Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Amar Sin Limites October 22--Azul and Ceci get played like violins

[Sorry it's late again, folks. Work and home intervened]

We open with the scene of Ceci tripping over the rug after being impactada over Leo’s makeover. (I ran it in slomo on the Tivo and I could not make out any tripping by Leo. It may well be that she did trip her and they’ll show it to us later but for now, it looks like she tripped on her dress or the rug. ) Gaspar made a wry comment about the “strong impression” of seeing Leo with her new makeup clothes and hairdo.

Next it’s over to Eva and Ivan, standing in the forest. Ivan tells Eva that Boris ordered him to kill her. Eva makes a wry comment about history repeating itself—that Boris (her dad) killed her mom. Ivan (who had been pointing the gun at her) says no. He won’t kill her. He would never be able to kill her. He loves her. Eva is doubtful. Boris cannot be disobeyed without consequences. Ivan continues his love declaration. He lives only for her, to do what she wants. They embrace tearfully. Eva gingerly starts to kiss him and then it’s full blown makeout time.

Over at Mo’s new pad, Azul (who is wearing Azul instead of pink for once) is guiding the fake blind Mo around. He tells Azul that he’s decided for safety’s sake to send Katy away to an orphanage to keep her away from Eva and her henchmen. Azul is floored. Next he says that she (Azul) should go away too because he knows that she doesn’t love him. He doesn’t want her to stick around out of pity and to put herself in danger. He only wants a little dignity, now that his end is near. Azul protests that she will stay with him, no matter way. She tells him that she’s decided to accept his proposal of marriage. Mo is elated and embraces her. He says he doesn’t want to be selfish. She’s young and full of life while he is on death’s door and weak. This only makes the self-important Azul more determined to marry him. She tells him that her Daddy will find a cure. He seals the deal by warning her that he is weak and wouldn’t be able to face another betrayal. She urges him to trust her. He goes even further and says that she needs a strong man to protect her but she is all, “we’ll face this together.” In the end he acts like she has convinced him to marry her. “We’ll fight together—for Katy’s sake” he says. It’s an extraordinary exhibition of him playing her like a violin. Mission accomplished.

Over at the boutique, we’re still with NeoLeo, Ceci and Andres. NeoLeo pulls out the cut up shirt. Andres is ticked off and starts shouting at her. NeoLeo complains archly about the way he is treating her. Ceci pulls Andres away. She’s taking Leo’s side! She tells Andres that Leo told her yesterday that Katy cut up the shirt while she was playing. Andres is surprised and just as gullible, apparently. Andres leaves and goes back to apologizes to Leo. (We get a side shot of her, wearing a pair of tight black jeans. Ow, I need brain bleach.) Gaspar hisses to Ceci that she’d better watch out and not let that femme fatal steal her man. Ceci looks confused and spies NeoLeo and Andres in the corner talking. NeoLeo is waving her hands around flirtatiously.

At Anibal’s office, Clemi comes in to the inner office to confirm Anibal’s lunch reservations. There is some to do about this that I couldn’t follow but bottom line is that the lunch with whoever it was is cancelled. Anibal pauses and asks Clemi what she’s doing for lunch. Clemi says she brought her lunch (“it’s healthier and cheaper”). He invites her to lunch. Clemi looks conflicted.

Eva and Ivan are still making out in the woods. Eva suddenly breaks away and says that she won’t let his feelings for her interfere with Boris’ commands. They will both pay the price. She tells him to kill her, or Boris will kill him. He refuses again. He tells her he loves her again. She tells him none of that matters. “You and I are condemned.” He gives a little speech about their growing up in the orphanage and all the horrors that that entailed. In spite of that, she was the only beautiful thing in his life. He begs her not to reject him. He tells her that he will follow her to the ends of the earth. “Until Boris deals death to us both.” More kissing. Ivan drops the gun on the ground and next they drop to the ground.

A quick scene with Anibal gallantly offering his arm to Clemi in the street as they go to lunch. In the distance, Isela spots them while she’s talking to another lady who has some food wrapped in cellophane and a ribbon. Isela abruptly drops that conversation saying that Anibal isn’t there and that she (Isela) is stupid (for believing in Anibal, I guess).

