Friday, October 05, 2007

Acorralada #184 Thursday 10/4/07 The next to the last episode!

This episode is very boring. The scenes go on and on, but are not worth recapping in detail.

Lala finds out about Diego and cries bitterly. She is comforted by Granny M and Fedora.

Diana waits for the results of Max's surgery.
While she is waiting in the hall, we see a pair of boots approach. You? she says. We have to wait for a commercial to find out not surprisingly that the pair of boots belong to Larry. Larry is sporting some strange sideburns and beard growth, which are clearly indicators of his Pirate role that they gave him two hours off for in order to film this finale. He is also wearing a piratelike costume: a black velvet jacket with a big flowing white shirt underneath (like Seinfeld's puffy shirt). Subliminal promotion for Pasion!

Diana tells him that Gaby still loves him. Sharon is in the manicomio, etc. He still loves Gaby and is sorry he was such a fool.

Gaby comes out to talk to him and they go round and round about how he didn't trust her and how can he really love her, but she really loves him, and finally she takes him back. Smiles all around. They go back home to meet with Fedora. She is happy for them. They repair to Gaby's room to do the deed. Kind of icky.

Roddy breaks in just in time to save Fedora from the burning house. He puts out the raging fire with a few stomps of his feet. It looks like it's back to the manicomio for Sharon. I hope they have better security in future. Diana only finds out about this stuff well after the fact, when Roddy calls her later.

Jorge proposes to Silvita and she accepts. Awww. She is persuaded to accept him by Mariposa, who thinks he's luscious. Silvia agrees. Later, they are all performing on stage at the bar in their flamenco act. Jorge announces that they will be getting married tomorrow. Silvia says she wants to get married with the speed of light. They kiss and receive the accolades of the audience.

Fedora is sitting alone in her wheelchair. She remembers that during the fire, she managed to stand up a bit, but Sharon knocked her down. Maybe she can stand up now. Yes, her prayers to the Virgencita have been answered. She slowly moves her feet from the footrests on the wheelchair and then slowly stands up. Then Roddy comes in and almost knocks her over. She reveals the good news to him. It appears that they are going to keep it a secret from everyone else for awhile. Looks like Paco is definitely out of the picture now. I suppose he can't have Fedora, because his perfidy in marrying Octavia was so beyond the pale.

Finally, Max wakes up in the recovery room, and Diana is there. All we need for the final episode is three weddings, I suppose.


The best part was everyone passing the news about Diego's death. Those poor, poor actors, having to say the lines without laughing (some of them did better than others). My husband has now learned what "tiburon" means. It would have made a drinking game. I'm just sad that, unless we get a scene where someone tells Pancho, Caramelo, or Emilio about Diego's death, there will be no more shark talk in the finale. However, we didn't actually see the body, so I suppose Diego could still come back to menace Gaby and Larry and Diana and Max's double wedding (come on, you know they'll go that route)!

I have to say that my favorite part was when Roddy almost knocked Fedora over when he opened the door and she was standing right behind it.

Yes, I'm afraid they will have a double wedding. Maybe Diego and Pancho will show up.

I'm 9 years late to the party lol but I just have to say my piece. This ending with Larry and Gaby was a disappointment. They were the only reason I watched the show (I mean come on, Maximiliano was a creep from the very beginning - but that's a whole other post) so of course I'm glad they got their happily ever after but not the way that it happened. I would have preferred that Larry found out that Gaby (a.k.a her mom) kicked Kike out so they finally had their chance to be together, then he dumped Sharon (kindly, of course) and THEN Sharon went crazy. I know he told Diana that the reason he was with Sharon was because he thought that things were impossible for him and Gaby, but Diana was right in saying that Gaby would probably think the worst if she knew that he found out about Sharon's hysterics and then came back to her. It just would have been 1000x better if we had actually seen him struggling with his decision to marry Sharon because he "never stopped loving Gaby", according to him. I know WL was off the show for a while there but I think before he left, we should have gotten more of Larry's point of view on why he was so terrible to Gaby and decided to marry Sharon. Then maybe it would have been more believable that he was ONLY with Sharon to try and move on with his life because he couldn't be with Gaby.

Glad I got that off of my chest! Lol. Thanks to the recappers who stuck through this so that I could freely express my thoughts 9 years later!

What always impressed me about this novela was the inconsistency of the characters. Take Gaviota, determined to keep the unborn child while at the hospital but insisting on taking on Octavia in a fight to the death days later. And of all the criminals in the show, Octavia gets thrown in jail.

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