about a recipe. She gets angry and follows the maid out of the room. Now Pedro thinks something is up. He wonders why she wants to have a toast when they hate each other. Good lord, why is he still living with her?
He switches drinks!
Now, folks, he seems to know there's poison in it, he wants to harm her--could he be convicted of murder? This would have made a great final exam question in my first-year law school Criminal Law class. He doesn't know for sure that there is poison in the glass, so maybe not. Still . . . This is the kind of brain-teaser they torture you with. You have to argue both sides.

Anyway, she comes back, they toast, she drinks the wrong glass--and gets sick.

Tune in tomorrow, to see Camila ask the immortal question: Marfil was taken to the hospital? What hospital?

On Tuesday, Max and Diana continue kissing in the library. I have not forgotten how disgusted we are about their getting together. I just have no more energy to resist. I will say that I was disgusted how he drowned her protests with "hey, hey, quiet," in his disgraceful overpowering way. Then they are interrupted by Dr. V. It's a little embarrassing. It seems they are on the road to getting back together, but their one stumbling block now is Diego.
Marfil is is on her deathbed. She says to Pedro: I guess you were smarter than I was, old guy.

She confesses all the crimes to that prosecutor guy: the kidnapping of Diana's baby, the manicomio in the jungle, the killing of Fiona. I'm not sure she confessed to killing Debora. They discuss how evil she is. (Remember when she was the good sister? This is forgotten.) Just before she dies, a vision of Debora greets her, welcoming her to hell. Then she dies, and a hologram steps away from her body into the spirit world. What great FX!

The next day, Max has a pathetic funeral in the rain for Marfil. The priest sprinkles holy water while he stands by, the only attendee. Then Diana shows up for moral support.

Poor Yolanda, meanwhile, is going to prison for her offenses! Not fair! It's not clear, but I suppose she pled guilty to something. It seems she will get a short sentence. So now there's no way she can marry anyone, pobrecita.

Jorge, Lorenzo and Silvia are in charge of the bar. I'm not sure, but they may be planning a new entertainment program. I fast-forwarded through that discussion. Who cares?

All that's left is to rid us of Diego (and Pancholon is still at large. For Panchi Panchi, I envision him riding through the streets of the DR, looking for rich women, like Charlie of the MTA. Will he ever return? No, he never returns, and his fate is still unlearned . . .)

Diego calls Max and finally declares he's ready for the big showdown. He wants to kill Max and Diana. Max is going to meet Diego on a lonely beach! Credits roll.


Thanks Nina! I'm sorry for missing those recaps... I was behind on the episodes and finished watching them both at midnight last night. I didn't have the energy to recap them after that.

Did you notice that Caramelo's hair twisted up to look like it was braided, but the braid was blonde? That was driving me crazy! And I was thinking the same thing about Pedro's switch of the poison drink - especially when he called in Detective Gomez! The real question is when and how will Fedora regain movement of her legs? You know they won't end the show with her in a wheel chair. I can see it now -- Diego will try to kill Diana and Fedora will magically regain use of her legs to save our precious heroine!

They also mentioned that Rene is getting married in Germany this weekend. Pobre de Yolanda's really getting the shaft!

And Ignacio has been released from the hospital and is now in prison, sharing a cell with a thug who not only stole his tennis shoes, but made Iggy remove his shoes and replace them with Iggy's bright white sneaks.

Camila tried to woo Max one last time, and after kissing her a little, he told her to forget it. Now she's sitting home pouting about not getting invited to her brother's wedding.

Amy, thanks for chiming in with these additions. I noticed that hair thing on Caramelo, but I thought it was someone' idea of a cute fake hair extension--courtesy Silvia, perhaps. If Silvia can wear blue, green, orange and purple wigs, Caramelo can certainly wear blonde extensions!

where can you watch accoralada at? Can you watch it on the internet?

I'm not sure I understand your question. The show is on at 2 pm eastern time on Univision. The show will be over this week, though. You can probably watch episodes on You Tube.

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