Back at the boutique, Ceci has a replacement shirt for Andres. Ceci says she’s hungry and she’s only got a short time for lunch. NeoLeo makes a big show of saying she should go and leave the two young lovers to have a nice lunch. Ceci falls for the trap. NeoLeo protests but finally pretends to give in. Andres can’t decide if this is a good or bad thing. He is confused.

Back in the woods, Eva and Ivan are après amour. Eva speculates on what their life would have been like if she had fallen in love with him. Ivan suggests that she still could. That they could run away. Eva says no. She won’t let him pay the price for that. Boris will kill him. Ivan mentions to her that he had to lie to Boris, telling him that he would kill her and that he wanted to take her place in the Boris organization. Eva wonders why all of the sudden Boris wanted her dead anyway. Ivan fills her in that Toscano’s memory stick didn’t have the complete results. Eva is impactada. Ivan says there’s more—Boris talked about various “mistakes you’d made that put the operations in Mexico at risk.” Eva is sure that Mo had been poisoning Boris against her. Ivan goes on to relate that while he was with Boris, he took a call and as soon as he put the phone down he asked Ivan about Diego. “I knew that he knew that the documents we needed were for Diego.” Eva is double impactada. She grabs the gun on the ground and hysterically begs Ivan to kill her and to make sure that the documents get to Diego. She stands up (and yes, Chris, she is half nekked) and points the gun at her temple. Ivan cries “NO!”

After the commercial break, she’s still holding the semiautomatic against her temple but her hand is trembling. Ivan says the only thing they should be caring about now is preserving her life. Eva says her life isn’t worth living without Diego (That’s gotta make you feel good, Ivan. Didn’t make much of an impression back there did we…) Ivan starts making plans to try to fake Eva’s death. He’ll take her place in the organization.

Diego finally pops up at the Isela’s chatting with Silvana. He tells her that Mo denied all the charges about selling fake pharmaceuticals to Azul. Silvana says that Mo is good at that sort of thing. She is sure that the fake medicine had something to do with provoking the accident. She reminds him that Katy heard her mom talking on the phone with somebody about medicines that were bad. Diego says it’s too big a coincidence that Eva and the little girl would say the same thing. Diego slams his hand on the table. They need proof!

GSD is at Mo’s new place (BTW, is it just me or is the set of this apartment, at least the living room/dining room identical to Doctor Blondie’s apartment in Destilando? I only watched a few epis of that show but I saw the one where Gaviota goes to his place to cook the dinner featuring Tequila. The lattice and the painting look the same.) Azul and Mo are on the couch like the happy couple. Mo announces that they have decided to get married. GSD starts waving his arms around and then he realizes that Mo is blind. Or so he thinks. GSD is surprised and is not enthusiastic. Azul says that she wants to be by Mo’s side from now on, for the good and the bad. GSD doesn’t look pleased.

Ceci, Andres and NeoLeo are enjoying a pretty nice lunch. Andres and NeoLeo are sipping martinis while Ceci has a glass of red wine. Ceci is feeling like the third wheel and she tells them that they share a lot of memories in common. NeoLeo giggles (is she drunk?) and says she wants to go check out some guys standing by the bar. She swiveles her hips out of her chair and saunters away, telling them to take advantage of her absence. Ceci and Andres make small talk over the din of NeoLeo’s giggles at the bar. Andres of course is distracted by her and Ceci isn’t pleased.

Back in the woods, Eva and Ivan are wrapping up their plans. Eva says if anything goes wrong, to save himself. Ivan smiles and says nothing will go wrong. He reminds her that as much as she would give her life for Diego, he would give his life for her to be happy with Diego. Ivan wants to deal with Dr. Toscano next. He also muses that Eva’s extensive collection of bodyguards has been dispersed by Boris. He wants to get her new bodyguards. Eva says no, it would arouse the suspicion of Boris. She kisses him and leaves.

Silvana walks over to where Isela is sitting at the Bar. Isela is still moping about seeing Clemi and Anibal together. Silvana asks her to tell her what’s bothering her and she does. She thought that she and Anibal might reconcile. Silvana points out for all of her ambivalence about getting together with Anibal, she sure seems jealous. Silvana says she can’t believe that Dona Clemencia would already be dating. “She’s not like that.” Isela is ticked that Clemi seems to be getting all the guys now.

Clemi is telling her life story to Anibal. She says that when she got married, her husband wouldn’t let her work. She volunteered to teach at a free school so that she could feel useful. Dona Clemi catches herself up short and says she’s been blabbing too much. She asks about the client and whether he’s coming or not (I thought we had settled this back at the office, but I guess not). Anibal who has clearly been enthralled by her says “gee, time sure flies…”

Azul is in conference with GSD. GSD is complaining that she’s marrying Mo out of pity or a misplaced sense of guilt. Azul tries to argue that no, it’s because he loves her and she realized that that matters more than her infatuation with Diego, which she has already paid dearly for. And Katy loves her too. They can be happy eventually. GSD tells her to think about her own happiness. They walk on and Jacinto lurks in the background, talking on a cell. “Yes, the target is in sight” he says.

Gaspar is at the boutique eating his sandwich. Julio and Arnie walk in. Gaspar tells them Ceci has gone out and that he doesn’t enjoy eating alone. Arnie invites him out when he has free time. Diego shows up with Chucho and a new commission in a garment bag. Arnie takes Gaspar aside and asks what Diego is doing there. Gaspar explains that Diego and Don Ch. are working as tailors for Julio. Arnie wants to know when it will be convenient to get his clothes and stuff from Gaspar and Efrain’s place. Gaspar makes a fuss about Julio and Arnie getting back together.
Julio is looking over the dress—a silvery chiffon evening gown. Julio is pleased at the execution of his design and the workmanship. He tells Diego and Chucho that the formal presentation of his collection is imminent and that he’ll have a lot of work for them. The guys like this, especially as neither of them have another job now. They can work full time for Julio. Julio says they can work at the store. He’ll install a workshop at the back. Chucho and Diego like the sound of that. Julio is happy that his dresses won’t have to be brought there in a taxi. Julio will supervise the moving of their equipment from home to the shop. All smiles.

Piero is in his office talking to Lucia. He complains that he doesn’t like this distance between them. He says he now knows that it was Eva and not her who instigated all the legal trouble. He wants to go back to the way they were. He walks around the desk and puts his hands on her shoulders. She looks uncomfortable and thought bubbles that maybe Perez Castellar lied to her about Piero still chasing Lidia.

Back at the Boutique, Arnie and Julio are talking. Arnie says that he can come back to work. But, he asks, “why did you hire Diego?” Julio’s cell rings. It’s Eva. She wants him to sign the contract now. She’s at a Chinese restaurant nearby with Burgay. Julio lies to Arnie and says that a supplier has a problem and he has to meet with him. Arnie offers to come with him and Julio says no. He says he’ll see him later.

GSD and Azul are still arguing about her marriage plans. He says that she doesn’t love him. She says she liked him a lot. He gave her a feeling of security. He was generous with her. GSD thinks that this is not a good reason to marry the guy, especially now. Azul brings up the argument that if she marries Mo, Katy’s custody will be assured. GSD is not happy but he accepts her will. They embrace and he walks away a short distance. Several guys in black, with black balaclavas grab him and prepare to throw him in a black SUV. They point their guns at Azul. GSD screams at them not to shoot her. They get him in the SUV and screech off. Azul is beside herself.

Mo is playing with Katy in the yard. He tells her that he and Azul are going to be married soon. Katy is very happy and Mo is all smiles. He returns her to Chulita. Azul comes running, screaming that her father has been kidnapped. Mo says that Eva must have done it because her father didn’t give him all his data. Azul is hysterical and says that they have to save him. Katy is confused and wants to know why Azul is crying. Azul makes a half hearted attempt at reassuring her and tells Mo that she has to talk to Eva. She wants to know where she can find her. Mo says he’ll go with her. Azul says he can’t he’s too weak. Katy gets involved and says that Mo needs to go with her to protect her. Mo tries to calm Katy down—we have a little problem—go play with Chulita. “I promise to take care of Azul.” Instead, Katy has a hissy fit and says “That’s what you said about my mama and she died!” (Score, Katy!) She runs away. Mo yells after her then tells Chulita to go to her. He tells Azul that he’s going with her. Azul says no. The sick/blind act has worked a little too well. He tells her at least take the chauffeured car and stay in touch the whole time.

Ceci, Arnie and Gaspar are at the boutique. Gaspar asks how lunch with Vampiress went. He said he thought that she was going for lunch with her boy Andres, but then his Mamacita showed up. Ceci is not in a joking mood. NeoLeo got drunk at lunch and Andres had to take her home. She’s like a mom to Andres and a bad mother-in-law to her. They turn to Arnie. He’s jealous about Julio taking off to see this mysterious supplier. Ceci noticed a strange matchbook on the table and thinks that that is where Julio went. She asks Arnie if he wants to try to catch Julio in the act (Dicho alert: con sus manos in the masa: with his hands in the dough). Arnie is hot to do it. They start to take off and Gaspar complains about being left alone again. Ceci says that they’ll only be gone a few minutes. Gaspar is not pleased.

Azul is in the chauffeured car crying and screaming to hurry.

Diego’s at home with Chucho and his cell rings.He’s surprised to see it’s Azul and Chucho has to tell him to answer it. He starts in with the nervous small talk when Azul blasts him with the accusation of he and Eva kidnapping her Dad. She says that if anything happens to her Dad, She’ll kill him. Diego is confused and tries to get the information from her. All she does is yell about how she will get revenge if anything happens to him. The conversation is short. Diego puts the phone down and is impactado.

Eva, Burgay and Julio are at the restaurant signing the contract. Eva tells him he’s glad that he’s decided to sign. And she’s decided to sell half her shares. Julio complains that they left him no choice. She says he has nothing to worry about, with Diego as a designer, his sales will increase. Eva’s cell rings. It’s Diego. She gets up with a smile. Now Diego blasts her with the kidnapping accusation. She tells him she doesn’t know anything about it. While she is talking to Diego, Julio and Burgay exchange words about Diego. Something about whether he knows about the contract or not. In the end, Julio says he made an agreement and he’ll stick to it.
Eva comes back and says they have to go. Something has come up. Burgay can wrap up any details. She has to go. After she goes, Burgay remarks that “Love has hit her hard.” “It only takes a call from Diego to make her drop everything and run.”

Anibal and Clemi have arrived back at the Office after their leisurely lunch. Apparently the client finally called when he was getting the check. Anibal says no biggie, he enjoyed the lunch and the small talk as an escape from lunch. It reminds me that the most important thing we have are the people we love. The lady with the food wrapped in cellophane arrives and proffers it to Anibal. She says that it’s from Isela. “She was going to bring it herself—but she saw you leaving for lunch. “ She leaves. Anibal is confused.

Mo is with Katy. He asks her why she talked about her mama in front of Azul. Katy insists that it’s true—he was supposed to protect her mommy and he didn’t. Mo gulps and says that he couldn’t avoid her mommy’s death but he takes care of her (Katy). Katy says that she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Azul. Mo says well…then if she thinks that the same thing is going to happen to Azul maybe he shouldn’t marry her. Katy doesn’t like this. She asks him to promise to protect Azul. Mo smiles and promises.

Azul is approaching Eva’s hotel and they are waved away by a guy with flags and traffic cones. They have to make a detour.

Ivan is at the hotel and gives the command on his radio that “the passenger can enter.” The guys bring in a knocked out GSD. They tell Ivan that they pretended he was drunk. Ivan tells them—not a word to Eva. Yes, they say, we know about Boris’ orders.

Back at Mo’s pad, A drunken NeoLeo is making advances at Andres. Andres is liking it, that she’s happy and giggly. She wants to dance. She wants to bathe and first, for him to drink with her. She gives him a few swats on the behind.

At the restaurant, Ceci and Arnie have arrived. They are spying around a corner at Julio with Burgay. Arnie is ticked and wants to rush in to accuse him of lying to him. Ceci holds him back. Clutzy Ceci backs into a waiter with a tray who drops it, smashing the glasses. The waiter gets his boss. Arnie pretends that he’s a new chef and he talks his way out of the situation.

At Piero’s office, Lidia arrives, wearing a sexy dress. Before he can say “what the heck are you doing here” she’s taking her top off. She’s tired of waiting around at the apartment for him. He’s ticked because he thinks Lucia could arrive at any moment. Lidia complains some more about how she sees him less now that they are married. She’s practically humping him while he’s putting her top back on. Piero gives her the bad news. Lucia is his new secretary. Lidia is impactada.

Meanwhile, Lucia is having coffee with Perez Castellar. She complains that he lied to her, that Eva Santoro is a real person. Perez Castellar agrees and says that Eva is his boss and she wanted to remain out of it. Lucia isn’t happy. Perez Castellar explains that he has to answer to Eva but he’s trying to help her (Lucia) because she seems like a nice person (me cae bien) plus she’s got to admit that Eva helped her get Piero back. Lucia smiles and admit this. She says that she’s decided to try to rekindle the flame with Piero. But if Eva was the one who set this up, Lidia doesn’t really have a lover who wants her back. (I don’t remember this part of the story PC told her). Lucia wonders how they are going to get rid of Lidia. PC asks about Lidia’s dad and how he offered to help her get Lidia to divorce Piero. Lucia says yes, but he wanted too much money, an apartment, etc. Lucia says she’s unwilling to invest more money in him if she doesn’t see a result.

Isela and Anibal are meeting at Isela’s cantina. He thanks her for the cookies. Isela brings up his lunch date with Dona Clemi. Anibal says that Clemi is now working for him. Isela is surprised. Anibal invites her to have a coffee. Isela is pleased. Anibal says he was pleased that she came to see him.

Ivan is interrogating GSD at the Hotel. He demand to know where the rest of the data is. GSD says that he gave him everything he had. Ivan whips out a big pistol and presses it to GSD’s forhead. He warns him he’d better talk or he and his daughter will die.

Somehow Ceci and Arnie have wound up in the kitchen of the restaurant working. I guess this is because of the excuse he gave the head waiter for them being there. Arnie complains about Julio cheating on him. Ceci cries because she’s chopping onions.

NeoLeo is still putting the moves on Andres. She tells him that she’s accepted that he’s going to go with Ceci. But she wants a farewell roll in the hay. Andres tries to peel her off him.
Julio and Burgay’s food arrives and it’s horrible. Arnie has had his revenge. The scared waiter takes it away.

Ivan is tracing the gun around GSD’s face. GSD who is remarkably calm says that the rest of the data isn’t written down anywhere. It’s in his memory. Ivan tells him he will have to write it down. All of the sudden, who should manage to get through the massive security cordon but DIEGO! He surprises Ivan and struggles with him for the gun. GSD jerks his chair around and screams DIEGO! The gun goes off and hits Diego in the shoulder or arm. Azul comes running in and screams Diego and goes to him. (So much for her being concerned about Dad). Eva brings up the rear and screams at Ivan. “Imbecile!” Ivan is none too pleased.

Back at the restaurant, Arnie isn’t finished yet. He arrives at Julio and Burgay’s table. Julio is impactado. Before he can say more than “Arnoldo” Arnie is presenting Julio with his desert. An iced cake, right in the kisser. Julio runs after him, his face full of cake.

Ceci comes up to Burgay and says that she remembers him from ….Burgay says that she has the wrong idea. The wait staff come up and say that she will be responsible for the mess and if they can’t pay, they are taking her to the cops.

Back a the hotel, Diego’s injury turns out to only be a flesh wound. Azul and Eva start getting into it. Azul threatens to denounce her to the police, the media, etc. Eva says that if she tries, she and her Dad will be dead. GSD tries to rip Azul away. He says he’ll give Eva what she wants. They walk away. Now it’s Diego’s turn to yell at Eva.

--tivo cut off here--


Thanks for your usual thorough recap, Margaret. There was a lot going on, what with Hansel & Gretel in the woods and the kidnapping of GSD. I was surprised they got GSD freed so fast, and yeah, how did wimpy unarmed Diego get past Jacinto & crew?

I was cracking up at your "NeoLeo", that's a good one. I actually think the actress playing Leo is attractive, just overly botoxed. Poor thing, to have to play such a humiliating part, even if it is with the delectable Marcelo.

Thanks for the recap. Margret. I only saw a few minutes of this episode because I was watching ''Dancing With the Stars'' [and witnessed Marie Osmun pass out and collapse like a ton of bricks after her Latin dance [Samba???] That was scary. Anyhoo...It looks like Lidia and Lucia have switched roles. Now Lucia is Piero's secretary, and Lid is his little wifey. I like Anibal and Clemmy together. I hope they become a couple. If I were Eva , I wouldn't be calling the guy with orders to kill me and imbecile. That Eva is pretty cheeky. As for Neo Leo...that is just so wrong. I feel embarrassed for her. Face the music Leo..let Anndresss date . Kids grow up.

Arnaldo and Ceci bring out the worst in each other!

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